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(FE7) Sou and Naggy's private draft challenge


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Six units each plus Lyn

Undrafted units can't do anything but recruit and trade, 3 turn penalty for breaking this rule

Matthew is allowed to open doors in his joining chapter, though

Also, we'll each do one chapter per post, and alternate.

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Combined with a Florina penalty in Chapter 7, he would have tied. He probably could have shaved a turn elsewhere too, I finished some other LHM draft somewhere else in 60 turns with only Kent.

EDIT: Just kidding, it was 60 + 6 for penalties :facepalm: I only had Lyn, Kent, Lucius and Matt though.

Edited by General_Horace
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Why would I take a penalty to have him "Wait" on it.

I thought it would count against you since you didn't have him drafted. Having him wait on it helps you finish that much faster. Though that situation is not in the rules, you did use him to help complete the chapter, and while i'm not an expert on drafts, I think that should still count as a penalty.

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It's an exploitable loophole. We've had one at an FE7 draft I hosted, in which everyone could use Florina to "Wait" or "Talk" to Fargus on Ch 17x, despite me drafting her. No penalty should be counted.

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It's an exploitable loophole. We've had one at an FE7 draft I hosted, in which everyone could use Florina to "Wait" or "Talk" to Fargus on Ch 17x, despite me drafting her. No penalty should be counted.

Anyone can talk to Fargus in chapter 17x though, not just Florina. Plus you're talking about one of the main modes of the game, where i'm sure there are many different exceptions to the rule for many reasons. My problem with this situation is that rath was used to help you complete the chapter when you should have just moved him out of the way and accepted that extra turn or two, and you probably would have still won anyway.

However you guys want to play your drafts is fine, but why have any rules at all if you're just going to make exceptions for every little situation? There's no need for any exceptions here, other than the fact that without the penalty, you're the winner. And you're the only one right now arguing against it.

EDIT: most drafts also usually have 4 or 5 people.

Edited by Kakarot
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Rath not stepping on the switch actually wouldn't have increased his turncount at all, Florina didn't reveal the boss until turn 4 or 5. (I can't remember). However, it did net him the slightly useless armourslayer.

Edited by General_Horace
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Lol, it's amazing what some people will make a big deal out of.

Nah, I was just pointing it out. It's your draft, whatever you want to let slide is up to you. IMO, for bigger/future drafts, it should be a penalty though. And I didn't mean to make you sound like a sore winner, Soul.

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I don't mind.

By the way, this isn't anything big or even formal. Hence "private draft challange". You know, nothing that anyone can come in and join...reason why there aren't 4 or 5 participants.

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Anyone can talk to Fargus in chapter 17x though, not just Florina.

But Florina lets you easily finish 17x in 4 turns. Try doing that without Florina. It's actually something I'd say is even more deserving of a penalty.

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But Florina lets you easily finish 17x in 4 turns. Try doing that without Florina. It's actually something I'd say is even more deserving of a penalty.

Marcus can get there in 3 turns, though. Florina just makes it very easy to do it in 4 turns.

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Marcus can get there in 3 turns, though. Florina just makes it very easy to do it in 4 turns.

Ok, that's just sick then (he won't die or get stuck?). If Marcus is allowed, then yeah. Still, if you can send Marcus to do it in 3 then I don't see why Florina's solution shouldn't cost a penalty. Back to the Rath thing, though, it's more like Dew in fe4 with that bridge he needs to lower. I've yet to see an fe4 draft that doesn't let you do that without penalty.

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Ok, that's just sick then (he won't die or get stuck?). If Marcus is allowed, then yeah. Still, if you can send Marcus to do it in 3 then I don't see why Florina's solution shouldn't cost a penalty. Back to the Rath thing, though, it's more like Dew in fe4 with that bridge he needs to lower. I've yet to see an fe4 draft that doesn't let you do that without penalty.

That's a bit different, because Dew's event saves quite a few turns, where Rath moving doesn't save any.

And you need to have a Marcus that doubles the pirates (IIRC 14-15 Speed) to get the three turn clear. And some luck.

Edited by General_Horace
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Dew doesn't just "save a few turns". He's fundamental to clear that chapter.

Anyway, having Marcus barrell roll through the enemies take a ridiculous amount of luck. There are Pirates (One with a Swordlayer), Damian, an Elfire Mage, a powerful Shaman and a Killer Bow archer. Just what.

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Anyway, having Marcus barrell roll through the enemies take a ridiculous amount of luck. There are Pirates (One with a Swordlayer), Damian, an Elfire Mage, a powerful Shaman and a Killer Bow archer. Just what.

That's kinda what I figured, and why I was assuming only the Florina clear is reliable. But doesn't she get attacked once during jumping from house to house? That should make a penalty even if you allow a no penalty chat with the guy.

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