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Meh you could argue Friendly Fire being On would just be like a free for all except people share lives

or that it being On would make people who aren't random teams have a huge advantage since they'd know what they're doing

or that it being On would give people who have the technology to communicate while playing (via Skype or something) an advantage

or that it being Off would make some strategies near impossible to beat

the point being that whether it's on or off it might seem "stupid" depending on who you are *shrug*

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This tournament is quickly becoming one sided, you guys with no or few wins need to step it up.

Here are the brackets for Round 3.

The Senators vs. Xandercore

Waha Quintessence vs. Finnish TechSkill

ChaoticBlaze vs. Dragon Slayers

You have until the end of Sunday, September 25th to finish up these matches.

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Hey guys! I won't be available for this Round due that college is getting more intense, I have exams this Saturday and Monday, so I'll be focused on them. Besides, I'm not sure if I'll be available for the next Round. However, I'll let you Waha know anything about my availability.

Meanwhile I must gather...some quintessence. :awesome:

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This tournament is quickly becoming one sided, you guys with no or few wins need to step it up.

Not really, There's 2 of us who have won one and lost one, and it's only the second round.

Also, sundays are still best for me.

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But... but... we try our best...

I'd recommend practicing some more team strategies. You guys seemed to stay away from each other and didn't really abuse the no friendly fire rule.

Im so teaming with Soul for the next one...if theres any.

You can't join the tournament at this point. You may join as a sub, but you only get to play if a team requests you to fill in or someone drops out.

I might have troubles playing.

I'm just going to extend this round one week because multiple teams are having problems playing. I knew this was going to happen at some point in the tournament so I'm not disappointed. Still if you have the opportunity to play this week, go for it. You get a break next week.

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CPUs are allowed if one person absolutely cannot play and there is no substitute. The tournament is slowing down near its climax, as I expected. This round is two weeks long. A couple of teams have to play matches from Round 3 in addition to Round 4 matches.

Here are the brackets for Round 4.

The Senators vs. Waha Quintessence

Dragon Slayers vs. Finnish TechSkill

ChaoticBlaze vs. Xandercore

The Senators vs. Xandercore

You have until the end of Sunday, October 16th to finish up these matches.

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