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Schoolboy Mafia


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School is in session!

The school was so new that the administration was still arguing over a name for it. Students were brought into this new boarding school, and things looked to be going well. . .until one of the students found out that it was originally supposed to be an all-girls school. Uh-oh.

[spoiler=Rules, sorta copied from Duel Terminal, and proofread by Sho]0. This game is NOC. This means all talking must be done in the game thread (unless I tell you otherwise). Deal with it.

1. Living people can talk to other players about the game in the game thread only. Dead people, follow rule 14. Information cannot be passed from the dead to the living.

2. Everyone will get a role PM with a character name, some flavor, a role, a posting restriction, and a win condition. All of you will have italicized text in your role PM. The italicized information is not to be shared with anyone, and all italicized text will NOT be published until postgame. You may post/claim everything else in your PM, starting from D1. If you ABSOLUTELY want to say "My role is X", you may do so on the first night.

3. Follow your post restriction. Or else.

4. Don't screenshot. Please.

5. This game begins on N0, and no kills will take place on N0.

6. A vote counts as ##(your choice of verb): (someone), with (your choice of verb) being "Vote" or something more creative, and (someone) being who you want to vote for. If you want to change your vote, you must ##Unvote first. You may edit your posts, but if I missed your vote because of a ninja edit, deal with it. You may vote for role names, but if there's a majority on a role that doesn't exist, it's a No Lynch.

7. Speaking of post edits, I'll be somewhat lenient with things like grammar and punctuation, but don't make it a habit. If I hear reports of entire chunks of information missing, or if I notice a ton of edited posts, you'll have a lot of explaining to do.

8. In case of a lynch tie, one person will be randomly lynched. Maybe.

9. Each phase will be roughly 48 hours. I will post times in terms of HST and GMT. Note that Hawaii does not observe DST. Unless I say something BEFORE PHASE END, the phase will end at the scheduled time, whether I am present or not. Phases may end early if a majority is reached during the day, or if I get all night actions in at night.

10. If you have a night action, and do not want to do it, reply to your role PM with Night X - Idling.

11. Items exist, and all pertinent item info is contained within the item itself. Your inventory limit is 1. If you would go above the limit, tee-hee~! If you die holding an item, the world will never know.

12. If you miss a day and night, you are eligible for auto-sub-out/modkill, whichever one is deemed more appropriate. If you need a sub, say so in the main thread. I am not your mother, so stay on top of things.

13. I made a nice little priority list, and I will post it once the game is over. Save your RAEG for then.

14. If you end up dead, you get one last non-informative post. What you say is up to you.

15. Punishment for breaking the rules will range from nothing to modkills. If you feel that the risk of punishment is worth it, go for it, but be warned that things will probably not turn out the way you want it to.

16. If in doubt, follow your role PM, or whatever I tell you in reply to your role PM. Pay attention, or you might miss something important~!

17. If you see your user name in the flavor, it means I randomly chose you to do something, so don't sweat it. If you see your role name in the flavor, it's for a reason.

18. If you have been modkilled, your win condition is "You win by being the last one alive".

19. If you ask a question, and I respond with "Tee-hee~!", it means you're not getting a straight answer until postgame. There is a reason for this.

20. If you want to share your thoughts, I welcome them. Reply to your role PM if you wish to do this.

21. I hid priorities for a reason. Do not mention them directly. Do not mention them indirectly. Do not ask anything, ANYTHING about them (except in your role PM).

22. If I tell you to do something, and you don't listen, you probably aren't going to like what will happen next.

23. If you feel the need to complain about some aspect of the game before the game is over, please do so in your role PM. Dead players are free to bitch about whatever they want in their role PMs, and only their role PMs.

24. You're dead when you die. I'm not going through the trouble of exhuming anyone's corpse for this game.

25. If I can't figure out what you're trying to say in the game thread in under a minute, you'll have quite a bit of explaining to do.

26. If I think of anything else, I'll put it here.


2. Core/Kumquat - Town Doctor

5. Sho.M.Some.Decency - Town Coroner

12. Seven Deadly Sins - Town Bulletproof

17. WoMC Haze (again) - Town Santa/Hidden Player Finder

18. Ether/TourGuideFromTheUnderworld - Town Priority Setter

20. Snike - Town Thief/Inspector and one-time kill

Dead people:

15. Paperblade - cut and burned Night 1 - Town Mayor

11. Radiant Dragon - buried under a pile of cars Night 1 - Town Flavor/Alliance Checker

14. Blitz - lynched Day 2 - Town Twin

6. Proto - dragged down with Blitz Day 2 - Mafia Twin

13. Haze - slashed repeatedly Night 2 - Town Martyr

4. JBCWK - shot through the heart Night 2 - Town Role Checker

19. Raymond - warped to the wrong dimension Day 3 - Serial Killer

16. Strawman the Ducksaw Kitty - went to Germany Day 4 - Town Kidnapper

1. Pariah - turned into a pile of ash Night 4 - Mafia Priority Driver

9. Balcerzak Luka M - flew off to parts unknown Day 5 - Mafia Partial Godfather

10. Psych - slashed repeatedly Night 5 - Town Tracker

8. SlayerX - transferred out by dad Day 6 - Mafia Item Breaker/Silencer

7. Rothene - slashed repeatedly Night 6 - Town Watcher

3. kirsche - walked out Day 7 - Mafia Vote Negator


Feel free to apply~!

Role PMs going out now (including my own). Please don't post yet!

Day and night hotlinks:

Night 0 (hi)

Day 1

Night 1

Day 2

Night 2

Day 3

Night 3

Day 4

Day 5

Night 5

Day 6

Night 6

Day 7


Full Night Flavors and Other Randomness

Unused night flavors

Edited by Clipseykitty
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Holy cow, done~! Now, for my role PM. . .

Dear eclipse,

You are Eikichi Onizuka. Your life is the school, and despite the fact that this is a boarding school, you sleep in the upstairs storage closet. You are in this school because one of your real-life friends threatened to steal your entire Yu-Gi-Oh! card collection if you weren't in this mafia.

Your job is to start and end phases, sort out the night actions, write flavor, and enforce the rules. You may not be lynched, killed, stopped, or otherwise interfered with. You transcend priorities

The other side of your room contains your clothes, silly.

You are allied with yourself, and win when you write postgame


Edited by Clipseykitty
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Yeah, the lady was under the threat of losing her cards. Cards for god's sake! How does one hope to play children's card games on motorcycles without the cards!?

They don't, that's how. And it's a shame because this little lady did a lot of prepping for those games. Learned to ride a motorcycle, learned how to play a children's card game on the motorcycle without crashing catastrophically... shelled out nearly 500 bucks for 3 copies of some loli who works as a tour guide in hell... fact you'd want her to risk her cards is despicable, hell, s'almost as bad as asking me to give up cherries!

And I assure you, giving up cherries is not something you want me to do. If I don't get a constant supply, I will go crazy on your ass, hell, I'll go crazy on your mom's ass. And you don't wanna see me go crazy on yo mom's ass, or your ass for that matter. Shit will go real all up inside you guys, I'll tell you what.

Now then, I'm gonna go off and have me some cherries. So leave me enjoy my cherries, and leave the woman enjoy her children's card games on motorcycles. Y'hear?

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So eclipse, will you now godkill yourself for publishing the italized parts of your role?

If I were to do that, everyone loses simultaneously. . .so no. Unless you want to deal with a bunch of angry schoolboys.

EDIT: A certain someone brought up a good point regarding items. Check the rules, will ya?

Edited by Clipseykitty
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If I were to do that, everyone loses simultaneously. . .so no. Unless you want to deal with a bunch of angry schoolboys.

It would be the shortest game in the history of SF Mafia and wouldn't that be an archievement?

Yes, I'll shut up now.

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It would be the shortest game in the history of SF Mafia and wouldn't that be an archievement?

Yes, I'll shut up now.

No, I sent out role PMs to everyone, so I beat out Rein's mafia.

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Finally, a NOC game! I've been getting really tired of OC...

I have a possibly odd question. Are the Mafia allowed to privately communicate with each other during the Day?

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Go for it Slayer! Show us your prophetic ways, and make your own prediction spring to life, your sacrifice shall not be in vain!

I'm not that stupid :dry:

The only time i got modkilled was because of some stupid priority, which was included in this game. Like i need to know about it :/.

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I'm not that stupid :dry:

The only time i got modkilled was because of some stupid priority, which was included in this game. Like i need to know about it :/.

Hey, I never called ya stupid. Just, ya wouldn't want to be wrong, wouldja? See, ya wouldn't. Best ay to do that is to not rely on no one. I don't trust others with my cherries, you shouldn't trust 'em with your prophecies. Man, do I love me some cherries. I love cherries even more than your mom. Yeah, I went there.

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What's the matter? Can't handle the truth? Me and my cherries too much for ya? Not hard to understand, me and my cherries escape the grasp of most people. Though if you go this quick I hate to see ya when I pull out Hierophant.

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