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Petition for Fire Emblem - Shin Monshou no Nazo

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I humbly ask all Fire Emblem fans to sign this petition to convince Nintendo to release Fire Emblem - Shin Monshou no Nazo in America and Europe. The game was released in July 15, 2010 in Japan and an American or/and an European release has not even been mentioned. I know that online petitions have, sometimes, limited impact on publishers, but it is the only weapon we, players, have at our disposal. I thank in advance those of you who deign to sign this petition.


Edited by Mikaveli
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This is a remastered version. The old one was only for an American release. Here, we beg for an American and an European release. We see with Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story and Pandora's Tower that a petition could work. We have to include Nintendo of Europe in this procedure. This increases our chances of success.

Edited by Mikaveli
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There you go.

Even though I honestly doubt it'll change anything.

My thoughts exactly.

Kind of like playing the lottery, only spending seconds instead of dollars.

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Fire Emblem 13 will probably be released everywhere, seeing how it's getting hype and all.

Announcing it pretty much destroyed chances for international release of 12, though.

Obviously I still signed this just as I did for the last one. I guess I'll advertise it on some proper forums too..

E: But the reason for Shadow Dragons poor success definitely was not losing characters forever making it seem hard.

Edited by mmKALLL
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Xenoblade Chronicles has been released in Europe thanks to petitions. The Last Story and Pandora's Tower will be released in Europe early 2012 thanks to petitions too.

We can't lose faith.

And like Rewjeo said: "It takes like six seconds. What could you possibly lose from that?"

Please sign the petition.

Thanks to all who have signed.

Edited by Mikaveli
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We can't lose faith.

Too late. The 3DS is out. The next installment has been announced. And there's been nothing to date about releasing it elsewhere.

So yes, myself and many others have already become used to the idea of patiently waiting for the localisation headed by able-minded people like VASM and Arch. The difference is that this is realistic.

So no, I don't believe adding 'NoE' in the bottom corner of the document will have any effect on the game's release. It's too late. Let's move on with our lives.

EDIT: ...That post probably took like three times as long as signing that petition would. Oh, well.

Edited by Furetchen
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This is a remastered version. The old one was only for an American release. Here, we beg for an American and an European release. We see with Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story and Pandora's Tower that a petition could work. We have to include Nintendo of Europe in this procedure. This increases our chances of success.

Okay then. *signs*

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Before FE8 was released in America, the DS was out, and FE9 was released in Japan.

New GBA games came out for quite a while after the DS's release, but new DS games are still being released, so it doesn't seem like this is necessarily a different story in any way.

Edited by Othin
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I have absolutely no hope at this point that the game will be released. Nintendo of America has made no mention of it, and they've already released a slew of other post-3DS DS titles. Plus, with the announcement of the new FE title, the series is obviously moving on. Yes, FE8 released here after FE9 was released in Japan, but that's because FE9 came out in Japan half a year after FE8. FE12 has already been out a year and two months, and we have absolutely no word that NoA even knows it exists. I signed anyway, though. Can't hurt.

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I suppose I'll sign it, but I don't believe for a second this petition will work. I really don't want to put a damper on anybody who actually believes it'll work, but if you want to know...

There was a petition for FE6 with almost 4000 signatures, but we never got that game.

Also, I honestly don't believe petitions had anything to do with Xenoblade, The Last Story or Pandora's Tower being released in Europe. Even before Operation Rainfall, there were rumblings that TLS and Pandora's Tower were coming out anyway. Additionally, the focus of Operation Rainfall has been towards Nintendo of America.

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This is a remastered version. The old one was only for an American release. Here, we beg for an American and an European release. We see with Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story and Pandora's Tower that a petition could work. We have to include Nintendo of Europe in this procedure. This increases our chances of success.

No, that's a bad example because none of those games have been released in the US. Petitions NEVER work (well, online petitions).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Singed in too and posted it on my Facebook site (finally, it is actually useful) but i doubt it will be released though :(  

And what is all this talk about that FESD didn't leave a good impression ? It had really good sales at least in Europe ! And imho i liked the story and the Characters and most most importantly the Gameplay !!

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  • 2 months later...

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