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Ivalice Mafia - Winners: Clan No Lynch

Radiant Dragon

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You think there are two wolves? Read Eclipse's role pm, she turned SK after Snike died.

Assumed actions:

Eclipse shoots Slayer.

Rein shoots Eclipse

Eclipse revengekills Rein

Core is lynched.

This. But Life, I would have expected you to figure that out.

Though I didn't lie about my win condition. I'm still trying to find Yiazmat, there must be some reason why hes lying about who he is.

Plus, what do you expect me to be, a mafia flavor checker? That would be retarded. Obviously I have the role I told you, so I don't know why you think I've lied all of a sudden. :(: lol

Obviously you just want to kill me because I'm an independent while someone else is lying to you about their role. Not that I can blame you for that. I wasn't exactly useful to you anyways. :P:

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The unfortunate fact is Strawman that as far as we know, the only mafia, as well as the serial killer(or "wolf") are both dead. Yet, the town hasn't won yet, meaning there's still another "threat" or something to be resolved. Which means it's probably one of the remaining two independents.

Perhaps this Yiazmat has a mirrored win condition of yours and the game won't end until one of you is dead, we don't know at this point.

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Clearly the simplest option is for Yiazmat to claim and for the rest of us hold a dance off between the two of them to determine who wins and who loses.

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Clearly the simplest option is for Yiazmat to claim and for the rest of us hold a dance off between the two of them to determine who wins and who loses.

Or for him to claim and let me investigate him and win! muwahahahahahahaha

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Sorry about being MIA yesterday, I didn't have a chance to get on. Thank you JB for doing the update. As for...

...The fuck? I am going to rage at Khamja (not Furet) during postgame. I thought the Mafia played badly in Mitnala...

In other news, Paperblade is being subbed in for Anouleth and I'll update the OP right now.

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Life, who is the second most suspicious claim/most likely to be independent?

I've got a couple. Villager claims to be exact. I'm having them checked out ASAP.

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Psych was found with a steaming bullet impaled in his skull. The town threw his body (minus the head!) onto a barbeque pit so they could have a good dinner tonight.

Dear Psych, you are Mayhew, Town Civilian


Mayhew is a Gria and member of the immensely popular Prima Donna clan, which also acts as a musical band. She wields a large broadsword in battle and plays a concertina while onstage.

You may not have any unique abilities, but you must still aid the Clan with your vote and your voice.

You are allied with the Town, and win when all threats are eliminated.

In addition, when StSS found the entire town looking to gut him, he mysteriously transformed into a plant, hoping the town wouldn't want to get rid of such a beautiful thing.

He got set on fire.

Dear Strawman, you are Montblanc, Independent Flavor Checker


Montblanc is the leader of Clan Centurio, and the eldest of his siblings. He formed the clan so that one day it would be strong enough to take down their mortal enemy Yiazmat, who killed the his mentor. He is a very trustworthy and kind moogle, always ready to help someone in need.

Each cycle, you may send us a PM entitled: 'Cycle X - Gather intel on USER'. You will send Tomaj to investigate USER, and will learn who USER's character is.

You know that Yiazmat is in the game, but don't know where it is. If you manage to Gather intel on Yiazmat, Clan Centurio will be able to successfully defeat it once and for all.

You are allied with no one, and win if you're able to take down Yiazmat.

It is now Cycle 4. Cycle ends on 16 August 2011, 11am GMT.

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Wait, how on Weyard did Psych die??? I thought all the anti-Town killing stuff were gone already... Is there still some kind of Backup Serial Killer or was that just a Vigilante shot?

Also, this proves that Yiazmat is in the game. And if he's concealing his character, I'm guessing his entire roleclaim was faked because he's Self-Aligned and prolonging this game.

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Hey, look who didn't lie, as usual.

I'll guess I'll say good luck town.

And fuck you Yiazmat. :P:

sorry about the edit. I accidentally said "you" instead of "who" so I fixed it.

Edited by Strawman the DucksawDucky
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Psych was found with a steaming bullet impaled in his skull. The town threw his body (minus the head!) onto a barbeque pit so they could have a good dinner tonight.


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