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Substitute Children

Dark Sage

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Obviously we know that substitute children aren't as good as good as the children we would get normally, so I'm curious on your opinions on each substitute child, whether it be in personality, looks, or combat prowess. And I would prefer not to have people just automatically say they're bad because they prevent you from getting the person they're substituting.

So my opinions on them:

Radney- Pretty good actually. She doubles easily and gets Continue as well as having some good growths all around. I like her tomboysih nature too.

Roddlevan- Ambush + Pursuit is really good and like Radney, he has some good growths.

Mana- Basically a healbot. She looks kind of moe, which might appeal to some people.

Dimna- Has Pursuit but pretty meh growths and bases, so he's ok. I honestly have no other opinion on him.

Tristan- Hero Sword and the horse makes him a mini-Oifaye, but he's really bad. I like how he has a more distinct personality than Delmud (who's personality is essentially mud).

Janne- Healbot on a horse. No opinon about her otherwise.

Femina- I actually like Femina more than Fee since she's hotter and pretty similar personality wise, but it's too bad she's really bad at combat.

Hawk- He's really good actually thanks to his high base stats and skillset. In some cases, he's nearly on par with Sety.

Amid- Having Tordo blood and good caps along with being a Wind specialist makes him alright as a substitute character, though he's nothing particularly special. I like him better than Arthur for some reason.

Linda- Elite and Thoron might make her acceptable in some cases. Nothing really special, but she's kind of moe like Tinny.

Daisy- Joke Character, about on the level of Lyre and Wendy.

Asaello- Asaello's really good and apparently, he's used to great affect on some Nico runs. Pretty badass in personality too.

Sharlow- Fat pudgy kid with Elite and Berserk. No opinion of him.

Layela- All I have to say about her is that Oifaye is one lucky guy, as shown here:


Edited by Sagekitty
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Radney is meh.

Rodolban is meh.

Mana is pretty cute and a staffbot.

Dimna: lol

Tristan: lol but without 2-range chip.

Amid: Has a butt for a face, but he ain't bad.

Femina: Only even saw her once and didn't have her drafted. She's obviously not Fee though.

Janne: Excellent.

Daisy: Horrible and glitchmarries Celice before I can give him the Hero Sword. EVERY. DAMN. TIME. I can forgive Patches for this but not Daisy.

Laylea: Another dancer.

Linda: Buttface's fine-ass sister is the best of the subs bar maybe Janne.

Asaello: Who?

Hawk: Like Sety but a little worse, which means great.

Sharlow: Like a fat Corple, which makes him worse somehow.

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-Radney gets no continue! Otherwise she's not too bad, a good candidate for a Hero sword.

-Roddlevan is much like Radney, only with Ambush and fewer conversations.

-Mana is a poor Rana, she'll be strapped for cash but heals fairly well.

-Dimna is a loser. He's stuck with an iron bow for ages. His secret event is good but his other stats are so subpar it doesn't matter.

-Tristan really needs the pursuit ring (like half the subs) and then becomes a mini-Oifaye. He's not bad, he just really needs pursuit.

-Janne is Mana on a horse, with C rank staves. She'll be Reliving but that's it.

-Amid also really needs pursuit but then he becomes good. Kinda like a second Hawk. (Integrity was kind enough to draft him for me in SOYO)

-Linda is Tiltyu with Elite. Incredibly frail but can dish out some decent damage.

-Femina is another one who needs pursuit. She deserves the Hero Lance.

-Hawk is great, although a good Sety will always outdo him. His event's pretty nifty.

-Asaello is a little Jamka. Ichieval means Faval wins.

-Daisy will be passing money around but that's it.

-Sharlow is a Corple with Elite and no inheritance. Not really that different other than no A rank staves until promotion.

-Laylea has charisma and the barrier sword but otherwise unremarkable stats. Again, not that different.

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Radney: She promotes to Forrest instead of Swordmaster, and that's not fun. She's OK though.

Roddlevan: Meh.

Mana is cute and is basically Aideen minus Ulir blood.

Dimna: Better than Claude!Lester or Azel!Lester

Tristan: Sucks.

Amid: Better than Arthur IMO. Higher caps and always high speed, magic, and skill.

Femina: Sucks.

Jane: Meh

Daisy: Sucks.

Laylea: Better than Leen.

Linda: Awesome. Elite, wrath, and later on contiue. I cannot stress her awesomeness.

Asaello: No Ichival :(:

Hawk: Capped Speed and Magic. Yaay.

Sharlow: Meh, we have Lana promoted by then.

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And I would prefer not to have people just automatically say they're bad because they prevent you from getting the person they're substituting.

-Mana is a poor Rana, she'll be strapped for cash but heals fairly well.

-Asaello is a little Jamka. Ichieval means Faval wins.

Asaello: No Ichival :(:

*sighs* It might help to read, next time?

EDIT: Upon rereading, it's less extreme...but still, 'no Ichival' passes no judgement on Asaello himself.

Edited by Furetchen
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Don't really know about most of them but...

Radney's not too bad. Roddlevan's OK. Mana, like explained, is a poor Lana. Dimna's at least better than a non-Pursuit Lester. Tristan needs Pursuit. Jeanne is like Nanna, but worse. Amid is probably better than a non-magic Arthur, but he needs Pursuit so... Linda is like Tinny minus the half of Father's growths with the addition of Paragon. Daisy is beta Lyre and beta Wendy, as explained. Asaello only loses out on Ichival, but isn't too shabby otherwise. Laylea is basically Lynn with Charisma and a potential Barrier Sword. Sharlow is basically Corple with Paragon and the Berserk Staff. Hawke is like a mini Sety. Femina, last I checked she was beta Juno.

Edited by Elmer
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*sighs* It might help to read, next time?

You didn't even post your opinions on the subs, the thread's topic ^^.

Lack of pursuit and inheritance hurts a lot of the subs, Dimna and Tristan aren't doing much with irons, especially with armours in chapter 6. A lot of them also lack luck, which hurts their evade a little.

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I'm only going to comment on the ones I've used (draft, lol).


Hawk - Think Claude!Sety. That is all.

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You didn't even post your opinions on the subs, the thread's topic ^^.

Lack of pursuit and inheritance hurts a lot of the subs, Dimna and Tristan aren't doing much with irons, especially with armours in chapter 6. A lot of them also lack luck, which hurts their evade a little.

I've only had two.

Femina was ... deplorable. Hawk, however? Utterly indistinguishable from the children, and a better one at that. The only thing that really hurt mine, at least, was that he didn't have enough resistance to avoid being status staved in the final chapter.

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Same as Cam, I'm only going to comment on the ones I used.

Radney: She's okay, regular myrm in fe4. Her skill and spd are alright but her str... yeah, she never really gained str for me. Compared to Lackche, shes garbage, no hero sword or Astra makes me cringe. She never really worked for me. =l

Roddlevan: I'd have him attack an armor and hope that he activate luna, then I'd remember that he isnt Holyn. He gained decent str for me but couldnt double. In my last sub run, he had 13 spd at lv 15 and... 16 str? I cant remember, I just know that its more then his spd.

Mana: lol using clerics in FE4. Like said before, shes Aideen without the minor ulir.

Tristan: ...Yeah, didnt bother using him either.

Dimna: See above

Amid: Wind mage with minor tordo, win. I think he had Elite too, definitely one of the better ones.

Femina: Fury I miss you, also see Dimna.

Janne: I used her only once and she turned out pretty good. Then again I did send her charging into a bunch of armors with a cutter and an elite ring. Gained levels like there was no tomorrow.

Daisy: See Femina, second part.

Laylea: Dancer with Charisma, better then Leen.

Asaello: One of the better subs, IMO the only other sub beating him is Hawk... He has a kickass personality too.

Hawk: ...Really, the only thing that makes Sety > Hawk is Holsety. Other then that I'm pretty sure Hawk would be the better unit.

Linda: Shes pretty much Tinny minus the holsety...or fala... or whatever her fathers holy blood is. She also has Elite.

Sharlow: I heard he has charisma and also gets a beserk staff from Hannibal. Like I said, lolusing clerics in FE4.

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Amid: Wind mage with minor tordo, win. I think he had Elite too, definitely one of the better ones.

He only has Continue which is a waste considering his promotion has it.

Quick feelings about them:

Radney and Rodolvan: they're alright thanks to their overpowered class... but we have to put aside the fact that they replace the definition of kick-ass.

Mana: a basic healer. Nothing much to say about her.

Dimna: He's not bad, but being locked to a crappy weapon bring him down.

Janne: see Mana. Good point is she has existing (albeit poor) magic growth rate. Not bad per-se but unable to overcome Nanna's better utility.

Tristan: With the pursuit ring that guy is quite a beast.

Linda: Tiltyu v2.0. She can be quite devastating and she's cute too

Amid: This guy has good stats but it's a pity the only skill he has is the one he would have gained anyway.

Femina: I'd rather have Fury any day than her. She's good at dodging, but can do nothing on her own.

Hawk: A good rng-proof sage. Certainly the best sub out there.

Daisy: If I were to select the worst character of the game, she'll be the one that I'll nominate. She's just awful at everything.

Asaello: Jamka reincarnation. A good character.

Laylea: Ok she got the barrier sword, ok she got charisma, ok she's good looking hell no, she's one of the ugliest girl IMO but I just can't like her. She does her job though.

Sharlow: Except for the berserk staff he's just as useless as Corpul.

Edited by Sartek
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I heard good things about Laylea, and I've never looked back since.


With her charisma, she completed my ultimate support phalanx, giving all 12 pictured characters 50-60% hit and avoid bonuses.

But honestly, her stats are inconsequential because of her class, and I'm not sure if it would be worth it if it were any other child I was replacing.

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