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Bull(crap) Mafia


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##Bury: Jack - Keeper of the Dead


(if you couldn't tell that was a joke vote, get your head checked)

Hey Proto. . .

<clipseykitty> Also, why is Blitz telling you everything?

<Kitty-Ichimonji> he told me that he's killing Paper

<Kitty-Ichimonji> I'm on LDRM's side now, so I told him not to

<clipseykitty> I see.

<Kitty-Ichimonji> And he was like "clipsey! thinks he's a better choice"

##Disown: Proto

(I'd like to add that I think the rest of StK is cool. . .and needs to get up and start working. I know what two of you are capable of, and the third had better be taking notes)

Edited by Clipseykitty
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You people are so quiet. It's boring me to tears.

Hush, you.

You're stepping out of line.

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Hey guys, I'm leaving Saturday till about Wednesday night to go to the beach. I should be able to get on and check the thread, so you don't need to sub me out, but I'm just saying I'll be less active.

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*shrugs* I haven't seen much of a reason to lynch Obviam over him, so I thought I'd jump on a different bandwagon.

Need I seriously point to what I said to Pika?

It mystifies me how some people in this game seem to put destroying StK above their official goal of winning the game.

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Need I seriously point to what I said to Pika?

It mystifies me how some people in this game seem to put destroying StK above their official goal of winning the game.

Well, give me a reason to vote for Obviam and maybe I'll change my mind. Stop the 'Lightning gave us too much info so everyone should pity us' crap.

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Well, give me a reason to vote for Obviam and maybe I'll change my mind. Stop the 'Lightning gave us too much info so everyone should pity us' crap.

Why, of course you wouldn't lynch a member of your own team, I'm terribly sorry. That doesn't mean that voting for Proto is a reasonable choice, however.

And I'm not stopping the crap because I didn't even start it. As a matter of fact, the StK has the second-most dead people, as well as almost all of their abilities and aliases leaked. If you apply any kind of common sense, killing them shouldn't be a high priority right now.

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[23:58] <Hazekitty> There's no reason to lynch Obviam anyway

[23:59] <Shady> You'd be surprised.

[23:59] <Hazekitty> Go on then

[23:59] <Hazekitty> Tell me

[23:59] <Hazekitty> I'm all ears

[23:59] <Shady> Why would I?

[23:59] <Hazekitty> So you're expecting people to bandwagon onto someone for no reason?

[23:59] <Hazekitty> Noted

[23:59] <Hazekitty> brb

Let's review.

Here are the reasons to lynch Obviam: None. Oh wait, he's a mole they tell you? No he's not, and I can prove it.

The reason everyone thinks Obviam is a mole is this, my role flavour:

Dear Ceadeus, you are Obviam.

You are the computer nerd supreme, Obviam. You majored in computer ""science"" and now you enjoy life as a shitty tech support. Nobody likes you, not even the slut that has to call herself your mother. You are Death's sex slave in your off time and a big fan of some shitty Japanese Metal band. You fucking weeaboo.

Why is this important? Because one of my unfortunate teammates got this in his role pm:

You know that Obviam is Ceadeus.

This confused the ever loving crap out of him, and he ended up contacting Obviam instead of me. During the process he told members of Obviam's faction that Obviam was in his faction, which made Obviam look incredibly suspect and like a mole. The truth is, that person was CONFUSED, and caused a misunderstanding that made Obviam look like a mole when he's not.

The reason I'm outing this because there is a far, FAR better lynch target today, which brings me to...

Reasons to lynch Proto:

1. Are you Animal Legion or Crazy Casaya? He's trying to get the other 3 factions to ally and crush you.

2. Are you one of God's Bowling Buddies? He's using his little brother Flint(Blitz Kitty) in your faction to manipulate you and make you his bitch, quite blatantly, I might add.

3. Are you one of the Latter Day Rennaisance Men? Bad news, as soon as she's back he's going to use his egirlfriend BFF Kay/Pariah to do exactly the same goddamn thing to you, or if you're lucky, just make you his "allies".

4. Are you one of the Latter Day Rennaisance Men? The only other real option today is Obviam, a now proven member of your faction, easy choice.

5. Are you Skillz that Killz? He's painting targets on your head.

6. He's a fucking hypocrite who's trying to take control of 3 factions to gang up on the other two despite ranting about multifaction not being about ganging up one by one the previous day.

In short: Proto is being a fucker and killing him stops GBB from being StK's pawn (no, I don't want to deal with an ~8 man faction and their alliance with a 5 man faction in a 25 man game.)

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