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(FE10) is awesome, so heres another draft


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I'll finish this soon.

But my TB Zihark keeps killing all of my units in 3-E and then he keeps 1-shotting Ike, Neph, Tanith, amd everyone else.

(Including Tibarn/Skrimer)

God, wonder what an overleveled 3rd.tier Nolan/Jill would do here...

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1-1: 7/13 turns - Standard blocking with Nolan, then Miccy picked up the hand axe. No steel sword because Nolan killed the hand axe fighter on the tile instead of the boss.

Why. Didn't. I. Ever think of that.

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Well, in fact, I don't know. I think they're 7 turns because it ends after turn 6, besides I haven't paid attention to the turncount after the epilogue, so I may be wrong. :mellow:

Its 6 turns since it ends on Player phase, not on other phase

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Its 6 turns since it ends on Player phase, not on other phase

I'm afraid I have to increase my turncount because 1-5 counts as 7 turns. The same thing I saw in Epilogue: 2-P 9 turns, 3-7 13 turns and so on.

Its only 6 for 1-5, only 2-P and 3-7 increase because you end on enemy phase/other phase. Although must people just take game count and reduce it by 2. Your choice either way, 2 turns don't matter really.

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Ah, multi derps, now it's fixed, definitely. So I've progressed quite a bit, no stats though.


- Pass Savior Sothe rescues Micaiah and rushes, unconscious of any danger/risk, to the throne room. Leo and Nolan play as bodyguards defending the assault. Fiona and Tormod lol around with the enemies in the stairs and the thieves for some EXP. Got Parity and the Speedwing. Burger King rolled around shoving Rafiel, who vigored everyone at his path. Finally, Resolve Miccy gets in Jarod's range thanks to drop and tons of enemies fail to kill her, for Nolan lands the final blow on Jarod.

Turns: 6/69

BEXP: 3750P

Part 1 - The Silver-Haired Maiden DONE with 69 turns.

Part 2: Of Countries and Kings


- The women in the corner and the old crow in the middle of the battlefield. The draco boss was Wrath critblicked. No S strike though, I have to watch the video. :dry:

Turns: 9/9

BEXP: 1000P


- Neph and Brom rush to Yeardley, but an archer and a soldier constantly hit Nephenee. Brom recruits Heather for Pass :awesome: .

Turns: 6/15

BEXP: 3708P


- Had not good timing on reading the rules so I took a Lucia penalty.

Turns: 7+4/26

BEXP: 3250P


- BEXP'd Kieran 2 levels and .99, Geoffrey was BEXP'd to .99 so he can gain str to ORKO Tashoria. Got the séedwing too :newyears: .

Turns: 5/31

BEXP: 8898P


- Yeah, sure, why not? Lincy penalty because it's not worth to go on foot to Ludveck. BEXP'd her two levels and .99 for +3 str and ORKO Duke Felirae.

Turns: 1+4/36

BEXP: 3020P

Part 2: Of Countries and Kings DONE in 36 turns

Part 3: Intersecting Vows


- Provoke Vantage Oscar and Counter Adept Ike rushed to the gate faster than Skrimir and his Gallian army. Wierd AI positioning resulted in 10 turns :facepalm: . Oscar and Ike got awesome level ups.

Turns: 10/10

BEXP: 5704P


- Designated Shinon as undrafted free unit. Rush kill but reinforcements delayed the assault. Oscar and Ike were BEXP'd.

Turns: 9/19

BEXP: 3019P


- More BEXP, but now Ike is assigned Celerity for the draco kill with Wyvernslayer.

Turns: 4/23

BEXP: 3750P


- Gatrie is designated as free unit. Oscar is BEXP'd and gets to 3rd Tier. Pass Ike and Celerity Oscar go straight to the supplies. The senators were killed, obviously. But the need of another GM unit is clear, three units aren't enough, but oh well. :(:

Turns: 11/34

BEXP: 5350P


- Blossom Lyre is BEXP'd a couple of levels and .99. Fortunately she dodged the low biorhythm enemies, but a draco reinforcement, a fire sage and a sniper delayed Ranulf's arrival.

Turns: 8/42

BEXP: 5523P

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Continuation of the above.


- Lyre spent all her time at the beauty salon while Ike defended the space and Oscar Sol Adept the boss.

Turns: 3/45

BEXP: 4000P


- Omg, a shitload of underleveled DBs. Assigned Paragon to Nolan and Adept to Leonardo. I made a mix of halt and roam with the allies for some CEXP, especially for Fiona.

Turns: 9/54

BEXP: 4890P


- Oscar means almost nothing in this chapter. Lyre and Ike rushed through the enemies. BK attacked Ike :P.

Turns: 13/67

BEXP: 5016P


- I hate this chapter, it's so annoying those wall generals but oh well. Oscar's getting nice level ups, and Ike seems to go for MVP in this draft :D, actually in a recent play through Boyd was 2nd with 168 kills and Ike 1st with 169, loooool.

Turns: 9/76

BEXP: 8250P


- Kieran and Geoffrey rush. Gamble Kieran critblicks the halberdier with killer axe XD. Those Crimean soldiers are just lulz.

Turns: 4/80

BEXP: 12391P


- Lol Marcia died! Forged two max mt/crt javelins for Oscar who goes through all the southern enemies. Ike and Lyre help the Crimean loldiers.

Turns: 7/87

BEXP: 13661P


- Leanne is just a fail :facepalm: , Celerity Ike rushes along with his two bodyguards and his kitty. Kieran almost capped Def!

Turns: 7/94

BEXP: 10525P


- Again, mix of halt and roam for allies. Lv. 16 Nolan is awesome with Tarvuz!! Fiona caps Spd, Def and almost Res, but her low Hp still makes her a bit frail, but she dodges some hits successfully. Such shame, lv. 3 Micaiah by then :facepalm: .

Turns: 6/100

BEXP: 8055P


- Such an easy map, I don't know why people suffer so much in this chapter. Iron Sword Ike commits suicide, resolve Nolan owns him with Tarvos + Leo A support. The rest of the team gets a couple of level ups.

Turns: 4/104

BEXP: 8804P


- 80 kills, such quintessence :awesome: . A slaughterhouse is established. Lol, this time Nolan was claw'd by awesome Lyre :awesome: , but it was risky having a resolve wrath Nolan 20/19/03. :mellow:

Turns: 5/109

BEXP: 15492P

So, Part 3: Intersecting Vows is DONE in 109 turns

And now, Clash with the mighty Goddess. I've been thinking in distributing the units as follows:

Silver Army

Micaiah, Sothe, Lyre

Greil Army

Ike, Tormod, Nolan, Leonardo, Fiona

Hawk Army

Tauroneo, Oscar, Kieran

Any suggestions?

For more info, here's a stats table

Name     Class       Lv./Exp Hp/Str/Mag/Skl/Sp/Lck/Def/Res  Weapon Level        Support

Micaiah  Light Sage  06/92   33/09/25/18/21/32/14/26        Light A - Staff A   Sothe A
Sothe    Rogue       11/65   39/22/05/26/26/23/20/13        Knife S             Micaiah A
Leonardo Sniper      10/01   35/25/05/27/26/27/17/16        Bow S               Nolan A
Nolan    Reaver      03/28   55/34/09/29/31/28/24/17        Axe SS              Leonardo A
Fiona    Lance Pal   09/14   33/22/09/22/24/17/23/18        Lance A
Ike      Vanguard    01/00   54/29/07/32/32/20/27/17        Sword S - Axe A     Oscar A
Oscar    Silver Kn   09/24   55/34/15/32/29/28/30/22        Lance SS - Bow A    Ike A
Tauroneo Lance Gen   15/68   39/25/12/22/21/19/21/16        Lance S - Axe A
Kieran   Gold Kn     06/89   53/31/10/30/27/20/30/19        Sword C - Axe SS
Lyre     Cat         35/42   55/17/08/20/20/27/12/15        Strike S


Micaiah: Paragon

Sothe: Pass

Leonardo: Adept

Nolan: Resolve - Wrath

Fiona: Parity - Discipline

Ike: Celerity

Oscar: Corrosion - Vantage

Tauroneo: Renewal

Kieran: Adept

Lyre: Daunt - Cancel - Adept

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I'd say Fiona to Hawk Army for more EXP.

Nolan+Ike+Leo should be fine, and Tormod can just take a bexp dump.

Lyres needed for desert.

Kieran can tank laguz, I think.

Oscar is fine.

Fiona needs a place with high exp gain, so I suggest the Hawk army.

Leo is Leo, sleep staffers won't be able to touch him with his wtf 55% Res growth.

Nolan is great for Greil army-ledge climbing+ high speed and axes ftw.

Tormod can Meteor , and can double auras with Nasirs help

Well, that's my 2 cents.

Mebbe PKL or Soul could be of more help.

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I'd say Fiona to Hawk Army for more EXP.

Nolan+Ike+Leo should be fine, and Tormod can just take a bexp dump.

Lyres needed for desert.

Kieran can tank laguz, I think.

Oscar is fine.

Fiona needs a place with high exp gain, so I suggest the Hawk army.

Leo is Leo, sleep staffers won't be able to touch him with his wtf 55% Res growth.

Nolan is great for Greil army-ledge climbing+ high speed and axes ftw.

Tormod can Meteor , and can double auras with Nasirs help

Well, that's my 2 cents.

Mebbe PKL or Soul could be of more help.

I think fiona should stay in Greil, and send Leo to silver. Silver has that desert, he has a crappy micaiah and only lyre to work with. Even if leo has crap movement in there, its not like his army will be advancing by huge distances everytime and Quin will most likely end up having to take it slowly due to cat gauges and lack of 2 range and micaiah frailty. Leo can certainly take his time to go clear a few enemies in the south west away from the main bulk of the army. The Hawk army is fine as it is.

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I'd say Fiona to Hawk Army for more EXP.

Nolan+Ike+Leo should be fine, and Tormod can just take a bexp dump.

Lyres needed for desert.

Kieran can tank laguz, I think.

Oscar is fine.

Fiona needs a place with high exp gain, so I suggest the Hawk army.

Leo is Leo, sleep staffers won't be able to touch him with his wtf 55% Res growth.

Nolan is great for Greil army-ledge climbing+ high speed and axes ftw.

Tormod can Meteor , and can double auras with Nasirs help

Well, that's my 2 cents.

Mebbe PKL or Soul could be of more help.

WTF?! I thought we couldn't use the dragons for stat bonus. I have a doubt with blessing Leo's item. I don't know if Lughnasadh for instant 2X damage on auras (in case of lacking Nasir) or Double Bow (in case of having Nasir).

After all, the teams go as follows:

Silver Army

Micaiah, Sothe, Leonardo and Liar.

Greil Army

Ike, Oscar and Nolan. Tormod is coming!!

Hawk Army

Tauros, Kieran and Fiona.

Part 4: Gods and Men


- Leo is BEXP'd and crowned.

- Crappy lv. 06 Resolve Provoke Micaiah owns the main army, she goes north along with Shade Pass Sothe. Her awesomeness got her to lv. 20. Everything capped, Hp 39 and str 11. Meanwhile Lyre and Leo head east and rape some Paladins.

Turns: 7/7

BEXP: 3000P


- Nolan west, Oscar east and Ike south east. By turn 6 Nolan heads southwest and deals with a warrior and a falconknight.

Turns: 7/14

BEXP: 3750P


- Fiona is BEXP'd to lv. 16 and crowned. She capped everything except Hp, mag and lck. Besides I need some BEXP for Tormod. Oh and Tauros is also BEXP'd and crowned.

- Haven't done it yet. XD

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WTF?! I thought we couldn't use the dragons for stat bonus. I have a doubt with blessing Leo's item. I don't know if Lughnasadh for instant 2X damage on auras (in case of lacking Nasir) or Double Bow (in case of having Nasir).

Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, Shoving/Smiting undrafted characters, visiting villages/churches, opening Doors and Chests, finding hidden items, Arriving, and giving Blood Tide/Night Tide/White Pool bonuses.
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2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, Shoving/Smiting undrafted characters, visiting villages/churches, opening Doors and Chests, finding hidden items, Arriving, and giving Blood Tide/Night Tide/White Pool bonuses.

We can't use them for bonuses.

As an quick update, I'm in 4-E, should finish sometime next week.

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- Fiona and Kieran go west and Tauroneo patrols (north and southeastern parts of the map) with Reyson's help. As Fiona reaches west she then heads south and deals with some foes.

Turns: 9/23

BEXP: 4500P


- Micaiah heads east and then south to recruit Stefan for Vague Katti (for Renning), but as soon as she reaches Numida, she's Elsleep'd. :facepalm: Leo is vigored by Leanne for help. Sothe got important dodges and deals with the main army while Lyre wanders center-east-center-east. Fail :facepalm: . Thank goodness BK killed the last bishop.

Turns: 11/34

BEXP: 4419P


- Tormod is BEXP'd to lv.18 and is assigned with Resolve Provoke.

- Pass Ike rushes to Trolliver and dodges several Sleeps...well...all of'em lol. Celerity Nolan heads to all the treasure rooms and successfully gets Fortify and Arbalest. Oscar rides to the eastern part and rapes Sol all enemies. Tormod stays in the centre and dodges every hit in Resolve range. Finally, Tormod and Oscar welcomes the reinforcements from the east. If the bishops weren't pacifists, I would've 8 turned it. :dry:

Turns: 9/43

BEXP: 6000P

Stats later on...

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And finally I finish my first newbie draft n' 4th playthrough XD.


- Tauroneo plays with the kitties. Kieran and Fiona rush to Izuka who was short speared by Fiona. Cats, tigers, hawks and ravens rape. No way I was going to kill dragons. Reyson, at first, was held back in the rear because of cats, but by turn 6 he's shifted thanks to olivi grass and vigors Fiona for a ORKO.

Turns: 7/50

BEXP: 7500P


- Archangel Raphael was the chosen one.

- Fiona, Tauroneo and Tormod go west. Renning and Kieran head east with Tempest Blade and Tomahawk for fast kills. The rest go to the centre and deal with the shitload of generals and bishops. Leo Brave Bows Lekain and Hetzel was killed by...don't remember know. But he was ORKO'd.

Turns: 4/54

BEXP: 6000P


- Rafiel is BEXP'd so he can resist Ashera's judgement. Hammer Bro Ike attacks BK. Tormod 3HKOs Levail cause fail magic. Meteor brokes. Resolve Provoke Tormod lure's the enemy and the swordies fall from the skies to kill him but he manages to dodge and hit, not kill :facepalm: . BK suicides on Ike by EP.

Turns: 1/55

BEXP: 7500P


The Blessings of the Eight Generals lol.

Ike - Ragnell

Micaiah - Rexaura

Sothe - Baselard

Leonardo - Double Bow

Nolan - Urvan

Tauroneo - Brave Axe

Tormod - Rexflame

Fiona - Forged Silver Bow (max mt/crt => wasted my $$$ in crts cause they have insane lck).

Kieran - Forged Silver Axe (max mt/hit/crt)

Renning - Vague Katti

Oscar - Wishblade

Lyre - Her Nails

- Couldn't 1 turn it, well, I don't even figure it out, maybe with a royal laguz, a decent str laguz...hmm...whatever. Nolan, Ike, Leonardo and Oscar were the only ones who dealt decent dmg. Nolan 14x2, Leo 13x2, Ike 5x2, Oscar 7, Rafiel Vigors and farewell Dheginsea.

Turns: 2/57

BEXP: 12000P


- Another one that I couldn't 1 turn. 1st turn: spirit kill/train. 2nd turn: more spirit kill, Rafiel Vigors, Leo and Nolan Parity rape Sephiran.

Turns: 2/59

BEXP: 15000P


- Rafiel is BEXP'd more and gets to lv. 35. 1st turn: 4 auras killed. 2nd turn: all auras killed but Ashera survives so I prefered to kill other spirits. 3rd turn: Ashera is hit by Leo, Lyre, Oscar (miss) and Kieran. Ike hits one but misses his other attemp, so Rafiel Vigors and Ashera is made dust with Ike thanks to Micaiah's Quintessence XD. :awesome:

Turns: 3/62

Part 4: Gods and Men is completed in 62 Turns

Finished the draft in 276 turns :newyears:


Name      Class        Lv./Exp  Hp/Str/Mag/Skl/Sp/Lck/Def/Res  Weapon Level                        Support

Ike       Vanguard     20.00    65/37/08/40/37/27/32/23        Sword SS, Axe A                     Oscar A
Micaiah   L. Priestess 08.86    46/18/39/30/33/40/22/38        Light SS, Staff SS                  Sothe A
Sothe     Whisper      13.49    46/28/14/38/37/31/25/23        Knife SS                            Micaiah A
Leonardo  Marksman     16.12    58/36/15/40/34/30/32/25        Bow SS                              Nolan A
Nolan     Reaver       19.43    67/40/10/36/35/30/30/20        Axe SS                              Leonardo A
Tauroneo  Marshall     16.99    52/36/17/34/31/25/34/30        Sword D, Lance SS, Axe S            Fiona A
Fiona     Silver Kn.   18.25    48/33/19/34/34/35/28/27        Lance SS, Bow A                     Tauroneo A
Tormod    Archsage     11.52    50/24/33/29/32/23/25/33        Fire SS, Thunder B, Wind C, Staff E Rafiel B
Rafiel    Heron        35.60    52/01/15/02/11/50/06/25                                            Tormod B
Kieran    Gold Kn.     20.00    60/36/13/35/31/27/30/24        Sword A, Axe SS                     Renning B
Renning   Gold Kn.     19.26    57/34/18/34/31/24/29/24        Sword SS, Axe A                     Kieran B
Oscar     Silver Kn.   19.25    60/35/17/34/32/30/30/23        Lance SS, Bow A                     Ike A
Lyre      Cat          38.06    57/18/08/20/20/30/14/16        Strike SS

Skills*: (4-E-5)

Ike: Nihil

Micaiah: Resolve, Provoke

Sothe: Stillness

Leonardo: Nihil, Parity

Nolan: Pavise :awesome:

Tauroneo: Imbue

Fiona: Fortune

Tormod: Pass

Rafiel: Celerity, Paragon, Miracle

Kieran: Pass

Renning: Adept, Miracle

Oscar: Nullify

Lyre: Daunt, Adept, Parity

* Every character have innate and mastery skills, except Fiona for Savior, Tauroneo for Resolve and Tormod for Celerity.

Top 5!!!:

5th: Sothe - 102 victories

4th: Micaiah - 105 victories :wtf:

3rd: Nolan - 117 victories

2nd: Oscar - 178 victories :wtf::awesome:

1st: Ike - 194 victories :newyears:

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Well, the fact Leo having Nihil + Parity was for Dheg, Sephiran and Ashera. Nihil to take advantage of Nolan's support against Dheginsea and Parity against Sephiran and Ashera. Nolan also had Parity to nullify def bonuses of tiles. The rest of the skills were assigned randomly lol, cause there were no other skills useful against Ashera. And, um, Leo got Calill's Nihil and Ike got his when promoting, Nolan kept his skill assigned. Actually, Nolan, Leo and Lyre were the most useful units, that's why they have Nihil/Parity, the rest just helped with auras/spirits.

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Um PKL, where did the team list go and everything else go? Because I kind of forgot who I had past part 1.

Edit: Wait nevermind. I just checked the Drafting Tournaments Explained thread.

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And done. MVP's and turncounts in this post, PT notes will come up eventually as well.


1-P: 6

1-1: 8

1-2: 6

1-3: 7

1-4: 7

1-5: 6

1-6: 14 (10/4)

1-7: 7

1-8: 6

1-9: 4

1-E: 8

Part 1 - 79 Turns

2-P: 9

2-1: 6

2-2: 6 (+4)

2-3: 6

2-E: 1 (+4)

Part 2 - 28(+8) Turns

3-P: 9

3-1: 10

3-2: 4

3-3: 14

3-4: 7

3-5: 4

3-6: 8

3-7: 13

3-8: 7

3-9: 5

3-10: 7

3-11: 5

3-12: 4

3-13: 3

3-E: 5

Part 3 - 105 Turns

4-P: 3

4-1: 7

4-2: 9

4-3: 17

4-4: 9

4-5: 3

4-E-1: 4

4-E-2: 1

4-E-3: 2

4-E-4: 2

4-E-5: 5

Part 4 - 62 Turns

Total: 282, just 6 shy of Quintessencedry.gif


Honorable Mention: Micaiah - 85 Kills (2 short)

5th: Volug - 87 Kills

4th: Sothe - 126 Kills

3rd: Aran - 143 Kills

2nd: Ike - 174 Kills

1st: Gatrie - 209 Kills

This was a nice little intro to drafting, it's a pretty fun way to play the game. I'll definitely come back, thanks PKL/TL!

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