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Character Questions!


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Some of you are likely already familiar with this sort of topic/questionnaire and likely have done one before. Still, I thought I would see how most of you would respond to this. Simply put, it's just a series of questions concerning your character and how they would act and such designed to try and help you develop a deeper understanding of them. I do not take credit for making this test. I do not know where the original comes from in fact. No one question is mandatory in any way, so if you don't know or don't desire to answer a question for any reason, feel free to skip it. The questions with numbers are from the original and are untouched, while the ones with letters are my own personal questions I added to this. Take your time, answer as many or as few with whichever character you like, and have fun!

1. What would your character kill for? What would they die for?

2. What would they refuse to do under any circumstances? Why?

3. What do they dream about?

4. What's their biggest fear?

5. What single object would they be most hard pressed to part with? Why?

6. What is their fondest memory?

7. What is their worst memory?

8. What or who was were their most significant influence?

9. What do they believe makes a successful life?

10. What makes them laugh?

11. What are their religious views?

12. What is their greatest strength?

13. Do they have a fatal flaw? If so, what is it?

14. Who is the most important person in their life?

15. If they died, who would miss them most? How would they die?

A) If they lost everything except for one thing in the world, what would that one thing have to be to convince them that their life was still worth it?

B) If you could summarize everything about the character in one five-word sentence, what would that sentence be? (You can go higher than five, but please try to keep it as low as possible)

C) How would they handle people who disagreed with them? Why in that way?

D) If you had to change the personality of the character, but could keep one thing, what would be the one thing you could keep?

E) If they could live anywhere in that RP world, where would they want to live and why?


1. What would your character kill for? What would they die for?

A: Given the choice, Robin would not kill any human being. However, if she was forced too, she would kill to protect her way of life. She would sooner die than give up her ideals.

2. What would they refuse to do under any circumstances? Why?

A: Hurt her own nation directly. Robin believes that everything about her life is reflected in her nation. So to attack her nation is to attack her very being.

3. What do they dream about?

A: Spending a nice cool night out in the forest, looking up at the stars and moon. Hunting a wild stag throughout a frost-covered forest. Sitting by a cool and running river.

4. What's their biggest fear?

A: That she will have to give up herself to protect the land she believes in.

5. What single object would they be most hard pressed to part with? Why?

A: Currently, her stone cobble. She needs it to craft the stone arrowheads she so adores and, without it, she cannot make any more. While it can be replaced, the cobble she has on her is easily her favorite.

6. What is their fondest memory?

Robin has no one specific fondest memory. However, she adores her home and remembers the entire place as fondly as she can.

7. What is their worst memory?

Being impaled like a fish by a certain mans spear.

8. What or who was were their most significant influence?

A: Either Alyssa Ivanovna or her own father. Though she would have likely become an archer no matter what, her respect for Alyssa's skills have encouraged her to focus on sniping as much as she can.

9. What do they believe makes a successful life?

A: When you are both master of, and in tune with the land about you, you are leading a life of success.

10. What makes them laugh?

A: A lot of things. Despite being a tough woman, she enjoys laughs and giggles, and won't be shy about it.

11. What are their religious views?

A: Robin focuses largely on her own hunting skill, and much of her religious beliefs are likely tales told by other hunters and that she is exposed too when she meets with traders. She doesn't disagree with the religion of Ursium, or of any other nation, or even 'not care' about it in general. She simply is more interested in the natural aspects of a faith than the philosophical.

12. What is their greatest strength?

A: Her keen eye, steady hand, and great accuracy.

13. Do they have a fatal flaw? If so, what is it?

A: Pride. She can be easily goaded into doing things with the matter of pride at stake.

14. Who is the most important person in their life?

Family aside, Alyssa Ivanovna.

15. If they died, who would miss them most? How would they die?

Her family would likely miss her, as would most of her village. Given the choice, she would want to die in a stone-carved tomb out in the woods with a stream running beside her and with trees growing around her.

A) If they lost everything except for one thing in the world, what would that one thing have to be to convince them that their life was still worth it?

A: One of her own stone arrowheads. It is more than just a weapon or tool to her, but a symbol of her relationship to life and the land. Carving out something where there was once only nature, yet not overpowering or replacing it. That would be all she needs to be convinced to keep going if she lost everything.

B) If you could summarize everything about the character in one five-word sentence, what would that sentence be? (You can go higher than five, but please try to keep it as low as possible)

A: I am the land.

C) How would they handle people who disagreed with them? Why in that way?

A: Friendly, possibly even submissive so long as it wasn't something that was a threat to who she was. She is not a hostile person (except to Ursium people currently, since they threaten her country, and thusly what she sees as a extension of herself) normally, but woe to the man who tries to force her to change her character for better or worse.

D) If you had to change the personality of the character, but could keep one thing, what would be the one thing you could keep?

A: Her feeling that the nation and herself are bound would be the thing I would keep.

E) If they could live anywhere in that RP world, where would they want to live and why?

A: Northern Neviskotia in a log cabin out in the woods. It's hard to see her living anywhere else at the moment.

With permission from their current roleplayers I would like to do my LoAF characters if that is fine with them.

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Eh, got bored and decided to do Amon and Gabbie but these question probably shouldn't be for rp characters(at least not this early IMO). Some stuff would be more engaging to learn in the rp. They're a little too revealing and don't leave much to the imagination(so I got a little silly on some of those). I decided to just fill in the questions and keep them to myself for now.

Edited by Phoenix
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Since Kiryn is possibly interested...


1. What would your character kill for? What would they die for?

A: Her family. Ages ago, that meant her husband and children. Now it means all of TISME.

2. What would they refuse to do under any circumstances? Why?

A: Consort with a demon. This one seems fairly obvious. As she is half-spirit, she is mortal enemies with the demons, and thusly refused to even be around them.

3. What do they dream about?

A: Either flying free in a vast and endless sky or having her old family cuddle up to her one last time.

4. What's their biggest fear?

A: Being caged.

5. What single object would they be most hard pressed to part with? Why?

A: Any object that came from her original family as it means a lot to her.

6. What is their fondest memory?

A: Flying in the wind with her mother.

7. What is their worst memory?

A: Being caged in TISME's dungeons as a monster.

8. What or who was were their most significant influence?

A: Her time in the TISME dungeons is likely her most significant influence as it has caused her to work hard to change the entire institution from the inside of the course of several lifetimes.

9. What do they believe makes a successful life?

A: Having a loving family and spending a lot of time with them.

10. What makes them laugh?

A: People in general. She adores the sweet and innocent and has a great time with them.

11. What are their religious views?

A: Lunaism. Though publicly she avoids the question as it would be detrimental to her efforts to change the organization.

12. What is their greatest strength?

A: Her spirit nature, both literally and philosophically, is her greatest strength. It allows her to be able to see things from a different perspective than mortals, both in terms of how things work and how time flows.

13. Do they have a fatal flaw? If so, what is it?

A: She's so convinced that there will always be time to handle things later on (which is true for her) that she often fails to take matters seriously.

14. Who is the most important person in their life?

A: Her mother/husband/daughter.

15. If they died, who would miss them most? How would they die?

A: Currently, most of TISME would probably miss her, but only in a professional sense. Katie would probably miss her the most, though she probably wouldn't realize it.

A) If they lost everything except for one thing in the world, what would that one thing have to be to convince them that their life was still worth it?

A: The love of her (now long dead) daughter.

B) If you could summarize everything about the character in one five-word sentence, what would that sentence be? (You can go higher than five, but please try to keep it as low as possible)

A: Wings in the air, feet on the ground. (Alternatively: Embrace the storm. Or: Breath love.

C) How would they handle people who disagreed with them? Why in that way?

A: If she couldn't convince them peacefully, she'd probably simply wait. Time means a lot less to someone who is immortal.

D) If you had to change the personality of the character, but could keep one thing, what would be the one thing you could keep?

A: Her love of flight. Even though she remembers her family, they have passed and she lived without them for a time. She can do it again.

E) If they could live anywhere in that RP world, where would they want to live and why?

A: With the Goddess. Her spirit nature makes her seek to be close to her. Failing that, someplace high and open. She's likely satisfied where she is.


1. What would your character kill for? What would they die for?

A: Katie would kill to protect her students, same for her willingness to die.

2. What would they refuse to do under any circumstances? Why?

A: Abandon a disabled person. Being mute, she knows how hard it is, and she would not leave behind someone like that.

3. What do they dream about?

A: Being able to speak again. Possibly fantasizing about being finally acknowledged as Harold's daughter, but that is a distant second.

4. What's their biggest fear?

A: Being removed from her position in TISME due to her inability to speak.

5. What single object would they be most hard pressed to part with? Why?

A: Katie does not put stock in material possessions.

6. What is their fondest memory?

A: Being taken care of by that funny green-haired girl when she was a baby.

7. What is their worst memory?

A: Having her throat sliced by her own father.

8. What or who was were their most significant influence?

A: Her father, though not for the right reasons (throat-slicing, being a ******* father).

9. What do they believe makes a successful life?

A: Teaching others and bringing up the next generation to be better than the last.

10. What makes them laugh?

A: Nice people are enjoyable to her and she enjoys spending time with them and trying to laugh.

11. What are their religious views?

A: Nothing unique from the norm beyond the acknowledgment that at least one of the six heroes is a scumbag.

12. What is their greatest strength?

A: Her will to not give up, even when rendered incapable of doing the thing she loves.

13. Do they have a fatal flaw? If so, what is it?

A: She's sensitive about her inability to speak.

14. Who is the most important person in their life?

A: Father, once again, for all the wrong reasons.

15. If they died, who would miss them most? How would they die?

A: Harold would miss her. Despite how awful their relationship is, he does still care about her. Given the choice, Katie would probably want to go out in a plum of magic defending her students. She almost did this in the swamp.

A) If they lost everything except for one thing in the world, what would that one thing have to be to convince them that their life was still worth it?

A: Her students would be the one thing she needs to be willing to keep going.

B) If you could summarize everything about the character in one five-word sentence, what would that sentence be? (You can go higher than five, but please try to keep it as low as possible)

A: Don't ever give up.

C) How would they handle people who disagreed with them? Why in that way?

A: Submissively unless they were threatening her students. She is not a confrontational person at all.

D) If you had to change the personality of the character, but could keep one thing, what would be the one thing you could keep?

A: Her will to never give up even when missing the thing she needs to be happy.

E) If they could live anywhere in that RP world, where would they want to live and why?

A: TISME. A place where she can teach young people about magic is her dream.

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Here's a little taste into the mad mind of everyone's favorite Paul.

1. What would your character kill for? What would they die for?

What wouldn't Paul kill for is honestly the shorter list. Also a list that doesn't exist. The question of "die" doesn't apply to Paul, because he is immortal.

2. What would they refuse to do under any circumstances? Why?

Destroy Emperium. Because those are his best stabbin' knives.

3. What do they dream about?

Death, destruction, the usual.

4. What's their biggest fear?

That he'll run out of things to kill.

5. What single object would they be most hard pressed to part with? Why?

Emperium--best knives etc.

6. What is their fondest memory?

Wiping out all the inhabitants of a castle. That was sure fun!

7. What is their worst memory?

Getting a note saying that his favorite sex buddy was dead and realizing he wouldn't be the one to kill her.

8. What or who was were their most significant influence?

Probably the guy that raised him before Paul killed him. Not that he ever knew it or his name.

9. What do they believe makes a successful life?

Getting your name remembered.

10. What makes them laugh?


11. What are their religious views?

Paul is the One True God.

12. What is their greatest strength?

Being invincible.

13. Do they have a fatal flaw? If so, what is it?

He's just TOO strong.

14. Who is the most important person in their life?


15. If they died, who would miss them most? How would they die?

No one. Paul will never admit to every dying.

A) If they lost everything except for one thing in the world, what would that one thing have to be to convince them that their life was still worth it?

Emperium. Actually he's been in that situation before.

B) If you could summarize everything about the character in one five-word sentence, what would that sentence be? (You can go higher than five, but please try to keep it as low as possible)


C) How would they handle people who disagreed with them? Why in that way?

By killing them or marking them for death. Because that's how he likes it.

D) If you had to change the personality of the character, but could keep one thing, what would be the one thing you could keep?

Well, his only real trait is being a sociopath anyway so not much would change.

E) If they could live anywhere in that RP world, where would they want to live and why?

Wherever has the highest population. For obvious reasons.

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Wrote these up without reading Snowy's answers. Going to read those shortly.

0x01 What would your character kill for? What would they die for?

Mana: kill: to survive or protect, or because of berserk; die: to achieve peace

Katie: kill: to protect or avenge; die: to achieve peace

0x02 What would they refuse to do under any circumstances? Why?

Mana: subject someone to captivity, because of her past

Katie: get back into a drug habit, because she worked hard to break her previous one

0x03 What do they dream about?

Mana: her dreams are incomprehensible to the human mind

Katie: when she's lucky, nothing. Mostly nightmares otherwise.

0x04 What's their biggest fear?

Mana: being caged up again

Katie: any number of horrific things from her past

0x05 What single object would they be most hard pressed to part with? Why?

Mana: is quickly losing her attachment to objects

Katie: journals; they contain both her past and her voice now

0x06 What is their fondest memory?


Katie: teaching, before she lost her voice

0x07 What is their worst memory?

Mana: cages

Katie: any number of horrific things from her past

0x08 What or who was were their most significant influence?

Mana: event: being caged and used for research

Katie: person (negative influence): her father

0x09 What do they believe makes a successful life?

Mana: had ideas about this once. Has forgotten most of them.

Katie: at this point, surviving.

0x0a What makes them laugh?

Mana: humans being quaint, nature (especially the wind) being delightful

Katie: a sincere and persistent attempt to make her laugh may succeed, not much else will.

0x0b What are their religious views?

Mana: has met the Goddess, but not too concerned with prayer

Katie: doesn't think about it much

0x0c What is their greatest strength?

Mana: genuine desire to help

Katie: she's been broken, but hasn't given up yet

0x0d Do they have a fatal flaw? If so, what is it?

Mana: worries to the point of setting progress back

Katie: allows herself to depend on people who may make her feel wanted (she is fighting this)

0x0e Who is the most important person in their life?

Mana: nobody

Katie: used to have a different important person practically every week, but is concentrating on own well-being for now

0x0f If they died, who would miss them most? How would they die?

Mana: missed by students. Death by freak accident or assassination.

Katie: missed by various people, but possibly forgotton. Death by accident, possibly semi-intentional.

0x10 If they lost everything except for one thing in the world, what would that one thing have to be to convince them that their life was still worth it?

Mana: the wind

Katie: actually has lost everything, but something unknown internal is keeping her going.

x011 If you could summarize everything about the character in one five-word sentence, what would that sentence be? (You can go higher than five, but please try to keep it as low as possible)

Mana: Caught between two different minds.

Katie: Never really had a voice. (Not literal.)

(Note that these are fragments, five-word sentences are hard to do.[/pedantic])

0x12 How would they handle people who disagreed with them? Why in that way?

Mana: Frequent arguing. She believes she can convince people to agree.

Katie: Avoidance. Believes there's no use making an argument if it will be disregarded.

0x13 If you had to change the personality of the character, but could keep one thing, what would be the one thing you could keep?

Mana: basic species concept

Katie: basic character concept (mute mage looking to avenge apprentices)

0x14 If they could live anywhere in that RP world, where would they want to live and why?

Mana: Somewhere the wind blows. Anywhere without it is no better than a cage.

Katie: Somewhere safe with someone who legitimately cares about her. She's had too many ordeals to be anything but tired.

Edited by Kiryn
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Realized I had a couple of characters I could do without an alarming number of spoilers or boring-ness.


1. What would your character kill for? What would they die for?

Would kill for Irina. Isn't aware that he can actually die.

2. What would they refuse to do under any circumstances? Why?

Nothing. His instincts will always take over in extreme circumstances.

3. What do they dream about?

Being praised.

4. What's their biggest fear?

Being killed (painfully), though again, he isn't quite sure what dying is.

5. What single object would they be most hard pressed to part with? Why?

Irina. Because Irina.

6. What is their fondest memory?

Has too many to list. All of them involve praise and affection.

7. What is their worst memory?

Being mauled by his father.

8. What or who was were their most significant influence?


9. What do they believe makes a successful life?

Not being hungry.

10. What makes them laugh?

Doesn't know how to laugh.

11. What are their religious views?

1: Thou shalt not bite the hand that feedeth thee.

2: Thou shalt not abandon thy rider.

3: Thou shalt not approach thunderous storm clouds, for they will cast harmful light at thee, rend the wings from thy body, and thou shalt be cast naked into the firmament.

4: Thou shalt not fly at low altitudes, for there are many structures and doodads that wish to stand in thy path and halt thee most unceremoniously.

5: Thou shalt not linger at high altitudes, for thou shalt surely grow fatigued and have nothing left to sustain thee, and thy days shall be made swift and short.

6: Thou shalt not tussle with the Victor, for he is thy father and much larger than thee.

7: Thou shall protect the Irina, for she is thy caregiver and guide to heroism.

12. What is their greatest strength?

The ability to fly.

13. Do they have a fatal flaw? If so, what is it?

Too smart to be a wyvern, too stupid to be a human.

14. Who is the most important person in their life?

The Irina.

15. If they died, who would miss them most? How would they die?

Irina, and some other people he knows.

A) If they lost everything except for one thing in the world, what would that one thing have to be to convince them that their life was still worth it?

Irina, duh.

B) If you could summarize everything about the character in one five-word sentence, what would that sentence be? (You can go higher than five, but please try to keep it as low as possible)

High flying chicken eating hero.

C) How would they handle people who disagreed with them? Why in that way?

Staring, because "What is disagreement?"

D) If you had to change the personality of the character, but could keep one thing, what would be the one thing you could keep?

I'd keep the stupidity.

E) If they could live anywhere in that RP world, where would they want to live and why?

Wherever Irina is.


1. What would your character kill for? What would they die for?

Self preservation, and loved ones.

Loved ones.

2. What would they refuse to do under any circumstances? Why?

The usual.

3. What do they dream about?

A good woman.

4. What's their biggest fear?

Being stuck with a bad one.

5. What single object would they be most hard pressed to part with? Why?

Doesn't have one.

6. What is their fondest memory?

Semblances of good happy relationships.

7. What is their worst memory?

The opposite.

8. What or who was were their most significant influence?

Natasha Orlov.

9. What do they believe makes a successful life?

Getting what he wants and enjoying it to the fullest.

10. What makes them laugh?

Funny stuff.

11. What are their religious views?

Doesn't have any.

12. What is their greatest strength?

Very good learner.

13. Do they have a fatal flaw? If so, what is it?

Will put personal issues before a mission at times.

14. Who is the most important person in their life?


15. If they died, who would miss them most? How would they die?

Irina and a lot of IMs. Not sure how he would die but he would take a lot of enemies with him, that's for certain.

A) If they lost everything except for one thing in the world, what would that one thing have to be to convince them that their life was still worth it?

His woman, whoever that may be.

B) If you could summarize everything about the character in one five-word sentence, what would that sentence be? (You can go higher than five, but please try to keep it as low as possible)

Levski Petrov; Woman Lover (whoops wrong W.L.) Wyvern Lord Extrordinaire~

C) How would they handle people who disagreed with them? Why in that way?

Shrug, because your opinion is generally worthless.

D) If you had to change the personality of the character, but could keep one thing, what would be the one thing you could keep?

I'd keep the courting shenanigans because challenges are fun.

E) If they could live anywhere in that RP world, where would they want to live and why?

Within flying distance of a love interest is preferable.

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Oh, hey, that's a good idea. When I first read through this, the main thing I thought was "... Yeah, none of my characters are ready for something like this. I'll see about doing this after their events." (I generally have 1 major character revelation event per PC and none of them have really reached them yet in either rp; it's an event to showcase the character, which I plan at that character's creation. Events tend to be short and I do talk with the GMs to avoid messing up canon and I also try to have these events be as singular as I can so that I don't accidentally collide with anyone else. The evnts are meant to showcase the one character anyway.)

Then, after reading Phoenix's, it hit me that I could write about NPC's. XD.gif So, after running them through my head, I selected a few.

Anyway, Snowy, as for Esphyr, you can go ahead and write one up for her. Note that when I make my version, it will probably be different since she is going through development at this time. I'll write one up for her later.

This turned out to be huge, so spoiler tags. XD;

1. What would your character kill for? What would they die for?

Joe: Would kill/die to protect his home, friends and/or family. (and did)

Namid: Often kills goats or other food-animals in order to eat them. Would not likely die for anything, though might die to protect Tas or whoever Tas told him to protect. (He'd rather just fly away with them and avoid death altogether, though.)

Lantos: Would not kill and would not die for anything. Would rather cooperate under a new rider.

Niket: He would kill to be supreme flock leader of all, of course. He doesn't die (or so he believes.)

Rizen: Would kill as directed by Norbert, to avoid capture, to remain alive or to protect Norbert. Would die to protect Norbert.

Tim: Would maybe kill to protect himself, would kill to protect his parents, would kill to protect the younger students/children/defenseless people around him. Would not die for anything except maybe to protect those immediately around him who cannot protect themselves.

Maw: Would kill (prey) to feed herself or to protect herself. Would not die for anything.

2. What would they refuse to do under any circumstances? Why?

Joe: Harm/abandon his friends and/or family/entirely lose hope. Because he proved it.

Namid: Harm/kill most any designated "must not harm" being (especially Tas.) Because he was trained to be that way.

Lantos: Run into a dragon's mouth. Because horse sense.

Niket: Relent. Because he is the hatchking.

Rizen: Let Norbert out of her sight. Because he might get himself killed.

Tim: What most people would refuse to do. Because he was originally supposed to be a generic, but that didn't work out very well.

Maw: Be unsafe. Because there's always a safe place to run to.

3. What do they dream about?

Joe: Being a happy, successful father and husband (or at least he did when he was still alive)

Namid: Either eating mountain goats or flying forever without getting tired. Either activity has Tas around.

Lantos: Liesure, wandering around when he feels like it and being fed delicious things often.

Niket: Food, mostly. Also, flying. And being supreme ruler of all.

Rizen: Chasing ribons and butterflies.

Tim: Becoming a powerful water sage and making his parents proud. Also, being the most respected hall monitor in the history of Europa's University.

Maw: Having all other cats fear her, being powerful and well-fed and being whole and free again.

4. What's their biggest fear?

Joe: What happened at Altenau was beyond his worst fears.

Namid: Tas dying.

Lantos: Being killed.

Niket: Big things trying to step on him, maybe.

Rizen: Being taken away from Norbert.

Tim: A complete takeover of Ursium and a complete loss of the hope and prosperity Ursium provides for its people.

Maw: Seeing that one cat again.

5. What single object would they be most hard pressed to part with? Why?

Joe: Object? Obviously his wedding ring. He's still wearing it even though he's dead.

Namid: No objects he's particularly attached to, but he knows his harness is important.

Lantos: No objects he's attached to.

Niket: No objects, really.

Rizen: She knows that the tack she wears is very important and so will only be separated from it by Norbert.

Tim: Though he would be extremely hard-pressed to give up his hall monitor's badge, he may or may not sooner give up the robe his mother made for him.

Maw: Gytha, because she is a walking protection device and a provider of food in unsafe places.

6. What is their fondest memory?

Joe: His wedding day. Particularly his wife's smile.

Namid: His first time actually flying.

Lantos: His first time resting in a stable.

Niket: That one time he flew.

Rizen: Her first time flying with Norbert on her back.

Tim: When he became a hall monitor.

Maw: When she was an ally cat, before she had her unfortunate encounter with that one cat.

7. What is their worst memory?

Joe: Learning his wife was dead in the midst of the Altenau nightmare.

Namid: The day of the bull wyvern and dragon.

Lantos: Either when he was separated from his herd or when he became a gelding.

Niket: When the big human stopped him from flying. (He doesn't remember all the times he was scared and vulnerable.)

Rizen: None in particular come to mind.

Tim: Probably when that woman exploded... That sure was weird.

Maw: That night when she was attacked by that cat and left to die.

8. What or who was/were their most significant influence?

Joe: His wife.

Namid: Riggs, his father.

Lantos: It is swiftly becoming Raemond.

Niket: Either the familliar human or the Irina. (Actually, Tas, since he kinda saved him, but that doesn't register with Niket.)

Rizen: Norbert.

Tim: The mage who gave the psychic acuity test to his class. That test dramatically changed the direction of his life from following in his father's trade to working to become a water mage.

Maw: Gytha.

9. What do they believe makes a successful life?

Joe: To be good and kind to those around you, to be honest and hopeful, to be loving to and a stalwart preovider for your family.

Namid: To keep yourself and your rider alive.

Lantos: To obey your rider, recieve excellent care and recieve good rewards.

Niket: Being supreme flock leader of all.

Rizen: To live free when there is hope and to die free when there is nothing you can do to keep living.

Tim: He isn't sure. For now, he just wants to keep on with his life as happily as he can. For him that means to keep working toward his goals and to enjoy what he's already gained.

Maw: Being the top cat.<br style="mso-special-character: line-break;">

10. What makes them laugh?

Joe: Various things. Mainly when someone says or does something funny, but also when he's just in a good mood.

Namid: Hatchling antics can sometimes be cute enough to warrent a small wyvern-esque chuckle, but only when said hatchlings are not under his and Tas' direct care because then they have to worry about chasing them or whatever.

Lantos: N/A

Niket: Being obviously so much better than everyone around him, clearly.

Rizen: She whinny-laughs whenever she finds something funny, which, when she's in a good mood, can be often and at the slightest things (such as Norbert's stomach growling.)

Tim: Good-natured jokes or innocent antics. Also sometimes when cute things act cute.

Maw: Not much amuses her. ... In fact, nothing comes to mind at all.

11. What are their religious views?

Joe: The goddess may or may not exist. Either way it doesn't concern him much.

Namid: He's a wyvern so he acts like one.

Lantos: He a neigh-sayer.

Niket: The world must be purged of hairy things.

Rizen: Pegasi should act like pegasi.

Tim: He's not really sure he follows a particular diety since all of them are generally nice to have around. ... Except Wrath, maybe.

Maw: Cats and humans should only coexist in dire circumstances. If it has a human scent on it, it must be away from the feline community.<br style="mso-special-character: line-break;">

12. What is their greatest strength?

Joe: He's very fatherly.

Namid: He can fly masterfully.

Lantos: He can travel quickly over long distances.

Niket: Everything. (Actual greatest strength: He's adorable.)

Rizen: She lives free and dies hard.

Tim: He's pretty casual.

Maw: She can tear your face off with teeth and claws.<br style="mso-special-character: line-break;">

13. Do they have a fatal flaw? If so, what is it?

Joe: He's dead. (but what got him killed was that he refused to hurt his fellow villagers)

Namid: He's very timid, so in a dangerous situation, he either flies away or curls up and tries to look like a boulder. The deciding factor in which one he does is if Tas is around or not. If Tas is around, pick him up and fly away. If not, boulder.

Lantos: He's useless for anything besides travelling and carrying things.

Niket: Nothing. (Actual fatal flaw: He's way too confidant.)

Rizen: She's obsessively over-protective of Norbert. However, she is also somewhat vain and refuses to get her coat dirty.

Tim: He's the kind to ask "can't we all just get along?" and be shot right afterwords.

Maw: Depth perception.

14. Who is the most important person in their life?

Joe: His wife.

Namid: Tas.

Lantos: It's becoming Raemond, but it used to be generic stable hands.

Niket: Either the familliar human or the Irina.

Rizen: Norbert.

Tim: Currently, the sage teaching him how to harness his psychic potential to use it in casting water spells. Though the ones he cares about the most are his parents.

Maw: Other than herself, Gytha.

15. If they died, who would miss them most? How would they die?

Joe: He's already dead but the two remaining villagers from Altenau probably miss him the most. He was killed by Helenos controling his fellow villagers, making them kill him.

Namid: Tas would miss him the most. He would probably be killed trying to fly away from something.

Lantos: Raechel would probably miss him the most. Not sure how he would die.

Niket: Irina. (Tas definately would, but Irina would probably miss him slightly more; just my guess.) He would die thinking he can do something he can't.

Rizen: Norbert would definately miss her the most. She would likely die protecting him or trying to ensure her own freedom. She would go down fighting for sure.

Tim: His parents. He would probably be murderred since I can't think of any other reason he'd come in contact with hostilities. Either that or he'd die of old age or a disease or something.

Maw: Gytha would miss her the most. Not sure how she would die.

A) If they lost everything except for one thing in the world, what would that one thing have to be to convince them that their life was still worth it?

Joe: His own inner strength...which was kinda lost when he died.

Namid: Tas, though Tas isn't a thing. No "thing" would be able to convince Namid if he was truely in that sort of dismal dispair to the point of being determined to die.

Lantos: If he wanted to die that badly, he would wind up being fed to something, probably.

Niket: His own awesomeness.

Rizen: I don't think she really could be driven to the point of wanting to die. Even if she was captured and Norbert was killed, her desire for freedom would drive her on.

Tim: His worst fears would have to be realized for him to get that hopeless. If that happened, though, his casual nature would change into something else. Part of that would become a hope he doesn't understand: a hope in something that forces him to keep struggling toward a better tomorrow. (I know cause I just ran the instance through my head and Tim actually surprised me with the results. Though I guess that kind of thing would change a lot of people.)

Maw: That happened to her. She was saved and a new way of life was offered to her. Though she couldn't get her old life back, she took the new one in stride.

B) If you could summarize everything about the character in one five-word sentence, what would that sentence be? (You can go higher than five, but please try to keep it as low as possible)

Joe: Was a father to Altenau.

Namid: Tas' timid partner-wyvern.

Lantos: Taxi horse.

Niket: Hatchking.

Rizen: Half a pair living free.

Tim: A content student hall-monitor.

Maw: Watching patiently from the shadows.

C) How would they handle people who disagreed with them? Why in that way?

Joe: He would calmly talk things out and try to find a good resolution to the conflict because he's learned that that is often the best way to go about conflicts.

Namid: He'd shy away on most issues because he's timid.

Lantos: He'd maybe snort but do what he's told anyway because that's what he does.

Niket: He'd try to get his way (or was distracted) no matter what because he's always right (or at least he thinks so.)

Rizen: She'd glare at them until something sorted its self out because she's not one to back down and refuses to completely relent.

Tim: He would usually shrug it off, depending on the circumstance because he's pretty easy-going.

Maw: She'd attack because no one is to be trusted entirely.

D) If you had to change the personality of the character, but could keep one thing, what would be the one thing you could keep?

N/A; I'd sooner get rid of a character entirely than change the fundamentals of their personality/experiences.

E) If they could live anywhere in that RP world, where would they want to live and why?

Joe: Altenau, how it used to be. It's his home and he loves it.

Namid: Wherever Tas is, but geographically, he preferrs to be high up in the mountains. Lots of flying space, it has his favorite foods and, quite frankly, it's his natural habitat.

Lantos: In a stable. It keeps him generally comfortable in most weather conditions.

Niket: He doesn't know; hasn't seen enough of the world to care.

Rizen: Anywhere in the wilderness alongside Norbert. She's found the forests of Ursium to be quite nice.

Tim: In one of the larger Ursium cities. He enjoys life there the most.

Maw: As of now, wherever Gytha generally is. She finds ships to be quite nice and rat-infested. However, if she was as she was before her encounter with that one cat, she would have been perfectly happy remaining top cat of the ally cats in Fairgale.

Edited by Mercakete
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1. What would your character kill for? What would they die for?

A: Esphyr kills a lot of people, however, it is mainly for money to support her family and friends. If someone dared to attack Damian, Aiya, and possibly Alf, she would not hesitate to attack, possibly even die for, them.

2. What would they refuse to do under any circumstances? Why?

A: Kill someone in front of their family or friends. Esphyr has lost a lot of friends and her family is distant at best. She knows the pain of living without them. It is easy to kill a faceless bandit, but it is a lot harder to kill him in front of his wife and children. So long as he wasn't threatening someone, she probably would not be able to bring herself to do it.

3. What do they dream about?

A: Having someone who loves her enough to be willing to be with her despite her demonic sword possession, hopefully either understanding the burden, or at least strong enough to survive if her sword decides to make her life miserable again.

4. What's their biggest fear?

A: Killing a loved one with her blade by accident.

5. What single object would they be most hard pressed to part with? Why?

A: Her Demon Sword, even though she wants it gone. Being bound to a persons soul tends to make it hard to give up.

6. What is their fondest memory?


Being hugged by other people

7. What is their worst memory?

A: When she accidentally killed people back in TISME.

8. What or who was were their most significant influence?

A: Her sword as it has turned her from a clear-cut staff-chick into a mercenary in the space of one night.

9. What do they believe makes a successful life?

A: Not being possessed by a demon-sword.

10. What makes them laugh?

A: Being tickled. Seriously, she's ticklish!

11. What are their religious views?

A: Nothing outside of the ordinary. It's hard to deviate or follow any one particular religious path when most of your time is devoted to staying alive or not killing others by accident.

12. What is their greatest strength?

A: Her will. She's lead a hard life, and yet has still refused to either give up or let the sword control her fate.

13. Do they have a fatal flaw? If so, what is it?

A: She might end up stabbing someone by pure accident thanks to her sword.

14. Who is the most important person in their life?

A: Her parents. Until recently, they were the only people who cared for her personally after she got her sword.

15. If they died, who would miss them most? How would they die?

A: Before the start, only her mom and dad. After... Probably Damian, Aiya, Alf, and more. She would die in a burst of light magic driving her sword through the heart of the Lord of Azure Flame to protect and save the world. If her sword was gone, surrounded by friends and loved ones as she dies from old age.

A) If they lost everything except for one thing in the world, what would that one thing have to be to convince them that their life was still worth it?

A: She doesn't need one item. She already has lost everything and still kept going. She believes life is worth it, no matter how bad things seem, and that there will always be a dawn after the darkness of the now.

B) If you could summarize everything about the character in one five-word sentence, what would that sentence be? (You can go higher than five, but please try to keep it as low as possible)

A) Hope for a better life.

C) How would they handle people who disagreed with them? Why in that way?

A: She'd probably grin and bear it. She can't afford to loose employers after all.

D) If you had to change the personality of the character, but could keep one thing, what would be the one thing you could keep?

A: Her determination to keep going, even when battered, beaten, and broken down.

E) If they could live anywhere in that RP world, where would they want to live and why?

A: Somewhere with someone who loves her no matter what. The actual location does not matter.

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  • 1 year later...


1. What would your character kill for? What would they die for?

Die? I don't really want to die for anything. I like living! Now KILLING on the other hand; I don't know. If I feel my life or my science is threatened.

2. What would they refuse to do under any circumstances? Why?

Give up my magic. I don't want to become a fisherwoman! My magic keeps me from leading a dull, boring life!

3. What do they dream about?

Hugs. Seriously. I hate being alone so being loved is what I dream about.

4. What's their biggest fear?

Being denied simply because of my age. I know I'm young, but I'm not stupid or incapable!

5. What single object would they be most hard pressed to part with? Why?

My books. They contain so much knowledge that lets me do lots of cool things!

6. What is their fondest memory?

The day I discovered my magical aptitude. Happiest day of my life!

7. What is their worst memory?

The day a certain SOMEONE dropped my books into the mud.

8. What or who was were their most significant influence?

My magic mentor. He taught me to never give up and, if I feel a problem is boxing me in, throw the box at the problem! Erm... He made it sound a bit more sensible than that.

9. What do they believe makes a successful life?

Making new and awesome things for everyone to use!

10. What makes them laugh?

Being tickled.

11. What are their religious views?

Nothing really unusual. Honest. I worship the gods and everything just like most people. I'm no loony though.

12. What is their greatest strength?

My willingness to try all sorts of cool and unusual stuff!

13. Do they have a fatal flaw? If so, what is it?

My willingness to try all sorts of cool and unusual stuff... Also... Ummmm... I don't think it's wise for me to finish this question.

14. Who is the most important person in their life?

Didn't you basically ask this question before?

15. If they died, who would miss them most? How would they die?

My parents. And I'd LIKE to die as a 100 year old mad scientist riding a meteor down to earth while warping reality to ensure that it misses while the whole world watches in awe! Possibly with lots of explosions too!

A) If they lost everything except for one thing in the world, what would that one thing have to be to convince them that their life was still worth it?

My books. If you have to be more specific, my water tome. Anything is possible!

B) If you could summarize everything about the character in one five-word sentence, what would that sentence be? (You can go higher than five, but please try to keep it as low as possible)

Full steam ahead to the future! (six words I know)

C) How would they handle people who disagreed with them? Why in that way?

Meh. So long as they don't try to stop me and/or don't treat me awfully/like a kid, LISTEN! See what they have to say! Being wrong is just a stepping stone to being RIGHT! And because I'm wrong at times. I know it. There is no shame in that. I can't be expected to know everything. So if I want to get better I should learn to listen to people who disagree. Besides, they might say something that leads to something AWESOME one day!

D) If you had to change the personality of the character, but could keep one thing, what would be the one thing you could keep?

My desire for discovery. It's at the core of who I am. Make me twenty, make me use fire, make me a boy, I'm still Tia. Have me stop trying to learn and discover new things... I'm not me anymore.

E) If they could live anywhere in that RP world, where would they want to live and why?

Ohka. I wanna know just how it keeps moving about! Is it magic? Does it even exist?

If not Ohka, probably the biggest trading town in the world wherever that is at the time. Lots of trade = easier for me to find cool things to experiment with!

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1a. What would your character kill for? Money.

1b. What would they die for? Is this a trick question?

2. What would they refuse to do under any circumstances? Why? Draw a weapon on someone he's fighting alongside. Now, when they get hired to different sides, that's different, but not while they're on the same contract.
3. What do they dream about? In the bad times, no longer needing to fight. In the good times, hoping the good times remain.
4. What's their biggest fear? That he'll become just like the other thugs, and start killing for pleasure or boredom.
5. What single object would they be most hard pressed to part with? Why? The services of Marella.
6. What is their fondest memory? Rook isn't the sentimental sort. Leaving his home city behind usually leaves him with a smile, though.
7. What is their worst memory? Being beaten up and left for dead by Big Ivan and Little Vitaly, humiliating him and leaving him destitute for the first of a few times in his life.
8. What or who was were their most significant influence? Poverty.
9. What do they believe makes a successful life? An absence of poverty. To a lesser extent, happiness.
10. What makes them laugh? Good jokes and bad puns.
11. What are their religious views? I don't bother them, they don't bother me. They prob'ly exist, though, 'cos of magic.
12. What is their greatest strength? A quick, if not particularly deep wit, and loyalty to The Contract.
13. Do they have a fatal flaw? If so, what is it? While his bravery towards physical weapons is only hindered by basic self-preservation, he despises magic, which he seems peculiarly vulnerable to. Also, while it's unlikely his contract could be bought out, he's not entirely closed to the idea given a shitty enough employer or a certain enough death.
14. Who is the most important person in their life? Marella.
15. If they died, who would miss them most? How would they die? Most likely Marella, most likely hanged.

A) If they lost everything except for one thing in the world, what would that one thing have to be to convince them that their life was still worth it? It is Rook's cardinal belief that suicide is the coward's way out. He's had nothing, and he fought his way out from that.

B) If you could summarize everything about the character in one five-word sentence, what would that sentence be? Loyal to contracts, not employers.

C) How would they handle people who disagreed with them? Why in that way? Depends on the disagreement.

D) If you had to change the personality of the character, but could keep one thing, what would be the one thing you could keep? If I had to change Rook into a totally different character that shared literally one value with his former self, I'd probably keep the basic ethical framework. The idea that outright murder is bad is pretty decent.

E) If they could live anywhere in that RP world, where would they want to live and why? Rook is nomadic by nature, and his answer will almost always be 'anywhere but here'.

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