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Fire Emblem 12 ~Heroes~ Translation Project

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By the way, insulting my intelligence? Classy.

I see how it can be interpreted that way, but rest assured it was intended to be a neutral statement. Not everyone desires to drip poison into your afternoon tea.

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It seems like the storm has settled, so why not liven things up with a new hot topic?

I wasn't planning on making a public topic out of this, but since Blazer mentioned the name I came up with for Sheema's name change (Shanna) it couldn't hurt to hear what people have to say (although I am anticipating another massive negative response and some "how dare you change mah namez," but whatever).

It's less-rooted in the kana than other alternatives we've discussed (Shiima, Sima, Shiema, Seema, etc.), but is still, I feel, a similar name and follows the basic structure of the base name. It's a change of the m's to n's and the first "e" sound to an "ah" sound. Shanna is a European name, coming from a latin-based language, and is, I feel, a more aesthetically pleasing name than the other options, a name that registers in the English language, and is not a radical, radical change (like some of the ones Furetchen outlined).

EDIT: Just to be clear, I'm just looking for opinions. I'm not saying that this is going to happen, or even necessarily has to happen. We're exploring options for Sheema's name (which could not even be changed, who knows), and I figured I'd propose this one to the public.

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Arch doesn't like Sheema so even if I'm fine with it, I don't think it's going to happen.

Change it to Caema

You have prior precedent and everything

We thought of that, but... I think everyone else is aiming to differentiate between Caeda/Sheema, despite precedence, and only keep precedence in how it's pronounced, if anything. Caema and Sima are pronounced nearly identical I think, but the respelling differentiates between them such that people won't get confused easily.

Just throwing out info.

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Call her Malicia if you want. I won't even state my personal preference; it's irrelevant. You can feel free to call the characters whatever you like, it's not like there aren't already tons of different names for FE characters out there. Ira/Ayra/Aira comes to mind. Maybe instead of venting here, opinions on name changes can be taken to the FE4 boards. Just like whining here, you'll accomplish nothing, but at least you won't annoy a dedicated team working hard to translate a game we all want to play, and drowning out all the serious suggestions.

See, however, your example of Aira-Ira-Ayra are all the same translation. It's just transcribed differently. Unlike Sheema being overwritten with Shanna or whatever--the Ayra transcription is pretty much exactly what it says. Ira I think is the most literal translation of them if you're going for pronunciation. A huge difference comes when there isn't any translation occurring--it's just a new name being created. Thus your example and this context are entirely separate matters.

Also, too many people are referencing Vince's translations on the site for name-changes. Not only is it not covering everything, it's also pretty distanced from names people were using before localization. There was never 'Asserey.' We called him Asrey, as the name suggested. Vince has a tendency to try and include what he thinks would be the most direct transliteration (or has seemed to with the site). He's one of the few people I know who uses Arum rather than Alm, for example. The names chosen by NoA didn't go for easiness of reading, nor of a pandering towards current-English. Kevin becoming Kieran is indicative of this, as are multiple other names. Pulling one but not the others creates counter-productive arguments, ones which say "I'm citing this as evidence because it helps but leaving out that which refutes my wish."

Edited by Celice
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Bam, Zak and I need some cookies for this, this is an epic graphical/hacking breakthrough IMO. And I'm not trying to brag, I'm just glad we're not going to be held back by these shitty formatted graphics anymore, since I've gotten sick of trying to figure out how to hack them, it made me rage more than a ragefest hack. Watch my luck turn around any second now

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<Artur post>

To be fair that's one of the crazy NoJ translations, which is where we got things like Lleu, Zefhyr, and Idenn. The original fan interpretation was probably Asrey or whatever

The names chosen by NoA didn't go for easiness of reading, nor of a pandering towards current-English. Kevin becoming Kieran is indicative of this, as are multiple other names.

This is very true.

I don't think it's necessary to make the names all 'fit' better for English speakers, especially if they're already reasonable and easy to pronounce/spell Sheema

And then of course you have stuff like Samto and Belf. Those, yeah please go ahead and change them x:

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BELF! There's only one name I'm on a vendetta against, and that's Belf (a.k.a. Mr. Comicbooksoundforaname). If I only get one ballsy change done in this project, it'll be reserved for him. His name must change. Alternatives Biff and Bert are no better, and all three are really underwhelming placed next to Raiden and Robert. Also, Bert and Robert wut? Biff, Biff, RIFF, WRRRRRYYYYYSSSSSSS!!! Samto comes in a distant second.

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I'm fine with Samto. He's kind of a joke character anyway. Belf I agree sounds weird. I can't help but be reminding of WoW Blood Elves whenever I hear his name. I don't really care for any other changes, but Belf is a name you can go to town on. Make it completely different if you want.

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Belf is a relatively unknown character anyways. He's from the BSFE chapters, and only has a couple lines of dialogue in FE12. I dunno why, but his name is the one that bugs me the absolute most (and he shouldn't be a shitstorm generator, hopefully).

Vergil, it actually does have some rationale behind it. It's kinda like giving him the Tomth -> Dolph treatment. I guess he came up with Vergil by using Japanese's ambiguities between B/V and L/R, then filling in the extra letters (and replacing the second F with L) to make it an actual name. Belf -> Vergil is something I would definitely support, since it has Latin historical significance as well. Vergil is known as one of the great Roman poets. He wrote Georgics, Eclogues, and Aeneid (which followed the Greek poet Homer's literary structure for Iliad and Odyssey, hope you enjoyed that mini-history lesson).

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Belf is a relatively unknown character anyways. He's from the BSFE chapters, and only has a couple lines of dialogue in FE12. I dunno why, but his name is the one that bugs me the absolute most (and he shouldn't be a shitstorm generator, hopefully).

Vergil, it actually does have some rationale behind it. It's kinda like giving him the Tomth -> Dolph treatment. I guess he came up with Vergil by using Japanese's ambiguities between B/V and L/R, then filling in the extra letters (and replacing the second F with L) to make it an actual name. Belf -> Vergil is something I would definitely support, since it has Latin historical significance as well. Vergil is known as one of the great Roman poets. He wrote Georgics, Eclogues, and Aeneid (which followed the Greek poet Homer's literary structure for Iliad and Odyssey, hope you enjoyed that mini-history lesson).

I was going to say that it didn't really fit with Camus, Robert, or Raiden, but those three names don't really fit each other either ;/

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Hahah. Camus (French), Raiden (Japanese), Robert (English), Vergil (Romanian), say hello to the multi-lingual themed Sable Knights :P:.

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You're looking at Engrish. No one really read the name that way.

I was merely going off that you said there was no Asseray. That implies Asseray does not exist. I was merely pointing out that it does, and NoA made the wise decision to put it as Artur. Silly NoJ and their terrible names. If a name is terrible, it should be changed.

Anyway, count my vote in for Vergil.

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For the fans, it did not exist. That art work and its romanization came out after the game was out :/

Raiden (Japanese),

Unless it's Leiden, like many fans call it. That's not quite Japanese :/

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