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Seven Deadly Sins

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Attention, Townies and Scum!

It has been brought to my attention that people are dissmissing Psych's attempts at leadership. At this point, it should be known that Psych is not the brain of this plan. Another townie has cleared Psych and has instructed him to do this, and would perfer to stay hidden so as to avoid becoming a target. If the mafia wants to stop us, they'll have to waste a kill on Psych. Keep in mind that revealing information about used-up items is low-risk, since you can't be targeted for those abilites. The town right now is being horribly dis-organized, and it can probably be assumed that we only have 3 more misslynches.

Thank you for your co-operation.

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so which of you assholes gave me a gift at night

you must really despise me.

with that attitude, who wouldn't despise you?

on other news, someone I have a grudge on should die and I am even using my double voting item to get this guy lynched (It is called Tablet of command iirc), the reasons are mainly for ignoring my PM, and being suspicious on the thread


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If Psych is asking people to claim to him (and expecting claims!), that means that he's acting like his usual idiotic self. . .so he's probably town. My theory stands~!

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Since I told this to others. . .I appear to have a useless item. . .and since I whined about the option of "throwing it back at SDS", I didn't get anything last night.

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so which of you assholes gave me a gift at night

you must really despise me.

I'll admit, that was me. I just gave it away randomly because obviously I didn't want to hold on to it. However, it shouldn't be a big deal considering you can give it away to someone else tonight and still search for a new item. NewYearsEmoticon.gif

But no, of course I don't despise you.

On another note, claiming to Psych doesn't seem like the worst thing. Its just items, which in my case are nothing special, which may seem like the equivalent of a role but really imo they just aren't the same thing. At least that way we can get a little organized as to who has what and such.

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but quacky avatar man

don't you see this item is HIGHLY DANGEROUS and may even result in my DEATH

i have given seven deadly sins the command to eat this item (well, i'm considering it... i'm a bit of a pansy)

if i end up dying, it's your fault

if i end up with superpowers, then i take all the credit

either way you lose, quackman

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I would like to tell Sho and RD to quit posting about the game if they're going to be telling people what to do!

Birthday fatigue and stuff, plus the fact that I forgot to rename the thread. Update happens when I get home tomorrow. That gives you slackers 22 more hours to vote!

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oh wait, i can search AND give this piece of crap away to the person i hate the most?

well, golly.

i should still eat it for kicks

You can eat it? What? When I had it all it did was...nothing...as far as I could tell. Just something unknown and bad. Maybe SDS told you more then he told me.

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