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Well, look what happens when I disappear for a day.

Looks like I got investigated, and my role ability worked. That ability chose someone and essentially guaranteed them I'm town. So now we need to actually get some work done. Like lynchin. Actually, it's night...

I'm getting dodgy vibes off of one or two people. Radiant Kitty for one... just something about his posts, especially last pages, gives me the feeling he's hiding his knowledge of who's scum (...because he is)

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I'm getting dodgy vibes off of one or two people. Radiant Kitty for one... just something about his posts, especially last pages, gives me the feeling he's hiding his knowledge of who's scum (...because he is)

Because I'm against the usage of the encryption code, or...?

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What kind of town role has a post restriction that prevents them from being able to vote? A terrible one or a not one?

Eclipse is the one who can't vote, although I'll admit I'm one of the people not mod-killed for breaking my restriction (I lose my ability for a night).

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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Also, if Psych isn't me, who is he? What would he gain from lying about it? What would someone gain for calling him a liar?

JB perhaps?

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Eclipse is the one who can't vote, although I'll admit I'm one of the people not mod-killed for breaking my restriction (I lose my ability for a night).

That is who I was referring to. I was sniffing around in my own poor way.

Thanks for being suspicious though

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That is who I was referring to. I was sniffing around in my own poor way.

Thanks for being suspicious though

That is a poor way to sniff around, considering Tables had already mentioned he was suspicious of me, and that I happen to also have a restriction that limits how often I can vote.

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Nothing to do with the encryption. Personally I'm against it as well. In fact I quite clearly said it's because you seem to know more about who's mafia than you're letting on.

Bleh, night phase end soon, I need to update the tier list.

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Day 3, Post 1/2.

##Vote: Wen Yang. Sacrificing a member just to get one Townie lynched is rarely a good idea for the Mafia, so I'm inclined to believe Raymond.

This post? I'm not sure what makes you suspicious, aside from the fact that I usually don't sheep a Cop-claim so quickly.

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I only made one post, though... You can't hold me responsible for the posts of others, unless you're thinking that I should have had more to say about them.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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You know what? I think it was someone else I noticed being suspicious but I said you. :facepalm:.


I don't even know anymore. I'm going to bed.

Edited by Tableskitty
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Haze, can you send me a PM if you got my previous orders before I left?

Because I can't remember if I ran out of orders or not, but if I didn't just go ahead with what I sent.

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Let me refer you to something, genius:


That "fuckup" was in regards to me and my night-only post restriction. I've already given the hosts an earful about why I think this is stupid. I don't think I need to grace everyone with the same words, as you aren't the ones that made my role PM.

I ask for people to talk at night so I can do what little scumhunting I can. It sucks that I can't do this during hot-potato-lynch time.

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That's why I want people to talk at night. But look at the beautiful conversations that pop up.

Which reminds me, talk more, RD! This is your time to scumhunt, too!

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