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I'd be interested in the beta images at least. I think I have a few old scans and screenshots lying around somewhere, but no clue where they are ATM : P

Edit3: Expanded the Optional Missions page a bit, thinking about changing it to a general Mission Data page, but I think I need Vincent's help with that.

Not sure how much I'll be able to help, but I guess I'm interested.

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Also, does anyone understand how weapon skill growths work? It's definitely not the full growth whenever you swing the weapon or take a hit; is it half the chance, or more complicated?

Thinking it over, half the chance sounds really likely, but again, I don't want to assume.

I don't have any information either, but I assumed that each point has a experience requirement and the percentage just shows how much the character gets per swing. So say 30 for 20 -> 21 and the character's 30% growth means they only get like 0.3 per swing. I'm sure that's not right for a variety of reasons, but it just always made more sense to me than some random chance per hit. (It would also better explain the 24 turn bonus for weapon experience.)

There's mention of weapon experience on the wiki's FAQ page I think, but I don't really know what it's getting at. It lists how many hits someone needs to gain a point, but it's labeled with A, B, C, and so on which makes no sense. It looks like the skill growths are ranked in some weird way. I assume S rank would be for 90% growth people like Faye, but past that, I'm confused.

On the bright side, it lists grinding places if someone really felt like figuring this out manually. Probably while going for 35/35, since you want to ditch Ruby as soon as possible.

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Not sure how much I'll be able to help, but I guess I'm interested.

I thought I would need you to approve a move of the page or something, but apparently not; I was able to move it myself. So the only thing I can't do regarding it is update the link at the main site.

So I'll finish filling in stuff for that, and I also intend to start an NPC data page sometime tonight. I'll also beat up Derrick a bit to test out the weapon skills; I have a test file saved right before his mission.

Edit: Chris's arrow count showed that she hadn't attacked once up to that point, which sounds about right, since I skilled most of the missions up to that point and only brought her into Ch1. I decided to use that same arrow count to keep track of her attacks while fighting Derrick and some other enemies.

Test 1

8 base, 70% growth

7 hits

11 hits

21 hits

Test 2

8 base, 70% growth

5 hits

9 hits

17 hits

23 hits

Test 3

8 base, 70% growth

5 hits

9 hits

17 hits

24 hits

If you're thinking I did something on the second and third tests that I didn't do on the first, you're correct: I started using Aim. The first time, I hadn't wanted to risk it, since I had left Chris with Sherlock's Bronze Arrows, which could do 3 damage to Derrick without his shield; this damage building up and killing him was what ended the first test. For the second and third tests, I bought Chris a large number of Wood Arrows before the battle, which couldn't damage Derrick no matter what (interestingly, he never bothered blocking with his shield at those times). Both times, she did some fighting with nearby enemies before getting in position to attack Derrick repeatedly, and missed exactly once in the first five hits both times. So it seems likely that misses may count for less points than hits, although they certainly count; I've observed characters increasing their weapon skills while missing, and in fact, on the third test, Chris's miss was on her fifth hit, when she leveled up the skill.

One conclusion I think we can draw from this so far is that the number of attacks needed to increase a weapon skill goes up every 10 times: when Chris's Bow Skill was 10+, she required twice as many hits as when it was 8-9, and I'm sure it would be three times as many hits at 20+.


Test 4

8 base, 70% growth

6 hits

11 hits

18 hits

26 hits (24.5)

38 hits (30.5)

This was with no missing whatsoever. I'm really starting to think that whether or not missing changes anything, there's a random factor involved. Numbers in parentheses are to compensate for the halved growths past Turn 24; Chris had attacked 23 times by that point.

Edited by Othin
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Rosters (Incomplete). Descriptions in the spoiler.

[spoiler=Roster descriptions]rosterfaltan2.jpg

This is the actual roster.


This is what I think the beta roster. The changes I've noticed (and identified) are:

1) Lumiere (the alchemist) seems to be in Ward's place.

2) Different portrait o character at Sheelock's place.

3) Czene has a different portrait

4) Characters with helm in Dowd and Burrows' place.

5) Pricess Sienna seems to be in Saphire's place.

6) Different character in Axal's place.

7) Derrick without helm and a different, and more useful, class, Lord Knight, which happens to be Vester's class (if I remember it correctly).

8) Clifford looks way younger.

9) Sophie is in Istbal's place.

10) Different characters in Cedi and Persvel's places.

[spoiler=Character changes]aiginabeta.jpg

Aigina's Pallas Riana looks like it can last way longer...


Derrick... 5 movement??? Why did they decide to screw him with the worst posible class (and probably skill combination)??? Seriously, this guy just needs to be benched to get his happiness point (well, that and keep Enid alive). He looked more useful like a Lord Knight (with mega-awesome starting skill), and it seems that his equipped sword is different from the other one, since it has a red line.


Clifford looks more like he's Ruby's brother than her father.

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Looks like Pallas Rihanna doesn't regain durability in that version. Hypothetically, it can be used up to 128 times in the final game, so it's actually gained durability since then in exchange for having to spread it out more.

wtf is with Young Clifford's lance? How did you get these images, anyway?

Vester's class is Duke Knight, like Clifford.


Test 5

8 base, 70% growth

5 hits

9 hits

15 hits

24 hits

No misses this time, either. No kills, either. I wasn't keeping track of kills the first few times, but I think she got a kill in the first few attacks in a couple of attempts.

I don't know what's affecting the results, but I'm really starting to think it's a random factor. There's definitely a non-random factor involved as well, though. I noticed Elbert often seemed to be gaining a sword level early in the tests, fighting non-Derrick enemies, so I decided to give him ten briefer tests, all from the start of the mission. All ten times (7 hits and 3 misses), he increased his sword rank (from 12 to 13). I know I used him before that point; I'm not sure how much, but it's enough to verify that there's something cumulative involved. Perhaps it works like the durability system, having a small chance of increasing when you reach certain point totals towards the next increase, then increasing 100% of the time once you get all the points?

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Looks like Pallas Rihanna doesn't regain durability in that version. Hypothetically, it can be used up to 128 times in the final game, so it's actually gained durability since then in exchange for having to spread it out more.

The first line in the description states that it will recover MP (uses), so it has more durability in the beta. I checked and the descriptions are identical, while other spells have nothing writen in the description.

wtf is with Young Clifford's lance? How did you get these images, anyway?

He can't use it because he's dismounted. Lances can only be used when riding a horse (maybe it works also with dragons, but Larentia lacks the skill so...). The pike can be used only by foot soldiers in exchange. When a character can use a weapon when mounting or dismounting, it appears in yellow.

I found the images in internet,

Vester's class is Duke Knight, like Clifford.

I didn't check Vester's class when I wrote it. I thought he was a Lord Knight because Leese isn't and Vester's sorta important in the game (he appears at least in three important missions).

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The first line in the description states that it will recover MP (uses), so it has more durability in the beta. I checked and the descriptions are identical, while other spells have nothing writen in the description.

Okay, that's just ridiculous.

He can't use it because he's dismounted. Lances can only be used when riding a horse (maybe it works also with dragons, but Larentia lacks the skill so...). The pike can be used only by foot soldiers in exchange. When a character can use a weapon when mounting or dismounting, it appears in yellow.

I'm aware of the yellow thing; I was referring to its stats. I'm not sure how that could possibly have been intended for ingame use... and looking at it, the same goes for Pallas Rihanna. Not only the uses, but 7 Mt and 10 Prec?

Any thoughts on the weapon skills thing?

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I'm aware of the yellow thing; I was referring to its stats. I'm not sure how that could possibly have been intended for ingame use... and looking at it, the same goes for Pallas Rihanna. Not only the uses, but 7 Mt and 10 Prec?

I guess they were trying and noticed that it was too great (9+9*7=72 damage... negating counters... It was too much, the same with the Pallas Riana).

Any thoughts on the weapon skills thing?

Not really. My characters' skills barely go up.

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For this test, I decided to start a new file and track every character throughout the first mission.


Sword 8/60%/40













S Shield 7/80%/40










Sword 21/30%/40

Spear 28/40%/40






M Shield 25/30%/50




Spear 8/50%/30














S Shield 4/40%/30



Spear 4/30%/30











S Shield 6/80%/30





Bow 9/70%/30














Sword 12/80%/30



Spear 5/30%/30

S Shield 11/50%/30


Bow 2/50%/30

Crossbow 8/70%/40








Axe 17/80%/40










Holy 6/50%/30











Several oddities... not all growths may be handled the same, and the change I assumed at multiples of 10 may be inconsistent or wrong. I included caps in case they play a factor. I'll repeat this test at least once and see how the results compare.

Edit: I started a second test, starting Ch1 from the start again. This time, I decided to save at the start of Turn 5 and resume from there a few times to explore possibilities. I found it much more effective than I had expected.

The main focus of this test was on Sherlock, who, before this point, had hit three times with his bow and missed once. Attacking a soldier, I found that he usually gained his first point in Bow Skill (from his base of 9 to 10), but not always. I decided to retry a large number of times to make sure I would get a good amount of data not only from the times when he hit and killed the enemy, but also the times when he missed. After the testing, he gained a point 17/27 times (63%) when he hit and killed the enemy, and 8/10 times (80%) when he missed. This indicates that, at least at this part of the calculations, it may not matter whether or not the attack hits the enemy. This proved especially true when I combined the numbers and found that his overall rate of gaining a point was 25/37 times - 68%, almost exactly the same as his Bow Skill growth of 70%. I'm not entirely sure what this means, but I think I'm on to something here.

The second focus of this test was on Reese, and entirely by accident. Sometimes, after Sherlock attacked the soldier, an enemy archer would attack Reese. He usually missed, but every time he hit, Reese gained his first point of S Shield skill (from his base of 7 to 8). This was true the first four times - two of those times, Reese successfully blocked the hit with his shield; the other two, he didn't. Reese had already been hit twice, blocking both attacks with his shield, so this was no surprise; on the first test, as noted above, Reese gained increased his S Shield Skill for the first time on his second time being hit, and overall, increased his S Shield Skill 6 out of the 9 times he was hit throughout the mission. The weird thing was the fifth time, right when I was almost finished with Sherlock's test: the fifth time the archer hit, Reese blocked with his shield, and gained two points of S Shield Skill, jumping straight from 7 to 9. I reloaded the file to verify that Reese had had 7 S Shield Skill before the battle, then decided to try making it happen again. After sending Reese into the group of enemies, the first time he was hit, he blocked the hit and gained two points at once yet again.


There is a random factor in characters' weapon skill growths

There is a non-random factor in characters' weapon skill growths

It is possible to gain multiple points of weapon skill in one battle, even with only one use of the weapon


It doesn't matter whether or not the attack hits or kills an enemy

Weapons and shields grow differently, maybe magic as well

At certain points, the character's weapon skill growth rate is used as a chance of increasing the weapon skill

Edit2: When Saphira appears as an NPC in 12-1, are all of her items are temporarily gone? I'm guessing yes, but I want to make sure before saying so on the NPC page.

Aside from this, the NPC data page is now complete.

Edit3: More tests. I noticed that characters seem to often get their first point in regular weapons skills at their fifth fifth at the earliest. But even at low levels, it couldn't be that simple; I had seen Sherlock and Chris level up their respective bow type skills first on their fifth attack, then on their ninth, only a gap of four attacks between the first and second points. Reese having three sword attacks at that save, I decided to see if I could get him to get a point on his fourth attack. After 53 tests, I found that Reese increased his sword skill in the next battle 47% of the times reloading from that save, counting only the battles where he attacked once. I'm not sure what to make of this number and how it might relate to Reese's 60% Sword Skill growth rate. It may be notable that Reese killed one enemy in those first three hits, so if killing enemies counts for double points, that could explain it.

I then decided to try Izerna. At that same save, she had healed two times, and based on my previous full test, she seemed to like increasing her Heal Skill about every three heals. Over 20 tests, she increased her Heal Skill 80% of the time, despite only having a 50% growth. I had also noticed that she had a similar pattern with Sherlock and Chris, increasing on her 3rd, 5th, and 8th heals on the full test. I decided to see if the skill increase on the second heal could possibly happen for her first point. After testing 10 times, she never did. So something's up here with cumulative WExp between points.

On that same attempt, I decided to test how Ward's stats would increase with his higher weapon levels. After attacking with his spear 15 times, he didn't increase his Spear Skill once, but he increased his M Shield skill on his third or fourth block, having blocked all potentially damaging hits against him up to that point. Shield skills definitely increase much faster than weapon skills, and to a lesser extent, healing magic appears to do the same.

Edit4: wtf? On another test, Izerna raised her Holy Skill on the second heal when I wasn't even expecting her to; I was trying to her her to a point where I could test the chance of raising it on later heals. Now I have to test this more.

Edit5: My tests appear to indicate that Izerna has a 50% chance - her Heal Skill growth - of increasing her Heal Skill on the second heal if it heals 5 or more HP and a 0% chance of it if she heals 4 or less HP, out of the maximum of 8. I believe she healed 8 HP on her first heal. I'm going to try for some different numbers and see how they work out.

Edit6: After having Izerna heal 5 HP on her first heal, she healed 6 HP on her second heal on 20 tests following a save and increased her Heal Skill 45% of the time - likely another 50% chance. This was a total of 11 HP healed, as opposed to the 13 HP needed for the Heal Skill increase on the first test, so it appears that it's not a matter of the total HP healed, but rather an all-or-nothing deal. My hypothesis is that healers only gain full WExp from healing more than half of full potential of their heal, while healing half or less, they gain less or no WExp.

On an unrelated note, I'm working more on the mission data, but I'm not sure about the details of the objectives for Ch8 and 8-1. Can anyone clarify or correct what I have listed?

Edit7: Based on the above, it appears that two heals of more than half of the potential healed damage give Izerna the WExp she needs to have a chance of leveling up. On another test, she gave two of these "full" heals and failed to gain a point of Heal Skill, then after a save, I had her use a "partial" heal on Dean (1-4 HP out of the maximum of 8) 7 times, reloading each time, and found that she didn't increase her Heal Skill any of those times. This leads me to conclude that heals below a certain amount of HP (in this case, I assume half or less of the healing power) are of absolutely no value to Heal Skill increases. So while healing a point or two of damage here and there will get Exp, it won't get any Heal Skill. Meanwhile, for healing minor injuries, Semi-Heal appears particularly valuable, not just as a cheaper and more common alternative, but as one that would actually offer a chance to increase Heal Skill. This last part is only a hypothesis, however; testing this only with Ch1 Izerna, I don't know if it's at all different if characters have different healing power.

To be sure, I injured Dean further (his Desperation skill is really coming in handy for getting him beat up) and tried having Izerna heal him again, her third heal now being a full heal. On the first such test, she increased her Heal Skill.

Edit9: I've been trying to replicate the thing I mentioned above about Reese increasing his sword skill on his fourth attack, but I can't make it happen, even replicating the three actions before it as best as possible (two hits and a kill). My best guess right now is that it's just not possible, and must have been a mistake in my notes. I'm back to being thoroughly befuddled regarding how Chris and Sherlock raised their Crossbow/Bow skills on both their 5th and 9th attacks, but I'm guessing it was some sort of spillover, and the levels aren't entirely separate. Certainly, I wasn't able to get Sherlock to increase his Bow Skill on his fourth attack, despite testing a few times to see if it would happen.

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Okay, I think I've edited that post enough times.

I finished writing up the Mission data page, but I'm not entirely sure about all the details regarding mission objectives and the conditions forcing characters to be automatically included in a given chapter, especially since I've still only played about halfway through the game. Anyone notice anything you can add/correct?

Edit: Healing 4 HP using Semi-Heal (5 healing power), Izerna increased her Heal Skill. This indicates that for healing spells, the amount of healing that matters really is determined by the amount healed compared to the healing power. I'm sticking to my previous guess that you need more than half to advance. It also appears that while doing so, healing spells advance WExp faster than weapons, but not as fast as shields. So that's one part of the puzzle solved, although I'm not sure how much it helps figuring out other things, since misses appear to increase WExp as much as hits; it's probably just a special measure added to healing spells to lessen the effect of abusing insignificant heals.

Edit2: Now Chris never increases her Bow Skill on her fifth attack like she did so often on the Derrick tests, but she's increased it 4/5 times so far on her sixth attack. I'm really confused now.

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Yeah, I think it would be for the best if you took a look. I can't see anything wrong on my side at this moment in time.

FYI, It had turned out to be a caching problem with my browser. I tried force refreshing, but that did nothing, so I deleted the cache for this site, and it worked properly. ~_~ Browsers are dumb.

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I finished writing up the Mission data page, but I'm not entirely sure about all the details regarding mission objectives and the conditions forcing characters to be automatically included in a given chapter, especially since I've still only played about halfway through the game. Anyone notice anything you can add/correct?

I looked at the conditions and everything seems right except 12-1. Raspuche is the only one you need to kill. Some maps (like 2-2) could also be "defeat enemy," but I guess the escape prompt that pops up would just mean I'm nitpicking. :P

[Edit]: I think Olwen is only forced in 12-1 if you've met his happiness requirement beforehand. Something similar with Percival too I think, but what if you ignored him in Chapter 6?

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I figured there was something like that with Olwen and Percival. Does Senderos factor into anything, or is it just Rasputin?

Also, is there anything you know of keeping Axel from grabbing the Divine Sword Vajra with his Robbery skill in either chapter where Chaos appears? I'm working on an Item Locations list (not uploaded yet); it could hypothetically include every item, but for now I'm just focusing on the ones that seem important enough to be worth the time of looking things up, and since the time required to look it up increases for common items, it seems like a good measure.

As for weapon skills, I'm really confused now. I've been able to get Chris to increase her Crossbow Skill on her fourth attack multiple times, but then couldn't replicate it afterwards. I don't know if it's really unlikely or dependent on hitting or killing or skill use or what, but something's up here.

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Does Senderos factor into anything, or is it just Rasputin?

I don't remember that name, but I assume you mean the Chaos clone? He's just there for kicks, so you can (and should, unless you're prepared) leave him alone.

Also, is there anything you know of keeping Axel from grabbing the Divine Sword Vajra with his Robbery skill in either chapter where Chaos appears?

I'm fairly sure that would be impossible. He already can't grab limited/rare items, but his level also needs to be higher than the equipment's rank. Since it's a rank 30 weapon, you obviously can't reach that level as early as Chapter 3. You might be able to do it in Chapter 15 instead, but I'm not sure if matching the rank is good enough.

By the way, about weapon skills, wouldn't it better to just wait for some tech-savvy person to come by and do all that emulator magic to figure it out? I have no clue about it myself, but I'm guessing it would be easier than trial-and-error. Especially considering the growth system is so freaking messed up.

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I don't remember that name, but I assume you mean the Chaos clone? He's just there for kicks, so you can (and should, unless you're prepared) leave him alone.

I'm fairly sure that would be impossible. He already can't grab limited/rare items, but his level also needs to be higher than the equipment's rank. Since it's a rank 30 weapon, you obviously can't reach that level as early as Chapter 3. You might be able to do it in Chapter 15 instead, but I'm not sure if matching the rank is good enough.

By the way, about weapon skills, wouldn't it better to just wait for some tech-savvy person to come by and do all that emulator magic to figure it out? I have no clue about it myself, but I'm guessing it would be easier than trial-and-error. Especially considering the growth system is so freaking messed up.

Yeah, him.

I forgot about those two limits. Are rare and limited one group, or is it some exception to also apply to items like dragon breaths/scales? I've been referencing the wiki for a starting place on the items, and it doesn't list those, or a few other things, plus the breaths wouldn't make any sense to take anyway. In any case, the sword is a rare item, so there's no question about it.

You bring up a good point about weapon skills, especially since I'm at a bit of a roadblock. I'll explain what I've found so far in a mechanics guide or something when I get around to writing one and leave it at that.

No clue about weapon growth, but the very beginning of this page seems to touch on some of the details.

Good find. Looking through that, they seem to affirm most of the same stuff I had been thinking and include some extra stuff, but I don't think they have it all right, either.

Edit: Okay, here are my interpretations:

Initially, characters gain 20 WExp on a hit and 10 on a miss. When they reach 100 WExp, they can increase the weapon skill; when they reach 200 WExp, they can increase it twice at once. At 20 WLV, the WExp from missing disappears entirely; at 35 WLV and every 5 WLV afterward, WExp gains from hitting decrease according to certain percentages. Shields give 4x WExp, and characters start with 50 WExp.

A lot of things aren't clear, particularly the role growths play. My thought now is that growths may affect gaining WExp in the first place, and it may be those growths that are reduced as the characters increase their skill. This would explain almost everything, especially the things that had completely stumped me. The main issue is, it would mean the characters would automatically increase their WLV for every 100 WExp, so the thing about gaining multiple WLVs from one battle wouldn't apply except for long battles. However, Reese somehow increased his S Shield Skill multiple times in one battle, where he was only hit once, and therefore should only have gained 80 WExp. It may have had something to do with his personal shield being used, though.

Unless... it doesn't, and characters can wind up above 100 WExp without increasing it. Under this model, the characters have their chances of increasing their WExp to reach 100 or more, and while their WExp is between 100 and 200, they have their weapon growth rate % chance to burn 100 WExp and increase the skill, whereas if they go above 200, they automatically burn that 100 and increase the skill and have a chance to burn another 100 to increase the skill a second time. This fits perfectly with the test with Reese; he had like 150 WExp at the time. So if he hit with his shield, he had an 80% chance of gaining 80 WExp and moving up to 230, where he'd automatically gain an S Shield point and have an 80% chance of gaining another point, while if he missed, he'd be stuck at either 150 or 190 and have his 80% chance of getting one point no matter what. This would mean that he'd have a 64% chance of getting two points, but only if he hit. I tested him 6 times... both times he missed with the shield, he got one point; out of the four times he hit with it, he gained two points twice and gained one point the other two times, which fits the hypothesis perfectly.

If this is true, then we have all the basic stuff solved, although it's still damn confusing. I can start testing it immediately; hopefully I still have that save to crunch the numbers in more detail. If I'm right, they'll look like this:


80% chance of +1

20% chance of +0


64% chance of +2

32% chance of +1

4% chance of +0

Edit2: I don't, but it can't take too long to make a new one, especially if all these numbers are right.

Edit3: And now I do. I haven't tested it much yet, but with this system in mind, everything lines up perfectly. I'll continue testing it all out, then if it all checks out, add it to the Calculations page.

As far as I can tell, if this is right, the only things that remain to be checked are how healing spells impact WExp and what exactly is reduced by those percentages at higher levels (I'm guessing the points, not the chance, but it can't hurt to be sure). Those won't take long to verify, then I can add this to the site.

Edit4: After doing more testing, the WExp calculations from Vincent's link are definitely accurate, but I'm not sure about the chances. I was expecting 64/32/4 and 80/20 results, but instead, I got this:

Hit +2 14/31 - 45% (64%)

Hit +1 17/31 - 55% (32%)

Hit +0 0/31 - 0% (4%)

Miss +1 26/28 - 93% (80%)

Miss +0 2/28 - 7% (20%)

Parentheses are the chances I was expecting to get.

It seems like there's something particularly wrong with the chances of Reese not increasing his weapon skill at all. However, looking at those two instances compared to the entire test, they're about 3.5%, which fits if the chance of a +0 was 4% both times. This 4% chance would fit if Reese increasing his WExp to 170 (his WExp was 130 at the save before the test) forced him to increase his WLV, as if there's some minimum WExp around 150 that forces the point increase regardless of his growth rate, rather than being all the way back at 200. Based on this and some other tests, I'm under the impression that it's a minimum of 150, but that all three of the relevant minima - 100, 150, and 200 - are not inclusive.

I'm still confused about the other values, though. Reese should have gotten more +2s, unless it doesn't use the full growth rate or something.

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EDIT 2: I've been checking some of the lists, and I think that some things aren't spelled correctly since they seem to be related to certain places, which can be seen written in the map during the main missions events and in the intro (however you spell everything else is unimportant for me, but these seem to have a proper way). For instance I'd say:

Wind -> Pallas Rihanna RIANA

Thunder -> Pallas Selenia SERENIA

Bow -> Serenia SELENIA Bow

Horses -> Chinon SINON, Riga LIGA, Isis ISHS

On horses one more thing, some of them don't increase strength but damage. This means that while mounting that type of horse you can't round your strength to reduce speed penalty due to weight. I checked this out with Czene, since daggers use no strength for the damage calculation (maybe it influences the alpha factor, but it doesn't affect damage directly). While she's mounted on Tico, she'll get +1 damage, but no extra strength.

Just saw this and updated the horse "strength" references. I also changed all references to "Chinon" on several pages to "Sinon".

For the others, while I appreciate the suggestions, I believe the translations I've used are more accurate to the meaning conveyed by the names, as well as what would be more likely to show up in an official English localization. Such an official localization will never happen, but I still intend to make my translation the closest thing possible. The romaji in which the names are spelled out in the Japanese game should not be mistaken for an official translation to be taken literally when not appropriate, and this is the policy the FE series has followed with its official translations. With a Google search of Ishs, I get 207,000 results, primarily or entirely as an acronym. With a Google search of Isis, I get 16,300,000 results, primarily as a reference to a famous name from Egyptian mythology. It seems clear which is more appropriate to use as a name.

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On the subject of names and this is kind of trivial, but is there a specific reason for using Lanette over Lynette?

Also, I'm a bit wary of using Sylvia over Sylwiss, since you've changed two sounds (V and A) and there's already a Sylvia in FE4. However, I can't think of any other existing name that sounds similar to Sylwiss, but I guess you may get a made-up name every now and then.

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Translator preference.

As I noted above, I'm going more for how an official translation might look than a perfectly literal one. I believe we're all familiar with how much official translations have changed names, and I feel that it would be overstepping my bounds to make changes quite that drastic, but regardless, I've had to make substantial changes to some things to make sense out of them. This hasn't been much of a problem for player characters (I found out after choosing the name Sylvia that Sylvis was actually a real name, but a much less known one), but bosses have been more of an issue. After watching arguments in the FE12 translation, where people held fast to the names they had first become familiar with, I'm wary of handing people a name like Semudariosu, the literal translation for the lategame Dark Knight boss I was discussing with YayMarsha earlier, considering the likelihood that people will hold fast to names like that and resist attempts to translate it as something similar with more of a basis in reality, such as Senderos. I've made similar judgment calls with a few weapon, class, and skill names, and probably other things as well, which may be more questionable (Bastard --> Hero, for an example), but I believe the edited versions will be substantially more appealing to your average FE player unfamiliar with literal details, and making Berwick Saga accessible to FE players is my highest priority with this project.

Now, I realize this doesn't necessarily extend to names where there is a decent or even good alternative, such as the noted alternatives of Lynette and Sylvis, as well as Dowd. I'm not concerned about duplicate names, as it's unavoidable anyway in both Saga games with both playable characters and bosses (Elbert, Dean, Olwen, Percival). That said, I stand by the names I've chosen.

Edited by Othin
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Item locations are up!

I intend to expand it to include all items eventually, and possibly organized better and in more detail, but that's a bit more of a ratio of work to usefulness than I feel like doing right now. So for this version, items included are chosen rather arbitrarily; I added a few less useful ones just because they were rare and therefore easy to add, but it should have pretty much anything someone would plausibly be looking for.

Not sure about all of the items marked unobtainable, and the wiki was less helpful for a few items (Javelin, Hatchet, the first four arrows, and most of the consumables), so I had to go by what I could find by poking around on Joll, which has more information and appears more accurate, but tends to be less organized. So I might have missed a few of those. I'm also not certain about all of the items I marked as unobtainable, so I'm hoping someone can verify this.

Edit: Berwick Saga appears to have fixed stats for all enemies, and Joll has them all listed, but they're a pain to dig up. I decided to do the enemy stats for Ch1 all as a single, more readable table here; I don't intend on doing this all at once, but it's good to have. I also decided to start recording weapon durabilities while I was at it, but that yellow is painful to look at; does anyone know of a good alternative?

Edit2: Compiled stats through Ch2. This isn't taking as long as I expected, but I'm sure other chapters won't stay that way.

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I decided to try my hand at making a template for easier navigation, particularly in the enemy data pages, using some code borrowed from another wiki.


I intend to make more when I get the hang of it, but it seems like something went wrong here; does anyone know what? I also found that when I attempted to add the template to the page for first map, it got stuck to the table of stats; I couldn't find a way to get any spacing between them.

There's a story behind the order I chose to complete some of the pages in, but it'd take a while to explain. The pages linked to are all basically complete, although there are various stylistic changes I intend to make on almost all of them and some information that's missing; I'll be able to find some of that information myself, but not all of it.

Edit: Looks like I was able to fix all of that.

That said, Vincent, when you get around to adding a link to the enemy data to the site, I think it might be a good idea to just link to the template, not the page with the list. Actually, I'm considering taking down the list and links to it entirely when I can get everything else sorted out...

Edit2: Actually, if I expand it, that may not make sense... hrm. I'll think of something.

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