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Man, look at all this detailed curly hair. Especially the first one, that's like, exactly what I was talking about.

The only reason someone can't do something with a sprite is because they're not skilled enough, or they don't try hard enough. You seem to fall into both of those categories ' x'

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Lol yeah I see...

The strands aren't usually.... idk, divided all the way from the head to the tips of the hair. Idk, the only way I can find an easy way to explain it is there shouldn't be straight lines going all the way through her hair. Often, they have the hair split up at the tips, and eventually they all come together up towards the head/skull. They also seem a little too even. And usually if they sit still, they don't lay in the diagonal way you've set them. Usually, as with all the other mugs, the hair falls straight down, then curve out a bit because they're coming over the shoulders.

I think I could try taking Eirika's p8714556.gif The hair is more divided towards the bottom. There aren't those straight lines going throughout the whole thing. And as the hair tumbles down from the head, it starts going more straight down, then curves over her shoulders. Of course on a more sideways view the curve is more prominent. I think one that works better for you to base it off of is Karla's karla-port.png?w=480 Again, same points stand.

When working with tiny tiny pixels... what you could try doing is getting rid of the empty space inbetween them. Then, add... kinda like diagonalish shading, I guess... But to show it's not just a straight thing with lines going through it, offset each curl a bit, or just do something different with each one's shape. I'm sorry that I'm horrible with wording XD But yeah some people probably have made small curls and make them look normal before. It's probably just high skill that's needed... Maybe. Idk, since I haven't really tried that much...

As for what seph's showing, obviously those are not tight curls xD She wants tight curls so those aren't entirely the best examples for her.

Although in a way that last one does have some smaller curls. But different pattern. They do show that small curls can be worked with though.

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I was trying as hard as I could, but of course I'll keep doing so. Also, the hair in those mugs weren't what I was looking for. THESE are the kind of curls I was going for.

EDIT: Actually, I was meaning for the hair in the bun to be braided as well. I got the idea from a Lyn fanart on Deviantart where her hair is braided and the braids are partially put up into a bun.

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As for what seph's showing, obviously those are not tight curls xD She wants tight curls so those aren't entirely the best examples for her.

Although in a way that last one does have some smaller curls. But different pattern. They do show that small curls can be worked with though.

I was trying as hard as I could, but of course I'll keep doing so. Also, the hair in those mugs weren't what I was looking for. THESE are the kind of curls I was going for.

Much to my chagrin, there aren't that many sprites in the FE fandom with curls. I went with what I could find on short notice ' x'

I'll bother AK/NOE, I'm sure they'll have something.

And curls like that are still possible, just extremely hard to do, and if you're trying to do things that complicated already, you're sort of doomed to fail. You really don't have enough practice to make them look right.

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But yeah I bet you'll be able to get something out of them how to do it XD I have no doubt.

I bothered AK, but even she doesn't have one/know of any. Said she might have time to sprite up an example, tho' ' x'

Wouldn't count on it, but that's about it.

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Well, the curls look good enough to me and I really don't want to mess with them anymore, so I'll leave them be. Also, I'll have you all know that I was actually practicing the curls before adding them to the mug, because, yes, I have never drawn curls on a mug before. Practiced for a good couple hours or so too.

But ah, nothing's perfect. :P

EDIT: Also, you don't know exactly how much practice I've had at mug-making. ;3

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Practice more, because they don't look very good. You've been given references, and pictures. If you actually want to improve, then you'll try harder to make them look better. If not, you're just proving me right when I said

that's exactly why I doubt you'll improve, and why you're still at this level after 2 years of spriting.

Also, you don't know exactly how much practice I've had at mug-making. ;3

If you're at this level? Not enough practice, that's how much.

I'm reeeaaaally done with this song and dance. You keep saying that you're so good, that you've got so much practice, but none of anything you've got in this gallery can even stand up to my avatar. If you want to improve, take the advice and references you've been given, and actually try to improve. Otherwise, please keep the "I've learned all the basics, I've been practicing for two years" crap out of here.

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Certainly not enough, by the looks of it.

Playing with semantics, a "good couple of hours" only means "two hours," when it all comes down to it. Even if you "practiced" a whole day, that wouldn't nearly be enough if all you're doing is sloughing off outside critique and only going with what you like. Improving yourself requires some level of acceptance, as far as criticism goes. If you're just going to shrug everyone off, you're never going to get anywhere. You can't just pick and choose your criticism just because someone's being blunt about it. We're not all sunshine and daisies, and that's just how it is - real life and everywhere else. Get used to it. Get off your high horse and stop being a prissy little thing.

If you post your crap, you're going to get critique, and it isn't going to be nice most of the time. People aren't nice, and if you can't accept that, you can go ahead and leave in a huff.

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because they don't look very good.

Honestly, that's your opinion. And you're free to think that way. Oh, and I do try to improve. Why wouldn't I?

Playing with semantics, a "good couple of hours" only means "two hours," when it all comes down to it. Even if you "practiced" a whole day, that wouldn't nearly be enough if all you're doing is sloughing off outside critique and only going with what you like. Improving yourself requires some level of acceptance, as far as criticism goes. If you're just going to shrug everyone off, you're never going to get anywhere. You can't just pick and choose your criticism just because someone's being blunt about it. We're not all sunshine and daisies, and that's just how it is - real life and everywhere else. Get used to it. Get off your high horse and stop being a prissy little thing.

Well, of course. That's why I always read people's critique carefully and see if it can help me. But you can't force me to use every single bit of it I'm given. If I feel it won't help me, I feel it won't help me, and that's that.

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As much as I wouldn't want to sound rude, but they are right. If you go ignoring all the critique from the most skilled spriters, no matter how blunt they are, you won't improve.

I heard a saying, something similar to "never let the singer mix the track? album?" Something like that.

It's because they often think that what they did, or what they sang, sounded good. Either that, or it means that what they think sounds right is good, while everybody else, who isn't quite so biased as how the singer feels, can listen to it and not think it's good at all. If you want to make what looks impressive to everyone else, you should probably listen to what they have to say. It works great if you want to please yourself! But if you are posting these for critique, it's usually cause you want to get everyone's take on it to see what can be done.

I know I usually finish a sprite and think "ah, that looks perfect!" But others, who aren't so biased upon my views (or just haven't put all the effort into it, so they can easily not be lazy enough to see what needs fixing), will point out some mistakes, some small, and some huge. I will listen to what they have to say and make myself realize "wow they're right" and I'll fix them.

I think it's just influenced off of who put the effort into it, in this case. You worked for hours, which for you felt real long. So you think nothing else can be done and it looks good, but in the end those who didn't have to work can very easily see what's wrong. But if you want to improve, you should listen to them. Critique, and listening to it, is what spriting/art is all about. But you have to be able to take those in to come out with a great result in the end.

But if you don't want people critiquing your work, or if you are only trying to please yourself in your work (which I personally have no problem with at all), then I would think don't post them because people will very likely see something, either that or make it real obvious that you are just showing them, but you're happy with your work anyway. XD

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What, you think I NEVER listen to any critique I'm given? Because that is far from true. I always listen whenever I feel it will help me, which it most often does. As I said, you can't force me to listen to every single bit of critique I'm given.

EDIT: Oh, and critique isn't the main reason I post my sprites, by the way. That would be simply so everyone can see them here.

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I see that you accept the critique, but in the end you never use it to fix the sprites. You agree to it, but never actually try to make the changes. Or at least that's what I'm assuming because I can sometimes feel like that. Except while I feel that way, I do try my best to at least make some, or most of the changes. It helps me get used to being a better spriter.

And, as I just said, if you don't want critique, then you can explain so to us. Like at the top of the first post, you can make that the first thing you say just so you don't have to deal with the critiques. You can say the sprites please you and that's good enough.

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Right, and I do want to make the changes. But I haven't been in the mood to. I've felt more like making new mugs. Trust me, I really do want to improve my old mugs sometime in the future.

And I never said I absolutely didn't want critique. I know critique can help me improve and that's why I don't mind taking the time to listen to some.

But anyway, I remember people have told me I should go back to practicing less complicated techniques, so I did so with this character mug.


The only really big thing I did here was draw raven laguz wings. Other than that, I did some recoloring and splicing.

Oh, this guy's name is Janz, by the way.

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Well, if anyone's interested, here's two more mugs. I thought about everything that I've been told here, and decided to be more careful about using already existing GBA colors and avoiding pillow-shading.


This is Lauren, another raven laguz.


And this is Marina, a Sain-colored Pegasus knight. :P: I'm so not sure if I shaded the braid right though. Help with that would be appreciated.

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Weeellllllllllllllll, idk if you really need to use all the things I have to say, but some of the things I think may be important... Sorry that I always say too much =I

The wings look pretty cool! I think, as for that.... idk, ridge? along the edge of the wing, like on the left of the right wing, should probably get wider the closer it gets to the body...

Mostly I'm looking at this


It's easier to see with his right wing.

It kinda looks like it gets wider towards that top... uhhh, tip of the wing again there goes my spot on terminology XD

But idk how important the way they formed the wings in their characters really is.

And then Janz it kinda looks like his body and neck are sticking straight up with his head is tilted, and while people do tilt their heads, they usually would tilt their necks as well and it just kinda looks uncomfortable imo. You probably made no changes to the neck at all though, so I bet the problem is the collar, which makes it take on a more upright appearance.

Also the direction the body is facing doesn't look right. The left shoulder (our point of view) looks longer, or just as long, as the right shoulder which indicates his body is facing right toward us, while his head positioning has him facing a bit more to the side. Usually it's good to try be careful and look out for these things in sprites.

Besides that, there's nothing else I'm seeing.

I like Lauren. I love brown This might just be me being picky, so you don't really have to listen to this, but I think the hair doesn't look right with the head facing the left. The hair almost seems positioned in the way that it would if someone were facing mroe towards our direction.

I think the shaping of her left armpit (right opv) could be improved. I can see how you got it to look like that zoomed in, but zoomed out, it looks kinda messy. You could probably get someone else's help on that because I don't think I could come up with an easy way to fix that XD

I see where you're going with that big shaded spot next to and above her armpit, but I think it looks a little extended too far... Idk if that's what some would call pillowy or not since I still have trouble with that concept myself. Or I think it's how there isn't similar shading where the skin is and so it looks like it just breaks off and doesn't seem to fit. I think an easy fix would be to just make it smaller.

And where her arm goes straight down, I think that might be considered pillow shading...

As for Marina, the way the collar is shaded isn't really the way things are shaded in FE sprites. They usually always just stick with having the whole thing colored in the light color, and leave the outer edges with the darker shades. And the rest of her shirt could use that too actually. And the darkest shade is a little bright compared to the other colors.

The armor could be better, but I'm not entirely sure myself what to do with that.

And yeah you're right, the braids could use better shading. I'm guessing that's pillowy too xD Get rid of some of that 2nd shade and replace it with the lightest shade.

That's all =3

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Thanks a bunch Freohr. :]

I'll take this into account asap.

Also though, I was using Naesala's RD portrait for reference when doing the wings, since he's a raven himself. :P:

I also used Titania for reference when doing Marina's braid, but yeah, you're right, I need to use more of the lightest shade.

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@ Raven Laguz

For Janz the right wing(our right) looks fine, but the left one is neither in the right place or angle relative to the right. If Janz isn't standing perfectly symmetrically from the viewer's perspective, then his wings should reflect that just like his torso does.

Recommendation: Reduce the overall width of the left wing. The heights seem fine.

For Lauren it's pretty much the same problem only far more pronounced. Her wings actually almost look symmetrical which doesn't fit with her positioning at all.

Recommendation: Same steps as for Janz, just more drastic so the wings match the torso better.

And that's all these FE10 attuned eyes can spot :^_^:

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  • 1 month later...

Well, I did my best to improve those three mugs. Finally, anyway. I just hadn't been in the mood lately.




I also made these new sprites recently for my FE fic:





Check out my DA for more info. :]

Lastly, I did these for practice. They're original characters belonging to myself and a friend. They're named Zev and Jayla and they're basically meant to be us FE styled.



I'm thinking I need to fix Zev's left shoulder (my right) a bit. I drew most of Jayla's armor myself, btw. And yes, I really do look like I could be Sain's sister lol.

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  • 8 months later...

Wow, it's been almost a year since I last posted in here. And believe me, my sprites have gotten much better. I've done a lot more since I was last here, but I'll just post this mug for now.


This is my first full-custom mug. It's Boyd as he appears in Radiant Dawn. If some of the colors are too dark, though, I can fix that.

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Was this by any chance a resize that turned into a full custom? I'm only asking 'cause the shading looks a bit different from (for the most part) GBAFE, and his facial features seem a little too light, which is a problem I remember having from resizing it. along with having terrible hair but yours is a lot better :P

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His jaw is too straight shaded in parts,

...Exactly what do you mean?

and your color choices clash.

Then Boyd's colors clash, because I didn't make them up. In fact, I took them straight from the RD portrait where they were light enough. xP

Was this by any chance a resize that turned into a full custom? I'm only asking 'cause the shading looks a bit different from (for the most part) GBAFE, and his facial features seem a little too light, which is a problem I remember having from resizing it. along with having terrible hair but yours is a lot better :P

Nope. I drew everything while I had Boyd's RD portrait sitting right there to reference. I did use an existing mug's headband and hair for a base, but I ended up heavily modifying them, so this mug is essentially full custom.

And I don't understand how it looks different. I used existing mugs for reference. I'm not saying you're wrong, I just don't understand what I did wrong.

Also, I'm glad to see critique, but it would also be nice to know if you like my work at all...

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I MEAN this ridiculously straight line on his jaw, that doesn't curve like a natural jaw would.

Boyd's colors work on his FE10 mug because it is shaded like an FE10 mug. They use more than 200 colors on FE10 mugs, because they're not pixel work, they're CG. Using those colors on a 16 color FE mug looks off.

Also, I'm glad to see critique, but it would also be nice to know if you like my work at all...

I've seen worse.

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