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Itemafia Signups

Seven Deadly Sins

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Let's do this. I have no real "target" for number of signups, so I'll just take as many as I can get and see what I can do with it. This game is easy to balance around a variable number of players, so I'll just see what I get and move from there. Figured I'd post the general gist of the game again:

Standard day/night format, but there are no town/mafia power roles. Instead, during each night cycle, the players "search for items", each of which has a special ability. Some are active and correspond to standard power roles like Doctor or Inspector, some are passive and give bonuses just for holding them, some have abilities that may not be immediately noticeable, and some may not even serve any purpose... except for the third party.

There are Thieves that exist only to hold items. Their aim is to have the most items at the end of the game while simultaneously being alive. To this end they have powers that let them steal items from other people, but they must be careful not to arouse the suspicion of either of the parties while alive, since riches don't mean anything if you're dead...

EDIT: Haven't decided whether it will be cardflip on or off yet.

Signups will close when I feel like I've got enough players, but won't take too terribly long.

1. Kaoz

2. eclipse (change your names back, the kitty fad isnt funny any more :<)

3. 13thshadow

4. Paperblade

5. Ho.M.the.Money

6. Kiku-ichimonji

7. kirsche

8. Snike

9. Radiant Dragon

10. Core

11. The Magnificent Psykini

12. SlayerX

13. zorbees

14. Pariah

15. Strawman

16. Life Admiral

17. Sober Emo Girl

18. Blitz kitty

(note: 18 is not the definitive player count)

Edited by Seven Deadly Sins
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I need to know if this starts before Monday or not. If you start on or after Monday, I'm in. Before and I will sub.

You'll be in.

(i plan to send out role PMs on monday)

EDIT: If I can get one more signup I'd appreciate it.

Edited by Seven Deadly Sins
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