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(FE10) KP FE10 HM Draft

KP 2010

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Good job. I just realized i couldve shaved turns in 1-8 with a fire forge tormod. Oh well im not restarting for that lol. Ur micaiah was good enough that if u gave her resolve u couldve 5-6 turned 1-9. Why didnt u?

A 20 speed after Resolve wouldn't double reliably i think.

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20 AS doubles pretty much anything. Although his 19 AS (after Resolve) Micaiah doubles very few enemies...if any.

Oh i thought it rounded up.

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19 speed after resolve doubled pretty much everyone in that map except the myrm for me. @_@ That's why i think he couldve done it too. His miccy's stats are pretty similar to mine.

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Good job. I just realized i couldve shaved turns in 1-8 with a fire forge tormod. Oh well im not restarting for that lol. Ur micaiah was good enough that if u gave her resolve u couldve 5-6 turned 1-9. Why didnt u?

A 20 speed after Resolve wouldn't double reliably i think.


Can Miccy solo 4P in HM or should I train someone to be primary fighter instead?

Micaiah cannot. Even maxed out with a Resolve, she had a very tough time for me. I wouldn't rely on her doing much at all.

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Yeah she can. I had a base level Sanaki do it on my first HM draft. 8[

Oh yeah, I had Daunt on her too. No Miracle.

Edited by Saber
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Oh no that sucks :( I was planning on having Micaiah be the main fighter for 4-P. What about Ilyana or Sigrun? Idk who else to use. Heather? Boyd? I had other plans for Boyd and Heather though ^^'

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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Yeah she can. I had a base level Sanaki do it on my first HM draft. 8[

Oh yeah, I had Daunt on her too. No Miracle.

What did you do with her? I had this Micaiah

Unit            Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res     Support
Micaiah         5       30      11      24      18      20      23      13      19      A Sothe

And she had a lot of trouble. Admittedly her Spd isn't as high I thought it was, but she had the Sothe support and those raw defensive parameters are better than Sanaki (though I guess that doesn't matter with Resolve). All things considered and if Sanaki loses 3 AS from her weapon, she only wins avoid by 2.

Oh no that sucks :( I was planning on having Micaiah be the main fighter for 4-P. What about Ilyana or Sigrun? Idk who else to use. Heather? Boyd? I had other plans for Boyd and Heather though ^^'

Sigrun is forced there anyway. So yeah.

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I just needed Sanaki and Sigrun for a 4-turn. You can possibly 3-turn it with the addition of Micaiah. Replace Sanaki for Ilyana.

Boyd should go to Ike's route. Heather too, maybe. Although I usually take her to the Hawk route.

@RedFox: I had a max-out Micaiah in the Standard penalties draft at lvl 19 (almost 20) with everything but Str & HP capped. She could pull it out with the Daunt + Resolve combo. She didn't need the Sothe support since she was killing enemis by herself to the East.

I just checked Queenie's Micaiah. It's amazing. Just feed her as many kills as possible at 3-6 whil trying to achieve a low-turn.

Edited by Saber
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@RedFox: I had a max-out Micaiah in the Standard penalties draft at lvl 19 (almost 20). She could pull it out with the Daunt + Resolve combo.

Miracle is better though, her 40 luck will mostlikely stop the unusual hit from killing to her.

Edited by Jhen Mohran
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@RedFox: I had a max-out Micaiah in the Standard penalties draft at lvl 19 (almost 20) with everything but Str & HP capped. She could pull it out with the Daunt + Resolve combo. She didn't need the Sothe support since she was killing enemis by herself to the East.

NM is easy, I just did it myself in the Mega Awesome draft. I'm talking about HM where Micaiah had real issues. Sothe support wasn't to help killing, it was to help living with the +15 avoid.

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Hold on let me check...I had these teams planned:

Silver- Micaiah, Sothe, Sigrun, Leanne, Ilyana, Nealuchi

Ike - Ike, Rafiel, Boyd, Heather, Astrid

Hawk - Ulki, Volug, Lyre, Reyson, Fiona, Leo

you'll have no trouble doing those chapters.

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you'll have no trouble doing those chapters.

I hope so ^^' most of these are planned to be good fighters/reasonable fighters

I'm unsure about Lyre. Fiona and Leo don't really matter but since Fiona is going to be crowned to bless Wishblade for Sigrun, she might see combat in Part 4 (the 2 fighter reinforcements) Sothe really doesn't matter either since his 22 str can't do much I think but i'm hoping he build enough speed to be a decent fighter.

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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Miracle is better though, her 40 luck will mostlikely stop the unusual hit from killing to her.

Miracle doesn't activate 100% of the time. Although I think I prefer Miracle now. I just looked it up and realized it reduced enemy's Hit by 5. not 10. -_-

Hold on let me check...I had these teams planned:

Silver- Micaiah, Sothe, Sigrun, Leanne, Ilyana, Nealuchi

Ike - Ike, Rafiel, Boyd, Heather, Astrid

Hawk - Ulki, Volug, Lyre, Reyson, Fiona, Leo

That's an excellent plan.

NM is easy, I just did it myself in the Mega Awesome draft. I'm talking about HM where Micaiah had real issues. Sothe support wasn't to help killing, it was to help living with the +15 avoid.

The Paladins don't get buffed that much here, that's why Micaiah won't have much problem against them.

And I did understand the point of the Sothe support. I still didn't need it.

Edited by Saber
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Hold on let me check...I had these teams planned:

Silver- Micaiah, Sothe, Sigrun, Leanne, Ilyana, Nealuchi

Ike - Ike, Rafiel, Boyd, Heather, Astrid

Hawk - Ulki, Volug, Lyre, Reyson, Fiona, Leo

you'll have no trouble doing those chapters.

4-4 might be a bit problematic. You could consider sending one of the Hawk Team's Laguz with Ike. How is everyone doing, in particular units like Lyre and Fiona?

The Paladins don't get buffed that much here, that's why Micaiah won't have much problem against them.

And I did understand the point of the Sothe support. I still didn't need it.

What I'm saying is that mine did. I tried sending in her east in the Transfer Draft and she kept dying. Admittedly I had neither Daunt nor Miracle, but you didn't have Miracle apparently and Daunt is only 5. A significant difference in biorythm is all that's left.

Are you saying you didn't 'need' it as in you used it but think you could have done without it? Because I call bullshit on Sothe's support not being a significant help. +15 avoid is extremely helpful when your unit will die to any attack unless the enemy already has less than 10 Hit.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Are you saying didn't 'need' it as in you used it but think you could have done without it? Because I call bullshit on Sothe's support not being a significant help. +15 avoid is extremely helpful when your unit will die to any attack unless the enemy already has less than 10 Hit.

I'm not saying Sothe's support isn't helpful. I just didn't need to have him in range to accomplish that task I put Micaiah up to. I remember enemy Hit being around 140-160 around that side, and Micaiah tends to be a Best bio at 4-P, so if a maxed-out Micaiah has something around 100 Avo and is under the influence of Resolve, she shouldn't have much trouble, if any. I just never considered getting Sothe anywhere close because I didn't want him to enter combat and sidetrack the enemies from Micaiah.

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I'm not saying Sothe's support isn't helpful. I just didn't need to have him in range to accomplish that task I put Micaiah up to. I remember enemy Hit being around 140-160 around that side, and Micaiah tends to be a Best bio at 4-P, so if a maxed-out Micaiah has something around 100 Avo and is under the influence of Resolve, she shouldn't have much trouble, if any. I just never considered getting Sothe anywhere close because I didn't want him to enter combat and sidetrack the enemies from Micaiah.

You said you did this with Sanaki, though. And how does Micaiah 'tend' to be at best bio for 4-P? It's entirely dependent on how long you've taken to that point, a point fairly far in her availability.

And yes, if Micaiah is entirely maxed out, she shouldn't have many problems, but that mostly only applies to NM. HM makes it harder not only on that map, but also getting her maxed out. Please enlighten me as to how Micaiah is reaching a high enough level to get 25 Spd and 40 Lck in HM when she only effectively has two maps of promoted performance beforehand and you're moving fast.

Basically, it's going to take a truly lucky Micaiah to hold her own (especially without Sothe) on 4-P in HM.

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Time to update :):

3-5: 3 turns

MVP: Boyd

Boyd soloed everything, I gave Shade (not Ilyana's) to Heather so enemies could die on Boyd and it worked. Took a turn longer for the energy ring instead of 2 turns, the ring will go to Ulki. Ike went down to help shield Ilyana so she could gain CEXP. I forgot to say so since 3-3 but Boyd is a BEAST! Its funny his forge is still like 20 uses, he's been using alot of hand axes ever since 3-3.

Unit     Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res     Support   Skills    
Boyd      2.01   58       29       5      27      28      18      22      13     C Ike     Provoke, Pass    
Ilyana    7.31   34       10      20      22      21      10      10      15     C Heather Counter, Wrath            
Heather  12.57   34       19      10      25      29      20      11      17     C Ilyana  Shade, Adept   
Lyre     18.23   48        8       6      12      12      17       8       9               Blossom, Miracle    
Ike      17.35   48       27       3      30      25      15      23       7     C Boyd    Celerity, Vantage 

3-6: 8 turns

MVP: Volug

I apologize I don't have character stats for this chapter and I just finished 3-8 and forgot to get DB stats in 3-7. This chapter went by too fast :(:. I completed it on my first try, everything went flawlessly. Volug owned the right side with help of Leo's support and chipping as well as NPC healing him. Micaiah and Sothe obliterated the upper left side, BK was uneeeded. Sothe would disarm and heal or equip a bronze dagger so he wouldn't die, enemies seemed to avoid Micaiah so most of her CEXP was gained on PP. This chapter was so much fun, even Fiona and Leo gained level ups. Fiona gained it by Carding ;):. NPC's also helped shield Micaiah and Sothe due to target. Fiona rescue/drop the healer though because I needed him to heal Volug and not die. Volug moved to the next island, he gained ALOT of levels. Leo was sealed before the map, Fiona is going to be sealed at the beginnig of 3-12. Bought Physic staff. Sothe and Volug took care of the two cats on turn 1, Fiona Leo and Micaiah took care of tiger. Micaiah and Sothe then move to the left side.

They equipped these skills:

Micaiah- Beastfoe, Vantage

Sothe- Cancel

Volug- Paragon, Resolve

Leo- Adept

3-7: 12/13 turns

MVP: Ilyana

I felt like this chapter was really easy for an HM map, it felt really easy much easier than the NM draft 3-7 :P: maybe because of Ulki, Heather and Boyd. Reyson's goal was to help Ilyana gain CEXP, Ulki and Lyre gain strike. Ulki was really close to S strike and Lyre is halfway there. Heather was really good I kept seeing ADEPT + CRITICAL all the time! I'm confused and unsure why Ilyana got MVP but oddly she did. Lyre gained another good level up thanks to blossom, she doubles but sadly I still see "5" damage lol unless its mages she attacks. Ilyana and Lyre are noticeably the worst, while Boyd and Heather are the best so far. I'm waiting for Heather to get 21 str and crown her.

Unit     Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res     Support   Skills    
Boyd      2.42   58       29       5      27      28      18      22      13     B Ike     Provoke, Pass    
Ilyana   10.47   36       10      22      23      22      11      11      16     C Heather Counter, Celerity            
Heather  14.17   34       20      10      25      30      22      11      17     C Ilyana  Disarm, Adept   
Ulki     28.13   59       14       3      17      18      25      11      10     
Lyre     19.30   49        9       6      13      13      18       9      10               Blossom, Miracle    
Ike      18.03   48       27       3      30      26      15      24       7     B Boyd    Smite, Vantage 

3-8: 6 turns

MVP: Boyd

Boyd pretty much took care of the boss area by himself, Colossus on 1 range enemies and his hand axe would kill or leave scraps for the others. Boyd goes right and then to boss area while the others go left and then catch up with him. Ulki was flying all around, he took care of an enemy who wanted to self heal ;):. Ulki gained S strike at the beginning of the map, Lyre is still working her way up. Heather is a dodging machine :D:! I'm saving Laguz stones btw, since Ulki dodges alot I had him grass up that way. I grass him on turn 1 and on EP a knight attacks and misses him and Ulki is ready by turn 2, Lyre uses no grass and Reyson is the only one who probably could use a stone but I decided to avoid giving him any. This is the second chapter where Ilyana actually gets on wrath mood, first one being 3-5.

Unit     Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res     Support   Skills    
Boyd      3.61   59       30       6      28      29      19      23      13     B Ike     Provoke, Celerity    
Ilyana   12.09   38       10      23      23      23      12      11      17     C Heather Counter, Wrath            
Heather  15.31   34       20      11      25      30      23      11      17     C Ilyana  Disarm, Adept   
Ulki     28.31   59       16       3      17      18      25      11      10               Nullify 
Lyre     20.13   50       10       6      14      14      19      10      11               Blossom, Wildheart    
Ike      18.69   48       27       3      30      26      15      24       7     B Boyd    Pass, Vantage 

BTW Volug was dealing alot of critkills, is that Resolve? I also forgot to say, he's really close to SS strike.

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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You said you did this with Sanaki, though. And how does Micaiah 'tend' to be at best bio for 4-P? It's entirely dependent on how long you've taken to that point, a point fairly far in her availability.

And yes, if Micaiah is entirely maxed out, she shouldn't have many problems, but that mostly only applies to NM. HM makes it harder not only on that map, but also getting her maxed out. Please enlighten me as to how Micaiah is reaching a high enough level to get 25 Spd and 40 Lck in HM when she only effectively has two maps of promoted performance beforehand and you're moving fast.

Basically, it's going to take a truly lucky Micaiah to hold her own (especially without Sothe) on 4-P in HM.

It's not hard to get her there with all the BEXP you get after 3-E. I got her to lvl 16~ by 3-13 at a HM run once, and I was going at a similiar pace. Queenie did well on feeding her kills at 3-6. All she has to do now is have her use Paragon at 3-12 an 3-13 or easy Physic CEXP.

BTW Volug was dealing alot of critkills, is that Resolve? I also forgot to say, he's really close to SS strike.

It's likely, considering it adds up Skill as well.

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Good job. I just realized i couldve shaved turns in 1-8 with a fire forge tormod. Oh well im not restarting for that lol. Ur micaiah was good enough that if u gave her resolve u couldve 5-6 turned 1-9. Why didnt u?

My Micaiah's Speed is actually a typo or a mistake or something, cuz I'm pretty sure I remember her just hitting 11 in that stat upon promotion.

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