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stuff i made


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hey guys

this is some stuff i made

for my hack

it is called "Fire Ebmlem: Hidden Heir"

i like the title because it is a alitration


Her hair looks shit, someone help me. I lost count of how many girls I had to use for this one, but she's my pride and joy so don't be too mean to her.


Lance/Franz/Elbert splice for Lord-ish character. I was surprised at how well Franz's hair went on Lance.


Standard knight character.


Standard fighter character. Shading under chin is dodgy but I don't know how to fix it.


Some priestess, I'm considering changing the colour of her robe because it's kind of gross at the moment. I also just realised how weird her ear looks, that may be fixed in the near future.


Other knight.


Pegasus knight.


Other fighter. Shading is dodgy again.

Haven't bothered with the chibis and I probably never will. They will probably just be replaced with an emblem or something. CC is welcomed, though I'd prefer it if you just fixed the stuff yourself to make things quicker for the both of us. I'm not really interested in getting better; I just want to get the job done well.

I'M ALSO LOOKING FOR SPRITERS MYSELF (battle/face/map sprites/maps) so if you happen to be good and looking for work you are welcome to help me.

Edited by Agromono
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Lance/Franz/Elbert splice for Lord-ish character. I was surprised at how well Franz's hair went on Lance.


Standard knight character.


Some priestess, I'm considering changing the colour of her robe because it's kind of gross at the moment. I also just realised how weird her ear looks, that may be fixed in the near future.

First one: Part of the chin falls under the clothing, the chin should be on top.

Second one: Even though he's a knight he needs to have more neck to compensate that large body. Either expand the neck or shorten the body.

Third one: The ear isn't even in the right position, it's too high. You can get away with no ear because the cloak and hair should probably be covering it anyway.

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First one: Part of the chin falls under the clothing, the chin should be on top.

Second one: Even though he's a knight he needs to have more neck to compensate that large body. Either expand the neck or shorten the body.

Third one: The ear isn't even in the right position, it's too high. You can get away with no ear because the cloak and hair should probably be covering it anyway.

I also just realised how weird her ear looks, that may be fixed in the near future.

Also the ear is meant to be over the top of the cloak, it's folded to be behind the ear (check Knoll).

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  • 8 months later...

necropost for great justice


argh dat hair

I started this one like, 2-3 years ago, and upon seeing it in my photobucket I decided to pick it up again. The face heavily referenced Eliwood, and the hair, as you can see, is based off Chris Hemsworth as Thor god what a fine specimen of a man. As you may also be able to see I'm struggling with hair... this is my first time doing an FC so I'm lost as to where to start or what to do. My "scribble somewhere 'til it looks okay" method has failed... any pointers for drawing hair would be greatly appreciated.

btw it's still a work in progress so details like the chin/neck area will be sorted out once I get some armour on this fellow.

Edited by Agromono
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what noooooooooo can you give any pointers at all? Where do you start in the planning stages? Do you try to draw little clumps and then recolour them? :(

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Everyone I know who does FCs does it differently.


This is an example of how I do it. From the bottom right up, then to the next column, the from the bottom up again. Top left corner is the final product.

You use neons to get your shape, then fill them in, and shade where necessary. Then you shade in the crown of the hair (the roots), and indicate a direction it's coming from.

That's honestly all I can tell you ' x'

I just spliced a bunch to learn this stuff, because it gives you the basics of hair shape and shading.

Edited by seph1212
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I'mma reiterate what Seph said and suggest that you splice a little more before FCing. Your first attempt isn't horrible, though, which is promising, but it doesn't really look a thing like the referenced image. If anything, I think you should try super splicing, then work your way from there, or maybe slowly work little FC parts into your splices. Too many people try to rush into things too quickly, when it simply boils down to the fact that most of us aren't at all talented artists or spriters and need to learn to have a bit of patience and practice at their own pace. Unless you're a damned genius, then you'll really just have to buckle down and learn this shit normally like the rest of us.

Also, this is how I FC:


Block in all the shapes, surround with border color, and start shading shit.

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Your first attempt isn't horrible, though, which is promising, but it doesn't really look a thing like the referenced image.

The face heavily referenced Eliwood, and the hair, as you can see, is based off Chris Hemsworth as Thor

does it really look nothing like him? :cry:

Edited by Agromono
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It really doesn't. He has smaller eyes than that, and the hair you chose is too bright. It's a much more subdued blonde.

Hold on. I just said I used the hair for reference i.e. to get the shaping and flow right. I didn't say it was meant to be him. I'm well aware that the eyes are smaller - I said it before, and I'll say it again, that the face was mostly based on Eliwood's - and that the hair colour is different. I'm talking about the hair shape. Does the hair shape really look nothing like the reference photo? At all?

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There's no hair flow, whatsoever. The part that is very obvious in the hair's reference doesn't exist in the sprite. Not to mention the top of the head is ridiculously jagged and not smooth at all.

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There's no hair flow, whatsoever. The part that is very obvious in the hair's reference doesn't exist in the sprite. Not to mention the top of the head is ridiculously jagged and not smooth at all.

that's what I wanted.

thank you

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that's what I wanted.

thank you

Well, then it's going to come out looking... The way it does... Which isn't good. If you really want to try custom-ing then use other mugs for reference, otherwise just splice.

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after a very humbling experience involving an attempt at FCing hair I went and spliced it instead. I'm very uncertain about how the armour looks - is it convincing, at least? I think I need to fix up his right hairline as well. He also has a mullet, but try to ignore that.

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I'm kinda studying some notes about FC-ing; but it looks... uh... odd? Well, the face is...

Edited by Frostbite
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Care to elaborate?

Edit: I should probably note that only the face was FCed, which is probably why it looks weird. Even so it would be nice to get some feedback on what about it looks 'weird'.

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