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Too perfect for insults Tier


How the fuck did you become Admin? Tier


Always online to monitor Forum activity Tier


Totally not a dude Tier


"..." Tier


Who are you? Tier



Lord Glenn

"<3 LUMI <3" Tier


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My commentary: (AKA bieng a modslut)

Some of these arguments seem to reveal a level of control over Serenes Forest I actually do not have.

I love Vasm and I have always attempted to defend him when I sense his position is most under attack. However, I acknowledge he no longer has much care for what goes on on these forums day-to-day, he mostly sees them as a channel towards refining the site. I hope new FE games are made so that we can continue to refine his site, which as an FE site is excellent. I do not see why FE is becoming Japan only...

I think I actually had a role to play in making Tang admin, but most would probably disagree. All that happeend is that I explicitly stated that Tang should be an admin based on her vocality and presence on serenes.

Jyo is mostly not doing too much actively but he is pretty brilliant when he does choose to act.

RF kinda took power for all of a day then decided "fuck it" or am I confusing her with Lord Glenn.

Srs is just a cool dude he kicks ass I have no commentary.

Fireman is a mystery. Allow me to reveal that, while i worked as Bastian (see member badge), he was actually under my employ, but I decided to fire him, deciding he was better off working for someone with more need for his services.

Shuuda is pretty brilliant. He just kind of slipped in in IP chat one day, listened to me give arguments for tang being mod, and went on with his business instead of taking it like a slap in the face.

Lord Glenn truly is a mystery to me, but is he the one who took power for a day and then stepped down? Also, I have dimly fond memories of his posts. I do not expect to see him again, but I would be delighted to! DELIGHTED I SAY!

Why the fuck is Narga Rocks bottom for loving lumi? Just cuz she loves Furet instead? Black Cat you suck at mod ranking. I never noticed him do anything to indicate any interest for her, remind me if I'm wrong, and also he seemed to love every member on this forum quite a lot. He worked very hard. The one time I remember him catching me for rule breaking, he let me out cuz I made a good funny and it was far from the forest. Don't give narga rocks so much hate.

Has 31.58 Posts Per Day Tier:


JAN'D. I forgot who Kai is/was these days. I sure liked him when he was around though.

Edited by Loki Laufeyjarson
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Kai was banned for posting porn, his account was deleted.

I sure hope I never make that mistake. SF is a great substitute for real people when I don't have much better to do. I mean, I ALWAYS have something better to do, but sometimes it's tough to think about it.

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I think I actually had a role to play in making Tang admin, but most would probably disagree. All that happeend is that I explicitly stated that Tang should be an admin based on her vocality and presence on serenes.

hahaha, yes! you are definitely the reason.

Shuuda is pretty brilliant. He just kind of slipped in in IP chat one day, listened to me give arguments for tang being mod, and went on with his business instead of taking it like a slap in the face.

Wait when did this happen? What was said? I don't remember ever hearing about it, haha.

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Wait when did this happen? What was said? I don't remember ever hearing about it, haha.

I think you were on chat with me when it happened, but I could be wrong...

Anyway, I was in chat, and basically gave my same old argument for Tangerine as mod as shuuda came in. I also mentioned that I thought Shuuda was underdefended, I was worried he gets a lot hate for being seen as a major point in keeping Hikarusa off serenes so I didn't do anything.

(Also I seem to remember reading some fiction by shuuda that's really good, but I usually avoid fiction on serenes cuz that's not what I'm here for...)

((BTW I think Nightmarre belongs on this list, I actually thought of that during my first post but forgot to actually type it. Thoughts go faster than words, so you won't see my words expressing who I really am all the time.))

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