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Speaking of which, you are allowed to talk to the hosts outside of the thread, so if you think someone is breaking a rule and we haven't noticed... (this is doubly relevant if you're dead)

Edited by Paperkitty
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Reinfleche bottom tier. lol

Also sorry for not posting all yesterday, I was at my best friends house all day.

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Maybe they're afraid that if they talk, I'll dress them up in maid costumes?

Well if people believe you're going to do that then you must have maid a lasting impression on them


Also I've been looking at the conversation between WoMC and Tables, does anybody happen to have the number for Bletchley Park on hand?

Edited by mikethfc
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It feels so good to be back.

By that I mean "now what am I supposed to do ;/"

Actually, if I wait until the day phase I might just get silenced again, so I'll go ahead and say Raymond and Weapons both stand out pretty bad to me. Weapons gives me this feeling I might be looking too hard, though. Someone who doesn't is Tables, however. The way Tables has been acting just seems really off. JB too, but not as much. The latter two have both blurted out some strange things they probably didn't need to. The former two have both made terrible votes from what I've seen. Raymond in particular seems to have done a classic move I've done where he decided to be the first person upset that a townie was lynched when he's actually not.

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The way I've been acting might have been off because my role ability failed last night. But it'll hopefully be fixed by morning.

Anyway the numbers are just a public key encryption. It's pretty simple but a bit cumbersome.

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Unless I see where you got it from and how Weapons picked up on it through observation alone I can only imagine that you discussed it privately the only way anyone could in a NOC game.

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Unless I see where you got it from and how Weapons picked up on it through observation alone I can only imagine that you discussed it privately the only way anyone could in a NOC game.

Didn't they mention something about getting it from Lost earlier?

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Raymond in particular seems to have done a classic move I've done where he decided to be the first person upset that a townie was lynched when he's actually not.

You should know that I'm a decent enough player that I wouldn't do such a simple mistake.

I'm genuinely pissed off by how BS Kevin's role is.

Although I figure I should change my playstyle for the rest of the game. Not being allowed to give reasons for voting people sucks and completely goes against my style of play, so I'll probably just reverse it from now on - I'll give reasons for why I'm suspicious of people, but I won't actually vote.

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Let's just pretend I'm my avatar and we're all fine. :newyears:

Or I could outright pick up a Sakuya avatar, that'd save clipsey! the trouble of dressing up Marisa

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lol inb4anotherfadwhereeveryonehasmaidintehirname

In this case, it'd probably be a fad where everyone has an avatar and/or signature with a character wearing a maid costume on it.

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In this case, it'd probably be a fad where everyone has an avatar and/or signature with a character wearing a maid costume on it.

I'd know the perfect one for that... Except i forgot her name... I know where to find her name though.

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Unless I see where you got it from and how Weapons picked up on it through observation alone I can only imagine that you discussed it privately the only way anyone could in a NOC game.

Needless to say, we have arranged this communication through a perfectly legal method of which the mods are completely aware. What that is, I can't say.

But I will say this, just pre-emptively. It shouldn't be suspicious. If we were scum, then we'd have no reason to discuss things via code when we have a PM to do so in. So either at least one of us is town, or we're just spouting numbers to confuse people.

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lol inb4anotherfadwhereeveryonehasmaidintehirname


Can I pick Sayoko from Code Geass?

...now that I think of it, her name even sounds a bit like Sakuya from Touhou. And she throws knives...

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