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SF Mafia Mafia


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I didn't want to post this earlier, because as of the time of this posting (~5 minutes before phase end, to be exact), I still haven't seen the modified instructions to the second cipher, which might have been enough to debunk this. Therefore, fuck it, but I'm not gonna take the chance that I die before I speak my mind. If I'm wrong, oh well.

Here's a post by Tables: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=26912&view=findpost&p=1620404

Here's the relevant part of that post:

You may have recalled I said someone would have information, but no matter. It seems I went to someone's house, and they were out. Was I roleblocked? Were they out? I don't know yet.

Now, look what happens here: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=26912&view=findpost&p=1625589

OH WAIT, SOME DUMB FUCK EDITED IT OUT. Thank goodness I kept a copy of it.

I have a proposal: to abuse the encryption system again.

Due to some oddity even I don't know the origin of, I am aware of another townie's role.

I request that each of you calculate the following numbers and use them to attempt to decrypt the message below.

If your decryption is successful then you will know I am talking to you, or else you will be stuck with gibberish (tough cookies, mafia!).

p = Add up the letter values of your role name and use next highest prime; e.g. A = 01, B = 02 etc.; Life Admiral would be like 12 + 9 + 6 etc. with the space skipped and the total value if it's prime or the next prime number after the total is what you'd use; there are lists of prime numbers available via Google

q = Take your player list number, swap the digits, use next highest prime; e.g. player 31 (if there was such a player) would have their digits swapped to 13, which is already prime

n = p * q

z = (p - 1) * (q - 1)

e = 29

d = Can be quickly determined by using Wolfram Alpha to enter "solve for y given (y*[value of e]) mod [value of z] = 1" and using the value that appears in the result like "y = [value of z]n + d"

To communicate with me,

Type your message, ensuring all characters are ASCII characters.

Convert message to decimal ASCII values (this site can be used: "http://home3.paulschou.net/tools/xlate/") and add 128 to the first and every other number since (e.g. the first, third, fifth etc. numbers).

Do note that the "padding algorithm" as it's called has been modified; A is no longer 01 for example.

Perform m^e mod n encryption for each number

To read,

Decrypt using c^d mod n

Subtract 128 from the first and every other number since (e.g. the first, third, fifth etc. numbers)

Convert resulting ASCII values back to text using the site mentioned previously

I've written an application for performing the encryption/decryption more quickly (it's in Java so you will need Java installed correctly for it to work);

it can be found in here

at the location

"Hextator's Doc/Development/Applications/Reformatting/Text Reformatters/RSA Text"

(you can use "Execute.bat" to run the application and "Compile.bat" to build it).

Here is my message:

7655 0592 2001 1263 6765 4031 6039 1263 4434 2788 4028 3692 4028 6208 6765 7614 4028 4031 4028 7073 4089 6208 0936 5983 4028 0583 2001 1263 5461 5460 7428 2788 4028 1004 2336 4756 4028 6208 6765 7614 4028 6238 1389 3173 4028 0234 4089 4031 6765 1263 4399 4142 0513 1263 4653 4031 0840 4031 3842 1159 2001 1263 6158 0592 3842 7073 4028 5599 2001 7073 7763 6208 3356 4031 3276 1263 7271 6208 1760 4031 4028 6208 4028 2776 2395 7073 6158 1263 6158 0592 3988 5089 4028 7073 3988 1349 7763 1263 1841 2876 7763 4624 4653 6208 6158 4624 4089 4031 7763 1263 4089 4031 3988 7614 4028 7875 6765 1263 3842 5983 0936 6615 7763 5089 4653 7875 2395 6615 7763 1263 0840 4142 6765 5118 0513 7073 3842 4142 6765 2876 1841 1263 3988 5118 6158 4031 4653 1263 0632 6615 2395 5089 3842 0658 3356 1263 6158 0592 3842 7073 4028 4031 6765 4624 4653 1349 4434 5089 2001 7614 4028 5599 2001 7073 7763 6208 3356 4031 4028 6208 6765 7614 4028 5089 4089 4031 6765 1263 6039 4031 4028 4624 3988 0658 4028 0583 2001 1568 3842 0658 4028 4624 2395 5599 7271 6615 6765 7875 0840 6208 6158 7875 6765 1568 5510

In that quote, Obviam claims he got a role from a "townie". Now how in the hell did he do that if he was kidnapped on Night 1, and Table's role supposedly failed? Wait, it gets better.

Here's the response to the cipher: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=26912&view=findpost&p=1625973

It's Tables again. Is Tables giving his role out to random people? What an odd power! Now why would Tables post that? Oh, wait, the original cipher was addressed to him. Here's the proof, as the above message decodes when p = 79, q = 83, and e = 29. (Tables is the eighth player to sign up):

The new p, q and e shall be 431, 701 and 47. When you receive this message, make a post that says "*scratches head in illustrious confusion*" after quoting this encrypted message and then we can begin communicating.

As much fun as it would be to crack the other cipher, I can't. It seems something else was changed, so the above method doesn't work, even with p, q, and e set to the respective new values. So how DID Tables manage to answer that? Modified instructions? At the time of this post, I don't see them.

Given that Obviam mysteriously got Table's message, despite Tables claiming that it didn't go through, and that Tables was addressed in that "random town role", I strongly recommend lynching both of them.

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In an eerie case of dejavu, I wasn't fully ready again.

Continuing the theme of dejavu. Once more everyone gathered in the cellar and saw two memos on the board, the first read:

Obviam has been sent to work on the Golden Statue of Paperblade's Glorious Self for failing to follow a direct order from a host. Unfortunately, when he arrived at the goldmine, he was already dead, having been been shot repeatedly. Notably, his tongue was missing.

He was:

Dear Obviam,

##Vote: Kiku-Ichimonji

Sorry about this, Proto.

You are Kay, Town Universal Backup.

You value logic and being polite and courteous to others, but don't post all that much. You also seem to be subbed into games alot.

When a town-alligned power role dies, you will sub in for them and may use their power once during the following night phase by responding to your role pm with the appropriate message.

You may only use this ability three times.

Post Restriction: You must be polite to everyone, this means you may not use profanities or insult other users during the game.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town have been removed.

There was some mumbling about this second mysterious death, but SlayerX silenced all that when he grabbed the second memo and read it in a loud voice, to reflect the fact that it was all in BOLD:

Screw this, I don't like being quiet. Would the mafia be worried and want to shut me up? I don't know... I mean I do out townies as well so its like a win-lose for both sides, and its not like it happens everytime... Atleast its not supposed to happen everytim according to my PM. I wonder if anyone has any guesses towards my identity. If you do just say so. I'll come out if some gets it right in a certain amount of guesses (because just posting everyones name is not really guessing). Of course that'd be bad for me since you guys would probably want to kill me, even if I'm third party, because my role is sort of dangerous to both sides... but its also good for them...

Slayer checked for attachments, but there weren't any.

Tables' headcount revealed that Kay was missing, hm...

It is now Day 4. Day 4 ends on Monday the 18th of July at 6:30 PM GMT.

Edited by Hazekitty
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....Well that works.

##Vote BK

Though I'm beginning to wonder if Raymond may be mafia and is using his percentage chance as an excuse to just give us people he wants to lynch after we lynched Wen and he has our trust.

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Day 4, Post 1/2

Though I'm beginning to wonder if Raymond may be mafia and is using his percentage chance as an excuse to just give us people he wants to lynch after we lynched Wen and he has our trust.

If Raymond tells us to lynch someone and they're not Mafia, we lynch him next. I believe it's possible that the 90% part of his inspections is only flavor (it probably isn't, but 90% is pretty accurate).

For now, ##Vote: BK-201.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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Looks like I will live for another day. I'm making it strangely far this game :awesome:


(Hey JB its looks like we have this same post restriction right now, suspicious! I wonder if it was you who gave it to me, or if somehow someone gave it to the both of us...)

I love you, Raymond.

## Vote: BK-201

I hate that Obiviam died, I would have been able to have OC contact with him today :(:

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You also have to consider how having the mafia sacrifice one of their team members to get another one trusted is a fucking stupid move.

Not always. Hmm what was that games name? I don't remember, but it was the one where Ether ended up dying and that made me look as a clear townie when i wasn't.

##Vote BK

why are we killing burger king? You guys prefer Macdonalds? ewwwww....

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Day 4, Post 1/2

If Raymond tells us to lynch someone and they're not Mafia, we lynch him next. I believe it's possible that the 90% part of his inspections is only flavor (it probably isn't, but 90% is pretty accurate).

For now, ##Vote: BK-201.

Nonono Night actions do suffer an unavoidable balls up from time to time. PL mafia shows the "lynch-everybody-involved" isn't always the best move.

Although Raymond seems to have made this lynch easy again ##Vote BK-201

Also with the note are we meant to be guessing the role PM player or the actual player?

@Jhen Raymond got a 90% guilty verdict.

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Oh my word. I mean, I like substituting as much as the next man, but, lol... 33 pages I'll have to read through to catch up? I guess that's part and parcel with it being a NOC game (which ought to be refreshing, actually).

I may take awhile before I can be helpful guys, please bear with me.

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Never before has such a long argument been so easy to debunk.

Night 2.

Also the fact Obviam just died and so, yeah.

Now, ##Vote: BK-201 because I'm 90% sure Raymond is town. I also think Obviam's communique to me was cracked, but no biggie, nothing that isn't now public information was in that message.

Tier list! Universal Backup is pretty nice, but only three shots is unfortunate. It means you can only do a bit of anything, which is decent but with slight problem. I think high tier though, because it can fit the niché it needs to fit.



Life (TOWN OC specialist)

Kay (TOWN universal backup)

Haze (MAFIA Tailor)


General Spoon (TOWN Mayor)



Reinfleche (TOWN miller governor)

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Oh my word. I mean, I like substituting as much as the next man, but, lol... 33 pages I'll have to read through to catch up? I guess that's part and parcel with it being a NOC game (which ought to be refreshing, actually).

I may take awhile before I can be helpful guys, please bear with me.

Or you could be like me, and just not bother.

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