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Why are swords more expensive?


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Except, gameplay-wise, a sword ISN'T longer lasting than the others (in fact, it's generally shorter-lasting since it takes more hits to kill enemies) and is hardly less cumbersome- the only situations in which it is are, well, situational, like peg knights early on who really would like swords. Well, they'd like swords anyways because earlygame is axe-heavy generally.

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It makes no sense. It should be reversed (axes most expensive, swords least expensive). It seems the prices are based on accuracy rather than power I guess, which makes no sense.

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I always assumed Silver weapons were super high quality steel or something with their low durability being for balance reasons or something. Or maybe it's just because they ARE made of silver. Or something.

Edited by Ein Silver Rose
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Gameplay and story integration? Or maybe not, considering that in the FE universe, silver weapons are more powerful than steel.

I think I read a theory somewhere on this -- essentially, they're not literally made of silver or whatever, but they're a "rank" of swords. Where Bronze < Iron < Steel < Silver in that ranking system. Edited by Mercenary Raven
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I think I read a theory somewhere on this -- essentially, they're not literally made of silver or whatever, but they're a "rank" of swords. Where Bronze < Iron < Steel < Silver in that ranking system.

Unfortunately in the world of video games, its fans usually take what's given as literally what something is. It seems their imagination is broken and assumption is through the roof, and ability to make relative understandings non-existent.

Edited by Celice
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Well, it makes sense to take it literally until you hit Silver.

Not quite.

"Steel > Iron" looks fine at a glance, but the properties of the weapons make no sense whatsoever. According to Fire Emblem logic, bronze and iron are lighter and more durable than steel. This is every bit as out of whack with reality as silver being the most powerful.

Maybe it's a holdover from a time when swords were inarguably the best weapons. It's been a long time since that's been the case, but I feel like the games still pretend it's true.

I'd actually say that's unlikely. Swords were either less expensive or equal to other weapons during their heyday. The issue of swords being more expensive than lances and axes is not quite as pervasive as the opening post makes it seem.

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"Steel > Iron" looks fine at a glance, but the properties of the weapons make no sense whatsoever. According to Fire Emblem logic, bronze and iron are lighter and more durable than steel. This is every bit as out of whack with reality as silver being the most powerful

How can something be less out of whack with reality than something else, exactly? I mean, if something is real, it is real, if it is not real it is not real.

It is only that it calls our perception to it as unrealistic that makes it out of whack with reality. Therefore, if MORE people notice something as out of whack with reality, it is more out of whack with reality.

Thus silver weapons making little/no sense as being better than steel calling more attention as being "out of whack" with reality are more out of whack, because more people seem to notice it.

Makes sense to me anyway. Obviously, I agree that your comments make sense, I'm just nitpicking, which I believe is allowed considering what typically goes on 'round these parts.

Edited by Loki Laufeyjarson
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