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[FE9 & FE10] Tellius Draft #2


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Tellius Draft #2:

*Originally the work of Radiant Dragon and Serenes Forest's PoR Experimental Draft


1. 6 Participants (5 + myself) will each draft a team to use in PoR (Hard Mode:Fixed Mode) and RD (Normal Mode) with the goal of finishing with the lowest turncount.

2. Units that are free for all to use are: Ike (PoR & RD), Titania(PoR & RD), Reyson, Micaiah (RD), Sothe(RD), Black Knight(RD), Rafiel (RD), Geoffrey (RD), Leanne (RD) and Lehran(RD).

3. You may transfer data of this draft play through from PoR to RD. No other transfers may be used.

4. Undrafted units may: trade with units, shove/rescue other undrafted units and recruit characters however if they do anything not listed within this rule, then a penalty is incurred:

5. A "quick" list of what Undrafted units may not do without incurring a penalty: enter combat (no meatshielding), shove/smite/rescue drafted units/enemies/NPCs, build supports, use staves, steal, visit villages, open/break chests/doors, find hidden items (this includes PoR Chapter 15 and in RD), give Daunt/Pool/Tide bonuses, be used to increase sight during fog of war chapters etc.

6. Exception to Rule 4: If an undrafted unit is recruiting a character and is attacked (without a weapon) then that player suffers a 2 turn penalty as opposed to the usual 4 associated with free usage of that character. This character may only recruit the character and if attacked (without a weapon) meatshield. Any other actions not authorized in rule 4 still result in a 4 turn penalty.

7. Exception to rule 4 and 5: In PoR Reyson and one of the Hawks may be used to get Naesala to retreat in PoR Chapter 19. Make sure they stay out of combat if you don't draft them or they will suffer the same +2 turn penalties for self defense.

8. Other and Partner/Ally units may do as they please without penalty.

9. The penalties for using an undrafted unit in PoR and penalties for RD are listed below. They are the similar to those previously used in Radiant Dragon's version.

10. Limits placed on PoR BEXP are also listed below and have been modified for this draft.

- At the beginning of each chapter, you may give each unit 50 BEXP during base preparation while in PoR.

- Once you reach Endgame, you may use your left-over BEXP to get your drafted units to level 20 for transfer purposes.

- With fixed mode selected, don't BEXP abuse for good level ups.

11. The position of each participant will be chosen at random once all 6 have entered.

12. This draft will be snaking, with the person in first position getting the 1st and then 12th picks. The person in the sixth will receive the 6th and 7th pick. This will continue on for 11 rounds.

13. This will be done in Hard: Fixed Mode in PoR and Normal Mode in RD.

There will be 6 participants with 11 drafted units each and 7 free characters + Herons for all resulting in a total of 21 units available between both games (although three are essentially the same character and two are temporary allies at most).

Free Character for all to use:

1. Ike (PoR and RD)

2. Titania (PoR)

3. Sothe (PoR and RD)

4. Michiah (RD)

5. Geoffrey (RD)

6. Reyson (PoR and RD)

7. Rafiel (RD)

8. Leanne (RD)

9. Black Knight (RD)

10. Lethran (RD)

Participants in drafting order:

1. Xander: Jill, Mia, Volug, Elincia, Janaff, Shinion, Tibarn, Sanaki, Heather, Gareth, Oliver

2. Oval: Boyd, Nephenee, Zihark, Rhys, Nailah, Makalov, Naesala, Nealuchi, Vika, Lyre, Bastian

3. Paperkitty: Marcia, Edward, Gatrie, Soren, Aran, Ranulf, Astrid, Griffca, Stafan, Nasir, Geoffrey (PoR)

4. NTNP: Haar, Nolan, Mordecia, Kieran, Calill, Ulki, Skrimir, Rolf, Leonardo, Renning, Largo

5. Radiant Kitty: Oscar, Ilyana, Maurim, Brom, Meg, Sigrun, Devdan, Caineghis, Ena, Volke, Pelleas

6. Red Fox of Fire: Titania (RD), Tanith, Lethe, Mist, Laura, Tormod, Tauroneo, Lucia, Fiona, Kyza, Kurthnaga

Remaining Characters:


Forced Character Penalties in PoR and RD:

All characters (forced or otherwise) hold a 4 turn penalty for performing an action not authorized in the opening post. If an undrafted character (forced or being used to recruit) is attacked when unequipped, they incur a +2 penalty instead of +4 like usual but cannot perform any other action other than meatshielding while recruiting so try not to have it happen too much.

PoR BEXP Limits

 [size=2]Chapter Character   	BEXP
8   	Ike 			+0.X
       Boyd            +0.X
       Oscar   		+0.X
       Rhys            +4.X
       Soren   		+3.X
       Mia 			+3.X

9   	Ilyana          +3.X
       Mist            7/-
       Rolf            8/-

10      Lethe   		+0
       Mordecai        +0
       Marcia          +2.X
       Volke   		12/-

11      Kieran          15/-
       Brom            13/-
       Nephenee        12/-

12      Zihark          13/-
       Sothe   		9/-

13      Jill            +2.X

14      Astrid          +5.X
       Gatrie          +2.X

15      Makalov 		+4.X

16      Muarim          +0
       Tormod          14/-
       Stefan          +0

17      Danved          +3.X

18      Tanith          +0
       Janaff          10/-
       Ulki            9/-
       Reyson          +0

19      Shinon          -/8
       Calill          -/8

22      Tauroneo        +1.X

23      Ranulf          -/10

24      Haar            +1.X

25      Lucia   		+2.X
       Bastian 		+2.X
       Geoffrey        -/13
       Largo   		-/11

26      Elincia 		-/9

28      Ena 			14/-
       Nasir   		18/-[/size]

Exceptions to Penalties in RD

P1-P: Allowing Edward to be free

P1-1: Allowing either Edward or Nolan to be free

P1-2: Allow either Edward or Nolan to be free

P1-5: Allowing Volug to be free on a DEFEND MAP

P1-8:Option A: Make one forced unit free for this map

P2-P: Option B: Make all units free since its a survive map and in turn can't be cleared faster

P2-1: Option B: Make both Nephenee AND Brom free.

P2-2: Option A: Make one non Lucia unit free for this map

P2-E: Option B: Make no one free and rely on penalties (+4) to survive for 10 turns.

P3-1: You can use one forced undrafted 6 move unit without penalty.

P3-3: You can deploy one undrafted 6 move unit without penalty.

Current Play Logs:

1. Paper Kitty: PoR: 162 (Completed)

2. NTNP: PoR: 44 turns on Ch. 8

3. Oval: PoR: 179 (Completed); RD:

4. Xander: PoR: 147 (Completed); RD: 64 (2P)



Thank you for reading this post and I hope that you enjoy watching this draft. Please note there are no more slots remaining. However a second pool might be possible.

EDIT: Based on Drafter's Choice: This has been changed to hard mode (PoR) and the BEXP limits modified. A simpler +4 penalty system was used, since it seems easier for everyone. The drafters have chosen to make PoR Sothe free and RD Titania draftable. Revisions to the "Penalty Exceptions" list has been added. The original list of BEXP limits is still open but is replaced every couple of days since edits make the spacing get weird.

NEW! With 3 votes, it has been decided that the last round will be reversed, allowing Red Fox to be position one in round 11 and the final pick going to Xander.

Oh and I am editing the first page religiously to show any changes with the drafting process when I check in, so I reserve the right to make minor edits without informing anyone else about them.

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Edit: I think Titania being free in RD is pointless, it severely weakens GM picks. I would rather just go with the free 6 move unit in 3-1/3-3 deal.

Also I don't see a real reason to make Snacky free =/

Edited by Paperkitty
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The ruleset overall looks...bad.

1. 6 Participants (5 + myself) will each draft a team to use in PoR (Normal Mode: Random or Fixed Mode based on participant's decision) and RD (Normal Mode) with the goal of finishing with the lowest turncount.

PoR should be Hard mode for sure and probably Fixed (but that's not quite as big of a deal).

2. Units that are free for all to use are: Ike (PoR & RD), Titania(PoR & RD), Micaiah (RD), Sothe(PoR & RD), Sanaki (RD), Black Knight(RD) and Lehran(RD).

I would guess this is to even out the drafting field, but if it's not (and I haven't checked), PoR Sothe, RD Titania, and Sanaki shouldn't be free. And even if it is, Radiant Dragon's Standard Penalties ruleset should help with that (such as Geoffrey and herons being free).

9. The penalties for using an undrafted unit in PoR and penalties for RD are listed below. They are the similar to those previously used in Radiant Dragon's version.

Forced Character Penalties in RD:

1-P: Edward(3) Leo(2)

1-1: Edward/Nolan (3) Leo(2)

1-2: Edward/Nolan(3) Leo/Laura(2 )

1-3: Edward/Nolan (3) Leo/Aran/Laura/Illyana (2)

1-4: None*

1-5: Volug (free) due to being a defend map and suicidal AI

1-6-1: Tauroneo(6) Volug(4)

1-6-2: Tauroneo(6) Volug(4)

1-7: Volug/Muarim/Tormod(4) Vika(3)

1-8: Nailah(6), Rafiel/Tormod/Maurim/Volug(4) Vika(3)

1-9: None*

1-E: Volug (4)

2-P : 3 for everyone but one non drafted character may be used free of penalty

2-1 : Neph/Brom(3)

2-2 : Lucia/Mordy(4) The rest(3 each)

2-3 : Geoffrey(4) Kieran (3)

2-E : Elincia(5) Marcia(3), rest of the CRK(3)

3-P : Gatrie(5) Shinon/Oscar/Boyd/Mia(4) Rhys/Mist/Soren/Rolf(3)

3-1 : Gatrie (5) Shinon/Oscar/Boyd/Mia(4) Rhys/Mist/Soren/Rolf(3)

3-2 : None*

3-3 : None* You can deploy one undrafted 6 move unit to 3-3 without penalty. If this unit is attacked (without a weapon equipped) then it does not suffer a penalty.

3-4 : Ranulf(4)

3-5 : None*

3-6 : None*

3-7 : Ranulf/Zihark/Jill/Janaff/Ulki(4)

3-8 : Ranulf(4)

3-9 : Geoffrey(3)

3-10 : Ranulf(4)

3-11 : Leanne/Ranulf(4) Sigurn/Tanith(3)

3-12 : Tauroneo (6)

3-13 : Tauroneo (6)

3-E : Ranulf/Sigurn/Jill/Zihark(3)

4-P : Skrimir /Naesala(5) Sigurn(3)

4-1 : None*

4-2 : Tibarn (7) Elincia(4)

4-3 : Skrimir(5) Sigurn/Stefan(3)

4-4 : Muarim/Tormod(3) Vika(2)

4-5 : Tibarn (7) Elincia (4)

* The chapters with no penalties do NOT mean you can use anybody in that chapter. They just mean that no one besides Ike/Micaiah/Sothe/Sanaki/BK or Lethran is forced, and therefore the only people in play should be them and the people you drafted.

No. It's time this was purged for good. Use the Standard Penalties setup and I'll join.

@NTNP, did you even finish the first Tellius Draft?

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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For free units, how about: Ike, Sothe (both games), Micaiah, Black Knight, Lehran, Herons and Titania (PoR)? Splitting up Calill and Largo (I believe the rumor of them sharing transfers was debunked, anyway), and drafting Geoffrey and Haar should give us 66 draftable characters, if I counted right.

I agree that PoR drafts should be done on HM.

I don't particularly agree with Rule 6, but it's not a big deal as long as we still have to take a +4 turn penalty if the recruiting unit does something they shouldn't other than meatshield.

As for giving BEXP to units in between chapters, how about simply letting units take 50 EXP worth of BEXP regardless instead of capping/going to 50?

Also, I want to join.

EDIT: The PoR limits might need some tweaking as well.

- Ike, Boyd and Oscar should have +0.X

- Gatrie should be fine with +2.X, maybe even +1.X

- Tormod could maybe get to 14/0, although that may be too high

- Danved should also be fine with +2.X

- Calill should be --/8, not +2.X.

- Ranulf is probably fine with +0, although 10 would work too

- Geoffrey should be --/12, not +1.X

- Nasir should have +0

These are only suggestions, and I would like to hear other's opinions on the matter. They haven't seen much use, after all.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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Edit: I think Titania being free in RD is pointless, it severely weakens GM picks. I would rather just go with the free 6 move unit in 3-1/3-3 deal. Also I don't see a real reason to make Snacky free =/

Truthfully, Sanaki is forced in all chapters she is present in and forced in endgame. Most of the time she is a liability that must A: Be protected from being 1HKOed and B: Can't be hit or else that person takes a 4 turn penalty. To me, it seemed fairer to let her be used as a free character since she doesn't provide much aid to anyone and is essentially treated like a lord for P4 RD. Titania alternatively was selected so that during the early part of RD's P3 people could avoid additional penalties. I didn't consider her 'weaken' RD's GMs since they are also so highly valued in PoR. However, as stated below, if the majority of the drafters prefer a different set up I won't object.

I would guess this is to even out the drafting field, but if it's not (and I haven't checked), PoR Sothe, RD Titania, and Sanaki shouldn't be free. And even if it is, Radiant Dragon's Standard Penalties ruleset should help with that (such as Geoffrey and herons being free). No. It's time this was purged for good. Use the Standard Penalties setup and I'll join.

@NTNP, did you even finish the first Tellius Draft?

For free units, how about: Ike, Sothe (both games), Micaiah, Black Knight, Lehran, Herons and Titania (PoR)? Splitting up Calill and Largo (I believe the rumor of them sharing transfers was debunked, anyway), and drafting Geoffrey and Haar should give us 66 draftable characters, if I counted right. I agree that PoR drafts should be done on HM. I don't particularly agree with Rule 6, but it's not a big deal as long as we still have to take a +4 turn penalty if the recruiting unit does something they shouldn't other than meatshield. As for giving BEXP to units in between chapters, how about simply letting units take 50 EXP worth of BEXP regardless instead of capping/going to 50?

Also, I want to join.

The selection of 'free' units was done for both ease of completing an admittedly complex draft (between two games with a variety of characters) and in order to create an even number of draftable units. However should the majority of the drafters prefer to have the herons and Geoffrey be free as opposed to PoR Sothe, RD Titania and Sanaki, I will happily change it. Or if they prefer Radiant Kitty's suggestion we can give it a go. And yes the only thing that a recruiting character can do is meatshiled (although I imagine that being more of an error on the behalf of the drafter), move and recruit a character. Anything beyond that does incur a 4 turn penalty. Also if people would prefer to make Haar banned and make Largo a draftable unit I am also open to that suggestion as well. As far as changes to the amount of BEXP a unit receives, its the drafter's decision. Once a majority has made a decision, I'll change it. Personally I just added +1 to most of the characters from the previous draft in order to make the initial joining chapter of a character a bit easier. However, before we start can we all agree on the exact amounts so no one feels cheated?

And oddly enough Red Fox, no I didn't finish the previous draft. I got about half way through part 2, then something else came up and I completely forgot about it. About a week ago I started playing it again (forgetting it was a draft project) and about half way through part 4 when I remembered what it was for, which prompted me to make this topic. I am fine with letting people just 'add' 50 BEXP, so if no one objects I'll make that change along with making it hard mode (in PoR) now.

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Truthfully, Sanaki is forced in all chapters she is present in and forced in endgame....

It's easy to keep Sanaki out of combat. She's also never treated as a Lord aside from being forced.

Also if people would prefer to make Haar banned

If Titania stays free Haar probably does not need to be banned unless it is to even out drafting numbers. He'd still be great, but not quite as game-breaking.

I am fine with letting people just 'add' 50 BEXP, so if no one objects I'll make that change along with making it hard mode (in PoR) now.

I don't mind either way on that one.

Are you going to do anything about the RD penalties?

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Sanaki is only forced in two chapters--4-P and 4-3, and units like Elincia and Tibarn are forced into every pre-Endgame chapter they're in without being free, which leads me to think that her use in 4-E is somehow a deal breaker. Why is that, when Nasir and Gareth (also units "forced" into endgame that don't actually have to participate in any 4-E chapter) are not free?

I don't understand why being ALLOWED to being fielded in 4-E without being being FORCED to be fielded somehow matters.

Edit: Haar also isn't as good in a Tellius draft (clarification: I mean to the point where I don't think he should be banned) because while he is great in FE10, a unit like Marcia or Jill (or even like Oscar) is much much better in FE9 while still being very good in FE10.

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Truthfully, Sanaki is forced in all chapters she is present in and forced in endgame. Most of the time she is a liability that must A: Be protected from being 1HKOed and B: Can't be hit or else that person takes a 4 turn penalty. To me, it seemed fairer to let her be used as a free character since she doesn't provide much aid to anyone and is essentially treated like a lord for P4 RD. Titania alternatively was selected so that during the early part of RD's P3 people could avoid additional penalties. I didn't consider her 'weaken' RD's GMs since they are also so highly valued in PoR. However, as stated below, if the majority of the drafters prefer a different set up I won't object.

Sanaki doesn't need to be free, despite the fact she is forced (it's not difficult to keep her out of combat whatsoever), although that's a fair point about Titania. Still, great units being free lessens the value of your drafted units, so I would think it's better to leave RD Titania drafted (PoR Titania is a necessary evil).

And yes the only thing that a recruiting character can do is meatshiled (although I imagine that being more of an error on the behalf of the drafter), move and recruit a character. Anything beyond that does incur a 4 turn penalty.

That's what I thought, but I wanted to make sure that's what you had in mind.

Also if people would prefer to make Haar banned and make Largo a draftable unit I am also open to that suggestion as well.

I don't think Haar (or Marcia or Jill or Oscar) need to be banned since none of them are the best draftees in both games (Jill comes close, but the turn disparity between her and other DB draftees is small (she's one of the worst Part 1 dratees) until Part 4).

As far as changes to the amount of BEXP a unit receives, its the drafter's decision. Once a majority has made a decision, I'll change it. Personally I just added +1 to most of the characters from the previous draft in order to make the initial joining chapter of a character a bit easier. However, before we start can we all agree on the exact amounts so no one feels cheated?

Democracy. I like it. Although as I said, my suggestions were only my initial thoughts, and I do want to hear the opinions of others.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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@Fox of Red Fire: The standard penalties set (+4 for any unauthorized action) has been adopted by this draft. It just takes me a little while to get all the edits done.

@Characters in the draft: Personally, I don't feel as though any character (due to the type of draft this is) should be banned. I was only mentioning what others have said as a potential solution to the issue at hand. If the majority of the drafters would prefer Geoffrey become free opposed to Sanaki (or any other character for that matter) then that is what we will do. Also if you all prefer a different set of 'free' characters that is also acceptable.

Potential Solution for "Free" Characters Issue:

The following are "Free" characters:

1. Ike (PoR and RD)

2. Titania (PoR and RD)

3. Sothe (PoR and RD)

4. Michiah (RD)

5. The Herons (Reyson in PoR, Leanne and Rafiel in RD)

6. Geoffrey (RD)

7. Black Knight (RD)

8. Lethran (RD)

This way in PoR: Ike, Reyson and Titania are 'free' characters. In RD Sothe, Michiah, the herons when available, Titania, Geoffrey, the Black Knight and Lethran should you bother to recruit him. The characters Sanaki, Sothe (PoR), Largo (PoR) and Geoffrey (PoR) are added to the drafting pool. My rational for including Geoffrey in place of Sanaki is due to the fact he is the "Lord" of his chapter, having to seize and allowing you to save yourself a number of penalties. I have already outlined my reasons for allowing Titania (RD) in the above posts. This makes a total of 66 draftable characters between both games, giving everyone 11 drafted characters each along with 6 constant characters and 2 situational characters (BK and Lethran). Does this sound acceptable to all involved?

BEXP Level Suggestions:

- Ike, Boyd and Oscar should have +0.X

* I am fine with this change if everyone prefers it that way. I just felt like adding one level to each of them would only help to get them on their feet faster.

- Gatrie should be fine with +2.X, maybe even +1.X

* I would lean toward 3.X-2.X personally, after all his base level on that chapter can vary a little bit.

- Tormod could maybe get to 14/0, although that may be too high

* That essentially doubles his starting level. I chose 11 since it made him either A: Capable of being insta master sealed or successfully leveled. However something like 12-13 might be doable.

- Danved should also be fine with +2.X

* Personally I think he needs as much help as he can get but that's just me so I originally picked +3.X.

- Calill should be --/8, not +2.X.

* Sorry, slight error in presentation. It probably SHOULD be --/8 since its the same thing.

- Ranulf is probably fine with +0, although 10 would work too

* I'd personally vote +1

- Geoffrey should be --/12, not +1.X

* He does gain a little experience when recruited in chapter should you draft him (he might get one hit in somewhere), so I'd stick with the +0.X or 1.X instead of a straight 11 or 12.

- Nasir should have +0

* I'm fine with either +1 or +0 really. It doesn't really help too much either way since I doubt anyone will actually recruit him.

Edited by NTNP
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I'm in. Just to make sure I 100% understand PoR bexp limits: the +1.x for Ike in chapter 8 means I can give him 1 level and top off another one correct? And then afterwards I can give him 50 exp a chapter?


Potential Solution for "Free" Characters Issue:

The following are "Free" characters:

1. Ike (PoR and RD)

2. Titania (PoR and RD)

3. Sothe (PoR and RD)

4. Michiah (RD)

5. The Herons (Reyson in PoR, Leanne and Rafiel in RD)

6. Geoffrey (RD)

7. Black Knight (RD)

8. Lethran (RD)

I'm fine with this list. Also does this include Reyson(RD) as a free unit?

Edited by oval
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Potential Solution for "Free" Characters Issue:

The following are "Free" characters:

1. Ike (PoR and RD)

2. Titania (PoR and RD)

3. Sothe (PoR and RD)

4. Michiah (RD)

5. The Herons (Reyson in PoR, Leanne and Rafiel in RD)

6. Geoffrey (RD)

7. Black Knight (RD)

8. Lethran (RD)

This way in PoR: Ike, Reyson and Titania are 'free' characters. In RD Sothe, Michiah, the herons when available, Titania, Geoffrey, the Black Knight and Lethran should you bother to recruit him. The characters Sanaki, Sothe (PoR), Largo (PoR) and Geoffrey (PoR) are added to the drafting pool. My rational for including Geoffrey in place of Sanaki is due to the fact he is the "Lord" of his chapter, having to seize and allowing you to save yourself a number of penalties. I have already outlined my reasons for allowing Titania (RD) in the above posts. This makes a total of 66 draftable characters between both games, giving everyone 11 drafted characters each along with 6 constant characters and 2 situational characters (BK and Lethran). Does this sound acceptable to all involved?

Personally I don't like having 66 draftees because it means the last person to get their first pick also ends up with the last draftee, which I should feel should be reversed. Only problem is that changing that isn't too easy because it means we need 6 more or less draftees. PoR Sothe, Geoffrey, and Largo are bad/mediocre enough that we could take them out of drafting either by making them free or combined easily enough, but that still leaves three more with no truly obvious choices.

On the flip side, we can also add six more units to the drafting pool. The Herons and Titania would be my first choices (I understand your reasoning on Titania, but she'd still be a choice here), and I guess BK and Lehran would have to go next.

Alternatively, to make it more fair on the last person in line, when it comes down to the last 6 units, where the first draftee would normally get the first pick (taking two picks when 7 units are left), you could reverse it and have the last draftee start the choosing instead. So it would go standard snake style until the end, where it would look like this with the last 18 units:

1 2 3 4 5 6

6 5 4 3 2 1

6 5 4 3 2 1

I still don't think Titania should be free in RD. There's literally no reason for it.

Helping to even the drafting is a reason.

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I'm in. Just to make sure I 100% understand PoR bexp limits: the +1.x for Ike in chapter 8 means I can give him 1 level and top off another one correct? And then afterwards I can give him 50 exp a chapter? I'm fine with this list. Also does this include Reyson(RD) as a free unit?

Yes to both.

Personally I don't like having 66 draftees because it means the last person to get their first pick also ends up with the last draftee, which I should feel should be reversed. Only problem is that changing that isn't too easy because it means we need 6 more or less draftees. PoR Sothe, Geoffrey, and Largo are bad/mediocre enough that we could take them out of drafting either by making them free or combined easily enough, but that still leaves three more with no truly obvious choices. On the flip side, we can also add six more units to the drafting pool. The Herons and Titania would be my first choices (I understand your reasoning on Titania, but she'd still be a choice here), and I guess BK and Lehran would have to go next. Alternatively, to make it more fair on the last person in line, when it comes down to the last 6 units, where the first draftee would normally get the first pick (taking two picks when 7 units are left), you could reverse it and have the last draftee start the choosing instead. So it would go standard snake style until the end, where it would look like this with the last 18 units:

1 2 3 4 5 6

6 5 4 3 2 1

6 5 4 3 2 1

Helping to even the drafting is a reason.

That is an option. I suppose making all the herons (Reyson, Rafiel and Leanne), Geoffrey (all), Titania (RD) and Lethran draftable while leaving BK free (or vice versa should you all prefer) would give us enough for an additional round. A bad idea in retrospect Alternatively we could make Sothe (PoR), Geoffrey (PoR), Largo (PoR) free along with 3 additional units that remove the need for penalties such as Elincia, Sanaki and Kurthnaga? Should we choose not to either remove all the 'free' units except Ike, Titania (PoR), Sothe (RD), Michiah (RD) and BK or Lethran (RD) or decrease the drafting pool by one round (other than how I suggested) then I propose this option for the final round: On the last turn we randomize again. That way everyone has an equal choice between Largo, Sanaki, Fiona, Gareth, Pelleas, Kurthnaga and Oliver? Would everyone be ok with that idea since none of these characters really 'helps' too much either way if we don't make a different selection system?

Please note, we now have 6 participants (assuming everyone is still in). Once everyone agrees upon the rules, I will randomize the positions and we may begin drafting.

Edited by NTNP
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Should we choose not to either remove all the 'free' units except Ike, Titania (PoR), Sothe (RD), Michiah (RD) and BK or Lethran (RD) or decrease the drafting pool by one round then I propose this option for the final round: On the last turn we randomize again. That way everyone has an equal choice between Largo/Sanaki, Fiona, Gareth, Pelleas, Kurthnaga and Oliver? Would everyone be ok with that idea since none of these characters really 'helps' too much either way if we don't make a different selection system?

Please note, we now have 6 participants (assuming everyone is still in). Once everyone agrees upon the rules, I will randomize the positions and we may begin drafting.

That is an acceptable case as well, though I prefer ending with the first person because the first person gets the best unit already. It's a way to even things out; the first person gets the best of the best, the last gets the best of the worst (and the first pick in the second round, and everything).

Also, I wouldn't assume those six would be the last units, especially considering Lyre isn't there. Depending on the person's team, Fiona can be a decent draft. If you're smart with her (and favor her, of course) she can be competent by 3-12 and be very good the rest of the way. Gareth can also be a good choice for someone who feels their distribution through part 4 is already set, etc.

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Potential Solution for "Free" Characters Issue:

The following are "Free" characters:

1. Ike (PoR and RD)

2. Titania (PoR and RD)

3. Sothe (PoR and RD)

4. Michiah (RD)

5. The Herons (Reyson in PoR, Leanne and Rafiel in RD)

6. Geoffrey (RD)

7. Black Knight (RD)

8. Lethran (RD)

By my count, this doesn't give us an even number of draftees unless we're drafting Reyson(RD), but I'd rather just make him free in RD as well and draft Titania(RD). Also, I'm against Geoffrey being free in RD. We should also simply reverse the order for the last pick, instead of randomizing it.

BEXP Level Suggestions:

- Ike, Boyd and Oscar should have +0.X

* I am fine with this change if everyone prefers it that way. I just felt like adding one level to each of them would only help to get them on their feet faster.

Ike, Boyd and Oscar do not need help to 'get on their feet faster'.

- Gatrie should be fine with +2.X, maybe even +1.X

* I would lean toward 3.X-2.X personally, after all his base level on that chapter can vary a little bit.

Gatrie can easily come out of Chapter 7 at a decently high level, and can gain a couple more levels in Chapter 13, since it's a small chapter. I guess +2.X is fine though, since he is a Knight.

- Tormod could maybe get to 14/0, although that may be too high

* That essentially doubles his starting level. I chose 11 since it made him either A: Capable of being insta master sealed or successfully leveled. However something like 12-13 might be doable.

He's not getting Sealed if we want to transfer him, and 14 is still pretty low for Chapter 16.

- Danved should also be fine with +2.X

* Personally I think he needs as much help as he can get but that's just me so I originally picked +3.X.

His bases are pretty solid outside of Speed, but he can get a Speedwing (depending on the team), and he can use the Knight Ward.

- Calill should be --/8, not +2.X.

* Sorry, slight error in presentation. It probably SHOULD be --/8 since its the same thing.

It's not the same thing. +2.X would put her at level 9 (2 levels and then capping another off).

- Ranulf is probably fine with +0, although 10 would work too

* I'd personally vote +1

He has decent bases and 9 move, but I guess gauge does exist.

- Geoffrey should be --/12, not +1.X

* He does gain a little experience when recruited in chapter should you draft him (he might get one hit in somewhere), so I'd stick with the +0.X or 1.X instead of a straight 11 or 12.

I'm pretty sure he doesn't gain EXP as a Green unit, so 11 or 12 is the way to go.

- Nasir should have +0

* I'm fine with either +1 or +0 really. It doesn't really help too much either way since I doubt anyone will actually recruit him.

He starts at level 18, and has pretty good offense even with the Demi Band. Also, he's not capping any stats. I don't think anyone will give him any BEXP even if they do recruit him.

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By my count, this doesn't give us an even number of draftees unless we're drafting Reyson(RD), but I'd rather just make him free in RD as well and draft Titania(RD). Also, I'm against Geoffrey being free in RD. We should also simply reverse the order for the last pick, instead of randomizing it.

I think you are forgetting PoR's Largo being re-added to the list along with Sothe (PoR), Sanaki (RD) and Geoffrey (PoR). It makes an even 66 draftees.

Ike, Boyd and Oscar do not need help to 'get on their feet faster'.

Gatrie can easily come out of Chapter 7 at a decently high level, and can gain a couple more levels in Chapter 13, since it's a small chapter. I guess +2.X is fine though, since he is a Knight.

He's not getting Sealed if we want to transfer him, and 14 is still pretty low for Chapter 16.

His bases are pretty solid outside of Speed, but he can get a Speedwing (depending on the team), and he can use the Knight Ward.

He has decent bases and 9 move, but I guess gauge does exist.

He starts at level 18, and has pretty good offense even with the Demi Band. Also, he's not capping any stats. I don't think anyone will give him any BEXP even if they do recruit him.

Well that's a number of very good points. I'm not opposed to these changes, so if one more person cares to agree we will make the change.

It's not the same thing. +2.X would put her at level 9 (2 levels and then capping another off).

I'm pretty sure he doesn't gain EXP as a Green unit, so 11 or 12 is the way to go.

The thing is, Calil joins without being fielded, so she would have NO experience points when she can be BEXPed, making it 2 BEXP levels and 0 BEXP as change. And I was counting the chance of Geoffrey (as a drafted character) getting in a single pot shot during his joining chapter (assuming you'd use Ike as the one to arrive to recruit him) giving him a base of 11.22 instead of the normal 11. Or if for some reason you arrive up there early but want to take on the boss or something and he somehow gets a full level, then you can still give them the full BEXP.

Btw, the following is the drafting order that has been randomized for the drafting process:

1. Xander

2. Oval

3. Paperkitty


5. Radiant Kitty

6. Red Fox of Fire

Now if only we could agree on who all we want as 'free' and 'draftable' we would be ready to start. Either we need to try and get it to 72 draftables (12 rounds) with 5 free characters (Ike, Michiah, Sothe(RD), BK, Titania(PoR)) or we can use the currently proposed 7 free characters (Ike, Michiah, Sothe (RD), Titania (both), Geoffrey (RD), BK, Lethran), the herons and have 66 drafties. For the time being I'm going to update the first post with the 'modified' 7 free characters and 66 draftables. Once everyone agrees to either 5 free characters and 12 rounds OR 10 (with 3 being herons) free characters and 11 rounds we can start drafting. But we'll still need to settle the BEXP thing before anyone starts.

Edited by NTNP
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I think you are forgetting PoR's Largo being re-added to the list along with Sothe (PoR), Sanaki (RD) and Geoffrey (PoR). It makes an even 66 draftees.

I didn't forget Largo, you're forgetting Titania(RD). Make her draftable and Sothe(PoR) free, since he's a nigh-worthless pick anyway.

Also, what are other people's opinions on Geoffrey(RD) being free or drafted with Geoffrey(PoR)?

The thing is, Calil joins without being fielded, so she would have NO experience points when she can be BEXPed, making it 2 BEXP levels and 0 BEXP as change. And I was counting the chance of Geoffrey (as a drafted character) getting in a single pot shot during his joining chapter (assuming you'd use Ike as the one to arrive to recruit him) giving him a base of 11.22 instead of the normal 11. Or if for some reason you arrive up there early but want to take on the boss or something and he somehow gets a full level, then you can still give them the full BEXP.

You can not recruit Geoffrey in Chapter 24.

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Well that's a number of very good points. I'm not opposed to these changes, so if one more person cares to agree we will make the change.

I really have no opinion, so if only to get things going, I'll throw in an "I agree."

Btw, the following is the drafting order that has been randomized for the drafting process:

1. Xander

2. Oval

3. Paperkitty


5. Radiant Kitty

6. Red Fox of Fire

Damn, looks like I lose. Somehow I always get Jill in HM RD drafts but never in NM ones.

or we can use the currently proposed 7 free characters (Ike, Michiah, Sothe (RD), Titania (both), Geoffrey (RD), BK, Lethran), the herons and have 66 drafties. For the time being I'm going to update the first post with the 'modified' 7 free characters and 66 draftables.

This way, but I have to agree that RD Titania shouldn't be free. Just make PoR Sothe free instead.

Once everyone agrees to either 5 free characters and 12 rounds OR 10 (with 3 being herons) free characters and 11 rounds we can start drafting.

Especially since I turned out to be last, I want to clarify that we will be using the snake style with the reverse on the last round, correct?

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