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Kon's Super Wonderful Fantastical Spriting Gallery


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Oh hey, I finally stopped procrastinating and posted a spriting topic. Get ready for a massive text/image dump. Unfortunately, I have to split it up 'cause of image limits.

Most my sprites aren't very complicated and they don't get really creative until about a year or two after I initially started spriting, but I'm still rather fond of them. I'll try to post them in the order I created them, but I may not be as exact as I'd like to be.

konz.gif My very first actual splice. Looking back on it now, it's a little weird, but I'm not gonna bother fixing it


lucas.gif These two are from a short story idea I had that never got off the ground. I kinda feel bad for them...

smilek.gif So I decided to animate the girl, and I have to admit it turned out really well for my first animation.

mia10.gif My failed attempt at spriting Mia of Golden Sun fame. I really don't like how it looks now that I'm much better at spriting, but whenever I try to redo it I get bored of it too quickly to do anything with it.

krona.gif This was later updated with (slightly better) spriting and a much better color scheme IMO: krona.gif

chrona.gif Aaand a gender-swap for teh lulz.

archer.gif This is an archer character I made up one day, and his name just happens to be Archer... he's a fan of really bad puns... >_>

femcher.gif Another gender-swap, again for the lulz.

aleka.gif And this is his (Archer's) traveling partner/body guard. I almost feel bad for making her put up with him... almost.

maleka.gif Okay, okay, this is the last gender-swap, I swear.

kallen.gif Yet another character from a story idea that never got off the ground. One wonders if I'll ever get around to writing stories for these characters.

aislin.gif A splice I made based on the Vocaloid Meiko. I really like how she turned out, but she doesn't look as much like Meiko as I would like.

splicecontestentry.gif This is what I entered in for the first splicing contest I ever participated in.

cael.gif A random splice I decided to do partly because I realized how little I actually splice males.

alice2.gif A character I came up with in a really weird dream of mine. I thought naming her Alice was appropriate.

splicecontestentry2.gif My second contest entry. I lol'd when I noticed that he looks like an age-up of Archer.

sgrequestdone.gif A request for a member of Fire Emblem Empire Forums. The splicing was pretty simple, I just mashed together a couple of my previous splices. The flower was a full custom though, which I was pretty proud of.

amidoingitright2.gif Someone had pointed out that I had actually put the flower on the wrong side of her head, but instead of just flipping the sprite, I decided to be an ass and do this.

splicecompentry3fixed.gif Another contest entry. Although it looks better than some of the other entries in that contest, it seems a bit lazy to me now.

splicecompentry4.gif This is probably my laziest contest piece to date. I really don't like this one myself.

emowoodfix.gif I was bored one day in homeroom, so I decided to make fun of Eliwood and give him an emo makeover.

younglinkv11c.gif Here's one of the incredibly few sprites that I didn't splice. And if you couldn't tell, it's supposed to be young Link.

jenniev.gif Yay boredom splicing!

catarina.gif I had heard about some awesome contest entry from the Fire Emblem New Dawn forums, and I decided to see what I could do with it.

freya.gif Same as above, only replace FEND with Serenes Forest.

alison.gif I had made this after getting into a Golden Sun kick. But since spriting the main characters is surprisingly infuriating, I decided to just make a mug for one of the generic village girls.

persamug4.gif This is my first personal mug, it's not too bad, but it's really simple.

splicecompentry5.gif My fifth contest entry, and the first one to actually win a splicing contest.

splicecompentry6.gif The first contest I entered where I picked the materials. Unfortunately I could not keep any sort of streak, but I really like this entry.

satrap.gif For some reason, I got to thinking about traps, so I decided to make a couple, which are this one here and the one below it.


christen.gif This is a sprite I made that I based on my older sis. I really like how I mixed up her hair.

splicecompentry7.gif Seventh contest entry. I'm rather proud of this one, because I made it out of two men and a slightly manly-looking woman.

splicecompentry10.gif Here's my eighth entry for the splicing contest. I really liked how I spliced it but I hate the palette. The only reason that I turned it in like this is 'cause I lost track of time and ended up getting it in at the last minute.

aster.gif And here's what I ended up changing the palette to. I like it a lot better now.

winryf.gif I love how well Winry turned out, especially since it was one of my first attempts at customing clothes. Although the shading on her undershirt is bothering me, so I'll probably end up tweaking it a bit.

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splicecompentry12.gif Yet another contest entry. I had fun splicing this one, and I even managed to win the contest this was in.

splicecompentry13fixed.gif The second entry to a splicing contest that I picked out the materials. Although I wasn't as creative with this one, so I wasn't able to win.

sfsplicecompetitionfixe.gif Here's my first entry into the SF splicing contest, Sylvia of FE4! This took a lot of time to make and I got a lot of help from Dei, but I still think that this was one of my best splices.

sfsplicecompetition2.gif Not as awesome as my first entry for the SF Splice competition, but it's not bad. While the face and hair were fun to do, I'll admit that I got lazy on the body.

nemoue.png This is just something silly I did for a gender-swap competition with Neimi as the subject. I didn't win, but it was still fun to do.

sfsplicecompeionentry5.png Sigh, another one of my not so awesome sprites. I couldn't seem to make this one look particularly interesting for whatever reason.

charlieg.gif This is one of the sprites I've made recently and I think it's one of my best works. The hair was a mash up of Hugh, Lucius, and Canas, the face was just Lucius made to be girlier (as if that's actually possible), and the body was entirely custom. It might need a bit more shading on the neck scarf thing, but overall I really like it.

persamugrevisited.gif I made this mug after getting fed up that my personal mug really didn't look all that much like me. The hair was made from Nino, Elenora, Erk, and Rennac, the face was a combination of Karla and Ursula, and like the mug above, Charlie, the body was completely custom. I think the only thing I would really have to fix would be her neck, 'cause I might have made it a little long.

sfsplicecompeionentry6f.gif This is Dew of FE4, and I managed to create this lady-killer from the two dragon lolis and an awkward bookworm for the previous splicing contest. He wasn't able to win, but I like him.

scosplaytrucywright.gif Since I've been on a massive Ace Attorney kick, I thought it would be fun to cosplay Trucy Wright. All of the clothes are full custom, but the hat I stole directly from Trucy's pretty little head and recolored/shaded it, because the hat I tried to make was... not pretty in the least.

christen.gif My sister was jealous of my personal mug looking so nice, so she asked me to make her a mug with "Ariel bangs" and dress her up all pretty like a AA character. When I asked her to pick out a character, she chose little Franziska from Investigations. The base was Lyn with the hair being parts of Eliwood and Leila and a good bit of customing, while the clothes are completely customed. Unfortunately, her ruffle looks a little weird.

christen2.gif Same, but I decided to dress her up like older Franziska. I really liked making the bow, it was fun. :3

christen3.gif Again the same, this time I just put the bow on little Franziska's outfit.

thegreatacedetectiveluk.gif Ah the Ace Detective Luke Atmey. He was one of my favorite witnesses in the Ace Attorney series, and his design is so ridiculous that I just had to make a sprite of him. I used Narshen as a base and customed everything else. I'm really proud of him, especially since I was able to make his hand from scratch.

tylery.gif A while ago I had agreed to make a mug of a friend of mine, but I quickly lost interest in it and forgot about it soon enough. Then a couple of days ago he started asking me about it so I stopped procrastinating and actually made the mug. Used Wil for the base and Artur for the hair 'cause curly hair is crazy, and I customed the rest

tyler2.gif And then I dressed him up as Apollo Justice because Ace Attorney<3.

sfsplicecompeionentry7.gif And here is my entry for the current splicing competition, with the materials being Fiora, Louise, and a random mug of choice. My choice was Florina and I decided to continue my reign of Ace Attorney based mugs and create Pearl.

I'm also working on mugs for Phoenix and Maya, but they're giving me a good bit of trouble: Phoenix's hair is proving to be ridiculously hard to make/shade and I can't seem to find the right base for poor Maya.

And that's all for now, comments and criticism are greatly appreciated.

Edited by Kon
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Your customs are actually much better than your splices, but the only problem I see with them is that the shading isn't in the style of GBAFEs - only if you're a stickler for detail like I am. Some are better than others (sweet Jesus there are a lot), but keep up the good work and you'll improve.

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Haha, thanks Agromono. I think the reason that the shading on my custom jobs aren't FE styled is because I can't always find something for reference on the shading in the GBA!FE games (such as the ribbons and Franny's puffy sleeves), so I improvise it in a way that doesn't look entirely stupid.

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It's updating time!

phoenixwright.gif Gyaaaaarrrrggggghhh I'm hating Phoenix's hair so fricking much right now. I think I need some help with this. ;-; The base is is Papawood (the FE7 Epilogue one) with Angrywood's eyes and the rest is all custom.

mayafey.gif I finally got Maya done... but I'm not liking the result as much as I thought I would. :C Body base is Thany and face base is Rebecca, everything else is customed.

emaskye.gif Yet another Ace Attorney character, Ema Skye from Apollo Justice. Her base was Karla and her hair was Marisa's, the clothes were custom.

sclasschangetimesained.gif Here's my entry for the Reclass competition with Sain as the subject. I decided to change him into a bard using Wil's collar thing, Roland's scarf thing, and one of Limstella's sleeves. I don't think it turned out too badly.

kallen20.gif And here's my last entry for now. I revamped one of my older characters now that I'm actually writing her story and decided that I hated her old look. The base is Lyn in her "brilliant disguise" and the hair is a mix of Beta!Ephraim and Wendy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow, my topic went way down on the sprites page. I'll have to fix this with an update!

kaylatroubadour.gif I wanted to class my personal mug, so I made her a Troubadour, complete with a pretty hair accessory because no Troubadour is complete without one. I stole the collar from Orson and customed the scarf, 'cause that's how I roll.

ootlink.gif As part of a spriting project I started, I got around to making Link from Ocarina of Time. The base was Lucius with a slightly edited nose and Angrywood's eyes with everything else customed. I did attempt to sprite the Master Sword for kicks, but the result looked... bad.

miaf.gif Apparently I'm not done with Ace Attorney, so here's Mia Fey. Her base was Sonia mixed with a bit of Karla with everything else being customed. Unfortunately, I didn't realize until I uploaded it that her magatama is a bit too small, but I don't feel like going back and changing it at the moment.

miayoung.gif And here's Mia when she was still a rookie attorney.I stole my personal mug's base because I was lazy but customed everything else.

mayafc.gif I got sick and tired of my Maya sprite not looking nice and like Maya so I said screw it and did a full custom for her. Feel free to rip it to shreds because I don't want her to look like crud. Here's the picture I used for her pose: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100512161149/aceattorney/images/5/5e/Artofgs-037.jpg

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Sain's neck still seems slightly off IMO. Try moving the head one pixel left and one pixel down, maybe? If that looks worse then never mind.

Also, yeah, nice Link sprite. And what a cute four eyed troubadour :^_^:

Lastly I kind of like the previous version of Maya better to be honest(even the newer version looks more accurate :lol: )

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tylery.gif A while ago I had agreed to make a mug of a friend of mine, but I quickly lost interest in it and forgot about it soon enough. Then a couple of days ago he started asking me about it so I stopped procrastinating and actually made the mug. Used Wil for the base and Artur for the hair 'cause curly hair is crazy, and I customed the rest

tyler2.gif And then I dressed him up as Apollo Justice because Ace Attorney<3.

...... Who's the friend?... Although it is a mug/sprite and they can look different so I shouldn't really be trying to get ahead of myself or anything XD I think really it's mostly because it looks like a certain someone that I know.

But yeah I really do like your sprites they seem pretty clean to me =] And I like all the bows and the flowery stuff ^~^

Besides the long neck problems that everyone else has pointed out, I don't really see anything else... Although there seems to be something with Ema Skye's hair, but I don't really know what.

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Stupid lack of internet DX

Thanks for the comments guys. So here's another update:

mayafcfix.gif I tried separating her bangs to make her hair look better. did it work?

sainfix2.gif Here you go Phoenix, does that look better now?

ootlinkfix.gif Thanks for pointing out the weirdness of Link's neck, Florina. Taking another look at it, I had realized that the reason it looked so odd was 'cause I had made the shoulders too low so I fixed them up using his Lucius base as a reference. Hopefully he looks alright now.

phoenixwright2.gif Decided to remake Phoenix entirely, and his hair still hates me. I'm perfectly aware that his hair shading isn't complete, but I thought it would be a good idea to receive some input on it before I worked on it more.

rondelite.gif My god those things on his shoulders D: I want to be mad at him but that face.... For those who don't know, this is Ron DeLite of the third Ace Attorney game. He was entirely customed and I know that the shading style I used for his hair is weird, but I had no idea how to sprite those... Leia buns... in FE style.

desiredelite.gif And here is Ron's lovely (but expensive) wife Desirée. She was a full custom as well, and it was a challenge making her goggles look right.

pearlfey.gif It's Pearly! It was making me sad that my splice contest entry didn't really look like Pearl, so I revamped her. I also tried experimenting with her hair shading, which I hope doen't look to weird.

And Freohr, I don't think you know him, but his name is Tyler if you really want to know.

Comments and criticisms are greatly appreciated as always. Hopefully I actually improving on my full customs....

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Nice to see that a sprite that took me fifteen minutes to make beats out my other sprites that took five+ hours, hahaha, I kid. Pearly's body probably looks too small because of her angle, but I think I might want to give her a more forward-facing angle to see if itlooks better.

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Sain's looking a lot better but there's one more thing I think you can do to make the neck look perfect, maybe. The right side of the neck coupled with the left side makes his neck make him seem buffer than he should IMO. On the right side, I think having the neck go straight down instead of down to the right at an angle would look better. Not sure how much a three-four pixel edit will do but maybe it'll help?(FE10 spriter has FE10 eyes; probably not all that helpful)

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@ Phoenix: But I don't wanna fix Sain anymore D: I'll get on that later.

@ arachnidsGrip: That's 'cause I've had a lot more experience with clothes than I have faces and hair. With any luck I'll get better.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Small update this time 'cause I've been slowing down a bit

sfhalloweencomp.gif My entry for the Halloween Comp. There's not much to say about it really, it only took me a few hours to make but it was still incredibly fun to do.

meissaimprovement.gif This was actually a sprite that I made about a year ago, but her clothes looked terrible because I wasn't very good with custom clothes then. So I took the liberty of redoing her clothes and making her look pretty. Her materials were Priscilla, Fir, and that one villager girl that everyone seems to like with the clothes customed.

zale.gif This was a personal challenge that I made for myself, making a man out of two women (Brunya and Fiora) and a trap (Lucius). I actually started this last year, but I kinda gave up on it halfway because I couldn't come up with a good design for him but now that I've actually finished him I'm rather fond of it.

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  • 1 month later...

Oh my, this was really close to going to the third page. I should fix that with a little update.

bridget.gif I made this shortly after I got my challenge guy done, but never bothered to upload because I hate having updates with just one sprite. She was my other challenge piece, using two ugly-ish men and a not-really-pretty girl to make a decent looking girl. If I remember correctly, her materials were Erik, that buck-toothed bandit from FE8 (Bone I think), and Dorothy. I think she turned out pretty well.

sfchristmasholidaycompe.gif Here's my entry for the Christmas/Holidays Comp. I'm amazed that I did so well on her hair and the scarf, and I'm even more amazed that I actually won member favorite. Although I suspect that the only reason I did was because there weren't as many entries as there normally were.

sfsplicecompetitionentr.gif And here's my entry from the splice competition. I had to mess around a lot to get his look right, but I don't think I did too badly.

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My goodness. Those AA characters are amazing. I think it'll help with Ema if you sprite her pink glasses. I'm no expert when it comes to the arts but I think it looks nice on her.

You should try spriting Edgeworth, Kay and/ or Lang. Or you can try to sprite Apollo's mom(I forgot her name. lol). And the Gavin brothers.

If you want to sprite another trap, that piano boy that was always next to Apollo's mom works. I thought he was a girl the first time I saw him.

I just noticed that Pearl looks a bit older than she is the way you sprited, and a bit possessed, but you can't blame her for that. Lol. But this is just my opinion. She still looks nice.

Edited by UberLughFTW
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Wow, thanks. :3 I take it you're a big Ace Attorney fan too?

I might not be able to get them done in the very near future because this is my last day of break before I go back to work, I'll definitely try tackling the others and fixing Ema when I can.

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Wow, thanks. :3 I take it you're a big Ace Attorney fan too?

I might not be able to get them done in the very near future because this is my last day of break before I go back to work, I'll definitely try tackling the others and fixing Ema when I can.

Indeed I am. Who wouldn't, after playing AAI:Miles Edgeworth as their first AA game. Man I love that game. To bad it didn't get localized but there's a translation group that has been working on it and 2 cases have been translated.

Don't worry, take your time.

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