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(FE10) is awesome, so heres another draft


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I have Ranulf already and 3 other Laguz <_<

To be honest, this is the same line of reasoning why I haven't really considered picking up Kyza/Lyre. I already have two Laguz with the GMs, and I won't really have the stones/BEXP for a third.

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To be honest, this is the same line of reasoning why I haven't really considered picking up Kyza/Lyre. I already have two Laguz with the GMs, and I won't really have the stones/BEXP for a third.

And this, of course.

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Pretty sure I can do this a lot faster than 9 turns while getting the drop and Thani, but don't really care that much especially since I am past this level. It is also a bit of an annoyance that other people can use an undrafted unit to rescue + carry Laura yet I can't. Micaiah got speed and I didn't want to restart.

9 turns


RFoF's strat.

7 turns


RFoF's version of Sho's strat.

7 turns

Here are the stats at the start of 1-5:

Unit    Lv Xp  HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support 
Micaiah 8  44  17 3   13  11  12  15  3   9   A Sothe 
Sothe   4  43  38 20  4   23  22  16  15  9   A Micaiah
Laura   6  45  18 3   11  7   10  8   2   11

Part I so far: 36 turns

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Alrighty, first draft ever start!

1-P 6 turns/6 total

I don't know how much variation there can be in this chapter, but I did have fun seeing how I could position them and still get six turns. The final strategy I went with involved purposeful exposure of Eddie and Micaiah in order to get Sacrifice to restore Eddie to enough HP that he would activate wrath on the counter, which worked well enough.

1-1 8/14

So the ruling on the hand axe church made me spend an extra turn here in an awkward dance of Nolan and Micaiah. No fancy Eddie movement to trigger enemy behavior, but I completed it fairly quickly and the hand axe will make the next chapter much nicer. Micaiah used the Dracoshield here.

1-2 6/20

The spent turn last chapter allowed me to grab the drop, thani, and the wind edge (for... I dunno, Makalov is my only swordy <_<). Micaiah valiantly tanked the soldiers on the east front (unequipped so as to avoid two attacks on the EP) while Nolan climbed up to take on the fighters to the north. Hand axe in tow, he took care of the south chests while Sothe rushed east at his appearance for the drop. Leo ferried Laura over to the spot with some shoving by Eddie, both seeing no combat. Kard's crit also proc'ed basically every attack, which was kind of hilarious.


Unit   		Level EXP HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res Support

Micaiah          4    49  17  3  10  11   9  11  4   6   A Sothe
Sothe            1    22            bases                A Micaiah

So far so good, I'm breaking just before I get Aran. What is this RFoF strat? Also, is there an easier way to figure out the spacing for each of those stats besides mass previewing?

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So sorry to everyone once again...I fell asleep had 7 o'clock last night.

Many thanks to Peg Knight Lover. Yeah, that list was a pretty bad way to draft, but having no other choice...I got a solid team! Not one Paladin, though. :facepalm: Wish me luck on my first draft, everyone!

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I love how Kyza and Lyre went after such gems as the P4 joiners.

I know that Kyza's gay and Lyre is pretty much flat but that's just mean, guys.

Catnip: good luck. I think you're in for a rough time.

Edited by Naglfar
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Catnip's team is pretty good. He has Jill. She on her own saves so many turns, shes ridiculous in part 3. He has Elincia to avoid penalty in 2-E. He has Brom, Soren, Rhys and Mist for Part 3. He has muarim as backup in 1-8 where Jill isnt available and he definetely wont have trouble in the desert thanks to Jill+Rhys. Then, comes endgame. And he has Caineghis for that. Provided he saves Cain a speedwing, hell blaze through endgame. I wont expect him to have trouble.

Its probably not the best team though.

I think the best teams are probably mine and CR-S01's.

Edited by PegKnightLover
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I think the best teams are probably mine and CR-S01's.

You have the best team I will grant you, but CR-S01 has Meg as his only DB member. What about his team is that great?

I personally feel that while I reached on Laura and Nailah, Ulki, Mordecai, Naesala and Kyza were all great value for where i drafted them. Also, I have done part three with Laura as the main fighter before, so I don't feel too bad about that.

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He has Meg to cover his DB needs and Vika for 1-8 help. And its all around good.

Im doing this. Im at chapter 6 and really frustrated because my Micaiah sucks. I should have abused battle saving :(.

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Oh well, at least he went out after slaughtering half of the enemies on the map.

and then died from a fire mage Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

Oh, and Tauroneos dead................


Edited by Silver Harpoon
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Oh well, at least he went out after slaughtering half of the enemies on the map.

and then died from a fire mage Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

Oh, and Tauroneos dead................


How is it even possible to get big T killed in that chapter? :/

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Wait, seriously? And in NM? I could have sworn he took 0 damage from most enemies in 1-6, so there'd be practically no way to get him killed no matter what you do. You sure it was Tauroneo who died?

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Wait, seriously? And in NM? I could have sworn he took 0 damage from most enemies in 1-6, so there'd be practically no way to get him killed no matter what you do. You sure it was Tauroneo who died?

No he takes like 2 damage per attack while facing ~40% chances of being hit by enemies iirc. It'd be possible to get him killed but I don't see how you could unless you were trying really hard.

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Well, I just got into FE in March, and haven't done a draft.

I just wanted to give myself a challenge, not attempt something near impossible; like doing hard mode with only fiona, lyre, and oliver

The rng has been nice me when it comes to BEXP.

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You have the best team I will grant you, but CR-S01 has Meg as his only DB member. What about his team is that great?

Well with level resets allowed, I think I'll be fine with just Meg. Her speed cap sucks though, so meh. Stuck at 22 speed until promotion OTL How much AS do the laguz in 3-6 usually have?

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I cant finish 1-E. Fuck Sothe's frailty. Its the first time I struggle so much with part 1 :/. I hate Ilyana and Sothe.

It doesnt help that Im having terrible luck. 65% of Sothe surviving EP5 but 20 resets later and he still keeps dying. FML.

My turncount so far is 54 turns. And 1-E looks like 300000 turns, jk, like 7 turns but I cant...finishhhh.

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