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This is my country tonight. :/


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I've been posting this on every site I'm on, but what is your opinion of tonight's Vancouver riot? As expected, I am disgusted to say the least. As a kid, I admit, I threw my controller at the TV screen when I lost, but when we talk adults destroying their own city because their goddamn hockey team lost? Right now, I am ashamed to be Canadian, I am almost sure that until we pull miracles and get a better P.M , we aren't going to be seen as a peaceful nation. From what I've seen from live footage, downtown Vancouver are apes: hanging from traffic signs, running about with their genitals exposed, fires, looting, you name it.

When the sun rises tomorrow, beautiful Vancouver will be a wasteland, a shell of what it once was. Good job to those few idiots mixed in with the true fans. Thanks to you, I am never supporting a single sporting event ever.

-Yours: An ashamed Canadian.

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It's /just/ hockey. I don't see why there is ANY need for this behavior; it's dreadful. This hopefully doesn't change the opinion of others about us Canadians; we're rarely like this.

After watching the news for the past 3 hours, I'm proud to say that I've got a new definition of idiot; the crazed fans in Vancouver. Seriously, if you're taking part in: fights, loots, destruction of property, fires, etc, and you go and show your face on camera, you /deserve/ to be called an idiot. Plain and simple.

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Wow, seriously? Over HOCKEY? God that's some sort of sad. I mean, it's a sport. Your team wins, huzzah. Your team loses, that sucks. You don't start a fucking riot over it. I'm kinda disappointed to be Canadian as well, after reading that. Geez...

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I've been posting this on every site I'm on, but what is your opinion of tonight's Vancouver riot? As expected, I am disgusted to say the least. As a kid, I admit, I threw my controller at the TV screen when I lost, but when we talk adults destroying their own city because their goddamn hockey team lost? ...downtown Vancouver are apes: hanging from traffic signs, running about with their genitals exposed, fires, looting, you name it.

Somebody get me a plane ticket to Canada, a loincloth and some fire.


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That doesn't really surprise me considering many hockey fans up here are pretty dead serious. Even moreso when they supposedly have the best team of the league and end up losing.

Hell, the whole thing would've been even worse in Toronto or Montreal.

Edited by Dio
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My city occasionally riots over football results. I don't understand it either, and I'd rather it didn't happen, but honestly, I don't think this is that uncommon of a thing.

AAH You've got an MSpaint avatar?

Does it still disappear from time to time?

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Welcome to the world of sports! Similar things happen in the U.S.A. and the rest of the world quite often! Though probably rarely as bad as you might be describing, I'm not sure.

I guess the prime thing I am angry about is the fact that we are (or were, I'm not sure on how the world sees us these days) regarded as such a peaceful nation, and for this to go out, sets such a bad example for Canadians like me. I think even Boston showed their citizens footage from the riot. I am very embarrassed.

That doesn't really surprise me considering many hockey fans up here are pretty dead serious. Even moreso when they supposedly have the best team of the league and end up losing.

Hell, the whole thing would've been even worse in Toronto or Montreal.

Even Vancouver, after all, it WAS the place of the Olympics, such a nice city shown on televisions across the world last year. Now if one were to show downtown Vancouver, it probably wouldn't even be recognizable. Funny how things change so quickly.

Riots are bad, but a "shell of what it once was"? Aren't you pushing it a little?

I don't think so, with all the windows smashed, millions of dollars lost from looting sprees, charred remains of garbage fires and car fires today, half of downtown Vancouver is covered in trash and boarded up.

My local university has no problem with its students burning couches and tossing over cars during holidays. Or random sprees.


I think Canada is fine.

We may rise again, no doubt about it, but our dignity is destroyed at the cost of it. What we took so long to build, gone in a single drunken rage night.

My city occasionally riots over football results. I don't understand it either, and I'd rather it didn't happen, but honestly, I don't think this is that uncommon of a thing.

I'm assuming your city isn't known as a peaceful, beautiful one that held the Olympics though? The riot may have not been a big, nasty one, like the ones going on across the world as we speak (see: Greece), but in the long run, I don't think it's going to do anything special for my country's pride.

[spoiler=Is this what the world will think of Canadians from now on?]

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Did you have people shooting at each other? Will this riot cause lasting social changes? Do you have to worry about dead people? Has it stopped already?

While rioting over hockey is somewhat silly, I think you're overreacting to this.

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No confirmed shootings, but with all the confirmed patients at hospitals (St. Paul [?] actually had to close down their hospital from all the patients they were receiving) with knife wounds and severe injury from getting beaten by the crowds, you'd have to be pretty ignorant to brush it off. And yes, I am concerned about my country's dignity. I fear that after this is aired on international television, we will no longer be regarded as peaceful, and one of our more beautiful cities will be seen as a jungle.

I think my response is perfectly fine, I'm not the only Canadian who is upset about paying taxes to accommodate this event (someone had to pay for the jumbo screen they trashed, and many other things), only for the fans to destroy downtown.

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Population of 3,792,621 versus 642,843, jus' sayin'.

So smaller riot still means big damage in a town that is roughly six times smaller than L.A.


Hmm...big damage, but big growth. So, in other words, I'm NOT saying the destruction is good, but at least there is now potential.

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Hold on. Stop. Breathe.

Almost 19 years ago, a hurricane went ripping through a rather quiet part of my home. That place has not been seen as a "waste", even though that hurricane did far more damage than those riots did. Today, it's back to its usual self, more or less. Likewise, I think people will facepalm at the riots in about 20 years.

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Hold on. Stop. Breathe.

Almost 19 years ago, a hurricane went ripping through a rather quiet part of my home. That place has not been seen as a "waste", even though that hurricane did far more damage than those riots did. Today, it's back to its usual self, more or less. Likewise, I think people will facepalm at the riots in about 20 years.

Excellent. I am glad people have a sense of perspective. I am hoping to gain one as well, by watching everything ZOOM past me as quickly as possible.

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Well, it ain't beautiful due to previously containing, like, all of the steel mills, and the air quality still isn't great enough to host the Olympics due to same, but given that the primary source of income is its various university now I would hesitate to say my city's considered a shithole to begin with. :dry: Stop freaking out.

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Hold on. Stop. Breathe.

Almost 19 years ago, a hurricane went ripping through a rather quiet part of my home. That place has not been seen as a "waste", even though that hurricane did far more damage than those riots did. Today, it's back to its usual self, more or less. Likewise, I think people will facepalm at the riots in about 20 years.

Hurricanes =//= riots, no one judges a town's residents based on the weather. If a tsunami ripped through Vancouver, I'd much rather wish to aid them as a concerned citizen than aid them knowing that they were the cause of their undoing.

Twenty years is a long time nonetheless, twenty years of being known to the world as poor sports.

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