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I am so pissed

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At least you're not working 8 hours a day for a price lower than your state's minimum wage. 50%+ lower...

Not to mention it's quite possibly the most boring thing I have ever done in my life thus far.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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At least you're not working 8 hours a day for a price lower than your state's minimum wage. 50%+ lower...

Not to mention it's quite possibly the most boring thing I have ever done in my life thus far.

Over here at least its illegal to pay below minimum wage, don't know about the legislation in your state but it might be something to inquire into if its affecting you that much.

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At least you guys have jobs. I would have gotten one a few days ago, if it weren't for that meddling "going to college in less than a month" detail. Hopefully, I can get an on-campus job!

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Well I think Waiters/Waitresses are exempt from the 'Can't be paid below minimum wage' thing, since a waiter/ess' pay is sort of commission based (Like, they would get 3-4$ an hour but would get money mainly from tips).

That may be a Maryland thing though.

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Well I think Waiters/Waitresses are exempt from the 'Can't be paid below minimum wage' thing, since a waiter/ess' pay is sort of commission based (Like, they would get 3-4$ an hour but would get money mainly from tips).

That may be a Maryland thing though.

That's an everywhere thing.

At least you aren't working two jobs just to barely hit 30 hours most weeks.

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I work at a super market and closing means cleaning the store then waxing. I do 35 hours and have morning classes before work for summer. I'm a full time student and will get my degree in a year. I finished high school at 16. I will be in school twice a week from morning to night, and days without school I will work for fall. I have had this job for almost 5 years. I get paid barely over minimum wage, I have a donation through the job which is deducted from my net pay. This sucks trust me!

Edited by JosefLior
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At least you guys have jobs. I would have gotten one a few days ago, if it weren't for that meddling "going to college in less than a month" detail. Hopefully, I can get an on-campus job!

Lol I'm gonna try that too. I have this program thingy to go to at my college though where we go there a week earlier so we can get used to it and whatnot before classes actually start. I mean, I can totally agree with that but that just means summer leaves even earlier for me =[ So I'm starting college in about 2 weeks

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Recently the waiter/ress at a nearby restaurant divided the tip into two possibilities: the 15% and the 20% tip. Naturally this is a free-will/determinism trap designed to torture my mind alone. Nation, adopt this policy in order to torture ME!

Or, realizing that it's a waste of time to write out the divided tip in such a way, just go with letting the customer tip as they will.

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You should never stiff a waiter/ess. They really hate that, I should know, my mom bitches about getting stiffed once for 3 days.

I stiffed once only AFAIK, and I literally didn't have cash to do otherwise. Maybe I shoulda said I'm sorry and shown her the wallet.

It's POSSIBLE I had a 20 but I'm always embarrassed to ask for change for a 20...

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I Germany you don't tip, you just give them the change. :newyears:

If only the US was like that I wouldn't mind ditching .40$

On the other hand, it just seems right to tip, don't want to come off as a jerk

Edited by 3-13Archer
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I Germany you don't tip, you just give them the change. :newyears:

If only the US was like that I wouldn't mind ditching .40$

On the other hand, it just seems right to tip, don't want to come off as a jerk

People differ on this subject from time to time.

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