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Skyward Sword or PoR?

Ring Wraith

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LttP starts pretty damn fast and gets you right into the action--and it doesn't really stop, though the last few dungeons feel a little strange compared to the other, what, nine?

Skyward Sword has been pretty unworthy to me, nothing stands out. Twilight Princess was the same way, it felt very muted and meh. It'd be nice if it turns itself around at release.

I thought the only weird dungeon was the very last one, tower of ganon, because some of the rooms felt very odd. The prior two dungeons had a consistent feel to them...

I had a blast with Twilight Princess. I think the dungeon design was fantastic and the overworld, while kinda linear at first, was really nice to explore IMO. I don't particularly mind being limited by a game's linearity if it means I don't stumble into a place where I can't do anything too immediately and just have to turn around and press on somewhere else. Personally I kinda disliked windwaker, because the bosses were so boring and because I didn't like the ocean very much. I think there were times I almost fell asleep trying to sail in windwaker prior to getting the teleport thing. Not that TP's bosses weren't sometimes easier on account of doing no damage, but I found them more interesting to fight. One thing I was disappointed by in TP was that the bonus dungeon of sorts was entirely combat based, I liked how OOT (and also Zelda seasons and ages) had bonus puzzles to solve.

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As much as I hate TP, I think I'm the only person in the world who loved the spinner.

I loved the spinner too. Though I also liked TP. I liked LttP more, but that's possibly due to playing it earlier. Much much earlier. I started with the first game but I definitely like LttP the most.

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Path Of Radiance is amazing, don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. I'm not making the claim that it's the best FE, but it's certainly worth however much it's going for. You should buy it. I hear Radiant Dawn is quite good as well, I wish I had my Wii with me so I could play it. :(

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I loved the spinner too. Though I also liked TP. I liked LttP more, but that's possibly due to playing it earlier. Much much earlier. I started with the first game but I definitely like LttP the most.

Yayyyy. Me2. LttP is just plain amazing.

Oh, and as for PoR, I think the gameplay aspect of it is rather boring, it's one of the easiest FEs for sure. But I really liked the story and music, and the graphics are reasonably good too. Sprites are best in the series besides 10 IMO.

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The cutscenes in OoT are like 30 seconds long though, most of the time is wasted having to walk across Hyrule field, which again doesn't take too long.

What are you talking about? The opening scene and the talk with the Great Deku Tree after beating it (which even ends with Link sitting down, lol) are like 5 minutes each. Then there's that stupid owl on the way to Hyrule Field that I'm sure plenty of people accidentally say "Yes" to even to this day, then the conversation with Zelda that takes another 5 minutes. Then there's smaller stuff like getting the Ocarina from Saria and getting past that stupid kid to get to the Deku Tree. And aside from the dungeon, the gameplay during all this probably takes no more than 10 minutes.

As much as I hate TP, I think I'm the only person in the world who loved the spinner.

I liked the Spinner.

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What are you talking about? The opening scene and the talk with the Great Deku Tree after beating it (which even ends with Link sitting down, lol) are like 5 minutes each. Then there's that stupid owl on the way to Hyrule Field that I'm sure plenty of people accidentally say "Yes" to even to this day, then the conversation with Zelda that takes another 5 minutes. Then there's smaller stuff like getting the Ocarina from Saria and getting past that stupid kid to get to the Deku Tree. And aside from the dungeon, the gameplay during all this probably takes no more than 10 minutes.

I think that's a bit hyperbolic...unless you don't consider rolling across Hyrule Field and other such screens to be "gameplay." What makes sailing fun and rolling not fun anyway?

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I think that's a bit hyperbolic...unless you don't consider rolling across Hyrule Field and other such screens to be "gameplay." What makes sailing fun and rolling not fun anyway?

No, I don't think it is. What is there? You get the Sword and Shield, you do the dungeon, you leave, you go through Hyrule Field and to Zelda. I mean, I guess it might take longer on a first run, especially if it's your first Zelda (...), but there's not a whole lot complicated about running through Hyrule Field.

And I never mentioned that I had a problem with OoT's Hyrule Field, because I don't.

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The question was not really directed towards you but more towards those who enjoy sailing in WW more than walking in any other Zelda, especially roll-based Zeldas! I love rolling! It's the greatest innovation to the Zelda series!

If it's your first time through, I feel like it's definitely more than 10 minutes since you don't know exactly where you're going and you want to talk to the people and learn more about the world anyway. I don't have much of an impression of what a subsequent playthrough would be like with the intention of enjoying the gameplay aspects of the game without the story and re-exploration aspects since I haven't played the game more than once.

I don't think that it being your first Zelda or not is going to make much of a difference, I actually remember playing through the beginning of OoT and my experience with beating most of LttP didn't help me much, not that I found the game particularly hard but it's not like I was oriented in any way to get through the game FASTER...maybe if it's not your first 3d Zelda, and especially not if you've played Majora's Mask since then you know the N64 controls for a Zelda game...

Edited by Blue Mars
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Or the people I've met.

I'm willing to bet they're likely the type of people to refer to WW and the classic Zeldas as "bad".

As for suggestions, I'd rather sit and wait to be honest. Jumping the gun too soon could lead you regretting your decision in one way or another.

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The spinner is awesome, but I wish it could be used more often outside of its dungeon. At least the flail has uses as a weapon.

There was, like, one part where you could use it to get across a cliff-wall and find an item.

It was probably a rupee. Which meant you had to sit through all that text to put the thing right back.

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There was, like, one part where you could use it to get across a cliff-wall and find an item.

It was probably a rupee. Which meant you had to sit through all that text to put the thing right back.

I recently replayed, and there was one spot with a piece of heart. You have to bounce from cliff-wall to cliff-wall to get it (time about 8 different jumps to pull it off).

The one you are talking about I can't remember if it was a heart or rupees. There's one in the north-east (GC) where you don't have to do anything but latch on which is I think the one you meant. I don't feel like checking a walkthrough. It's near a short bridge north of the one where you fight a miniboss and then the bridge disappears soon after.

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I don't understand how anyone could play TP more than once! The start is so boring!

Same goes for Wind Waker, too.

I like replaying games I like. for that reason I have a relatively small amount of games in compare to other gamers, though I certainly don't spend less time on gaming.

(example: I have replayed FE10 over 14 times)

...I think I'm the only person in the world who loved the spinner.

I did too.

The spinner is awesome, but I wish it could be used more often outside of its dungeon. At least the flail has uses as a weapon.

you can use it to jump down from high places and not get damaged.

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I liked TP enough for it to be perfectly deserving of the legendary 8.8 rating IGN or whoever gave it. It's okay, not the best, not the worst, but I definitely like WW better. TP just felt short and some of the later items just felt so stupid, like the spinning top. I did enjoy being spiderman with the dual clawshot though.

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I liked TP actually. Especially the double clawshots. The temple in the sky, Blizzeta's mansion and the Arbiter's Grounds are my favorite things in TP :o. I wish the bosses would be more challenging. They looked epic but fell with 3 blows -_-.

Ive played almost every zelda except zelda 2, the cdi games and minish cap. My favorites in this order are: 1 Majoras Mask 2 Ocarina of Time 3 A Link to the Past 4 Wind Waker 5 Oracle of Seasons 6 Oracle of Ages 7 Twilight Princess 8 that one with the train i forgot the name lol 9 phantom hourglass maybe im forgetting one or two.

Anyway, @ OP- buy PoR, finish it. Then buy Skyward Sword. Skyward Sword is looking really promising.

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TP was a good game but way to easy compared to quite a few of the zeldas but was one of my favs i seem to like the underatted ones like MM WW (i only say its underatted cause most people dont like TP at least as far as i can tell)

If im thinking of the part where you have to wall jump with spinner like 6 or 8 times its a heart piece

@TC i would say PoR to hold you over it was a good game not the best FE but i liked it alot, alot of old elements got introduced back into the FE series like from FE4 (my fav) SS is looking to be a really good game doubt it will be out before next year though

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