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Fire Emblem 12 ~Heroes~ Translation Project

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What I said was that the translators were never concerned about being perfectly accurate with respect to the kana. Perhaps I should clarify - I meant the entire game being perfectly accurate, not individual names. The translators have takes considerable to complete liberties in deciding how to translate names such as Chap, Stella, Dalahowe, Soanevalcke, Kilroy, Ulysses, and Topuck, to use the FE9 translation as an example. Now, I don't know the kana for these names. It's certainly possible that a few of these have kana a bit closer to the English translations than it looks from this perspective, but I'm guessing not all of them do. If you believe the kana for all of these names lines up perfectly with the English translations, feel free to show proof of that. But if even one of these names is different by a syllable, that means the official translations have been willing to bend a syllable here and there when they feel there is a good reason. And if even one of these names is largely or completely different from the kana pronunciation, that means the official translations have been willing to entirely rewrite a name here and there when they feel there is a good reason. And that is all that is being proposed here: the occasional minor or significant change.

First of all, IS, the developer that designs the games and christens the characters with their original names, is a completely separate entity from NoA or NoE, who localizes the games and makes name changes as they see fit. Certainly, NoA didn't seem to think that Chap, Stella, Dalahowe, etc. were fitting names for their respective characters in the FE9 roster, but we can't assume what sort of reasoning went behind those changes or what sort of criteria must have been met for those names to have been changed. The decision to completely overhaul a character's name is entirely subjective and I would rather not tread that territory for FE12 names not yet localized.

Second, every romanized name that IS has given to FE characters has the appropriate matching Japanese kana. The intention of the preservation of those names is obvious.

If I'm understanding the final paragraph of your post correctly, I'm still firmly of the opinion that commonly used names should be adopted for the translation. That said, if they aren't, I might as well push through viable alternate translations.

Edited by dondon151
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EDIT: Oh. Good job on the poll--leaving out the original name and giving an opinion that it's not great before anyone can make their own decision :/

My mother laughed out loud when she saw his name. She's forty. I think Belf is a name that doesn't really need to be voted on, but if you honestly think that people will flock to its banner...

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Not sure why people are bringing up Roro. His name is at least understandably simple (in that he's an animal more than a human being), and it's thus no stretch as to see why he woud be named as such.

Belf though...Seriousy, he must have been named that after the sound that was made when his mother dropped him on his head.

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Not sure why people are bringing up Roro.

Probably because they don't want it to be changed, and they're making sure they're heard.

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I really, really want them to translate Roro as Roro. It just fits and I'm so used to calling him Roro.

Then say hello to 'Rollo.' I kid, I kid. He hasn't really come up yet, but Roro probably won't touched. To agree with Celice (holy shit, that CAN happen), having an odd name like Roro fits with his bestial attitude.

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Someone else mentioned it, and it reminded me of Rollo (who I feel he probably was named after) and so I looked it up. My problem with Roro is that it sounds terrible out loud. Aesthetically, I like it more than Rollo.

I actually like Hrolfr for him, myself. For one thing, I think it also fits the bestial part (more than Roro, IMO- it sounds like an animal noise) and for another I just like it more aesthetically than either Roro or Rollo. True, the kana doesn't suggest it at all, but, well, we have Vergil being at least looked at and likely used.

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Then say hello to 'Rollo.' I kid, I kid. He hasn't really come up yet, but Roro probably won't touched. To agree with Celice (holy shit, that CAN happen), having an odd name like Roro fits with his bestial attitude.

It's one thing to have an odd name, it's another to have a stupid name. "Roro" is to me, in the same category as "Belf" or "Asseray" or even: it is just impossible to take the character seriously while they remain attached to such a ridiculous nonsense word. I could understand giving him a name that sounds bestial, but the only animals I'm reminded of by Roro are small and fluffy and stupid.

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How does this sound for a name?


We like this character's name as it is.


Going to agree with Celice on this one. It has a primal feel to it, which, to my understanding, suits the character, being axe crazy (pun not intended, for once). I can't imagine a viking going "kekekekekekekekeke" before using a doppelganger attack on his enemies. : X

Edited by The Blind Archer
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Roro shouts his name as he comes at you.

I don't think JULIAN JULIANNNNN is as terrifying as ROROROROROROROROOOOOOO flying at you with an axe. No less twelve of them.

That battle cry isn't terrifying; it's comedic. If I shit my pants, it would be from laughter, not fear.

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I thought he was mentioning how 4Kids turned Zoro into "Zolo".

Which has legitimate legal reasons behind the change (blame US trademark law allowing you to hold a trademark on a public domain character somehow)

I voted for Vergil. Now as to if he should be "surley" Vergil or "zen" Vergil...

Roro should stay.

Edited by deuxhero
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Think him shouting TRORORORORORORORORORORO is in the actual game script, though. Hrolfr is a badass as hell name (I'd totally use it for something else, myself.), but HROLFRHROLFRHROLFRHROLFRHROLFR is kinda awkward to yell out. A tongue full, if you will.

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I'm with Anouleth on this one. I'm not getting the primal feel at all, I'm getting a comical one. Row-row-row-row-row-row-row-row-row-row-row! Meanwhile, Hrolfhrolfhrolfhrolfr sounds like some sort of wild animal noise. Especially if you imagine him saying it to make that effect.

Edit: Like eight posts appeared between me clicking fast reply, typing, and submitting. Anyways, maybe not hrolfrhrolfrr but hrolfhrolfhrolf, like above. And how does Roro become Aum?

Edited by Rewjeo
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Edit: Like eight posts appeared between me clicking fast reply, typing, and submitting. Anyways, maybe not hrolfrhrolfrr but hrolfhrolfhrolf, like above. And how does Roro become Aum?

I find that to be even sillier. Know why? I keep reading "roflroflroflroflroflrofl". It's like a thirteen-year-old discovering roflcopter for the first time.

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I don't think JULIAN JULIANNNNN is as terrifying as ROROROROROROROROOOOOOO flying at you with an axe. No less twelve of them.

Well duh, thieves can't use axes.


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