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[FE9] Core's FE9 Draft


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Ok i just thought it was like some other defend chapters like chap 13 that can be completed early by routing. So, umm time to post my log. *Starts editing*


Chapter 16 7/104

Sothe got the full guard. Everyone rushed to the throne room. Titan hammered the boss and ike seized.

Unit Lv xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support
Ike 17 66 39 13 4 15 17 11 11 6 B soren C titania
Titania 10 45 41 17 6 18 19 15 14 10 C ike
Marcia 4 74 40 16 4 18 22 11 16 13 B rolf C kieran
Soren 18 09 26 1 17 17 15 9 4 17 B ike
Rolf 18 52 29 11 3 16 15 12 11 5 B marcia
Kieran 2 12 38 17 3 15 20 10 15 5 C marcia
Astrid 12 08 26 12 4 13 14 7 8 6


bexp+50 on ike soren rolf and astrid. Max mt crit hit thunder forge for soren. Ike x titania c. Full guard on marcia.


Chapter 17 (17-1: 4) (17-2: 4) (17-3: 10) (17-4: 3) = 21/125

17-1 was straightforward marcia flew north while the others handled the other enemies.


17-2 marcia makes her way to the arrive tile while the others stay back and milk cexp.


17-3 Marcia goes south and obliterates everything. Shes a orko machine and with wings :D. I routed on 4 but its 10 turns forced :(. I had astrid and ike (weighed down but didnt matter much) take on reinforcements.


17-4 marcia flies to oliver and orkos him with her forge. <3 the others milked cexp.


Unit Lv Xp Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support
Ike 1 00 44 17 6 18 20 12 15 8 B soren C titania
Titania 11 10 42 17 6 19 19 16 15 11 C ike
Marcia 8 89 43 18 5 20 25 12 17 15 B rolf C kieran
Rolf 1 20 33 15 5 19 18 13 13 8 B marcia
Soren 20 53 27 1 18 18 16 10 4 19 B ike
Kieran 4 80 39 18 3 17 21 11 16 6 C marcia
Astrid 19 72 29 15 5 17 18 10 10 7 C sothe


18 Base: Marciaxrolf A. +50 bexp to soren (promoted) and 50 bexp for astrid.


Chapter 18 9/134

Marcia flies around headed for the ravens. Shinon is killed by kieran. Astrid and titania handle reinforcement. Astrid promoted and started using hand axes.

Unit Lv Xp Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support
Ike 1 69 44 17 6 18 20 12 15 8
Marcia 12 24 45 20 6 23 27 14 18 16
Rolf 2 00 34 15 5 20 19 13 13 8
Titania 11 45 42 17 6 19 19 16 15 11
Soren 1 63 31 3 19 20 18 10 6 21
Kieran 6 09 41 19 4 18 22 11 16 6
Sothe 9 01 doesnt matter lol
Astrid 2 34 36 18 7 20 21 11 13 10


19 base: spirit dust on soren. +50 bexp on ike soren astrid and marcia.


Chapter 19 3/137

Everyone heads for boss then marcia orkos.

Unit Lv xp Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support
Ike 2 63 45 18 6 19 20 12 15 8
Titania 11 45 same
Marcia 13 31 46 20 6 23 28 14 18 16
Rolf 2 65 34 15 5 20 19 13 13 8
Kieran 6 54 41 19 4 18 22 11 16 6
Soren 2 52 32 3 22 21 18 10 6 22
Astrid 5 14 37 19 8 21 22 12 14 11


20 base: +50 bexp to ike soren rolf astrid and kieran. Ike x titania B. Hand axe forge for astrid. Arms scroll on soren and give him meteor.


Chapter 20 5/142

Marcia goes to shiraham Soren (who got shoved) meteors him and marcia finishes him. She arrives next turn.

Unit Lv xp Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Ike 3 69 46 18 6 19 21 13 16 9
Titania 12 10 43 18 6 20 20 16 15 11
Soren 4 20 33 3 23 22 19 11 6 23
Marcia 14 58 46 21 7 24 28 15 18 16
Rolf 3 85 34 16 5 20 19 14 14 8
Astrid 6 92 38 19 8 22 22 13 14 11
Kieran 8 55 42 20 4 19 24 12 17 7


21 base: gave kieran the book. +50 bexp to ike soren rolf kieran astrid.


Chapter 21 9/151

Marcia chugs a pure water and rescue drops soren and they team up on tauro and the generals. Marcia kills the sleep staff user. Ike with boots keeps advancing. Sothe got the drop with help from the pallies and rolf. Ena is orkod by a thunder crit with ike support.

Unit Lv xp Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Ike 5 05 47 20 7 20 22 13 16 10
Titania 13 13 44 18 7 20 20 16 15 12
Soren 6 61 34 3 24 23 20 11 6 24
Marcia 15 93 47 21 7 24 28 15 18 17
Rolf 5 37 35 17 6 21 20 15 14 9
Kieran 10 82 43 21 4 22 25 12 18 8
Astrid 9 16 39 21 8 24 24 14 15 12


22 base: +50 bexp to ike soren rolf astrid kieran and titan. Energy drop on rolf. Finished marcias lv. Hand axe forge for kieran.

Edited by PegKnightLover
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I just found out i have to restart all the way from prologue due to missing resolve in chap 27...great. But at least itll give me an opportunity to erase the shinon gatrie penalties and get a better turncount.

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I just found out i have to restart all the way from prologue due to missing resolve in chap 27...great. But at least itll give me an opportunity to erase the shinon gatrie penalties and get a better turncount.

Baww, you're in a good spot to win anyway, idk how Kirsche and Xander are doing. My team is simply bad though.

Edited by Core
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My run is going horrible. I'm not even gonna try to update, at this point, i'm just playing for fun. I'm at chapter 10 with around 110-120 turns so far, not counting any additions for things like forced units getting attacked (those chapters where all of your units are forced are great for that). Plus, it's taken this long just to get more units, so Ike is pushing level 20.

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Turns: 4

Total: 4

~Chapter 1~

Sacrificed a turn for the seraph robe, which was well worth it.

Turns: 4

Total: 8

~Chapter 2~

This is where the seraph robe I used really shined. Ike solo'ed the south, hile Titania went up north. No penalties.

Turns: 4

Total: 12

~Chapter 3~

Gatrie rescued Shinon and sat in a corner teh entire chapter. Titania cleared a path for Ike to talk to Marcia before finishing the boss.

Turns: 4

Total: 16

~Chapter 4~


Turns: 2

Total: 18

~Chapter 5~

Titania took on most of the enemies. Aside from that, not much to say.

Turns: 6

Tital: 24

~Chapter 6~

Now this was a bitch. Even with the seraph robe, the three soldiers near the start were huge problems, and to avoid any penalties, I wasted two turns at the start clearing all the enemies so none will attack Boyd/Oscar. Titania cleared the way to the boss, before both escaped on turn 8.

Turns: 8

Total: 32


Name      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res WLvl
Ike        7.99  31   8    2   10   11    8    7    2   C Swords
Titania   24.35  36  14    4   15   15   13   12    8   S Axes, C Lances

I may re-do chapter 6 to see if I can reduce the turncount by rescuing Ike from the very beginning, but I doubt it is possible without any penalties. Also core, you need to add a turn as you would've taken 6 turns for chapter 5, not 5. ;):

Edit: also, pegknight, you weren't supposed to proc crits for chapter 2, as that falls under RNG abuse.

Edited by kirsche
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Chapter 7 - 7 turns

Alright, I figured it out. It is possible to not have Shinon attacked, as I already stated, if your strategy is solid enough. Anyway, Titania went west while Ike and Boyd went north. They all changed course around turn 3 to deal with reinforcements Titania triggered, and somehow by turn 7 enemy phase, Titania killed the last enemy. Shinon didn't have an enemy phase so he stayed away from combat except for killing a mage.

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@kirsche- it was less proccing a crit and more like reset because i kept getting oscar and boyd until i finally could do the chapter without penalty because ike finally procced a crit. It doesnt matter now anyways as im restarting from scratch soon when im done with red fox's RD ban haar draft.

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If you're having trouble with avoiding penalties in that chapter, watch Bal's MM strategy for that chapter (iirc he didn't have to get a crit for it to work):

Edited by Chaoskitty
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So? That configuration of Oscar, Rhys and Boyd still avoids them getting attacked.

Also aren't HM enemies also weaker than MM ones?

I've tried that formation before and while it avoids the others from getting attacked, it assumes Ike dodges at least two attacks each turn, which isn't realistic with ~50 displayed hit from fighters and higher from the mercenary (who must be doubled, or else he'll heal) while being attacked 4 times each enemy phase. Also, in order to kill the mercenary and stop him from healing on turn 3 enemy phase, Ike will have to be at a high enough level to have 9 speed to have a chance to double him, which involves reseting until the mercenary has weak enough offensive parameters.

Chapter 8 - 8 turns

Boyd went west while Titania went east and Ike stayed near the guard square, luring in a couple of knights on turn 1. Titania did a lot of work in this one, including taking out most of the enemies and the boss, while Ike and Boyd used the chapter to level up quite a bit. I recruited Ilyana around turn 6, and she got a couple of potshots in.

Chapter 9 - 5 turns

GG. Standard Titania picking up Ike and dropping him off and killing the boss so Ike can seize.

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Chapter 10 - 4 turns

Titania rescued Ike yet again and charged towards the escape. Ilyana and Boyd made a chokepoint near the start to stop the reinforcements from overwhelming them. Easy chapter.

Chapter 11 - 5 turns

Titania charges up and Boyd follows behind her, ready to lure the boss away on turn 3 so she has a better chance of living after taking a bunch of hits. Ike stayed near the start and battled the soldiers and the knight, while Ilyana and Volke teamed up to get the Draco shield. On the last turn I cornered the boss and everyone got in a shot at him except Volke while Titania seized. For future drafts, I think Volke should have one more level of bexp, so he can have enough speed to steal the master seal this chapter.

Chapter 12 - 8 turns

Titania put in work. She was the only one that doubled crows, so of course she's MVP. Everyone else tried their best to stay out of the way.

Edited by Xanderdog
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This game is so easy I bet I could finish it in one sitting, in fact, I'm gonna try to since I just got back from a summer party. Expect an update. Also, I bet I'll be one of two people to actually finish.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Prologue-Chapter 9

Prologue 4/4


Chapter 1 3/7

Boyd traded fighter band to ike. Ike equips it and attacks a fighter. Oscar gives the pally band to titania. Titania gets the steel sword and moves next to the fighter ike attacked. Next turn she grabs the robe and cantos. Ike moves up. Tit kills boss and stays there. Ike trades robe and steel sword and seizes.


Chapter 2 4/11

The key to 4 turns is killing the vulnerary myrmidon.


Chapter 3 4/15

Couldve been 3 but had to wait for ike to reach marcia.


Chapter 4 2/17

Titania went west. Boss got lured. Hand axed him in pp 2 and he sd'd on ep. Not sure what causes him to go heal sometimes and sometimes not. Soren and ike got some cexp.


Chapter 5 6/23

Tit did everything except for 1 loldier who ike killed. Almost got boss kill.


Chapter 6 6/29

Tit carried ike 2 turns in bushes dropping him in the 2nd turn. Ike kills the archer and tit moves towards boss. Ike survived turn 5 ep. Tit finished boss and ike escapes. Soren fought an archer

and a loldier for cexp in the bushes.


Chapter 7 9/38

Figured it out. Ike had to chokepoint in the treasure room. Tit west then north then to boss area. Ike soren then handled southern reinforcements (mage and soldier)


Chapter 8 8/46

Got the soldier band. Ike went south with regal. Soren west. Tit east. Then soren down ike west tit east. Third turn tit east ike and soren west. Soren then went east tit down and ike stayed west.


Chapter 9 base max mt hit iron forge for marcia named it "wing spear" +50 bexp to ike and soren.

Chapter 9 8/54

Had to wait for marcia. Ike traded her the forge and she carried him. I lured an archer towards rolf for cexp. Marcia dropped ike in turn 7 she attacked boss and tit finished him.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res  Support
Ike 13
10 36* 11 3 13 14 10 10 4
Titania 7 87 39 15 5 16 17 14 13 9
Soren 9 62 22 0 11 12 11 7 2 12
Rolf 2 08 19 5 0 8 7 5 6 2
Marcia 5 19 20 8 0 7 11 4 8 6


Chapter 10-Chapter 14

Chapter 10 base Ike X Titania C. Iron forge with max mt hit and crit for rolf. Marcia to 8.00 rolf to 10.00.

Chapter 10 5/59

Sneak first then aggro'd. Marcia got the door key with help from rolf and soren. They together handled the eastern reinforcements. Tit finished the halberdier in turn 5 pp marcia opened kieran's door and ike escapes.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res  Support
Ike 13 71 36 11 3 13 14 10 10 4 Titania C
Titania 8 21 40 16 5 17 17 14 13 9 Ike C
Marcia 8 88 22 9 0 9 13 5 8 7
Soren 10 70 22 0 12 13 12 7 2 13
Rolf 10 58 24 9 1 12 11 8 9 4


Chapter 11 base Soren x ike C. Kieran to 14.00. Give wing to kieran. +50 bexp to rolf marcia soren and ike. Thunder forge for soren called it thunderbolt with max mt hit and crit with 1 wt. Buy a bunch of hand axes for kieran and tit. Sell staves and laguz stuff.

Chapter 11 6/65

Titania rush marcia got boss kill. Titania hammered the knight and marcia arrived. Kieran took on the starting point enemies and got the draco.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support
Ike 14 67 37 12 3 13 15 10 10 5 Titania C
Soren C
Titania 9 30 41 16 5 18 18 15 14 10 Ike C
Kieran 15 76 32 13 1 11 15* 9 11 1
Marcia 12 48 24 11 1 11 15 6 9 7
Rolf 11 79 24 9 2 12 11 8 9 4
Soren 11 87 23 0 13 13 12 7 3 13
Ike C


Chapter 12 base Marcia X Rolf C. Recruit Sothe. +50 bexp to Ike kieran marcia soren rolf. Draco on Marcia. Iron forge with max mt hit crit for marcia. Named "Ravenslayer".

Chapter 12 8/73

Marcia killed stuff all over the place. Soren and rolf killed stuff that went to the ship.

Unit Lv Xp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support
Ike 15 46 38 12 4 14 15 11 10 5 Titania C Soren C
Titania 9 30 same
Kieran 16 84 33 13 1 12 16 9 12 2
Marcia 16 52 26 12 2 14 18 8 13* 9 Rolf C
Rolf 13 54 26 10 2 13 12 9 10 4 Marcia C
Soren 13 78 24 0 14 14 13 8 3 15
Ike C


Chapter 13 base Ike X Titania B. +50 bexp to Marcia Soren Rolf. Book on kieran. Robe on Marcia. Chest keys on marcia and kieran. Sothe deployed

Chapter 13 7/80

Marcia flew opening chests. Kieran opened 1. Sothe too. Everyond was routed and the ravens appeared. Marcia killed 2 of them for more cexp. The other 2 retreated ending the chapter. The hardest part was keeping astrid alive in turn 1 ep.

Unit Lv Xp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support
Ike 16 37  38 13 4 14 16 11 11 5 Titania B Soren C
Titania 9 99 41 16 5 18 18 15 14 10 Ike B
Marcia 19 81 35* 14 2 15 20 9 13 10 Rolf C
Rolf 14 43 26 10 2 14 13 10 10 5 Marcia C
Soren 14 72 24 0 14 15 14 8 3 15
Ike C
Kieran 17 98 33 13 1 14 16 9 12 2
Astrid 2.10 21 6 2 7 8 3 5 4
Sothe 1.00 base

Chapter 14 base Marcia X Kieran C. Astrid to 9.00. Marcia to 20 and sealed. Kieran to 18.00. Arms scroll for marcia. Steel Sword forge with max mt hit crit for marcia. Energy Drop on Astrid. Knight Ward on Kieran.

Chapter 14 3/83

Steel sword forge marcia was 1 hp short from a orko but boss sd'd on ep. Astrid and kieran went south. The others north. 3rd turn tit torch'd to reveal boss for marcia. Sothe got the dust.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support
Ike 16 95 38 13 4 14 16 11 11 5
Titania B Soren C
Kieran 18 49 34 14 1 15 16 10 12 2 Marcia C

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Ran out of space.

Chapter 14 stats continued-Chapter 17

Marcia 2 41 40 16 4 18 22 10 16 13 Rolf C Kieran C
Rolf 15 11 27 11 2 14 14 10 10 5 Marcia C
Soren 15 24 25 0 15 15 14 9 3 16 Ike C
Titania 10 20 41 17 6 18 18 15 14 10 Ike C
Astrid 11 36 25 12* 4 12 15 7 8 6


Chapter 15 base Marcia X Rolf B. +50 bexp to ike rolf soren kieran.

Chapter 15 3/86

Couldve been 2. But had to get the boots. Laguz lance marcia kos muarim.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support
Ike 17 59 39 13 4 15 16 11 11 6 Titania B Soren C
Kieran 19 29 35 14 1 16 17 10 13 2 Marcia C
Marcia 3 56 40 17 4 18 22 10 16 13 Rolf B Kieran C
Rolf 15 89 27 11 2 14 14 10 10 5 Marcia B
Soren 16 44 25 0 15 16 14 9 3 16 Ike C
Titania 10 28 41 17 6 18 18 15 14 10 Ike B
Astrid 12 72 25 12 4 13 16 8 8 6


Chapter 16 base Ike X Soren B. +50 bexp to ike marcia soren rolf kieran astrid. Gave boots to marcia.

Chapter 16 7/93

Marcia ferries ike. Tit ferries sothe. Kieran astrid soren and rolf all battle as much as they can for cexp. Got full guard and the draco.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support
Ike 18 51 40 14 4 16 17 12 11 6 Titania B Soren B
Kieran 20 89 35 15 2 16 18 10 13 3 Marcia C
Marcia 6 45 42 18 5 20 24 12 17 14 Rolf B Kieran C
Rolf 16 88 28 11 3 15 14 11 11 5 Marcia B
Soren 17 18 26 0 16 17 15 9 3 17 Ike B
Titania 10 41 41 17 6 18 18 15 14 10 Ike B
Astrid 15 62 27 13 4 15 17 9 9 7


Chapter 17 base Sothe X Astrid C. +50 bexp to ike rolf soren astrid and marcia. Promoted Kieran. Steel axe forge for kieran.

Chapter 17

Part 1 4/97 marcia flew north. Kieran took care of the myrms.

Part 2 3/100 marcia with boots goes straight towards the arrive tile.

Part 3 10/110 game forces me to eat turns despite the fact that there were no enemies by turn 4 again :/. Astrid promoted and given axes. Ike got to 20.

Part 4 2/112 marcia flies to oliver and orkos with javelin on ep. Didnt get adept :(.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support
Ike 1 00 44 18 6 19 20 12 15 9 Titania B Soren B
Kieran 3 19 40 18 4 19 21 10 16 6 Marcia C
Rolf 20 87 30 13 3 16 16 12 12 12 6 Marcia B
Soren 20 58 27 1 18 18 16 10 3 19 Ike B
Astrid 1 20 34 17 7 20 21 11 15 10 Sothe C
Titania 11 51 42 17 6 19 19 16 14 11 Ike B

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Whoops. I actually finished this over a week ago. I definitely did not win, overall, it took 431 turns, not including things like other characters getting attacked or being used, so i'm guessing I probably exceeded 500 turns or so. Rhys and Reyson died and I didn't restart for them. I also didn't use Titania or Ena. Did not beat BK either.emo13.gif

As far as my character stats go, everyone came out mostly average around 5-10 promoted, except for Ike and Zihark, who I purposely manipulated with bands, stat boosters, and what little BEXP I was allowed to give per chapter, they got to 20/20.

So, yeah. First draft, can't say I didn't like it, but probably not something you'll see me participating in anytime soon, if ever, unless it's FE7 or 8.

EDIT: No one else has finished this yet?

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