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SF Mafia Mafia


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Balcerzak (6): JB, Rein, RD, Slayer, Kay, Tables

As you gather into the cellar, Raymond announces that a little bird has told him Balcerzak has been lying about what he’s been doing at night.

As you begin to eye Bal suspiciously, he starts, “Wait, I can explain! It must ha-” However, before he could say anything, he found himself set on fire.

After Bal was finished burning to death, RD picked up a sheet of paper from his corpse, and began to read it.

Balcerzak has been incinerated. He was:

Dear SnikeBalcerzak,

That is pretty amazing.

You are Nightmare, Mafia Kidnapper.

You technically haven't played Mafia at SF. Or at all. You're planning to host a game, but that barely counts. In fact, you're only in this game because screwing Sho over in Mafia of the Gods by suspending him was hilarious.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Suspending USER" You will suspend USER, preventing them from posting in the main thread during the following day. However, this time, the host is nicer than Wen, and USER will be protected from all actions for the duration of the suspension.

Post Restriction: You must include "lol" in every post you make. This can be hidden within another word (such as lolly-gagging).

You are allied with Levity's Mafia. You win when all threats to the mafia are removed.

You hear a voice from the crowd. “What the fuck, that’s bullshit. Nightmare has played mafia before!”

A lightning bolt struck the source of the voice, killing it instantly. You recognize the voice as that of a worthless NPC, who didn’t matter. How did an NPC get down here anyway?

You have no time to ponder such questions, as mikethfc has just grabbed a smash ballreturned.

It is now Night 6. Night 6 will end on Monday the 25th of July at 6PM GMT.

Edited by Paperkitty
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Kidnappers... eh, they have their value. But that value is questionable. They have to be played well, which mostly means kidnapping power roles. Which is difficult. Top of low tier, I think.


Levity (MAFIA NOC enforcer)


Snike (TOWN Safeguard)

Raymond (TOWN Martyr)

Obviam (INDEPENDENT Survivor > MAFIA Driver)


Kay (TOWN universal backup)

Haze (MAFIA Tailor)

Life (TOWN OC specialist)

Radiant Dragon (TOWN Hunter)


Nightmare (MAFIA Kidnapper)

General Spoon (TOWN Mayor)

Reinfleche (TOWN miller governor)


And I think this means there's just one scum left. Two, if the independent claim (who's claim is reasonably solid) is also scum.

Edited by Tableskitty
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I... would say it's the other way around. A Safeguard is like a better Martyr. Except the protection against death thing. But they Martyr has to die for that. And if Martyr is such a good role, that's clearly a bad thing.

Yup. Infalliable logic there.

But really Martyr's are decent but not awesome.

How is a safeguard a better Martyr? A martyr stops all actions on the target from occuring, just like the safeguard, and instead draws them to himself, unlike the safeguard. While this includes potentially harmful abilities like hooking or kidnapping, most harmful abilities hardly affect a martyr as all, considering he takes priority, so he's not worse than a safeguard in that regard. However, there's one epic combo possible with the martyr that cannot be done with a safeguard - if the doctor targets the martyr's target (or the martyr himself), the martyr will not only protect his target from all harmful actions, but also from death - and not die himself. It basically doubles the doctor's effectiveness if done right. That's actually what I wanted to do in this game.

If that's not better than the safeguard's "lol I prevent hooking", than I don't know what is.

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If a Martyr dies protecting another player (be it a Cop, Village Leader, or what have you), then he's doing his job. Having to suffer the negative effects of the action (Kidnapping and Killing are the two most crippling that jump to mind) is a drawback, but being able to redirect kills is huge. That flexibility should be enough to make him better, at least in my opinion.

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If a Martyr dies protecting another player (be it a Cop, Village Leader, or what have you), then he's doing his job.

The point is that it's not a very good job. Obviously, all you can expect from a Martyr is that he dies protecting another player.

If a Martyr and a Doctor are both known, then the Doctor can protect the Martyr and the Martyr can protect whoever. The Martyr essentially doubles the Doctor's coverage. And if the mafia have a Watcher on the Leader or whatever, then it keeps the identity of the Doctor secret.

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You gather once more in the cellar, and the first thing that greets you is another torn-up body, this time, the body of Reinfleche. Cause of death appears to be massive blood loss from hundreds of small papercuts.

His orders read:

Dear Reinfleche,


I would appreciate it if you stopped claiming that I used WHOIS.

You are Kaoz, Town Cheater Tracker.

You're a terrible, terrible person who abuses /WHOIS on IRC to give your team an advantage in multifaction games, or maybe that was Haze being paranoid, or maybe he was faking, or maybe the host was right when he said you abused /WHOIS, you bastard.

At night, you may respond to your role pm with "Night X - Just WHOIS USER anyway?" You will use your dastardly powers of /WHOIS to track USER back to their home, finding out who they visited that night in the process.

Post Restriction: You must deny having done anything wrong in every post.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town are removed.

As everyone else recovered from the gruesome scene, Haze was busy snickering to himself on the other side of the room.

Tables sat down, pouting. No one was missing today, so there was no need to perform a headcount.

It is now Day 7. Day 7 ends on Tuesday the 26th of July at 9PM GMT.

Edited by Hazekitty
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Geez, that was so totally completely unnecessary.

Fine. If you deny me my information, we'll just do this the simple way - we lynch the suspects.

Today, I'd like mike lynched, as he's the most suspicious dude right now. If he turns out to be town, Pariah's next. ;/

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Day 7, Post 1/2.

Huh. I need to watch less topics, since Raymond's last post didn't show up in my panel.

##Vote: Mike. The Hooker's still out there, and I would not be surprised if Mafia of the Gods gave eclipse the role of Hooker in this game.

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Geez, that was so totally completely unnecessary.

Fine. If you deny me my information, we'll just do this the simple way - we lynch the suspects.

Today, I'd like mike lynched, as he's the most suspicious dude right now. If he turns out to be town, Pariah's next. ;/

Hmph first I've heard of it. If its because of the semi-duplication the only explanation I can come up with is that it was meant to help balance the game if the NOC phase was extended, if you look at the mafia roles uncovered so far they all seem to be quite potent in an NOC game so the town would be at a pretty hefty disadvantage until the NOC enforcer got rumbled, so the town has to have a fair few roles that would disrupt the mafia's shenanigans.

As far as the last mafia goes I'm not all too sure really but if I had to hedge my bets on somebody it would be either Pariah or Slayer.

Pariah because numbers is pretty easy for a mafia to claim and Slayer because he seems to be acting a lot more cautiously then normal.

I'm off to bed now but if I haven't been bandwagonned when I get up I'll look over MotG because I haven't a clue what you're referencing RD but at the moment I'm too shattered too do all that much thinking.

I'm talking about my role, I wasn't asked about it but I'll just stick a little tee-hee in here anyway just in case.

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