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I suppose my voting patterns have been suspicious, I'll try to be more explicative from here on out. I voted for Pariah at first because she seemed lynch happy, but I think I mostly misunderstood her intentions.

Scumdar beeping. Pariah was never lynch happy = bsing a reason.

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1. Why did you vote Sho?

Because seeing the merits of lynching vs NL is apparently hard

1a. If you're voting Sho because he appeared to sheep, what do you think of the people sheeping Sho?

Im wondering how they can get that build up from a pressure vote + suggesting to vote the most suspicious player there is (proto). I call scumshit

2. What do you think of Proto and the no role pm deal?

He is the most suspicious among us. what else should I say?

3. If you were mafia, who you recruit?

Someone like Kaoz or Haze who are good players without being too good and thus obvious like Life/Eclipse/etc.

4. Who do you think is more likely town?

Can't really form an opinion about this

5. Who do you think is more likely mafia?


6. Can you identify anyone is actively lurking (posting, but not actually contributing)?

This has been answered to the point where I won't even bother to copy paste.

However I wonder how am I suppose to fall in this category Kaoz? Outside of 1(there might be others but I can't fucking remember) of my posts I have been either considering who is scum, Voting, or general stuff like thieves. Sure I posted that one "Please kill me post" BUT Psych was asking for it.

If this is about my lack of posts in the last few pages thats because Ivalice is needing my attention more than this game at the moment.

I would just like to remind you all that lynching gives us some info, NL gives us absolutely nothing outside of possibly pushing back LYLOetc by one day but with the info we are better prepared to the LYLO anyway

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This has been answered to the point where I won't even bother to copy paste.

However I wonder how am I suppose to fall in this category Kaoz? Outside of 1(there might be others but I can't fucking remember) of my posts I have been either considering who is scum, Voting, or general stuff like thieves. Sure I posted that one "Please kill me post" BUT Psych was asking for it.

If this is about my lack of posts in the last few pages thats because Ivalice is needing my attention more than this game at the moment.

It's mostly because I didn't see them as very helpful, but maybe others think differently.

That being said, I find it hilarious that I'm apparently on almost everyone's list for "likely to be marked", yet I'm not considered "too obvious".

Adding to that, saying someone is too obvious is pretty useless as well, for example, assuming I'm mafia and see everyone saying that Life most definately won't be marked because it's too obvious, wouldn't I do just that?

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1. Why did you vote Sho?

I didn't. I'll probably end up changing my Psych vote later.

1a. If you're voting Sho because he appeared to sheep, what do you think of the people sheeping Sho?

As others have said, game theory and past experience would suggest that there's a mafia member in there. Lynching all of them isn't a good idea, though.

2. What do you think of Proto and the no role pm deal?

I'm suspicious of it, since it was mentioned after Raymond and I had already referred to the fact that I didn't have a Role PM at the start of the game. I would back a Proto lynch.

3. If you were mafia, who you recruit?

Paperblade or eclipse. This is more of a personal preference, though. Kaoz, Kay or Anouleth would also be likely targets, as well as Life (he's too obvious for us to not consider WIFOM).

4. Who do you think is more likely town?

5. Who do you think is more likely mafia?

6. Can you identify anyone is actively lurking (posting, but not actually contributing)?

I'll have to read over the thread again to form more concrete opinions here. When does this phase end?

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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Ummm... Actually :unsure:

I was aware of the post, but the mere fact that she mentioned bandwagoning before Kay posted a response rubs me the wrong way.

Please do it. If conversations are that hard to deal with, kill me.

It's less the conversations and more the insufferable personality that you display, from my perspective. Though, that's not why I'm voting you.

But my question is, is a mislynch more useful now than it may be later in the game?

Reactions early on are everything. With thieves about, we can't rely on our abilities whatsoever. Pressure voting gets us information, yes, but so does the lynch. From people's positions and reactions to who's being lynched, we can have a clearer picture of which side of the fence players are on.

How do we know we'll A, have a Mislynch later in the game, and B, need it?

There's no way we know if there isn't a Serial Killer or if a vig will kill people. Plus there's items everywhere that can kill people. We can't tell how many people will die a phase so that we can safely estimate when we have an option for mislynch. Hell, 5 people could die within this round. We don't know. It's better to do it know when we are currently in better standings.

Oh my God, who are you and what have you done with Psych.

The mafia recruited someone last night, IIRC. Now would be a good time to find out who.

Psych, kindly shut up. That's not the kind of info you want out in public.

1. It's irrelevant since they're still basically scum from the start. They're just a little behind, info-wise. So the statement needs to be rephrased to, "The scum are about. Now would be a good time to find out who they are." The only way we're going to do that, though, is scumhunting.

2. If it's him being serious, then leave him to his devices. If someone's feeding him, well, that is troubling.

We could always just ask them straight up.

In all seriousness, I'd like to know the same thing. Seems like its going to be harder to find mafia, or the thieves even, in this game than in other games.

You should probably go play a bit of Epic Mafia. It's all about shit like this, when it comes right down to it. Scumhunting is always easier than super roles.

Well, you could you know, try. This kind of attitude is not going to get us anywhere.

In other news, ##Vote: Psych. If we're going to get rid of anyone this phase, we might as well get rid of the troll.

He isn't acting like much of a troll just yet, but I can understand why you'd vote him first.

There have been 9 pages of text at the time you popped in to say nothing, which is plenty to develop at least minor reads on people.

To help, here are some questions you should answer:

Fuck yes, surveys.

1. Why did you vote Sho?

Well, I started off the vote mainly because he immediately went after Proto over a dumb question, which seemed like a genuine mistake to me. The cynical attitude and one-track mindedness led me to keep my vote there. Then, the vote switching occurred, which didn't help him in my eyes. It looked, from my perspective, like an attempt draw off the fire he was taking as a result of the Proto vote. Now, I don't like his reaction, which is why I'm still going after him.

1a. If you're voting Sho because he appeared to sheep, what do you think of the people sheeping Sho? (Applies partially)

I'm actually a bit unsettled about the momentum, because it either means members of the mafia are backing the vote, or people are not thinking for themselves. Neither of these are positive.

2. What do you think of Proto and the no role pm deal?

I think it was a genuine mistake, given that I nearly did the same thing before reading up the comments. I'm not ruling out an intentional mistake, though.

3. If you were mafia, who you recruit?

Strawman, Kaoz, or Slayer. All 3 players tend to fly under the radar, which is a valuable asset for a mafia player.

4. Who do you think is more likely town?

Ducky over there. Doesn't mean I can't disagree with him. Getting town reads from Radiant as well.

5. Who do you think is more likely mafia?

Slayer. He's been just sitting there and watching the mud fly, but he isn't helpful. Also Sho for previously stated reasons.

6. Can you identify anyone is actively lurking (posting, but not actually contributing)?

Slayer again. Also Kay and SEG, the latter recently. Not Blitz because he hasn't said anything yet...

Actually Proto is telling the truth here

...But now, I can say safely that he is a member of the ALA.

Edit: Grammar.

Edited by Snikitty
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I got to this in an earlier IP.Chat, and I'll explain it again here:

The fact that Psych mentioned this means that either someone was dumb enough to tell him that they had a kill item, or he has the kill item. Regardless, this makes him a huge target, and I don't think I need to explain why.

There is a very minuscule chance that someone is telling Psych to act like a moron most of the time, and mention a killing item so that he looks clear if there's a watcher and/or tracker item out there that catches Psych killing someone. I doubt this greatly, as it seems like a hell of a lot of work for an illusion.

Or you're giving me less credit than I deserve. I may not always act the smartest, but I can at least use basic logic. The only person I've talked with so far is Proto who's told me something about his item and it's not a killing item.

In a game with items, a killing one is inevitable. You not thinking of that, means either you have one and don't want to reveal it, you're surprised you didn't catch it first, you want to live in ignorance, or you're mafia and you don't want us thinking of things. I'm leaning the mafia route and maybe the killing item route.

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That's not very nice, Kaoz, I've talked to everyone I saw on IRC (including you, you dick), which is over half the players in the game =(

Also, idk what the deal is, but there are definitely killing items in this game. I don't know if there are any out there right now, but with items mimicking basic Mafia roles, having a vig item would only make sense.

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Or you're giving me less credit than I deserve. I may not always act the smartest, but I can at least use basic logic. The only person I've talked with so far is Proto who's told me something about his item and it's not a killing item.

In a game with items, a killing one is inevitable. You not thinking of that, means either you have one and don't want to reveal it, you're surprised you didn't catch it first, you want to live in ignorance, or you're mafia and you don't want us thinking of things. I'm leaning the mafia route and maybe the killing item route.

Here, Psych, reread what you posted:

Plus there's items everywhere that can kill people.

There is no "I think". There is no "If". What you made is a statement of fact. That would be like me assuming there's a tracker/watcher item, even though a) no one has told me such a thing exists and b) that's not what I got.

Making assumptions about the core mechanics of a game is something I wouldn't advise. They tend to come back and bite you in the ass. If you want more proof of this, go reread Duel Terminal.

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It's less the conversations and more the insufferable personality that you display, from my perspective. Though, that's not why I'm voting you.

I have a personality? I had no idea. Im being voted because of it? Kick-ass

Fuck yes, surveys.

1. Why did you vote Sho?

Well, I started off the vote mainly because he immediately went after Proto over a dumb question, which seemed like a genuine mistake to me. The cynical attitude and one-track mindedness led me to keep my vote there. Then, the vote switching occurred, which didn't help him in my eyes. It looked, from my perspective, like an attempt draw off the fire he was taking as a result of the Proto vote. Now, I don't like his reaction, which is why I'm still going after him.

There is nothing dumb about lynching someone who stated something that either makes him clear townie unless he is, you know faking it. Of course I considered the option of mistake BUT I seriously don't think he would ask that without checking da rules first. I think its more likely for him to be a scum than not reading the rules. As for Pariah vote, It was clear that this pack of donkeys won't lynch Proto so why should I keep my vote on him when I can put it on somebody and make it, you know usefull for pressure use. Or are you perhaps stating that I should just do nothing to contribute on town's victory?

Edit: Grammar

Edited by Sho.M.The.Heap.Master
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That's not very nice, Kaoz, I've talked to everyone I saw on IRC (including you, you dick), which is over half the players in the game =(

Yes Paper, but the way the question was worded, I would think it implies the posting quality and quantity in the thread, wouldn't you say? If you would reread my statement there, I also mentioned that it's OC and doesn't mean much.

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1. Why did you vote Sho?


1a. If you're voting Sho because he appeared to sheep, what do you think of the people sheeping Sho?

Not surprised really.

2. What do you think of Proto and the no role pm deal?

A bit suspicious honestly. But it could be a simple mistake (i have payed for those before :(: )

3. If you were mafia, who you recruit?

Probably someone like Life/Radiant/Anou/Eclipse etc. Although seeing yesterdays dicsusion about who would be obvious i'd say probably someone average at the game, not one of the top players.

4. Who do you think is more likely town?

Too soon to tell.

5. Who do you think is more likely mafia?

Hmm.. too soon as well.

6. Can you identify anyone is actively lurking (posting, but not actually contributing)?

Me... :unsure:

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Scumdar beeping. Pariah was never lynch happy = bsing a reason.

Don't act like you know everything, we talked on IRC and her responses seemed odd. After some thinking, I decided to vote her. We've resolved it now and I genuinely believe Pariah is town.

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I have a personality? I had no idea. I'm being voted because of it? Kick-ass

The sheep of my flock are not exactly forthcoming with details as to why they are voting you, so that might be why. As I said, I'm not voting you for that reason.

Though, your attitude isn't really helping.

And now, point for point.

There is nothing dumb about lynching someone who stated something that either makes him clear townie unless he is, you know faking it.

This statement makes no sense. Proto could have been marked, or made a thief. He is in no way cleared because of a misunderstanding. Essentially, your basis for lynching him is that he asked a dumb question before the actual game started. That is not a solid enough basis to go on.

Of course I considered the option of mistake BUT I seriously don't think he would ask that without checking da rules first.

To err is human; to forgive, divine. The fact that you instantly jumped on a potentially human error as evidence of scumminess tells me that you're either overzealous, or scum. Neither is helpful for making a smart lynch.

I think its more likely for him to be a scum than not reading the rules.

Clearly, Proto, me, and DEG, at the least, are scum. Because we are definitely never prone to make ask dumb questions. Way to go, Sherlock.

As for Pariah vote, It was clear that this pack of donkeys won't lynch Proto so why should I keep my vote on him when I can put it on somebody and make it, you know usefull for pressure use.

1. We're not donkeys, we're sheep. Get it right., we are players. A little respect would be nice.

2. That is an excellent embellishment. All of four people, aside from yourself, voted before you jumped ship.

3. It isn't really much of a pressure vote if a bandwagon forms before the target responds.

Or are you perhaps stating that I should just do nothing to contribute on town's victory?

I'm suggesting that you should calm down, and think things through. Right now, you're freaking out from my perspective, which is not helping my opinion of your scumtitude.

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There have been 9 pages of text at the time you popped in to say nothing, which is plenty to develop at least minor reads on people.

Yeah, because I totally had time to analyze mafia games at work. :rolleyes:

1. Why did you vote Sho?

I think he's trying to get a townie lynched. He voted for Proto, saying he was "obvious scum" for posting before reading the rules, with no explanation of how that was logical, besides that looking innocent is apparently scummy because mafia try to do it. Alone, that would have been okay, except then he immediately bandwagons the next vote, which would also have been okay if that was all he did. Now that people jumped on him for that, he's back to being sure Proto is definitely mafia. It looks like he just wants the town to mislynch. It's not great reasoning, maybe, but it's scummy compared to everyone else.

1a. If you're voting Sho because he appeared to sheep, what do you think of the people sheeping Sho?

It's D1. There's always sheeping at this point. Sheeping in and of itself isn't a huge problem.

2. What do you think of Proto and the no role pm deal?

I don't think that post in and of itself is very suspicious. It's a reasonable mistake to make.

3. If you were mafia, who you recruit?

Probably Strawman, Proto, WoMC, or Kaoz. Someone underrated.

4. Who do you think is more likely town?

Snike, Core, Proto, Psych, Eclipse.

5. Who do you think is more likely mafia?

Sho and Slayer.

6. Can you identify anyone is actively lurking (posting, but not actually contributing)?

Sober Emo Girl.

Edited by Pariah
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And zorbees, why is it a bad idea to try to develop at least leads NOC-style even in an OC game, especially one as unclear as this one?

Because it is a crapshoot that more often than not backfires. Particularly since the number of villagers is larger than the number of non-villagers, it only takes 1 villager to act like a complete and total moron before he gets lynched and then we are down a man.

1. Why did you vote Sho?

Didn't, I clearly have stated that no lynching is the best option.

1a. If you're voting Sho because he appeared to sheep, what do you think of the people sheeping Sho?


2. What do you think of Proto and the no role pm deal?

Proto seems like an idiot to me, so I didn't make much of it.

3. If you were mafia, who you recruit?

Paperblade. Eh plays on smogon and doesn't afraid of anything.

4. Who do you think is more likely town?


5. Who do you think is more likely mafia?

Everyone other than myself

6. Can you identify anyone is actively lurking (posting, but not actually contributing)?

No, but I don't care.

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1. Why did you vote Sho?

I didn't

1a. If you're voting Sho because he appeared to sheep, what do you think of the people sheeping Sho?

I think he is being his own self

2. What do you think of Proto and the no role pm deal?

he is telling the truth

3. If you were mafia, who you recruit?

Proto cause of hiss abilities of being a good chameleon

4. Who do you think is more likely town?

(do I count?)not sure and maybe RD

5. Who do you think is more likely mafia?

Zorbees(if I got his name right)

6. Can you identify anyone is actively lurking (posting, but not actually contributing)?


I'll have to read over the thread again to form more concrete opinions here. When does this phase end?

the same goes for me


I thought of something funny,why is it that Core is always scum along with Paper?

As for contributions, the best part here is that if you get a good investigative item, you can use it and let us know about the results without the worry of getting shot( cause anyone could get an investigative item)

Edited by Blitz kitty
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TL;DR: i don't think it's valid to attack the paper mario yoshi guy for this bullshit, and instead we should focus on the asshole with the retarded username.

i'm glad people follows my advice.

btw i know i should answer that survey and read everyone else's, but i find it futile. i can so easily fabricate that information. i'll answer it so people dont accuse me of not complying with the town, but i still believe it to be a useless exercise.

1. why did you vote the guy with four periods in his username

because he has the most retarded username i have ever seen, and thats saying something. there's people that have the username "xXxXdark_shitXxXx" and somehow he managed to top them.

also because i thought he seemed a little scummy, but i might be biased.

1a. what about the sheepers, asshole?

they be sheepin' so hard.

it's normal for this shit to happen on the first day. my personal diagnostic is that sho is a thief.

2. what do you think of yoshi avatar

considering the same happened to me? not much. i'm surprised people are all over his ass and not all over mine for daring mafia to recruit me during night 0. COULD SCUM BE BEHIND THIS???

3. who would you recruit in the supposition that you were scum

i have no fucking idea. somebody unpredictable. or maybe so predictable, they'd become unpredictable. who gives a fuck.

4. list the town, bitch

no idea, but im liking snipussy's analysis. seems to be a little more down to earth.

5. and the mafia!??!!

check yoshi avatar guy attackers for possible scum, imo

6. active lurkers, now.

me *trollface*

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I'm back, sorry for not being active but my PC wasn't starting up for the last few days. This time I'm glad Blitz forgot to mention my disappearance. Anyways, I see a survey has been posted...

1. Why did you vote Sho?

I didn't. Which might be strange, because it appears that I'm the reason why ShoM has so much attention right now. I don't like voting for anyone in D1 unless I have a good reason to suspect the target is Mafia. ShoM is just acting like an idiot, of which I see no correlation with scumminess.

2. What do you think of Proto and the no role pm deal?

I am EXTREMELY annoyed to see that the players here are making such a big deal out of what I think is a perfectly acceptable mistake. No, seriously, I was only afraid of getting subbed out and wasn't trying to raise so much attention to myself.

3. If you were mafia, who you recruit?

I would pick Pariah, Clipsey!, and Paperblade, in that order, in case they're already Mafia

4. Who do you think is more likely town?

Psych and Pariah, from private conversations that kinda confirmed them as non-Mafia to me, though they appear not to have noticed exactly what it was they said that convinced me. I said "non-Mafia" instead of Town, because they may still be Thieves.

5. Who do you think is more likely mafia?

Nobody, actually. I'm annoyed at ShoM for trying to lynch me so hard but not in an obvscum way. I personally don't think D1 ever tells us enough about who the Mafia may be.

6. Can you identify anyone is actively lurking (posting, but not actually contributing)?

...I'm not very good at noticing the people that don't contribute, sorry.

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