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SF Mafia Mafia


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Clipsey! wanted me to post this:

I really wish I could kick my own ass right now. Since I can't, it will be up to the rest of you to do it. Lynch mike for being me.


@mike: Slayer is independent (and his win condition doesn't conflict with the town's), and his claim is absolutely completely rock-solid.

Pariah is indeed my next suspect (because a numbers role, as you correctly say, is easy to fake), but currently, most of the evidence speaks against you.

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##Drop an anvil on: Mike

BK-201's only got a 5% chance of getting married, sorry BK. That's your fortune for today~

So essentially, you're saying the odds are 1:20 that someone will marry the severely battered corpse that is currently adorning the pub's ceiling as a chandelier?

People these days.

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I bring a message from Lord Nergal. Eclipse awaits you on the Dread Isle.


##Berating: mikethfc

Do a better job as me, and STOP MAKING ME LECTURE MYSELF!

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Clipsey! wanted me to post this:


@mike: Slayer is independent (and his win condition doesn't conflict with the town's), and his claim is absolutely completely rock-solid.

Pariah is indeed my next suspect (because a numbers role, as you correctly say, is easy to fake), but currently, most of the evidence speaks against you.

What evidence? How am I meant to stop the town from ML if I'm told nowt of why I'm so suspicious, (also if I'm sleeping but that part isn't as important.)

Grace period is almost up so I'm more or less buggered, but as a word of advice as there's only about 2 ML left after me I'd give my successor a chance to actually defend themselves because now the safeguard is dead I'd be surprised if you're going to get any more out of Raymond's ability.

Although now that I've had time to think about it I do agree with lynching that sexy hunk Mikethfc whomever he may be

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##Vote: Mikethfc


Levity (MAFIA NOC enforcer)


Kaoz (TOWN Cheater)

Obviam (INDEPENDENT Survivor > MAFIA Driver)

Raymond (TOWN Martyr)

Snike (TOWN Safeguard)


Kay (TOWN universal backup)

Haze (MAFIA Tailor)

Life (TOWN OC specialist)

Radiant Dragon (TOWN Hunter)


General Spoon (TOWN Mayor)

Reinfleche (TOWN miller governor)


Swapped some stuff around then. Martyr is somewhat valuable with OC I guess if you can double the doctor... which requires in this game both the doctor and Martyr to survive until Levity is killed. Although the arguments for Martyr > Safeguard has convinced me I was overrating them both slightly.

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##Vote: Mikethfc


Levity (MAFIA NOC enforcer)


Kaoz (TOWN Cheater)

Obviam (INDEPENDENT Survivor > MAFIA Driver)

Raymond (TOWN Martyr)

Snike (TOWN Safeguard)


Kay (TOWN universal backup)

Haze (MAFIA Tailor)

Life (TOWN OC specialist)

Radiant Dragon (TOWN Hunter)


General Spoon (TOWN Mayor)

Reinfleche (TOWN miller governor)


Swapped some stuff around then. Martyr is somewhat valuable with OC I guess if you can double the doctor... which requires in this game both the doctor and Martyr to survive until Levity is killed. Although the arguments for Martyr > Safeguard has convinced me I was overrating them both slightly.

You missed Nightmare.

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You missed Nightmare.

Strange. I'm sure he was on there before.


Levity (MAFIA NOC enforcer)


Kaoz (TOWN Cheater)

Obviam (INDEPENDENT Survivor > MAFIA Driver)

Raymond (TOWN Martyr)

Snike (TOWN Safeguard)


Nightmare (MAFIA Kidnapper)

Kay (TOWN universal backup)

Haze (MAFIA Tailor)

Life (TOWN OC specialist)

Radiant Dragon (TOWN Hunter)


General Spoon (TOWN Mayor)

Reinfleche (TOWN miller governor)


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Well I guess that's that then.


"What evidence? I don't see any evidence!" protested Mike, before a wad of papers that looked like they came right from the desk of a paranoid conspiracy theorist were shoved into his hands. Mike gave them a quick read over, "..But none of this makes sense, how does any of it implicate me? All of these random details are about the people being hooked, not the hooker. None of this implicates me. Oh, yeah, and why are we still lynching people based on flavour? Haven't we learned anything?"

The town stopped for a moment, "You know, you're right... maybe we should ##NO LYNCH after all..." said the ghost of Strawman, still hiding under a bedsheet.

The brief moment of peace was broken however, as CLIPSEYKITTY(All Hawaiian Superhero and secret alterego of Eclipse!) burst into the cellar and threw Mike through the roof, where he flew through the air for a few moments before landing in the bay.

"BE ME BETTER!" she shouted, as Mike was viciously devoured by hungry catfish.

Mike's ghost retrieved his own order's sheet and threw it in CLIPSEYKITTY's general direction.

Dear Fear the Pika Mikethfc,
And if I get really, really angry, I'll have Obviam hit on you. Or something.

You are Eclipse, Town Bodyguard.

You're a clever player that everyone seems to like and trust, which makes it easier for you when trying to persuade other players.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Tee-hee~!, USER!" You will spend the whole night giggling at user and make them try on dresses. After you've finished dressing them up they will look just like you, consequently any hostile roles will have a hard time telling you apart and as such any attempts to kill USER will be redirected towards you.

Post Restriction: Whenever someone asks you about your role, you must respond with "Tee-hee~!"

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town have been removed.

It is now Night 7-Wait, no, sorry, Paper handed me the wrong role pm.

Dear Fear the Pika Mikethfc,

And if I get really, really angry, I'll have Obviam hit on you. Or something.

You are Eclipse, Mafia Hooker.

You're a clever player that everyone seems to like and trust, which makes it easy for you to manipulate people when you're mafia. You're also Snike's eternal rival. One of you usually ends up killing the other in any game that you are both playing in.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Tee-hee~!, USER!" You will spend the whole night giggling at user and make them try on dresses. Since you're so nice to everyone, they will spend the whole night doing this and forget to do their night action.

Additionally, you know that your rival Snike is in this game.

Post Restriction: Whenever someone asks you about your role, you must respond with "Tee-hee~!"

You are allied with Levity's Mafia. You win when all threats to the mafia are removed.

And thus, peace returned to Serenes Forest. At least until next week, when the next Mafia game starts, but for now, everyone decided to celebrate by going out for drinks at Eclipse's newly rebuilt Adult Bookstore and Lounge. God help them.

Paperblade, not feeling like celebrating, was elsewhere, pouting. No one really got shipped off to work on his golden statue, so he loses.

SlayerX was ecstatic, he hadn't screwed his faction this time! ...Though maybe that was because he didn't have one in the first place.


Winners: Haze, SlayerX, Serenes Forest

Losers: Paperblade, Levity's Mafia

Postgame coming in a few days, probably(After I've finished reinstalling everything on my new laptop). I'll post the survivor's role pms momentarily.

In the meanwhile, AWARDS!

Town MVP: Raymond, for catching every single member of the mafia(even if one was completely by accident.)

Game MVP: Raymond, for being OP.

Mafia MVP: Snike, for being the only member of the original Mafia to actively participate in the thread and avoid suspicion. Unfortunately, this didn't save his sub, Bal, from being suspected due to "inactivity." Honourable mention to Mikethfc for pulling off the most hilarious last night actions ever and correctly figuring out who the Doctor was, even though the Mafia never acted on it.

Strawman Award for Hiding Under the Bedsheets: Raymond, for living way longer than he should have.

Obviam Award for Blowing the Host's Minds The Most: Weapons of Mass Construction, for the coding shenanigans and for actually talking.

Kaoz Award for Being a Cheating Bastard: Obviam, for coming dangerously close to completely breaking the game. And he would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those meddling hosts and their pesky Eclipse.

Levity Award for Most Entertaining Use of Post Restriction: Three-way tie. Snike, for having the most elaborate methods of hiding his "lol" post restriction, as well as continuing to use it in pms. Proto, for casually slipping FETO Memes into his posts and somehow making them completely relevant to the topic at hand, and Tables, because that PR was always going to be hilarious.

Haze Award for Dumb Luck: Reinfleche, because Raymond forgot he was tracking one of the Driver's "targets", which lead to catching Core as scum completely by accident.

I can't think of a USER Award for Best Fakeclaim: Balcerzak as Ether, Beloved Princess, for perfectly matching the style of the pms, finding his own quote, and working his real post restriction into it. Bravo.

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Honourable mention to Mikethfc for pulling off the most hilarious last night actions ever

That'll teach Rein for not believing in the heart of the cards.

and correctly figuring out who the Doctor was, even though the Mafia never acted on it.

By the time I figured that out I was more or less the last mafia so I could always RB to make sure the kill got through.

Also I should probably never be mafia again. None of us had died when I joined, then Raymond ends up getting one every day phase

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Paperblade, not feeling like celebrating, was elsewhere, pouting. No one really got shipped off to work on his golden statue, so he loses.

Weapons and Obviam did, it's just I didn't send them

Edited by Paperkitty
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The Survivors:


Dear Haze,
Lies' date=' he totally offered the peaceful solution first. After tossing a couple of deadly objects at them[/quote']

You are Judo, Host. You don't even go to SF.

You're Paperblade's DM. It's probably your fault he's such a snarky bastard. Also, you killed Hope. Jerk.

At any point during the game, you may reply to your role PM with "Day/Night X - ~" The phase will end immediately, and an update will then be processed and posted. This action cannot be blocked.

You are allied with the Hosts. You win if you survive.


Dear Paperblade,
Goddamnit Haze. You are supposed to be MY deputy! What happend to that time? ;-;

You are Volla' date=' Co-Host. You don't even go to SF.[/b']

You're an egotistical Belgian Frenchie, and one of Haze's oldest friends.

At any point during the game you may reply to your role pm with "Day/Night X - USER shall become my slave!" USER shall be removed from the game to work on a golden statue of your glorious self. This action cannot be blocked.

You cannot be killed, nor can you be lynched. You are also immune to all other actions.

You are allied with the Hosts. You win if you obtain enough slaves to complete your statue.

To clarify, he won if someone was modkilled. No one was modkilled. If your head hurts, See: Eclipse(WON)


Dear Raymond,

Only for weak village leaders. Brutal dictatorial efficiency is the way to go.

You are Weapons of Mass Construction, Town Alliance Checker.

Your scumhunting skills are top notch, but you're not exactly known for being transparent, and have more often than not encouraged sheeping the "town leader" mindlessly, which gets on some people's nerves.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Reaction test USER" You will incite USER and watch his actions carefully that night, and by morning you will be able to gleam where their allegiances lie.

Post Restriction: You may not explain your reasoning for voting for someone.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town are removed.

[spoiler=Radiant Dragon(WON)]

Dear Radiant Dragon,

I swear, you guys are acting like 2 years old baby.

You are Strawman the Sawman Shaman, Town Bulletproof.

You seem to have a remarkable survival rate in mafia games, which is mostly down to your ability to keep your head down and not draw any attention to yourself. Simply put - people forget about you, so you live.

Due to your unique talent of remaining unnoticed, you are able to once in the game survive an attempt on your life.

Post Restriction: You must not post more than two times per day. If you do, your ability will be negated for the following night.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town are removed.


Dear Eclipse,

No, that wasn't funny, you fucktard.

You are JBCWK, Town Vigilante.

You're an angry, foulmouthed young man. You also have an odd obsession with killing and writing death flavor text.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Murderizing USER by METHOD" You will live out one of your murder fantasies, sneaking into USER's home and killing him or her in the night. You may write out how to do so in place of METHOD.

You may only use this ability three times.

Post Restriction: You must only post during the night phase.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town have been removed.


Dear Levity Pariah,

Don't worry Bizz, my next Mafia game ISN'T a mafia game. Oh ho ho.

You are I Eat Tables, Town Mathematician.

Haze's brain is running on empty so he can't really think of anything to say about you, aside from that your avatar is making his head hurt even more. Also according to Life you're getting married, congratulations!

Due to your expert mathematical skills, you have been able to deduce that there are 14 players aligned with the Town.

Post Restriction: You must talk about the mathematical probability of a random USER(chosen by me each night) getting married.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town have been removed.


Dear Tables,

I don't trust it, somehow. Can it somehow be altered to include us lynching Snike for no reason and him turning out to be scum?

You are Anouleth, Town Bro Friendly Neighbour.

You're a huge bro, and you seem to think you're on Haze's team every game. You're also dondon's biggest fan, but that's entirely irrelevent and Haze is just putting this in to pad out the flavour.

At night, and only once, you may respond to your role pm with "Sup USER", you will walk up to USER and say "Sup", USER will immediately recognise you as Anouleth, and know that you're town.

Post Restriction: You must create and maintain a tier list based on dead player's roles.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town have been removed.



You are Paperblade, Town Doctor Town Miller Doctor.

You're a bit of a smartass. Okay, a lot of a smartass. You also suck at fakeclaiming, which is unfortunate because you always seem to be mafia.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with ";/ USER", you will spend all night giving USER strange looks, anyone who attempts to kill USER that night will be so weirded out by you standing there staring at USER, that they'll back away slowly and leave, giving up on their endeavor.

Additionally, your target will be so entranced by your face, that they will be forced to include ;/ in every post during the following day phase.

If investigated, you will appear to be a remnant of Levity's Mafia.

Post Restriction: You must include ";/" in every post.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town are removed.

With Levity's reign of terror over and the OC limit lifted, you find yourself pacing nervously at home. You know someone will soon come to you asking for your claim - but you also know that you need to keep your identity as the Town Doctor a closely guarded secret! You decide to take action and spend all night/day crafting a fake claim to submit, unfortunately you're terrible at fakeclaiming, and everyone always thinks that you're mafia, so if you or your claim comes under scrutiny, you will appear to be a remnant of Levity's Mafia.

Your role has changed to:

You are Paperblade, Town Miller Doctor.


If investigated, you will appear to be a remnant of Levity's Mafia.


Dear SlayerX,

See I don't like OC either, because you guys are all so tricky and use your keen powers of persuasion to get me to tell you things I shouldn't.

You are Psych, Independent Announcer.

You're infamous for your inability to keep your mouth shut about sensitive information, and due to this when you actually manage to enter a game, you're usually killed quickly, sometimes even by your own allies.

At night, you may respond to your role pm with "Night X - Hello everyone! This is Psych!", in the body of the message you may write an announcement that will be including in the morning update, but be warned, you're not good at keeping secrets, and may leak parts of people's roles as you do.

Post Resctriction: If you are being lynched, you must vote for yourself if you are one vote away from or are at majority.

Since no one wants you on their team, you are allied with yourself. You win if you survive.

-----> Post NOC

With Levity's reign of terror over, you find that nothing changes regarding you, as even now no one wants you on their team.

Your role remains the same.

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Oh, yeah, and why are we still lynching people based on flavour?

As you sit at home hiding under the bedsheets, someone grabs you and forces you to spend all night with them. You don't remember the details, but you do remember a lecture about getting out more.

It may just be me, but this really sounds like the flavor was implicating eclipse's role. Given the fact that Mike claimed eclipse, and the Hooker was obviously Mafia since they had tried to block Raymond...

Raymond for Top Tier, though. We got really lucky with him catching a Mafia member almost every night.

Also, it's hilarious that the one game I pull Bulletproof no one tries to shoot me. I wanted to be rid of my restriction so bad...

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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Formula for Hooked Flavour: Grabbed -> Spent all night with someone -> one random detail related to the person being hooked.

That was it.

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Some other random notes while you wait for postgame:

Psych leaking formula:

Chance of leaking per announcement: 75%

If he leaks:

Chance of leaking player's Name: 25%

Once that is decided:

Chance of leaking player's role name+flavour: 40%

Chance of leaking player's post restriction: 30%

Chance of leaking player's role power(s): 20%

Chance of leaking player's win condition/alliance: 10%

Note that he can only leak one of these.

Also represented as:

25.000%: No leak
22.500%: A role name and flavor
16.875%: A post restriction
11.250%: A role's abilities
7.500%: A player name and corresponding role name and flavor
5.625%: A player name and corresponding post restriction
5.625%: A role's win condition/alliance
3.750%: A player name and corresponding role abilities
1.875%: A player name and corresponding win condition/alliance

Mafia killing flavour:

BK-201(Levity) - Cuts USER's tongue out and has mafiabots shoot him. (USER, AKA ROLENAME, has been silenced.)

Justification: Fit with the theme, that's it, really.

Fear-the-Pika/Mikethfc(Eclipse) - Throws sharpened Yu Gi Oh cards at USER, inflicting deadly papercuts. (USER, AKA ROLENAME, is out of lifepoints.)

Justification: She plays card games a lot and it messed with people who tried to figure things out from flavour(by implicating one of the millers, Paperblade.)

Wen Yang(Haze) - Suffocates USER by burying him in paperwork. (USER, AKA ROLENAME, was no match for the might of paperwork.)

Justification: Paperwork being host notes, fakeclaims, and spreadsheets.

Snike/Balcerzak(Nightmare) - Scares USER to death by putting a Lagiacrus head in their bed. (USER, AKA ROLENAME suffered a tragic heart attack.)

Justification: NAME PUNS

Excellen/Core(Obviam) - Mauls USER with Wild Animals. (USER, AKA ROLENAME, is LOSING!)

Justification: "He's Charlie Sheen, dammit!" - Paperblade

Edited by Hazekitty
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I'm not getting how I was at all lucky. I tracked who Raymond told me to, regardless of what he was or wasn't thinking of at the time. It was straightforward. There was no luck involved on my part. ;/

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I'm not getting how I was at all lucky. I tracked who Raymond told me to, regardless of what he was or wasn't thinking of at the time. It was straightforward. There was no luck involved on my part. ;/

Raymond ran out of room in his trophy case.

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In the meanwhile, AWARDS!

Oh, goodie.

Town MVP: Raymond, for catching every single member of the mafia(even if one was completely by accident.)

Game MVP: Raymond, for being OP.

Agreed. He carried the town.

Mafia MVP: Snike, for being the only member of the original Mafia to actively participate in the thread and avoid suspicion. Unfortunately, this didn't save his sub, Bal, from being suspected due to "inactivity." Honourable mention to Mikethfc for pulling off the most hilarious last night actions ever and correctly figuring out who the Doctor was, even though the Mafia never acted on it.

I shouldn't get MVP, as I was subbed out. MVP should go to the town because they let me direct a lynch to Kevin and get away unscathed. Or mike for actually making it past day 5.

Strawman Award for Hiding Under the Bedsheets: Raymond, for living way longer than he should have.


Obviam Award for Blowing the Host's Minds The Most: Weapons of Mass Construction, for the coding shenanigans and for actually talking.

Yes. If only he had lasted a bit longer, we could've used this against the town. You see, the second person he contacted about the code was me, and had we not killed him, we'd have a much-needed advantage.

Kaoz Award for Being a Cheating Bastard: Obviam, for coming dangerously close to completely breaking the game. And he would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those meddling hosts and their pesky Eclipse.
Details would be nice about this.

Levity Award for Most Entertaining Use of Post Restriction: Three-way tie. Snike, for having the most elaborate methods of hiding his "lol" post restriction, as well as continuing to use it in pms. Proto, for casually slipping FETO Memes into his posts and somehow making them completely relevant to the topic at hand, and Tables, because that PR was always going to be hilarious.

See Mafia MVP for why I shouldn't get this award.

I wanted to avoid being caught like Kevin was, so I said the word normally sometimes. Other times I hid the word in a quote, or messed with the date and time. I believe I used kiloliter and halolike at some point before I was subbed out. It was tough.

Also, yes and yes.

Haze Award for Dumb Luck: Reinfleche, because Raymond forgot he was tracking one of the Driver's "targets", which lead to catching Core as scum completely by accident.


I can't think of a USER Award for Best Fakeclaim: Balcerzak as Ether, Beloved Princess, for perfectly matching the style of the pms, finding his own quote, and working his real post restriction into it. Bravo.

Gratz. I haven't seen this fakeclaim yet, but, Ether might be proud.

Edited by Snikitty
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