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Who Would You Declare Your Greatest Enemy?

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So, many of you seem to be focused on questions of self-identity. I am now thinking about questions of identifying "the other."

As the Mad Poet Navarth, a character in Jack Vance's brilliant universe, I declare as my eternal rival Baron Bodissey. DAMN HIM.

I shall shame him utterly, watch him take his life, throw his bones from the highest cliff into the deepest ocean, piss in the place where his bones splashed into the water, watch as they build a grave to his memory on the cliff, capture and brainwash all the people who mourned his passing so they forget him, also making sure to brainwash everyone else on earth to forget him (better than killing him), piss on the grave, break it into pieces with a sledgehammer, throw the pieces of the grave into the ocean, then BLOW UP THE OCEAN and everything in it in order to destroy his memory forever.

Can anyone match my insane hatred of my eternal rival?

Edited by SeverIan
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Eclipse's salami, because somebody doesn't like me talking about sausage fests and with this whole E coli strain one can't be too careful nowadays

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Eclipse's salami, because somebody doesn't like me talking about sausage fests and with this whole E coli strain one can't be too careful nowadays


One can't be too careful, huh? Then why bother trying :P

Except when a life is on the line.....

(when a life is online...HINT)

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Having enemies is lame.

Until you make with them peace. Then, for the moment they are in the liminal space between enemy and friend, it is awesome. I invite you to a world where no one and everyone is both a friend and an enemy. Paranoia and ultimate trust, at the same time.

And, at rare times, to fulfill one's dream, one makes an enemy. This can be beautiful or horrific.

See Ruroni Kenshin, or Berserk.

Edited by SeverIan
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Where do you get this stuff. You have something for everything.

I've had exams over this month and gave up gaming, this means I've had a lot of free time to skive looking for loljesus or something on google images

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that one annoying inbred in my AP world history class who got his house searched by the police for posting a rap video on YouTube in which he threatened to kill the president

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that one annoying inbred in my AP world history class who got his house searched by the police for posting a rap video on YouTube in which he threatened to kill the president

Land of the free indeed.

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I've had exams over this month and gave up gaming, this means I've had a lot of free time to skive looking for loljesus or something on google images

Keep looking they are fucking awesome :awesome:

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that one annoying inbred in my AP world history class who got his house searched by the police for posting a rap video on YouTube in which he threatened to kill the president

I can't help but laugh at the fact that that happened.
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I swear, the moment somebody said enemies are lame this is exactly what popped in my head, then i scroll down and... :newyears::newyears:

My enemy would come out and say something like, i fucking hate you. then they'd be my true enemy.

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I swear, the moment somebody said enemies are lame this is exactly what popped in my head, then i scroll down and... :newyears::newyears:

My enemy would come out and say something like, i fucking hate you. then they'd be my true enemy.

I want to be proud of Fenrir, but maybe he should be proud of me instead...

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I swear, the moment somebody said enemies are lame this is exactly what popped in my head, then i scroll down and... :newyears::newyears:

My enemy would come out and say something like, i fucking hate you. then they'd be my true enemy.

Fffuuuuuu the matrix is real


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what happens if i decide to make someone my enemy who already has a best enemy?

do we still get to be best enemies?

is there like hate triangles?

do you read homestuck

That's what he gets for rapping.

misread that as raping

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