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New Hack help Wanted

Lews Therin

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Well theres been plenty of hacks and theres been some unlucky people who never got a chance in being in a hack so lets make a FE7 hack

Script/Plot: I can do that but other people can help if they want to

Class list: well we need some people to come up with some classes and how to recruit and so on but the first chapter classes are a shaman, Mercanary, myrmadon and a sage lord which is me (yeah I got dibs)

Event assembler: I need someone to work on this.

Characters: if you want to make up your own charecter you can just post your ready to insert sprites. but remember there is a limit and the need to be a PNG format.

Map making and inserting: Really dont get this so if someone knows how to do this it would be great to have your help

Music insertion: optional

Hex editing just like map editing confusing

Just as a idea should I insert sacred stones classes as well?

is there anything im missing.

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Character: Bankai

Pic i'm horrible at making pics so can you use Ephindel's

Class: Mage or Shaman

doesn't matter on the rest

i can't help mainly becuase i'm the worst hacker ever.

Do you need backround info or anything for the character

Edited by Bankai
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Full hacks take a LOT of work. Before even offering sign-ups, get a general plot down, even if it's a list of bullet points. You want to know which direction your hack will go before starting it, or strange things happen.

You also want to be able to commit a lot of time into this, and do more than "oversee". If you'll be busy in a couple of months, concentrate on a chapter hack, or something much smaller.

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My character: Name: Sephraim

Class: Mercenry

As you know misso I will help with the character insertion and the chapter armies.

Like above, is it a new story or is it like MK404 hack (same story and maps, but different characters)?

Edited by maroobs875
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well as eclipse pointed out yeah a full chapter hack would be hard but like MK404 its gonna be like that but were gonna add one or two maps and make it harder just to keep someone playing

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Character: Bankai

Pic i'm horrible at making pics so can you use Ephindel's

Class: Mage or Shaman

doesn't matter on the rest

i can't help mainly becuase i'm the worst hacker ever.

Do you need backround info or anything for the character

how does erk or canas replace but a tad better sound to you

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No, a full 30+ chapter hack will be way more time-consuming than a single chapter hack. You might want to stick with the latter, if all you've got is the summer.

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You might want to think up a plot of literally any kind before you count on inserting characters.

Such as characters in predetermined classes with no personality in a predetermined chapter with no context yet set in a world that hasn't yet been built.

I'm trying to very subtly hint at something here.

Postscript; Name might help, as well. By which I mean -will- help. Just...just get the plot done. Please. Or at least decide on what kind of game you want to make before committing on adding characters.

Edited by Furetchen
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You may have time NOW, but will you have time three months from now? Six months from now? Unless you can commit to something huge, I'd suggest starting small.

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well ive got plenty of time with a script so do we want to start on a plot for this hack?

Yes. You want to start on a plot for this hack. In order to start on this hack, you will start on a plot for this hack.

We could base it on a group of mercs because everyone thinks that mercanairies are cool

I am losing my faith in humanity with every sentence you post-

No...no, Furetchen. That way lies the path of the suspension you probably don't want. Okay. Calm.


Let's try this again.

We could base it on a group of mercs because everyone thinks that mercanairies are cool

Okay. 'Cool' is subjective. When you tell me 'mercenary', keeping in mind it is spelt 'mercenary', I think of hired soldiers. This is what 'mercenary' means, usually carrying with it some vaguely negative baggage. Now. 'Cool', being as we have discussed subjective, is not a solid foundation for an ENTIRE PLOTLINE.

I am not saying you must abstain from mercenary canaries. You may have your canaries, and eat them too. But take care to have thought with regards to the world that you are supposed to be immersing someone in.

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I said before ive decided it gonna be a PLAYTHROUGH hack not from scratch a chapter would take a day or two

*blinks several times*

Okay. I ... think I know what you're trying to scream at eclipse. Who is trying to help you. There will be precious few of these people in the times ahead.

So you're going to make a reskin. This is okay. No, this is good, seeing as you are presumably a novice.

Let's get a few things straight. A chapter will take a day or two, okay, I'll just arbitrarily accept that. If you somehow work all day, maybe. I'm no hacker. Anyway, this doesn't count;





Actually Thinking Up Reasons For Shit

Have I Come Up With Enough Synonyms For The Fact That The Goddamn Storyline Will Take A While Yet

...More Spriting


...Well, presumably it would include at least one of these elements. But whatever, my point stands, you need to think up the story beforehand as part of an all-encompassing plot.


Spriting, GOOD spriting, takes a long time. Passable spriting takes a while and you will want feedback. Take feedback into account, or people will not appreciate it. Seeing as, you know, they're trying to make this a better hack.

So yes. You ARE underestimating the timeframe.

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Script/plot: Make sure characters can support other characters, and have multiple different happy endings, alone or together with someone else, that's the best version of FE supporting I can think of.

Spriting: I would suggest asking the best spriters on here to give you their best sprites, and use those.....there are a LOT of really talented spriters on serenes.....

Class list: I would go with whatever classes are in the game you're hacking, then add soldier-->halberdier for sure, because that's one of my favorite classes (sometimes a very good class, sometimes you can't even play as it).

Event assembler: Hmm.....I'm not very good at this one. I'm still trying to plan an event at the bronx zoo, and it seems like I'm really sending their prices up and down.

Characters: I think various members of SF should add their own characters to the mix! Let's make a new serenes emblem! :P Or work on the old one!!!!!

Music: I would suggest just about any awesome piece of music from any game that seems to fit the scenario at hand. For my money, FE9 has the best soundtrack of any FE, and the song for Reyson is the most beautiful of all of them, in part because I like Reyson, a member of a very gentle race who is extremely fierce when something he values is on the line (a heron as fierce as an eagle who both fights and mates by grasping talons with another eagle and plummeting downwards until one of them unlocks talons), but that's just my opinion.

EDIT: I am not particularly good at the technical aspects of a hack, but I would love to see what the other members of serenes can do!

Edited by SeverIan
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Canas will work

Yes he will! Canas works very hard! He studied elder magic, but he accepts it as more dangerous, if more powerful, than anima. That's what I call a hard worker - someone who commits themselves to something despite thinking that other things may well be better.

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