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Mechanics that you want


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I had once dreamed up a mechanic where you could combine two weapons to make one weapons with the better stats of both (i.e. Highest Might/Hit/Crit/Max RNG and lowest Weight/Weapon Rank/Min RNG) and the combined effects of both (i.e. A Brave Axe/Hammer combo would have 2X attacks AND be effective against Armors). It's obviously a bunch of BBB that should never touch a real FE game but it's fun to think about the crazy combos it would allow, my favorites are Brave/Killer and E-Rank throwing weapon/Silver or Brave! :XD:

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That it is.

While we're looking at it that way, the King Sword and Hero Bow could be considered Killer Brave weapons as well, not having the usual 30 Crit, but still having the substantial 20 Crit, which is the amount used in a number of games anyway. Same with Mareeta's Sword. And the Holy Sword could be seen as a Brave/Killer/Horseslayer weapon, although you don't get much time to kill mounted enemies with it.

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That it is.

While we're looking at it that way, the King Sword and Hero Bow could be considered Killer Brave weapons as well, not having the usual 30 Crit, but still having the substantial 20 Crit, which is the amount used in a number of games anyway. Same with Mareeta's Sword. And the Holy Sword could be seen as a Brave/Killer/Horseslayer weapon, although you don't get much time to kill mounted enemies with it.

Holy Sword = Brave + Killer + Prayer + Horseslayer + Pure Water

And also it's the strongest sword in the game

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Holy Sword = Brave + Killer + Prayer + Horseslayer + Pure Water

And also it's the strongest sword in the game

Yep, it's absurd. Too bad the only unit who can use it is Othin and she has to do the insanity of talking to her brother to get it. Okay, it's not that insane, but it still requires using an additional warp use in a chapter that is rather warp intensive to clear in a reasonable amount of time while maintaining your sanity. And even then it's not around for too long. The pugi axe on the other hand...

How about having characters combine like the Power Rangers or Voltron for a chapter and then not being usable for 5 chapters?

But seriously, playing as different, opposing armies again could be fun if IS took care of the balance issues.

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Well, balance too, the GMs clearly best the DBers for the most part and the CRKs would probably continue to suck if they had more chapters.

The Dawn Brigade doesn't have enough chapters for their starting levels; that's really the only reason why they're so much worse. The GMs might still be ahead if they could all feasibly reach good levels by that point, but it wouldn't be nearly as problematic of a difference.

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It wasn't really balance so much as that several teams just had shit availability.

I count that as an aspect of balance. But yeah, that's pretty much what I had in mind.

I think you mean Olwen?

:facepalm: Yep, yep I do. Though that would be pretty boss if Othin could use it.

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Sometime this week I should receive the disc I ordered online, to let TRS work on a PS2 so I can play the real thing, so I'll probably have a lot to say about it then, too.

Or not.

Anyone familiar with Breaker Pro and why it just wouldn't work when being used for exactly what it's supposed to do?

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Not me.

On-topic: I have heard complaints that the Mercenary and Myrmidon classes are too similar to each other. Perhaps one possibility to deal with this would be to merge them into a single "Swordfighter" class like in FE4/5 and give all the members a branching promotion choosing between Hero and Swordmaster.

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Or having each Swordfighter set to promote to either Swordmaster or Hero... also like FE4/5? At least, for games that don't normally have a choice of promotions. For the ones that do, it'd be one of the most logical.

Or making them more different from each other, although I can't say I have any real thoughts on the matter (for once).

Edited by Othin
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new idea. Unnamed units you can recruit at each town for so much gold. Each unit will start at level one and by choosing a personality you give them a certain growth. Class is choose able as well. Most named characters would have higher stats though. Just a simple way to load up the party with more healers or support and to help crappy players keep a decent army.

On the regard of merc and myrmidon, I think they are dif enough. Merc having much higher damage output with less dodge and crit chance, but more def. Perhaps they could balance it a bit more than they have, but yeah. The FE8 branch promotion would be great in this game to help differentiate the classes, seeing how the promoted units play much different roles. One side, the mercs, being either a well balanced mount unit or a durable front liner, while the myrmidon promotes into dodge tanks that can devastate low luck units.

Edited by Griffen78
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The problem is they aren't really given a chance to define themselves. If swordmasters lacked their critical bonus, they would be utterly worthless as units (for those of you who already think them worthless, they would be even more worthless). They have low HP, low STR, low DEF, low RES, and only have high SKL (whoo...) and SPD, which they outright overkill on. Put in a side-by-side comparison with a merc/hero, the hero is simply out-right dominating and (depending on game) has access to axes on top of their might already.

However, Swordmasters do have a critical boost... and they make wonderful use of it in games with equippable skills (like 9 and 10). You could even argue that it is the only reason they are even ranked as high as they are (before tier-list monkeys jump on me, I mean that as in 'they end up weak and below average for the most part', not 'they are awful. FE10 Mia and Zihark are still awesome units). I think Swordmasters need to get some better skills to play into their fighting style to make them more different than Mercs.

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The problem is they aren't really given a chance to define themselves. If swordmasters lacked their critical bonus, they would be utterly worthless as units (for those of you who already think them worthless, they would be even more worthless). They have low HP, low STR, low DEF, low RES, and only have high SKL (whoo...) and SPD, which they outright overkill on. Put in a side-by-side comparison with a merc/hero, the hero is simply out-right dominating and (depending on game) has access to axes on top of their might already.

However, Swordmasters do have a critical boost... and they make wonderful use of it in games with equippable skills (like 9 and 10). You could even argue that it is the only reason they are even ranked as high as they are (before tier-list monkeys jump on me, I mean that as in 'they end up weak and below average for the most part', not 'they are awful. FE10 Mia and Zihark are still awesome units). I think Swordmasters need to get some better skills to play into their fighting style to make them more different than Mercs.

I would not say mediocre. Though I agree, without the crit bonus the hero is basically better. The swordmaster would still be a great dodge tank, but without the critical bonus their damage output is underwhelming. So, stat wise hero, but skill wise I would go swordmaster (though I do not yet know what a hero would have....)

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The problem is they aren't really given a chance to define themselves. If swordmasters lacked their critical bonus, they would be utterly worthless as units (for those of you who already think them worthless, they would be even more worthless). They have low HP, low STR, low DEF, low RES, and only have high SKL (whoo...) and SPD, which they outright overkill on. Put in a side-by-side comparison with a merc/hero, the hero is simply out-right dominating and (depending on game) has access to axes on top of their might already.

Sure, but Mercs are usually really really good. Compared to most other units, they're quite decent. Take FE7 Guy. Even in NM he wipes the floor with Eliwood and has better stats than Lyn (her saving grace is Mani Katti). He beats Florina in every stat except luck, to take another example.

This seems to be less "Myrms are underpowered" and more "Raven and Gerik are really good".

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Stats are almost never enough of a way for units to define themselves. Whether it's through weapons, skills, mounts, or other attributes, it generally takes some special characteristic for a class to become relevant, just like with individual characters. "Dodge tank" can be a relevant difference against other characters they can have like 10+ AS compared to, but there's always something else close enough that it won't matter much.

Edited by Othin
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Sure, but Mercs are usually really really good. Compared to most other units, they're quite decent. Take FE7 Guy. Even in NM he wipes the floor with Eliwood and has better stats than Lyn (her saving grace is Mani Katti). He beats Florina in every stat except luck, to take another example.

This seems to be less "Myrms are underpowered" and more "Raven and Gerik are really good".

Besides, by a competitive stand point, Sword masters are much better and more useful than a hero in nearly every regard. Though that is by SD standards, so we do not yet know their role this time around (assuming both classes are in this time.)

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