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The new art style


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I look forward to the art style changes made with every new generation. I don't feel a different art style will really detract from the quality of the game, and if it does for you... do you not play FE for gameplay and plot?

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I didn't like it at first, because I feel like i'll be playing some other series but gameplay is most important ^^' I know it will grow on me, and I think IS did this art style to attract more people maybe.

I only hope there are pink, green, purple, blue, and silver haired characters ^^'. I hate what they did with DS FEs by merging all tomes to 1 class, I hope they get rid of that here.

Characters are kind of short and the cleric reminds me of the Bug girl from LoZ

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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I look forward to the art style changes made with every new generation. I don't feel a different art style will really detract from the quality of the game, and if it does for you... do you not play FE for gameplay and plot?

If you're playing Fire Emblem for plot there is something wrong with you.

That said, graphics are an important part of the game. It's what you're staring at the entire time, you should enjoy what it looks like.

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I didn't like it at first, because I feel like i'll be playing some other series but gameplay is most important ^^' I know it will grow on me, and I think IS did this art style to attract more people maybe.

I only hope there are pink, green, purple, blue, and silver haired characters ^^'. I hate what they did with DS FEs by merging all tomes to 1 class, I hope they get rid of that here.

Characters are kind of short and the cleric reminds me of the Bug girl from LoZ

techenally magic's always been like that until FE4...if anything the DS game didn't "do" anything other then be faithful to the origenal.

also Bishops and Sages, not to mention dark mages can use magic so thats about three classes.

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Blame the fact that the triangle system wasn't introduced until 4.

We've seen separate Fire and Thunder magic users, so no worry.

Oh I didn't know that ^^' I still hate it, I want different classes to be different

*glee* I need a 3ds now but first I want to hear FE13 is coming to NA, I doubt 3ds will raise prices anyway.

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If you're playing Fire Emblem for plot there is something wrong with you.

That said, graphics are an important part of the game. It's what you're staring at the entire time, you should enjoy what it looks like.

Given your argument, there'd be no reason to play retro games.

I heartily recommend that you take to art viewing instead of video games if the art styles matter to you that much.

That said, an important part of any rpg is the plot. It matters.

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Being 'retro' in now way degrades the visual quality. In fact, there's numerous bit-limited graphics which look better overall than the modern games you see today.

It's how they're stylized that matters. If the way something is drawn isn't enjoyable, it detracts. C'est tout.

As video games are an entertainment, while there are qualities which seem to resonate across the players, ultimately there is no end-all quality which makes a thing good or bad. Plot, graphical style, gameplay, music, length, atmosphere--you have to allow each to settle with one another, and act as a collective so that the player can enjoy. If you're going to pull it apart to say one part is necessary over the other, you'll be left with a corpse, and whichever pieces you pulled out.

That said, an important part of any rpg is the plot.

Borderlands fucked the plot. Bad (much was lost as it was restylized). I don't think many players gave a shit less about the plot when they had such awesome receptive gameplay.

Edited by Celice
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Given your argument, there'd be no reason to play retro games.

I heartily recommend that you take to art viewing instead of video games if the art styles matter to you that much.

You're confusing graphical power with good art direction. You don't need state of the art technology for a game to look good, you just need to ge good at design.

Edited by Saloma
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to me the gameplay should be the first thing that matters.

Kingdom Hearts sure looked wonderful on the ps2 but damn the first game's gameplay was a piece of ass.

fire emblem has always been about the gameplay, they've never had "best for its time" graphics or "epic masterful story telling".

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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Borderlands fucked the plot. Bad (much was lost as it was restylized). I don't think many players gave a shit less about the plot when they had such awesome receptive gameplay.

I think that only worked because it was made obvious from day 1 with advertising that plot wasn't going to be involved in the first place, and was gonna be straight style. It shows it's possible for an RPG to succeed in that essence, but it's hard for an already established series to do the same while still seeming like a genuine game in the series.

An example outside of it would be RE4. RE4 did well (from what I recall), but it did not play like an RE game. Because of this, RE5 suffered greatly since it was more the same of RE4 (and added things that made the experience worse, granted). Re4 was a good game in it's own right, but the title is sort of what made the next game suffer. If it had a different title and characters involved against some other sort of antagonist? Probably wouldn't have been as bad. But that's just me theorizing.

With FE though, it's pretty much always been about the gameplay, so I wouldn't feel too bad if they just straight styled on us while they did it. Besides, I think RPGs have succeeded before Borderlands in going style with minimal story and still being excellent. Phantasy Star 4 anyone?

Edited by Grandkitty
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I think that only worked because it was made obvious from day 1 with advertising that plot wasn't going to be involved in the first place, and was gonna be straight style. It shows it's possible for an RPG to succeed in that essence, but it's hard for an already established series to do the same while still seeming like a genuine game in the series.

An example outside of it would be RE4. RE4 did well (from what I recall), but it did not play like an RE game. Because of this, RE5 suffered greatly since it was more the same of RE4 (and added things that made the experience worse, granted). Re4 was a good game in it's own right, but the title is sort of what made the next game suffer. If it had a different title and characters involved against some other sort of antagonist? Probably wouldn't have been as bad. But that's just me theorizing.

actully the reason why RE5 suffered greatly was that it kinda went back to gameplay elements that were introduced in older games that didn't entirly work well, limited item spaces as seen in every game that isn't 4(what i mean is that 4 you had alot more room for items), and crappy parter AI(as seen in RE:0 and RE: outbreak 2).

i actully think the real moral to be learned is that don't bring back stuff that wasn't enjoyed by people when the game was first releashed. (which might be why dispite that parrying is loved today in SF3, it didn't make an reappearance in SF4)

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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Being 'retro' in now way degrades the visual quality. In fact, there's numerous bit-limited graphics which look better overall than the modern games you see today.

It's how they're stylized that matters. If the way something is drawn isn't enjoyable, it detracts. C'est tout.

As video games are an entertainment, while there are qualities which seem to resonate across the players, ultimately there is no end-all quality which makes a thing good or bad. Plot, graphical style, gameplay, music, length, atmosphere--you have to allow each to settle with one another, and act as a collective so that the player can enjoy. If you're going to pull it apart to say one part is necessary over the other, you'll be left with a corpse, and whichever pieces you pulled out.

Borderlands fucked the plot. Bad (much was lost as it was restylized). I don't think many players gave a shit less about the plot when they had such awesome receptive gameplay.

I agree with you from "As video games are entertainment" onward.

However, being retro implies it's from a previous generation of system hardware. This likewise implies that the graphical abilities were lesser, and there's a significant difference between an image rendered at a lower resolution and one rendered at a higher resolution. Color depth as well.

You're confusing graphical power with good art direction. You don't need state of the art technology for a game to look good, you just need to ge good at design.

No, I am not. Your statement before was:

It's what you're staring at the entire time, you should enjoy what it looks like.

However, the majority of my favorite NES Classics were not pleasing to the eye in any way. The original Zelda looked terrible, as did the original Megaman games, and numerous others. This did not detract from my enjoyment of them at all. Granted, their art was limited by processing capabilities at the time, but there's certainly a difference between Ninja Gaiden: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRLqwsXebHQ and The Legend of Zelda: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUkbqZoiDn4

The point of a game is at it's root to entertain. If it fulfills that purpose adequately, it matters not what it looks like.

At the end of the day, however, art styles are in the eye of the beholder. What looks great to one person can look like shit to another. That said, it's ridiculous to make a big deal out of it and if you refuse to give a game a chance based on the art style, then you are daft.

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While I'm no fan of the art, I don't feel any strong hate towards it. That said, I think it would be funny to make a big deal about it and just take a piss on Nintendo for the art direction to let them know we hate it. I don't want them to change it, just want to get the message across that we hate the art. I like the idea of causing a little trouble.

If you guys are willing to play up the hate for the art, we can start a petition demanding a change (knowing full and well it won't happen) just to let Nintendo know we hate it.

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While I'm no fan of the art, I don't feel any strong hate towards it. That said, I think it would be funny to make a big deal about it and just take a piss on Nintendo for the art direction to let them know we hate it. I don't want them to change it, just want to get the message across that we hate the art. I like the idea of causing a little trouble.

If you guys are willing to play up the hate for the art, we can start a petition demanding a change (knowing full and well it won't happen) just to let Nintendo know we hate it.

Hey, look on the bright side. If you get enough support soon enough, maybe you'll be able to convince them that this is yet another FE game that they'd be better off keeping in Japan.

Edited by Othin
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I'm sure or at least hope I'll get use to it. However, right now I'm not a fan. I've seen I think two characters I like. Imo as others have pointed out they art looks to FFish moreover, FF Crystal Chronicles. I think the art needs more high collars.

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Hey, look on the bright side. If you get enough support soon enough, maybe you'll be able to convince them that this is yet another FE game that they'd be better off keeping in Japan.

First of all, you really think that's the reason they won't bring over a game? Business is the reason why games aren't brought over.

Besides, I can play Fire Emblem blindfolded in any language and I sure as heck not expecting this one to come out, so it means nothing to me either way.

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First of all, you really think that's the reason they won't bring over a game? Business is the reason why games aren't brought over.

Besides, I can play Fire Emblem blindfolded in any language and I sure as heck not expecting this one to come out, so it means nothing to me either way.

No one will buy it because they hate the art style = Not much business reason to translate it, yes?

But no, I don't think there's any chance in hell that it'd influence anything.

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No one will buy it because they hate the art style = Not much business reason to translate it, yes?

But no, I don't think there's any chance in hell that it'd influence anything.

You really think no one is going to buy it? You know how much crap Wind Waker got for its art? Not to mention I want to exaggerate the issue rather than calling for a boycott (at least not a real one). In fact controversy can actually help bring the game attention. A stealthy promotion if you will.

I'm not interested in influencing anything. Just cause some ruckus and let them know we exist.

Edited by Super Mecha Death Christ
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