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Ivalice Mafia - Winners: Clan No Lynch

Radiant Dragon

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Yeah I felt I was the worst person to get that role xD IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII feeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllll soooooooooooooooooooooo guuuuuuuuuuuuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllllltyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

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Congratulations, Town!

Whatever, game over. I had the game won IF and only IF Freohr didn't idle. But since she couldn't shoot Kevin, we couldn't tie the vote and have the game called in our favour.

EDIT: Then work made me too busy to concentrate on this game. Good game town but honestly, you guys stink.

Only if? What about Joshaymin forgetting about Blitz getting modkilled? Or Paper not knowing what Anouleth said? Or you not being online when we needed you most? We would have likely won if just one of these never happened. Freohr idling is actually the most valid factor that destroyed us.

So, yeah, I think the Templars here were too overpowered. Even with even-numbered recruitment, OC makes them too good. The Town just got really lucky here.

Honestly, I have no idea why they recruited me and not you Haze.

Because we wanted Haze to win and for you to lose

Seriously though, about Haze:

he will be shot. I will ut my honour on that

ShoM promised me that the Vig was going to shoot him that night. If that happened, the Vig and the Persuader would both be shut down, making the Mayor the only threat. Recruiting Haze when he was supposed to be shot would have been a waste of a recruit. Also, between you and ShoM, we figured ShoM would end up dying first once the Templars are revealed to be a Cult.

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Clearly the cult underestimated my indomitable townie read aura.

This was actually quite a crazy game, with a mafia, cult and serial killer. Town certainly cut it close.

Two things though;

1. Was I one of the people whose role wasn't random?

2. Eclipse for Town MVP.

[spoiler=PM Log with Eclipse]


Are you Basch?

*looks at own role PM*

Nope. You lookin' for him?

Nope, Snike just told me some things while he was alive and my guess was that you were Basch, my mistake.

Hah, no problem. I'm quite irritated that he died.

As am I, he was the only person I was actively talking to/sharing info with.

Same here. The hosts had to deal with two pages of me bitching about being silenced. There was a lot I wanted to tell Snike, but then he died.

So you are the person who had a wincon of him surviving I take it?

Hmmm? What gave you that idea?

Hm, Snike was probably pulling one over on me, he said someone had a wincon of him surviving(doubtful since no one lost when he died,) then said that he couldn't talk to them for C1.

This led to me thinking it was you, and my pro google skills lead me to believe that you were Basch.

I'd like to see how this phase pans out. He was right about some things, but there's one more thing I need to fall in place.

You wouldn't happen to know who silenced me, would you?

No idea, sorry. Life's holding all the cards.

Hmmmm. . .has he been talking much to you?

Life? Not a huge deal, I tried talking to him and in general chiming in, but it basically ended with him saying "I believe your claim, but stop fishing." Even though I wasn't actually trying to fish at all.

So here I am, writing my speeches and being bored.

Town Leadership: Effective, but fuck having one person play the game for everyone.

We're still here, so we can talk, I guess. Problem is, I've been really busy, so haven't had much time to contact too many other people.

Having fun with Core:

So I hear you want everyone to claim to you, here you go;

Dear Haze, you are Shadow, Foreign Assassin


Shadow is a loner, an assassin and a mercenary, as his only friend is his dog, Interceptor. He comes and goes as he pleases, including on this occasion, Ivalice.

Each cycle, you may send us a PM entitled one of the following:

'Cycle X - Interceptor, sic USER'. You will send your trusted canine companion to attack USER, causing USER to retreat and fail to perform their action.

'Cycle X - 'Convince' USER1 to vote for USER2" You will threaten USER1 with a painful death should they not comply with your demands, causing USER1 to be compelled to vote for USER2 during the next cycle.

'Cycle X - Throw WEAPON at USER' - You will hurl the nearest available WEAPON, at USER, killing them instantly.

You are allied with yourself, and win when you get paid.

Yep, totally my role.

Hmmm. . .how does this look?

Dear eclipse, you are Kuja, Lost Dazzler


Kuja is a Genome from Gaia, who supposedly died at the conclusion of Final Fantasy IX. Instead of dying, he fell into a dimensional rift, and now wanders Ivalice in search of a way home.

Each cycle, you may send us a PM with the following: "Cycle X - Showing off my fabulous legs to <USER>!" User will be so dazzled by your beauty that their action will be randomly redirected.

You are allied with yourself, and win when you wear a pair of pants.


Sssh about this though, I think Core actually believes that I'm Shadow.

"I have a hard time believing you, but I also don't really believe that you would make this up.

We're probably 6/10 screwed. The only reason it isn't higher is because I know 2 other independents who can potentially help our cause.

Also, what does it mean by "win when you get paid."" - Core

Right now, It would be very helpful for me and there isn't really anything bad about it for you if you tell me what Clipsey is claiming to you.

Also, I don't think I will be allowed to "contact you", but I'll tell my mafia about you. I will tell you that Psych and Strawman are also independent, meaning that currently there are 3 independents and soon to be 2 mafia.


Only if you promise to keep my secret as Kuja safe~!

Seriously, I didn't claim anything TO Core, but I will tell you a couple of things (and PLEASE don't tell this to anyone!):

1. I am independent, and didn't claim to Proto.

2. I told Core that it was in their best interest to kill me (didn't tell them I was independent, though).

Since I'm independent, it means that the town won't be hurt if I die. If the mafia knows this, they might switch targets. I may not win, but I can help the town win. . .it's better than letting those bastards get away with killing my chew toy.

If you must tell them anything, say that I was being stubborn about it. It's consistent to what I've been doing to Core.


What do you want me to feed them then? Something that looks incredibly juicy?

Right, eh. Let me work on this.

"She's being stubborn about actually claiming(the message in the ipchat was to troll me), all I can really gleam is that she's some form of protectiive role."


Hmmm. . .I really want them to shoot me. . .here's what I did tell Core (paraphrased):

"I exist to balance the town and the mafia, and the town looks overpowered"

Bugger that all they'll get is vanilla flavor if they shoot me! :P:

Ninja edit: Fuck, that's beautiful.

Okay. I'm actually really worried about Life not dieing like we are hoping he will, do you think we should pick a different target? Like Proto, Clipsey?



Okay not really but this is funny as hell.

OMG. . .I don't believe this. . .

Like, seriously, what the hell kind of protection would someone like me have on? The kill WILL go through.

Hm, I can understand where you're coming from with the Life and Eclipse options, but why Proto? The rolefishing during C0?

We expect that there is a town cop, and he's suspect #1. Other than that, we also don't know the roles of Agnaktor, Kirsche, Anouleth, and Excellen. We are fairly well informed.

Very interesting.

Also suddenly the game was fun.

Clearly I can only have fun in these OC games when I'm spouting bold faced lies and being manipulative.

Proto claimed that he was asking for millers at the game's opening, IIRC. I facepalmed when I heard that. Not sure about everyone else, though. I know I didn't really talk to anyone except Snike before I was kidnapped, and then I didn't have time afterwards. Dammit, why do I only get a handful of nights to myself?

Last call, you sure you want to be shot?

Yeah. It's the only way I can help the town at this point!

M'kay. I shall do my utmost to make sure you get your wish.

Thank you!

I see.

Hm, it really does depend here. Life is the obvious pick, but he likely has replacements in place and protection on him, not worth targetting without having a way of bypassing said protection.

The other two options would come down to our suspicions, I believe Eclipse is a protective role, and you believe Proto is the cop. Whichever is highest on your agenda(and I'd say the protection personally) should come first.

I see.

Hm, it really does depend here. Life is the obvious pick, but he likely has replacements in place and protection on him, not worth targetting without having a way of bypassing said protection.

The other two options would come down to our suspicions, I believe Eclipse is a protective role, and you believe Proto is the cop. Whichever is highest on your agenda(and I'd say the protection personally) should come first.

Life is likely watching Clipsey, which is the main problem.

We have methods to bypass one person's powers.

Hm, quite the dilemma.

You can't kill Life because he has protection and you can't kill his protection because he's probably watching her. The best way of doing it would have been with your hook, but you're being lynched.

Hm, quite the dilemma.

You can't kill Life because he has protection and you can't kill his protection because he's probably watching her. The best way of doing it would have been with your hook, but you're being lynched.

I think I've resolved the problem. Life will be quite surprised when he finds out he was watching Agnaktor all night gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

Oh he won't be the only one who's surprised, Core.

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And then obligatory;

[spoiler=PM log with Core]

So I hear you want everyone to claim to you, here you go;

Dear Haze, you are Shadow, Foreign Assassin


Shadow is a loner, an assassin and a mercenary, as his only friend is his dog, Interceptor. He comes and goes as he pleases, including on this occasion, Ivalice.

Each cycle, you may send us a PM entitled one of the following:

'Cycle X - Interceptor, sic USER'. You will send your trusted canine companion to attack USER, causing USER to retreat and fail to perform their action.

'Cycle X - 'Convince' USER1 to vote for USER2" You will threaten USER1 with a painful death should they not comply with your demands, causing USER1 to be compelled to vote for USER2 during the next cycle.

'Cycle X - Throw WEAPON at USER' - You will hurl the nearest available WEAPON, at USER, killing them instantly.

You are allied with yourself, and win when you get paid.

Yep, totally my role.

Oh yeah, and I also know that Vayne isn't in the game because I already assassinated him.

Then...who was Vayne?

*This is when I get the idea to roll with it*

No one, that's the point. Vayne isn't in the game, I was given that piece of information in order to help me make a fakeclaim, which I did in the form of the gamble of Vayne the Town Persuader. Which is working perfectly, Life doesn't suspect a thing.

Scale of 1 to 10 just how screwed are you guys?

I have a hard time believing you, but I also don't really believe that you would make this up.

We're probably 6/10 screwed. The only reason it isn't higher is because I know 2 other independents who can potentially help our cause.

Also, what does it mean by "win when you get paid."

1. Yeah RD was pretty inventive with this role, I give him credit for that.

2. Ah, I see. That is helpful.

3. I don't even fucking know, they won't tell me.

Should I want to side with the mafia later on, will you contact me or should I contact someone?

1. Yeah RD was pretty inventive with this role, I give him credit for that.

2. Ah, I see. That is helpful.

3. I don't even fucking know, they won't tell me.

Should I want to side with the mafia later on, will you contact me or should I contact someone?

Right now, It would be very helpful for me and there isn't really anything bad about it for you if you tell me what Clipsey is claiming to you.

Also, I don't think I will be allowed to "contact you", but I'll tell my mafia about you. I will tell you that Psych and Strawman are also independent, meaning that currently there are 3 independents and soon to be 2 mafia.

She's being stubborn about actually claiming(the message in the ipchat was to troll me), all I can really gleam is that she's some form of protectiive role.

Just an FYI: I'm idling right now as per Life's orders. I'll likely continue this way until such a point that using one of my other powers benefits me.

Okay. I'm actually really worried about Life not dieing like we are hoping he will, do you think we should pick a different target? Like Proto, Clipsey?

Yes, the mafia just asked me who the kill. What the fuck.

Hm, I can understand where you're coming from with the Life and Eclipse options, but why Proto? The rolefishing during C0?

Hm, I can understand where you're coming from with the Life and Eclipse options, but why Proto? The rolefishing during C0?

We expect that there is a town cop, and he's suspect #1. Other than that, we also don't know the roles of Agnaktor, Kirsche, Anouleth, and Excellen. We are fairly well informed.

I see.

Hm, it really does depend here. Life is the obvious pick, but he likely has replacements in place and protection on him, not worth targetting without having a way of bypassing said protection.

The other two options would come down to our suspicions, I believe Eclipse is a protective role, and you believe Proto is the cop. Whichever is highest on your agenda(and I'd say the protection personally) should come first.

I see.

Hm, it really does depend here. Life is the obvious pick, but he likely has replacements in place and protection on him, not worth targetting without having a way of bypassing said protection.

The other two options would come down to our suspicions, I believe Eclipse is a protective role, and you believe Proto is the cop. Whichever is highest on your agenda(and I'd say the protection personally) should come first.

Life is likely watching Clipsey, which is the main problem.

We have methods to bypass one person's powers.

Hm, quite the dilemma.

You can't kill Life because he has protection and you can't kill his protection because he's probably watching her. The best way of doing it would have been with your hook, but you're being lynched.

Hm, quite the dilemma.

You can't kill Life because he has protection and you can't kill his protection because he's probably watching her. The best way of doing it would have been with your hook, but you're being lynched.

I think I've resolved the problem. Life will be quite surprised when he finds out he was watching Agnaktor all night gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

Oh I bet he will. Best of luck.

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If it ever seemed OP, it was because RD and I didn't balance the same with the intention of mafia dying by C2. What the fuck.


Frostbite - Day 1 retard!

Core - Day 2 Lynch

Lightning - Killed by Eclipse's rebound (you think SK wouldn't have a form of protection? srsly?)

Slayer - Shot by Eclipse


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If it ever seemed OP, it was because RD and I didn't balance the same with the intention of mafia dying by C2. What the fuck.


Frostbite - Day 1 retard!

Core - Day 2 Lynch

Lightning - Killed by Eclipse's rebound (you think SK wouldn't have a form of protection? srsly?)

Slayer - Shot by Eclipse



Initially, it looked like the cult would be reduced back to bronouleth, before I went to work.

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1)I didn't know you were doc, it was a hunch, based on the fact that Anouleth basically stated it out in the open.

2) I didn't know the watcher would be on you.

3) I didn't think one step ahead.

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Was I one of the people whose role wasn't random?

No. The RNG initially rolled Snike as Montblanc and eclipse as Yiazmat. I decided to switch them with Strawman and Sober Emo Girl because I didn't want Montblanc to win Cycle 1. Strawman almost won Cycle 2 anyway, but then he changed his mind about investigating Excellen.

And we didn't use Ligthnings ability on Life that time.

Yeah, I literally facepalmed when Lightning decided to redirect Haze to Life that night instead of doing something useful (even disregarding the fact that Haze was already targeting Life anyway). Having him watch whoever Ulki was investigating would've helped his image as Town Cop, and not a lot of people suspected Core until Life's report came out.

Tee-hee~! Sorry mafia, I kinda got lucky with shooting Slayer.

I was wondering if you knew Slayer was Mafia or were just guessing/shooting randomly.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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No. The RNG initially rolled Snike as Montblanc and eclipse as Yiazmat. I decided to switch them with Strawman and Sober Emo Girl because I didn't want Montblanc to win Cycle 1. Strawman almost won Cycle 2 anyway, but then he changed his mind about investigating Excellen.


Are you serious! Dang you Life lol, why did I follow your orders?

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Are you serious! Dang you Life lol, why did I follow your orders?

Because, and I say this to the rest of the town, until Khamja was destroyed, I was pro-town.

I need to say a couple of things.

First off, slops to Freohr Datia. That was the worst game of mafia I've seen anyone ever play and still manage to win. I hope you realized that if you did follow my orders by not idling, the cult would have DESERVINGLY won. I hope I never play with you ever again.

Second. Fuck you Anouleth. Why? Because you fucking recruited me. Way to fuck my image of "Life might actually be town oriented". Seriously. I'd rather lose as town than win as Cult.

Third. Did the town really not have an inspect and instead have a kidnapper and persuader? Really RD and JB? Really? You kidding me? Do either of you actually understand the purpose of those two roles? Clearly not.

And lastly. I hope everyone here realizes that aside from Sho's crazy way of figure out who was cult ASIDE from Paper with the claim slop, the town didn't deserve the win at all. Period. Had Freohr's kill gone through, the game would have been called ages ago.

Pretty shit game, to be honest. After Freohr idled and Paper got lynched, I literally threw my hands up in the air and said "fuck it, I'm not going to give a shit about this game anymore". Yeah, that's right. I flat out ignored the rest of the game. Why? Because I knew that the cult was going to get lynched out and town didn't deserve this win. I've seen towns play well before and this is not a good example of one.

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