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new fire emblem spotted in Ninty PC!


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Coming to Japan in 2012 for 3DS...

Since I can't read japanese that well, what do you see about it?

^ I see NM is not coming to America after all...

edit: I remember that they were bringing back the Map mode, judging from screenshots...

Edited by shadowjam
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Since it was a rumor, I was crossing my fingers hoping for it to become a reality.

You guys didn't even hoped for it last time I read the forums.

So HA!! laugh.gif I'm EXCITED!!!

The RUMOR was an Elibe sequel. I DOUBT this is an Elibe sequel.

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Is it too early to say it will never come to the US?

You're probably right, though there is the small chance that Nintendo might try one more time with Fire Emblem in the states.

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Hmm. I notice a orange dressed staff user on the map twice while everyone else is blue. Escort? MC?

She (?) gets walked through, so she can't be an enemy.

Also notice the red Social Knight is female (or at least long haired and no pants). Same hair and outfit on the peg knight. Reclassing? Siblings? Model reuse?

Edited by deuxhero
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The mage's outfit is cute ^^' I'm super excited! I can't wait to hear more about it. :^_^:

Xmas knights fighting together <3 I wonder how this two-units fighting together will work? Maybe archers will be better now as a class. I wonder if enemies can tag team on my units.

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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Is it too early to say it will never come to the US?

You're probably right, though there is the small chance that Nintendo might try one more time with Fire Emblem in the states.

I think it has a good shot at making it to the states. FE12 had the misfortune of getting released at the end of a console's life cycle, competing against another (more popular) niche title, Dragon Quest, and being a remake of an old Japan-only title. I don't think Nintendo is exactly giving up on FE quite yet.

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Of course they haven't (hence this). I'm asking about NoA and NoE (Hmm, anyone email NoE about FE12?).

Upon closer loooking, the sword user in the lava fight is black/brown haired while the one with the peg knight is blue, so that is our merc/myrm model, not MC (I doubt its the lighting).

Edited by deuxhero
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Looking forward to seeing more classes and their appearance in this game.Would be amazing if there’s more playable artillery units imo.

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For fuck's sake shut up


Doubt about localization is there. Geez, no need to get so worked up about it.

For now I guess, enjoy the little glimpse we have of the possible game we're getting. Considering how it's still in development, the end product may be significantly different than what they've shown so far.

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Doubt about localization is there. Geez, no need to get so worked up about it.

Honestly, I agree with Celice. Why do people have to be so Goddamned pessimistic when we've known about this for literally barely an hour? Be happy the series is surviving and at least wait until the Japanese release before getting your panties in a bunch about it leaving Japan.

All I can say is that I really hope it's a brand new universe. We haven't gotten one since PoR. Oh, and it looks like I'll be needing a 3DS.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Sweet. Can't wait for new info. Mostly the character design and who they got to do the artwork.

For now I'm optimistic about this being released out side of Japan until we get info we aren't.

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Hmm, looking at the battle scenes, I see a solider. Enemy only or not remains to be seen.

Wait! At :09 is that a playable dark mage? In the south there is what seems to be a normal/fire mage (same outfit as the battle scene mage). Outfit LOOKS to be in-line with standard dark mage get up. I can see Bandits are seperate from axe fighter still...

One of the scenes seems to show a dual wielding Thief. If it is just like the GBA pirates or not...

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Oh, and it looks like I'll be needing a 3DS.

Me too ^_^ I'm really excited because Fire Emblem, and animal crossing are the only video games I ever play

Or maybe the universe will take after Renais. As long as its not a remake I'm ok, but with this new 2-fighter vs 1 makes it so interesting!

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