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Disclaimer: This is not a criticism topic of any kind, just something I noticed.

Upon Nightmare's retirement (Rest in Peace) I checked the moderating team, which has six members remaining.

Jyosua: Apparently online today, but hasn't posted since 12/30/10. Probably still doing his job in keeping servers up and such, I don't know what it's like to be a root admin.

VASM: Still active on the FE side of the forums and maintaining the site.

Shuuda: I didn't actually look into him, but he confesses to not being very active.

Narga_Rocks: Hasn't been active since my birthday (June 2nd). Maybe he's away somewhere, I don't know.

Tangerine: Online today, posts plenty to my knowledge.

Fireman: Not online since March 21st (!).

This means that effectively there are two people who are constantly moderating the forums: Vincent and Tangerine. I don't know Tangerine's activeness on the Fire Emblem side (since I barely go there anymore) but I do know that Vincent barely posts on the General side. xD You know what this means? Only two people are active from the enforcement. Watch one of the less active ones swoop in here and say "here let me prove that I moderate and warn you."

On another subject, who do you think will be the new mod and who will get promoted?

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If people started voting for who ran the place then this site would truly be doomed.

I meant that more as in "sleeping with whoever appoints mods", but yeah. Your way works too.

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I shudder to think if SF was a democracy.

At the same time it's too large a task to be an autocracy (well ultimately I'm guessing Vincent gets the final say, but the input and assistance from others is what keeps the place moving).

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just make me the next admin

I actually do shit sometimes

in the few forums I visit unless it's a forum wide feature

Edited by Obviam
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Generally Vincent lets the staff decide on the next mod. Of course, I essentially AM the staff at this point, so I imagine we will be discussing things together this time. I have already decided who I think would be the best choices as far as activity and ability go, hopefully he thinks they will be good choices as well. And I doubt they will be as shocking as Nightmare's departure.

Seriously I am all alone wtf :(

Edited by Tangerine
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Generally Vincent lets the staff decide on the next mod. Of course, I essentially AM the staff at this point, so I imagine we will be discussing things together this time. I have already decided who I think would be the best choices as far as activity and ability go. And I doubt they will be as shocking as Nightmare's departure.

Seriously I am all alone wtf :(

In that case you should know that there's a bar of chocolate in it for you if you do me one little favour


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I didn't say I would get to decide anything, I said we'll probably end up deciding together rather than him leaving it to the staff :P:. Just thought I'd let you guys know we're not like..imploding or something!

Plus I don't eat much chocolate! Offer me something else.

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