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Ivalice Mafia - Winners: Clan No Lynch

Radiant Dragon

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I'm not sure what the current opinion is with claiming to Haze.

Not my intention, I can't reasonably expect anyone to trust Vayne the Town Persuader, I just don't want to be stupidly mislynched because of it.

An RL seems like our best bet today, but first;

##Vote: Proto

I'd like to hear what your rolefishing during C0 was all about.

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No, I'm letting it slide. Unless a Persuaded player actively resists to follow the restriction I don't see the need for punishment (even then I think it'd be better to replace the offending player instead of modkill them), and it's obvious that Psych simply temporarily forgot he was Persuaded.

I thought it was going to be if my vote is not on myself by the end of the cycle you would kill me. That seems a bit better, since if I had never posted since seeing the PM from you, it wouldn't be the same as not following it.

Probably. I'm just spouting gibberish.

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So Proto wasn't just after Snike and I on N0 then?

Yourself, Snike, Sho I -think-, and he seemed very... "eager" when I said I was probably publically claiming in the ipchat.

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Not my intention, I can't reasonably expect anyone to trust Vayne the Town Persuader, I just don't want to be stupidly mislynched because of it.

An RL seems like our best bet today, but first;

##Vote: Proto

I'd like to hear what your rolefishing during C0 was all about.

huhwhat? I wasn't rolefishing... I don't know what it was that you heard, but I did not try to have anyone reveal their role. Aside from one tiny little thing, but nothing more than that. I will admit, I talked to quite a few people, but I always do that in OC games. Sure, some people might have revealed a little more than they should've, but you can't blame me for that.

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huhwhat? I wasn't rolefishing... I don't know what it was that you heard, but I did not try to have anyone reveal their role. Aside from one tiny little thing, but nothing more than that. I will admit, I talked to quite a few people, but I always do that in OC games. Sure, some people might have revealed a little more than they should've, but you can't blame me for that.

>Implying that it's OK to solicit roles on N0.

Regardless, we resolved issues on IRC. Now, onto other matters...

##Vote: Furetchen


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Hey, OC isn't that discussion choking.

Honestly all there is in OC is...

Leader: send me role PMs i'm clear

Person1: I clear leader

Leader: Vote [insert scummy]

Person 1,2,3,4,5,6,etc: Votes

Repeat every day. after day1/0.

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I figure I might as well make this clear.

Phases last 72 hours, and will only end early if two conditions are fulfilled.

1. There is a majority vote on a player.

2. ALL players have sent in their night actions.

Otherwise the phase will be waited out until the end.

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Well, that hasn't happened yet, so get scumhunting. Besides, if you detest OC that much why did you sign up? I can sub you out if you wish.

I don't detest it. I'm just saying what it does to threads :P

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Ok. Let's get this show on the road.

Dear Life, you are Llyud, Town Watcher


Llyud is an Aegyl from the sky continent of Lemures. His cuious nature is what led him to join Clan Galbana to protect Lemures from the other sky pirates, although it tends to get him into trouble as well. He is also rejected by his people for allying with sky pirates.

Each cycle, you may send us a PM entitled: 'Cycle X - Follow USER'. You will spend the cycle trailing USER, and you will learn who visited USER that cycle. You can not watch yourself, since not even the Aegyl have eyes in the back of their head.

You are allied with the Town, and win when all threats are eliminated.

It's a throwaway role which makes it amazing for leading. Which brings me to my next point. Leading.

I want everyone to send me their role PM by the end of Cycle 2. I know that it's boring to do this by village leader but I promise that I will listen to your input and everything. If you refuse to send me your role PM, you have a good chance of being lynched. In addition, please tell me what you did during C0 and your plans for this cycle.

And my last point. Please follow these actions for this Cycle if possible.

Investigator - Your pick. You can check me out or not, your choice.

BG - Sit on my ass.

SG - Do not target me this cycle. If the investigator checks me out, it's all for nothing.

Mafia - Go fuck yourselves.

That is all.

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Why should anyone send you their Role PM?

Because I have experience in running towns (not from here but from Smogon). Because I know how to co-ordinate stuff. Because everyone else seems to want the town to fall to shit and I'm not about to let that happen.

In addition, if the investigator doesn't want to check me out, I'd like a villager to be found. I want to find someone to lead the village with.

Edited by Kitty Admiral
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Because I have experience in running towns (not from here but from Smogon). Because I know how to co-ordinate stuff. Because everyone else seems to want the town to fall to shit and I'm not about to let that happen.

In addition, if the investigator doesn't want to check me out, I'd like a villager to be found. I want to find someone to lead the village with.

I would imagine that the primary qualification is "is town". I haven't seen any evidence to that effect from you.

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I would imagine that the primary qualification is "is town". I haven't seen any evidence to that effect from you.

You don't see any hard evidence yet because of two reasons.

1. The town is a cycle behind the mafia because the town dicked around for a bunch of days.

2. I just subbed in.

I guarantee that I will lynch a mafia this cycle if everyone sends me their role PM.

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