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Well, summer is going to suck now.


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=( I tend to have trouble remembering what I read and sometimes have to reread, but I can read whole books and remember eventually. =D

I have to read with my english teacher. Otherwise i miss every single important thing thats supposed to make reading fun.

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=( I tend to have trouble remembering what I read and sometimes have to reread, but I can read whole books and remember eventually. =D

I don't have this problem but i still hate reading because, if i'm sitting on my couch I'd rather be on my computer or playing video games. I can never be in a comfortable position reading things either D:

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My summer reading for AP English is going to be fun. A 600 page novel of the Vietnam war, and a big book of poems. Essays for both of them due on the first day of school.

You have the whole summer. Quit slacking.

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You have the whole summer. Quit slacking.

But why would he do that? glorious procrastinating awaits. you can put it off for 2 1/2 months, read the books in two weeks. Then write the essays the day before :awesome: thats how you do shit.

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Who said I was slacking? :P:

But I do have to admit, I've always been a procrastinator.

You are still here, you should get banhammer so you can go to work.

I hav always been a procrastinator too... when it gets close to the due date i don't do anything and still get ll stressed and freak out... I end up doing it on the night it was due and handing it in late.

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I procrastinate a whole bunch but I usually get A's. It probably has to do with how hard the schools are. My high school (well not anymore) is rated high but maybe it's because it's easier...

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I don't get stressed by school. I'm more apathetic than anything. But i make B's and usually 1 or 2 A's

I get very stressed... :( I had trouble this year with procrastination and had to be concerned with 80s... and trying to make them 90s... sigh I succeded in one class, i know, may be in 2 if my chemistry teacher is nice... but bio and religion (lol religion i admit never cared lol didn't even do a 10% assingment, 20 articles with summary and opinion? no way, you crazy?) are low-mid 80s

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I get very stressed... :( I had trouble this year with procrastination and had to be concerned with 80s... and trying to make them 90s... sigh I succeded in one class, i know, may be in 2 if my chemistry teacher is nice... but bio and religion (lol religion i admit never cared lol didn't even do a 10% assingment, 20 articles with summary and opinion? no way, you crazy?) are low-mid 80s

................................ What?!?.................

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Well to be fair he did give us the whole semester (from February to July). I just refused what so ever. ended up doing a 5% extracredit assignment(all that had to be done was basically write down a bunch of notes and definitions [around 10-11 pages hand written, but it wasn't hard, mostly was just copy the book])

Edited by Jhen Mohran
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I procrastinate a whole bunch but I usually get A's. It probably has to do with how hard the schools are. My high school (well not anymore) is rated high but maybe it's because it's easier...

I go to private school. I know some really awesome kids, and overall i like it. BUT DAMN, ITS JUST A BUNCH OF CONSERVATIVE REDNECKS@

I get very stressed... :( I had trouble this year with procrastination and had to be concerned with 80s... and trying to make them 90s... sigh I succeded in one class, i know, may be in 2 if my chemistry teacher is nice... but bio and religion (lol religion i admit never cared lol didn't even do a 10% assingment, 20 articles with summary and opinion? no way, you crazy?) are low-mid 80s

yeah, im glad I've never gotten stressed much =] So, I'm guessing you generally make A's? Religon... thank god i dont have to do that.

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yeah, im glad I've never gotten stressed much =] So, I'm guessing you generally make A's? Religon... thank god i dont have to do that.

Generally, but being in Canada and me wanting to go to university, i had to change my classes to make them be academics (basically tougher than normal classes), and that messed up my whole schedule (having to retake grade 9 science, just masked with grade 10 in front is not fun >_>), I had to repeat a math course twice as well (the basic and the harder version), and i also had to double on bio and chemistry in one semester as well as having the harder math course...

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Well to be fair he did give us the whole semester (from February to July). I just refused what so ever. ended up doing a 5% extracredit assignment(all that had to be done was basically write down a bunch of notes and definitions [around 10-11 pages hand written, but it wasn't hard, mostly was just copy the book])

A whole semester. Yeah that is better xD It's the long-term projects that I'm worst at. I'm good with short assignments that are due tomorrow because I have a very close deadline and it'll be short enough for me to do. I can't do long ones where I still have plenty of time till due date, but once it finally arrives I have a whooole lot not done.

Woah 3 posts maybe I should throw the quote in here xD

Oh I see it was at the bottom of the page so that I thought it was the last post that was made.

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Generally, but being in Canada and me wanting to go to university, i had to change my classes to make them be academics (basically tougher than normal classes), and that messed up my whole schedule (having to retake grade 9 science, just masked with grade 10 in front is not fun >_>), I had to repeat a math course twice as well (the basic and the harder version), and i also had to double on bio and chemistry in one semester as well as having the harder math course...

That sucks, im so glad i never have to retake classes. (unless i fail, which i highly doubt i will) what's the goal for you and college?

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A whole semester. Yeah that is better xD It's the long-term projects that I'm worst at. I'm good with short assignments that are due tomorrow because I have a very close deadline and it'll be short enough for me to do. I can't do long ones where I still have plenty of time till due date, but once it finally arrives I have a whooole lot not done.

I'm exactly the same... I had a very good strategy the semester before (i actually got my work done :o: and in time :o: :o: ) But then second semester came right after final exams from the first semester, and it all just went downhill...

That sucks, im so glad i never have to retake classes. (unless i fail, which i highly doubt i will) what's the goal for you and college?

Plan to go to some university, and major in astrophysics or astronomy.

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Plan to go to some university, and major in astrophysics or astronomy.

And then when you get around to paying off your student loans...

Good luck with that...
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reading is fun. Honest.


And then when you get around to paying off your student loans...

hahaha, i don't know what type of job you can get with astronomy, but with astrophysics i think you'd be fine money wise. but bored out of your mind... at least i would.

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