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Berwick Saga


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I had a brief look and the information seems fairly detailed, it looks like you did a good job.

I'm not sure if I'll have time in the near future to format all the tables that you've created. However, in the meantime, I tested to see if I could format at least one table and, so, I've come up with this.

Some notes:

Certain formatting was lost, most notably the numbered notes.

If you're going to edit the wiki table, be wary not to use "|-" or "|+" as it messes up the tables. Instead you can use "| -" or "| +". Although if anybody wants to edit the wiki, I'll need to create an account for them.

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If it would be best if I set up the tables on the wiki to get them ready for the main site, I can try my hand at that. Are there any shortcuts I should be aware of? I'm assuming you didn't copy all of those cells manually. On that note, I used formulas for most of the average stats file once I figured out how; will that interfere with anything?

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I have a couple of methods of converting tables, but the best way that I know that works requires a (preferably WYSIWYG) HTML editor. I use Seamonkey's Composer, which is free and works well.

1. Open your spreadsheet/database program and choose a table/page.

2. Select all the relevant cells in your table and copy them.

3. Open Notepad and paste all the data. This removes all formatting, which is actually a good thing as it keep the HTML tidy. Unfortunately, this means you'll need to fix any formatting that was added for an actual reason.

4. Assuming Notepad separates each cell's contents with tabs, copy a tab "symbol" (usually a bunch of empty space) and replace all tabs with a delimiter of your choice (I used ";;").

5. Open your HTML editor and paste in the data from 4.

6. Go to the "HTML source" tab.

7. Replace all <br> with [bR]<br>| and replace all delimiters with "<br>|"

8. Return to the "Normal" view to check the changes. Then go back to the HTML source.

9. Replace all instances of "|-" and "|+" with "| -" and "| +" to prevent a bug.

10. Replace all linebreaks<br> (eg. "[bR]<br>") with "<br>|-<br>".

11. Go the very end and add "}" (eg. it should look like "|}").

12. Go to the very beginning and add this:

{|class="sf" style="width: 770px; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-collapse: collapse;" border="1px" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
!width="20%"|Other Characters

(Editing width and number of headers to your liking.)

13. The file should be OK to go. If a problem occurs, but you think it should work, you can post your code here and I'll check it.

Hopefully the steps aren't too convoluted. If you're confident enough, you can probably vary some of the steps, but just make sure to be careful (I end up slipping up in various ways myself).

Edited by VincentASM
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Not sure how to test it without a wiki account yet, but does this look right?

{|class="sf" style="width: 770px; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-collapse: collapse;" border="1px" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
| Hand Spear
| -
| -
| -
| Light Spear
| -
| -
| -
| Pilum
| -
| -
| -
| -
| Spear
| -
| -
| -
| Harpoon
| -
| -
|Injury +12%
| Test Spear
| -
| -
| -
| Needle Spear
| -
| -
|Critical +18%
| Pike
| -
| -
|Dismounted only
| Long Spear
| -
| -
| -
| Lancea
| -
| -
| -
| -
| Phalanx
| -
| -
|For each adjacent ally equipping a Phalanx, Accuracy +5% and Defense +1
| Mithril Spear
| -
| -
| -
| Wind Spear
| -
| -
|Wind damage +8
| Eushuprone
| -
| -
|Thunder damage +5
| Javelin
| -
| -
| -
| -
| Halberd
| -
| -
|Defense +3, Cripple +1%
| Wotan Spear
| -
| -
|Critical +9%
| Brionac
| -
| -
|Dark damage +5
| Caelum Spear
| -
| -
|Attack number +1
| *Follage
| -
| -
|2 consecutive hits
| Royal Army Spear
| -
| -
| -
| Old Imperial Spear
| -
| -
| -
| Imperial Spear
| -
| -
| -

Doesn't seem too difficult; I think I can do this. Is there a way to fix the superscripts afterwards?

Edit: Tested it using the page preview on another wiki and it seems to work, although I'm going to adjust the column sizes a bit. I noticed you were saying you need to set up any new accounts on the wiki, so if you can do that for me, I can get all the information formatted, along with some adjustments I've been making.

Is there anything else it will take to get the database ready the main site? That's what I'm really interested in, since that's where people will actually see it, finally making Berwick Saga visible and playable to English-speaking FE fans.

Edited by Othin
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Nice, glad you could get it work. I was slightly worried that I messed up some of the steps.

I'll PM you your account details.

If you can add at least one new page, I'll add Berwick Saga back to the front page (although the earliest this will happen is tomorrow).

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Thanks, I'll link to the pages very soon and re-add Berwick Saga to the front page.

BTW, if it's not a huge bother, could you add links to any sites that you've used significant information from at the top of any relevant pages? Also, while you're there could you add the "original contributor" tag (for yourself, like in the Skills page) to each page? I realise this might take a while, but you can take your time if you want, since it's not urgent.


Here's the revised page. I need to wait for NTG to return so she can create a new button for the front page.

Anyway, thanks for working on and formatting these pages. I can tell you must be a pretty huge Berwick Saga enthusiast, judging by the amount of information and detail on the pages.

Edited by VincentASM
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Average stats are up, additional credits stuff for the pages up to Terrain are also up. I'll do the rest later; it's been quick.

I am indeed a huge Berwick Saga enthusiast; it's my favorite game in the series (as I regard the expanded FE series). I've actually only been playing it for two or three months, after watching YayMarsha's videos on YouTube, and haven't even played all the way through it yet, but I love the depth, complexity, and resulting strategy. I feel that it's such a shame that it's been forgotten for so long and so difficult for English speakers to play, and I hope this will be the first big step towards solving that.

And maybe sometime after that I'll be able to get some clue about what's going on in the story.

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Thanks again ^^

Finally added Berwick Saga back to the front page!

If I have time, I might work on the Character introductions, although I'm not super familiar with the characters, so I'm not quite sure how it'll turn out.

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That'd be a nice addition. It'd also provide a good place to add character portraits, since they don't seem too difficult to find, to add a bit more life to all this than just text.

Say, do you know of any way to add superscripts manually on the wiki? I'd like to add those back if possible, since they make it look much better, and I had to remove them entirely in a couple of places where they were next to numbers.

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Thought it looked weirder than what I remembered, then checked back and learned that despite what I had thought, that was not the notation you usually used. Heh.

But whatever. Updating the pages with that and the other stuff now.

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Hmm, I started on the intros, but it looks like they're tougher than I expected. Do these sound right to you? I based the description from the official site (condensing the details into two sentences).



|The main hero of the game, son of Duke Barnstol of Shinon. He leads the Shinon Knights and is a young, but skilled commander.




|General serving the Dukedom of Shinon. An extremely loyal man and skilled advisor, which has earnt him Reese's full trust.




|A long-time member of the Shinon Knights, trusted by Worde. Calm and collected, the younger knights view him as an elder brother.




|A bow knight who swears loyalty to the Shinon Knights. A kind-hearted girl, whose skill with the bow exceeds ordinary men.




|Along with Leon, he was promoted to a knight. His serious personality contrasts with Leon, together they are good friends.




|A member of the Spear Knight squadron, Adel's partner. His fiery personality leads to intense fights on the battlefield.


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As far as I know, they sound accurate, although Adel doesn't look like the serious one from his portrait. I don't have much to go on, though.

Edit: I think that's everything. I credited a bit excessively at times since it was easier that way; I'm assuming that's not a problem.

Do you know of a way to merge cells on the table?

Edit2: I noticed you list the elemental magics in order Fire/Thunder/Wind on the main page. I ordered them Fire/Wind/Thunder in all the tables, to go along with the order on the stats page, and a couple of other things, although they're listed as Fire/Thunder/Wind on the skills page when leveling up for some reason. Either way, I feel like it might be best if we made it consistent one way or the other.

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In the civilian requests page, in chapter 10 Leon's mission, you are given three options (all of them has the same kanas, so it's easy to miss the right one), and you must select ビードロ. YayMarsha mentioned it in a previous post, but it's not mentioned on the list. I think that should be corrected.

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Do you know of a way to merge cells on the table?

Edit2: I noticed you list the elemental magics in order Fire/Thunder/Wind on the main page. I ordered them Fire/Wind/Thunder in all the tables, to go along with the order on the stats page, and a couple of other things, although they're listed as Fire/Thunder/Wind on the skills page when leveling up for some reason. Either way, I feel like it might be best if we made it consistent one way or the other.

I don't really recommend merging cells, unless it's important, since it can get a bit complicated. If you need to use it, you should check out this page (and attempt to edit the page to check the syntax).

Ah, I didn't realise that. I think it would be easier if I rearranged the spells to Fire/Wind/Thunder. Is that how they're ordered in the game?

The links on the main page from Berwick Saga (labeled as General) onward are mislabeled.

Whoops, that was a result of accidentally overwriting the main page before finishing all the edits. It was quickly fixed, so if you refresh the page now it should be OK (if not, give me a shout).

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I don't really recommend merging cells, unless it's important, since it can get a bit complicated. If you need to use it, you should check out this page (and attempt to edit the page to check the syntax).

Ah, I didn't realise that. I think it would be easier if I rearranged the spells to Fire/Wind/Thunder. Is that how they're ordered in the game?

Whoops, that was a result of accidentally overwriting the main page before finishing all the edits. It was quickly fixed, so if you refresh the page now it should be OK (if not, give me a shout).

Still not fixed. If you're not available before I have a chance, I'll give it a look.

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In the civilian requests page, in chapter 10 Leon's mission, you are given three options (all of them has the same kanas, so it's easy to miss the right one), and you must select ビードロ. YayMarsha mentioned it in a previous post, but it's not mentioned on the list. I think that should be corrected.

My plan was to find out which option (first, second, or third) would correspond with that and list that instead, since that seems more helpful. I hadn't gotten around to looking into that, but I checked YayMarsha's video to find out after you mentioned it and added it.

I'm sure there are other things that aren't perfect (including a few guesses). The pages are handled through the wiki, so if you think you might have anything else to add at any point, you might want to ask Vincent to make an account for you.

I don't really recommend merging cells, unless it's important, since it can get a bit complicated. If you need to use it, you should check out this page (and attempt to edit the page to check the syntax).

Ah, I didn't realise that. I think it would be easier if I rearranged the spells to Fire/Wind/Thunder. Is that how they're ordered in the game?

It would make a few of the pages look better, since I had made them with merging in mind, so I'll see if I can get it to work at some point, but if not, I don't think it's too big of an issue. Thanks for all the guides on this stuff!

Berwick Saga isn't too consistent about how it orders its weapons. In addition to the sometimes inconsistent groupings of weapons/magic/shields, within those groups, spears/axes and wind/thunder vary in their order depending on where you check. I went with spears before axes and wind before thunder because those seem to be the most common; the only instances I've noticed of the opposites are the weapon skills listing on the characters' pages for axes --> spears and the weapon skills listing on the level-up pages for thunder --> wind, while shops that contain both all indicate spears --> axes and wind --> thunder. So it's really up to preference (I had axes listed before spears until right before I started putting the tables online), but I think the one I'm currently using is most accurate.


The links on the front page seem to work fine for me.

Added information about which characters can equip the weapon type to the respective weapon type pages for convenience.

Edit: Added some location details for the collector items. I'm uncertain about my description for getting the Rapid-Fire Bow; I've never played Supply Base, so does my description of the barracks mechanic sound accurate? And this is one thing I can't check YayMarsha's videos for.

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For the items I'd list the Chapter they're found, and if there are more than one, the places they can be found, or at least, say which items are unique (the ones that you can only get once for Elsheimer, like Albatross Sword).

And what is the reward Elsheimer gives you? I've been looking for it, but I was unable to find it.

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For the items I'd list the Chapter they're found, and if there are more than one, the places they can be found, or at least, say which items are unique (the ones that you can only get once for Elsheimer, like Albatross Sword).

And what is the reward Elsheimer gives you? I've been looking for it, but I was unable to find it.

I intend to make a full list of item locations eventually; for now, I think this is enough. To my knowledge, the Monster Sword Albatross is the only item only available once before the end of Ch13, but I've made a note of that, and I'll add more if you know of anything else. I also made a note of the requirement of delivering the items before Ch13 since it's also useful information, and I'll add it to other relevant locations as well.

Forenden is an S Shield. In the current version, I described it as a shield to make it a bit more clear.

Working on boss data now. Shouldn't take too much longer.

Edit: All boss data uploaded. Anyone know if I missed any relevant events regarding them? I want to assume Kay and Sophie leave after their events, but I haven't found any information about that, and as I noted, assuming hasn't been going too well with this. Which leaves the question of why I listed knives along with swords in the Dodge Swords skill and why I haven't at least bothered to play Ch8 to check Kay for myself, but bah.

Also Pascannon being personal for Sophie as well as Estobar, but that's actually supported by what I've read. Anyone know if that (and the other stuff I've been talking about) is accurate?

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I've been looking at the boss data, and I've seen a few things I didn't know, like Sylvis incapacitating Weiss when she attacks him (I did it the hard way, hitting him with Arthur and a ton of luck).

Sophie actually uses the Pascannon, but she has a different Pascannon, just like it happens with the Balmunk. These two weapons are unique story-wise, but they have been programmed twice each of them. For what I've played, Kramer's Balmunk (rank 30 and personal weapon) is the one you receive when you recruit him. However you're given the choice to either give him the Balmunk or not, so I assume that the other Balmunk (rank 1) is the one you receive if you don't recruit Kramer. The same happens to the Pascannon. Sophie's Pascannon is a rank 10 weapon. The pic is huge (from chapter 10-1 "Scorpion"), but I didn't feel like editing it...


EDIT: I've been checking the skills, and Shadow is incorrect. An enemy with Shadow will be visible at all times (unless he has other skills like Hide, which is very common, or uses any item that allows the user to be invisible), what you won't be able to see are his stats, skills and the probable outcome of the battle. This skill is negated like Hide, by placing a character by the one with this skill or by having someone with Watch within 3 Hex of him.

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Good finds. Added both, although I'm not sure I explained Shadow the most clear way.

Edit: Changed around the format of the Base Stats and Growth Rates pages a second time to try to find an even better way to fit in the weapon skills. This one combined them back into one table without stretching the screen, but is less effective at comparing weapon availablities at a glance... which was a result of an enormous amount of blank space. Anyone have thoughts on it compared to the previous versions?

Edit2: So looking back, it's 11+ speed for moving up to counter range 1? Never figured out what caused that... interesting.

What's with dragons? Their weapons are listed as range 0-1, but they fly up, as if they're attacking at range 0, even when they initiate combat, rather than staying at range 1 like other 0-1 weapon users. I was able to get Larentia to counter that with a Pilum, though, so is it not really range 0 in the first place?

Also, does anyone understand how weapon skill growths work? It's definitely not the full growth whenever you swing the weapon or take a hit; is it half the chance, or more complicated?

Thinking it over, half the chance sounds really likely, but again, I don't want to assume.

Edit3: Expanded the Optional Missions page a bit, thinking about changing it to a general Mission Data page, but I think I need Vincent's help with that.

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Changed around the format of the Base Stats and Growth Rates pages a second time to try to find an even better way to fit in the weapon skills. This one combined them back into one table without stretching the screen, but is less effective at comparing weapon availablities at a glance... which was a result of an enormous amount of blank space. Anyone have thoughts on it compared to the previous versions?

I think that's the best way to do it.

So looking back, it's 11+ speed for moving up to counter range 1? Never figured out what caused that... interesting.

I eventually noticed it when some enemies rushed to my archers and Wollo rushed towards the enemy.

What's with dragons? Their weapons are listed as range 0-1, but they fly up, as if they're attacking at range 0, even when they initiate combat, rather than staying at range 1 like other 0-1 weapon users. I was able to get Larentia to counter that with a Pilum, though, so is it not really range 0 in the first place?

I don't know why she could counter with that, since Axal couldn't counter with a throwing axe (he was holding an Ice Dragon Scale, so the enemy dragon couldn't damage him without a critical and he was supposed to counter).

Also, does anyone understand how weapon skill growths work? It's definitely not the full growth whenever you swing the weapon or take a hit; is it half the chance, or more complicated?

Thinking it over, half the chance sounds really likely, but again, I don't want to assume.

I think it goes down as the skill goes up, since at the beginning my characters' skills sky-rocketed, but now they hardly go up...

EDIT: I don't know if it's interesting enough, but I found some images of what I think was a beta release, with differences like getting Sophie instead of Istbal, Clifford being much younger and Derrick not using a helmet. I'll post them here if you're interested in seeing them.

EDIT 2: I've been checking some of the lists, and I think that some things aren't spelled correctly since they seem to be related to certain places, which can be seen written in the map during the main missions events and in the intro (however you spell everything else is unimportant for me, but these seem to have a proper way). For instance I'd say:

Wind -> Pallas Rihanna RIANA

Thunder -> Pallas Selenia SERENIA

Bow -> Serenia SELENIA Bow

Horses -> Chinon SINON, Riga LIGA, Isis ISHS

On horses one more thing, some of them don't increase strength but damage. This means that while mounting that type of horse you can't round your strength to reduce speed penalty due to weight. I checked this out with Czene, since daggers use no strength for the damage calculation (maybe it influences the alpha factor, but it doesn't affect damage directly). While she's mounted on Tico, she'll get +1 damage, but no extra strength.

Edited by paladin21
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