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(SRW) An experimental SRT J draft

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Oh, that. You see, something I've noticed from the AI in this game is that it favors hit over damage. As in, if it has a good chance of hitting, it will attack it, if not, then it just ignores it, regardless of what damage they would cause. So what I do is that since most of my team are of high mobility (SPT's and Brains), I have them weaken the enemies so they get all defeated at once by my tankers (Granteed, battleships and Mazingers) in an EP (this is why I got both Mazinkaiser and Banpresto Originals as favorites, so they can get even higher armor and weapon power).

Of course, this means the former get behind in EXP, and they do most of the time, so their weapons get prioritized for upgrade so that they can get a kill or two for themselves when the enemy mob isn't big or something.

Also, this is balanced by the fact that unless I Accelerate spam one the ones who have that Seishin, they get to the enemies first, so they can weaken and get kills and then the remaining ones get mostly or all destroyed once the engage the latter in just one EP. Of course, it's almost moot when I give them the MegaBoosters, but the dodgers also get those +1Move,+5Mobility units thanks that they have more item-slots on average, so it evens out. They still get ahead, and weaken for the other to clean after.

Oops, I revealed my secret! :ph34r: Not. It's just strategy after some thinking and studying. :B): This isn't the first time I'm playing this game after all. ;):

That doesn't explain bosskilling potential.

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That doesn't explain bosskilling potential.

Well, bosses follow more or less the same AI, unless it's something like having a MAP attack or plot-related behavior.

But regarding strategy, basically there is no boss fight that doesn't open with a Rust Hurricane if possible (drafted MazingerZ/Mazinkaiser for this very reason). Strike (the Seishin of course XD) really helps here when my tankers have low Accuracy compared to the high mobility units. They are the ones to mainly deal damage, the others mainly have their use in support attacks, or in the case of the Brains, use their Combination Attacks.

Also bosses usually follow the behavior that if they don't move right away, they do so anyway once they attack or get attacked in pursuit of whoever got into range. But at the same time, by the time I clear the mobs, the bosses are already coming anyway unless I really clear the enemies fast enough.

So for example, with a high movement unit with likewise high mobility (Focus, parts, upgrades, you name it), instead of wasting turns for everyone to reach the boss, I lure it with one ahead of time so they meet earlier. It really makes a difference.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Scenario 13 - 9/102 turns

Man, it's at times like this when I really miss Mazinkaiser. Rust Tornado/Hurricane is really useful against the Boazanian motherfuckers, since it was a massive pain to take them out. The Combattler ripoff murdered the first guy it came into contact with on turn 2, when the Nadesico sortied. Granteed and Akito do their thing, and except for one scary moment when Touya almost was killed by that general dood (with the skull-ship-machine-thingy), it's same as always.

...I'm really playing sub-optimally.

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Episode 41 - Tearful, Brotherly Attack! Master Asia's Last Breath (Turns: 9 Overall: 319)

lol Yurika said the Announcer's lines. XD Anyway, quickly got the Shuffle Union away as the drafted units rushed northwest, splitting in two to deal with the Zombies, and Britishman and Italianman... again! Now enemy reinforcement come, time to push forward! Gogogo! XD Gah, Devil Gundam restoring HP and events. Yikes. The Grand Master Gundams are also a pain. And let's not even begin with Master Gundam H... >_> Man, too much man, too much. And using a team I'm not completely familiar using, but I won't give up! Phew... more epic, manly events...


It always gets to me. :-_-:

And finally, it's over... X_X

Episode 42 - One Man's Madness (Turns: 6 Overall: 325)

First things first, get Final Dancougar in a battleship, Accelerate everyone capable, and divide and conquer! Simple plan? Not quite, but it did the job well. Now reinforcements at 3 of the 4 corners. More stuff blowing up at your service! Okay, now the final corner is graced by Shapiro's presence, and a few units at the cardinal points of the map. Fun.

Episode 43 - Dark Side of the Moon (Turns: 7 Overall: 332)

Moved Blade+Pegas inside a battleship as everyone headed north to fight the Fury. Dammit Orgone Cloud, ugh... and now the Radam arrive. Quickly went northeast to engage them. Events once Evil has his HP depleated enough, then continue the onslaugt. Phew...

Fifth Route-Split, choosing the Peace Conference due to the SPT's going there, only loss in that case would be just the Archangel and M1 Astray. That over the Nadesico and the 3 drafted SPT's, obvious choice here.

Episode 44 - Ubiquitous Righteousness (Turns: 7 Overall: 339)

As much motivated he is, sorry Gai, you're going into the Nadesico. XD Got everyone else northeast and fight the Jovian forces. Well, until reinforcements arrive forcing me to split into 2 groups. Now Jovian and Gradosian forces coming from the south. Once dealing with the northern forces, each team heads south to fight the new wave.

Episode 45 - Is There Only One Clear Method? (Turns: 8 Overall: 347)

Moved Final Dancougar and Akatsuki into the Nadesico. Split into 2 groups to take on the Jovian forces. After taking care of them the Gradosians arrive in the final corner. Time to regroup and attack. Finally Shapiro kicks the bucket and Ru Kain gets sent who-knows-where. Heh.

Episode 46 - Doorway to Ruin (Turns: 10 Overall: 357)

Firs things first, get the SEED guys into the battleships, then Accelerate everyone who can and stop those nukes. Could only wish the ZAFT forces had headed east in the first place, they were useless by heading south first when I was starting from there. >_> Anyway, both sides get reinforcements, heading northeast still. Just great, it took all of Yzak and co. to take down just one missile, and Yzak alone was the one whose hits went through. They so needed our help. Now it's time for the Fury. Moved everyone south to fight them off.

Last Route-Split. Choosing to Return to Earth as it means more available units overall. 1 Battleship in each but 3 SPT's and the M1 Astray in one and 5 Brains on the other, this one's an obvious choice. Hmm, I never understood why Mazinkaiser can go in either route, since don't the Mycenaeans are route exclusive? Well, not sure if their plot happens regardless of route, but I'm not going the other route to find out, I'm staying with the Brain Powered route. Maybe some other time perhaps.

Episode 47 - The Moving Mountain Range (Turns: 8 Overall: 365)

Got Hime inside the Nadesico and split into 2 groups, one to engage the Reclaimers, and the other where eventually the Mycenaeans would appear if I remember correctly. Bingo, they appear on the southwest, and the Mazingers and Nadesico are ready to fight them all. Also put the Brains into formation. Got to be quick on this one. Or just defeat the Mycenaeans. Ah, and here I was worrying about it. XD Now to head after Quincy, moved Hime away and kept the two teams to take on the Reclaimers.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Scenario 13 - Oh shit the Nadesico is evil - 7/100 turns

I'm still waiting on the rest of my team, since they're all gone. And then Akito and the Nadesico get hacked, and I'm stuck with... Granteed. That's... an interesting scenario.

The Boazanian motherfuckers all die when Ruri shoots them, though. Then Baron Ashura appears, and Kouji pulls a LEEROOOOY JEEENKINS and I pull an "OH SHIT". Granteed rushes pell-mell over there, burning another EN tank. Tempest Lancer the fucker, he's gone.

Also, for my first take of this chapter:


Not shown: Akatsuki was a noble sacrifice to that one Voltes dood.

Scenario 14 - The gang's all back - 10/110 turns

Alright, more sub-par playing, yeaaaaah! We start off with... another Granteed-only stage. Joy. Thank god I supercharged him the last intermission, and he took out the starting enemies with ease. Akito did... well, guess.

Then the Shuffle Alliance shows up, and Domon scurries back into the battleship. Blam blam blam Master Asia, blam blam blam dead.

Edited by Cam
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Episode 48 - Flight (Turns: 8 Overall: 373)

Man, the Mycenaeans sure got one of the shorter sticks here. Their whole plot just seems to cover only 2 stages, route exclusive (or does it?), and are taken quite a beating from the Reclaimers, with 4 of their generals death that quick. Heh. Though I guess with how much are connected with Dr. Hell, it was bound to have them in just to finish that loose end. Kinda like when Endless Waltz is used, but at least they got more screen-time doing other stuff. Oh well, time for the stage itself. Place Hime inside the Nadesico and split the rest into 2 groups to take on both factions. Waiting for them to duke it out between themselves wastes turns, so heading over to intercept them, the free-for-all saving me from a pincer attack. Man, this BGM sure fits the mood of the atmosphere (pun intended *shot*). And now enemy reinforcements on the south. And now the Baron's Hyper Baronz appears. Yeah, this clearly is the beginning of the end.

Episode 49 - The Limits of Hatred (Turns: 9 Overall: 382)

Ah, the final non-OG stage. First things first, get Kira, Athrun, and Yzak into a battleship as I split into two groups. One to fight the starting enemies, the other heading north for when the reinforcements will appear. Good planning, the 2nd team was in position by the time the reinforcements appeared. Now to move the 1st team north towards GENESIS to fight the eventual ZAFT enemy wave. Well, geez, thank you past-guys from sending Ru Kain back here. >_> Anyway, friendly reinfrocements, yay! Not that I expect them to do much since my forces are in battle-range already, so yeah. An yeah! Kusakabe dies! That sure was one heck of a moment for any Nadesico fan. Even if it's Rau who made the killing blow, I guess they would just cheer him on that anyway. lol Anyway, the ZAFT are here now, and the 1st team already got into position. Time to fight the Providence Gundam!

Episode 50 - Uncountable Nights, Unimaginable Darkness (Turns: 5 Overall: 387)

Alright, the last stretch of the game. Moved everyone south to engage Ja-Mu and co. Ohoho, Final Boss preview. This gets interesting. Kept moving south and went directly after him. I can do it the brute force way... or spam Aid on the Nadesico as Yurika Tires Gu-Landon into very low Will. Haha. :B):

Episode 51 - Coldhearted World Part 1 (Turns: 7 Overall: 394)

Okay, time to rush through the enemy ranks. Equipped all Boosters, Mega Boosters, and Apogee Motors into everyone. Accelerate spamming in order. Onward! Once the reinforcements appeared, kept rushing and focused on both bosses above all else.

Episode 52 - Coldhearted World Part 2 (Turns: 6 Overall: 400)

Alright, time to end this! Moved everyone north and straight towards Gu-Landon. After he retreats further back, time for more Aid+Tire combo! Mwahahahahha! And another beating coming up! Gah, plot-healing. Now to destroy those generators. I think that Al-Van will also be mostly sitting out. He's too far away to be of actual help. Oh, he still lured a few enemies towards him. I guess he got to help after all. Geez, the Fury are swarming all over the place, although ignoring almost everybody due to lolhitrates against them. This served as distraction enough to avoid the reinforcement waves and increasing Gu-Landon's Will more than it should be allowed to rise. After though, it was all over.

Well, it has been fun, but it's finally over. End result...

In the order of: Unit - Pilot - Level - Kills

G. Dracodeus - Touya (Melua subpilot) - 49 - 358

Greimkaiser - Gale - 48 - 31

Nadesico (Y-Unit) - Yurika - 47 - 283

Nakki Brain - Nakki - 47 - 53

Enhanced Layzner - Eiji - 47 - 155

Archangel - Murrue - 47 - 256

Venus A - Jun - 46 - 51

Brain Child (Higgins) - Higgins - 46 - 72

Buldy - Roanne - 46 - 136

Mazinkaiser KS - Kouji - 46 - 162

Great Mazinger - Tetsuya - 46 - 211

Kant Brain - Kant - 46 - 45

M1 Astray - Cagalli - 45 - 19

Nelly Brain - Yuu - 45 - 71

Brain Child (Kanan) - Kanan - 45 - 60

Overall Turns: 400

All in all, I'm sure that if having at least the whole set, it probably would have been even faster the run. However, I'm content with the end result.

As you can see, my high evasion units got low kill counts overall since they went mostly to my tanks. That strategy of weakening them and being ignored in EP for the others to finish them of in one swipe sure payed off.

Regarding upgrades and FUB, in both mecha and weapons it went to S Terrain. Overall I've found it more efficient in the long run to basically turn everyone and everything into all-terrain, the overall bonuses made many things easy. As weapons got increased hit and damage, and units evasion and defense. As it was, then I wouldn't worry much and focus more on my offense.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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