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[FE10] Mega Awesome NM Draft (The ninth one)


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You misunderstand me. I'm not saying don't change the rules, I'm saying don't say "ok I changed the rules". Follow due process: first say "I'd like to change the rules to accommodate X?" and then, after a short period, do so.

EDIT: A perfect example of this came from the aforementioned Psych draft. It was a SOYO, and Psych decided to put in a rule stating that you couldn't draft somebody subs for their own children. This, I think you'll agree, is a perfectly logical rule. The problem was, Psych didn't announce this until IMMEDIATELY AFTER Cam had drafted him (Psych) one of his own subs, and then he expected us to be happy with his decision. We weren't. Nobody likes it when it looks like the rule was made up on the spot, no matter how logical it is, to benefit the rule creator.

Edited by Integrity
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Seriously? This is kinda silly. Whatever, visit it if you want, I just thought that it's something you can visit and the rules clearly say that you cannot visit with an undrafted unit.

I believe Integrity means the possible slippery slope consequences of changing the rules mid-draft. I agree with not letting undrafted units visit the church (although it would just be smarter to list what undrafted units can do).

EDIT: Ninja'd. That's happening a lot to me lately...

At least I'll be able to see if Haar's too good or not (since I doubt Red Fox won't finish).

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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I added a new section to the rules: What undrafted units can do. If you think of things that should be aded or changed, I will edit it if it makes sense. If you also think some things don't make sense, we can discuss about it and see if everyone agrees to delete it.

Edited by Lilmik11
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You never said no Churching, which is what the square apparently is.

I ordinarily wouldn't butt my ass in here since I think the Opposition is being unreasonable (spirit of the law not the letter etc. etc.) but you're playing the stretchy game just as much as RFoF is.

EDIT: Heh, that didn't make sense. Fixed.

I see what you mean, but this is a competition, and people like me are competitive. I like to use all available resources to the fullest, so if I can use that Hand Axe to help me without cost, you can be damn sure I will. At this point it's no longer even a loophole because I've made it clear as day. I've noticed loopholes in other rule sets before as well, though I can't think of any that apply here.

Though, just so no one thinks I'm talking big, look at the rule set for the Transfers Draft regarding recruiter characters:

- Use of recruiter characters for any of the following will incur a 2 turn penalty

1. Engaging in combat. So either keep them out of the enemies range or you will take a penalty. This includes meatshielding

2. Stealing or finding hidden items.

3. Healing units

4. Creating supports

5. Shoving

6. Ferrying units

7. Visiting houses

Notice the lack of "Vigor." What does this mean? Rafiel is free to Vigor in 4-4 as long as he recruits Oliver.

I thought she'd win anyways but now...

I'll be going for a new RD draft record.

Seriously? This is kinda silly. Whatever, visit it if you want, I just thought that it's something you can visit and the rules clearly say that you cannot visit with an undrafted unit.

Ugh. Look, I'm sorry about this, I really am. I don't like being so stubborn about things like this, but the point is that this is a loophole resulting from a bad list of rules. And I'm not saying that's your fault because I know you didn't create the rules, but I keep saying that the way we do rule sets needs to change and no one listens. Listing what non-draftees are not allowed to do is just asking for people to find loopholes. All it would take is editing the OP like so:

The following are the things non-draftees can do. If it's not on this list, apply the penalty:


Hell, I can even do it if you want me to.

EDIT: Yay! You did it! Though you left out Rescuing and Shoving other non-draftees. But still, approved.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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My only complaint is keeping two lists seems a little redundant and also confusing in its own right. If you're only keeping an allowed list and something's not there, it's disallowed by default. If you're only keeping a disallowed list and something's not on there, it's allowed by default. If you're keeping both lists and some command isn't on there, ?.

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My only complaint is keeping two lists seems a little redundant and also confusing in its own right. If you're only keeping an allowed list and something's not there, it's disallowed by default. If you're only keeping a disallowed list and something's not on there, it's allowed by default. If you're keeping both lists and some command isn't on there, ?.

Like I already said I few times, I am open to suggestion and questions. I think it's useful having both lists.

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Here is some change to the rules:

What a non-draftee can't do:


What a non-draftee can do:

Shove other non-draftee

Any other suggestion? Does everybody agree to these rules?


Am I too late to join in the madness?

Yes =/ but I'm sure another will come up soon.

Oh yeah, what about the other Galdrars like Sorrow?

It should apply to the same. and about integ's point, i agree. Throw out the "can't" list altogether.

Oscar and Boyd


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Like I already said I few times, I am open to suggestion and questions. I think it's useful having both lists.

Its not really, if its not on the can do list, then its not doable. If you have any questions pr doubts, ask.

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