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Female FE character in SSB4?


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A magic user would be sweet, actually. Plus their 1-2 range gives them a reason why they can't obliterate you from across the stage, so it all works out (we all know how SSB hates ranged attacks).

So I guess that leaves Lilina or Micaiah. Oh.

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Lachesis, and her final smash = sprouting a horse and ramming into the opponent with eight different weapons followed by Earth Sword RAAAAAAGE.

While I think Makua would be cool, mainly because she's one of my favourite female characters, but if GBA is a "relic", SNES is a fossil. That being said, I'd like to see an FE11/12 Minerva, needs more female SSB with weapons opposed to lasers, magic and kitchenware!

It's been awhile since I last cleaned up shop on Melee, so I can't quite remember if all the females did not have weapons or not.

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/is surprised no one mentioned Elincia.

I highly doubt a third male FE character will end up in SSB4.

But that's off topic.

If there was gonna be a FE chick in SSB4, it'd likely be Caeda or Elincia. I mean, Elincia did make trophy in SSB3, and she is kinda important, and not totally useless like the other princesses (I'm looking at you, Nyna and Guinevere).

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Oh please, no more sword users. Well, Elincia may be acceptable, but, lol, her final smash: calling her peggy and crashing against foes, lol. That wouldn't make sense either. I don't think Lyn would be because she was an assist trophy, however, that doesn't guarantee it, imo. Actually, I'd like Mickey (Miccy), she'd be almost the same as Zelda, yay! What if Sothe and Micaiah join? That'd be great. Also, talking about antagonists, Sonia, Limstella, Ursula... :mellow: ... :facepalm: .

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Also, talking about antagonists, Sonia, Limstella, Ursula... :mellow: ... :facepalm: .

Literally, the most recent non-generic female boss I can think of is Kleine (Kuraine, for those of you who like that name better. I don't.). But she's Japan only, and the next most recent is Selena.

EDIT: Eremiya and Katarina too for FE12 enemy chicks, I guess.

Edited by Darros
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Elincia would be cool, wouldn't she? And she could actually justify a B-side move of having a 4 hit Amiti combo, and perhaps a counter that heals her due to Recover, and....

But too many sword users! Elincia would make a great character, I agree, but I'd rather see a more unique weapon like a lance or Axe (Caeda or Minerva, as if Minerva had a good chance...), or magic - though I would prefer not to see Micaiah.

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Literally, the most recent non-generic female boss I can think of is Kleine (Kuraine, for those of you who like that name better. I don't.). But she's Japan only, and the next most recent is Selena.

EDIT: Eremiya and Katarina too for FE12 enemy chicks, I guess.

I think FE10 or FE11 are the best candidates.

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Ashera might make a good assist; as a playable she'd also be pretty similar to Zelda I think, and even more dubious in terms of power level (in that she ought to be much more powerful than most of the characters) than any of the other additions.

I would rather like to see a female FE character show up, but I can't really get my hopes up-- of the female characters to choose from, the most prominent options (Lyn and Micaiah) would basically be clones of existing characters (Marth and Zelda, respectively) and everyone else is either too obscure in general or still well-known, but much less likely to get in than their respective lord, especially since all the characters who have appeared in SSB games so far have been lords.

(Clearly the solution is a new, not-sword-or-magic female lord.)[/onlypartiallyjoking]

Personally, though, I'd put forward Titania, since we haven't really seen much in the line of axes in SSB and that would be pretty interesting. (Final smash, of course, would summon the horse.)

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I don't see why all magical FE females would HAVE to play similar to Zelda. I'm sure they can be creative enough to make a somewhat unique move set despite the clones we've had.

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Well, you're right, but examples such as: Ganon - Falcon, Peach - Zelda, come to my mind. They have almost the same movement style (in Melee it was too evident). However, they tried to reduce this cloning in Brawl. At least, I expect to see something new, but not an imitation of other characters.

What about Lolyana?! :awesome:

EDIT: *REASONING TIME* She won't do nothing in SSB.


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This is what shorts are for (and also why we design characters in ways that make sense for fighting to begin with).

I can't help but imagine any possible Final Smash for Ilyana involving large amounts of food...

Or Rex Bolt.

Whatever, but nothing related to indigestion and farts like Wario :blink: . I keep Micaiah in mind, FS: Thani or Rexaura (Valaura may be good but it has nothing to do with her personality). Or maybe, a Sothe and Miccy pair, as Nana and Popo, lol, FS: Lightning Storm, a bunch of knives and daggers imbued in Valaura, loool.

EDIT: I know I'm divorced from reality. :awesome:

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I want Elincia ^^' I would really like that game if it had Elincia, she would be my main and not Pit ^^' but I don't think its going to happen because Ike is more popular than she is. My favorite class are pegasi riders so i'm biased towards them ;w; I'd pick any of the peggies.

I think Shiida, simply for being Marth's girlfriend can get in for that and I wouldn't mind that at all ;w; it would be cool if she cool fight like Nephenee.

I wouldn't mind Micaiah either or the girl from FE13, the more FE characters the better

Elincia would be cool as Pokemon like thing too, I forgot what they're called.

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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How 'bout Nephenee? I would like to see Nephenee in this! Instead of swords how 'bout a lance?

I was just thinking about her actually.

I'd like to see Merlinus as an assist trophy. Imagine him running around, tripping and throwing his goods everywhere.

I think Lyn is probably the best candidate for female character. She's already in Brawl as an assist. Besides, FE7 needs more representation.

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...You guys know this game will likely have different characters, assist trophies, and well...pretty much everything, right? Ike might not make a comeback, same goes for Lyn (as an assist trophy).

It's no surprise that SSB has a mostly male cast, because the target demographic of most video games is male (especially those created when Nintendo was establishing its mascots).

Someone here has never heard of Dead Or Alive...

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I'd like to see Lyn upgraded to usable character and Micaiah become an assist trophy.

Lyn would have a lot of sword moves with which she changes field position (lots of jumps, dashes and surprise attacks)

Micaiah would do a light spell that would blind everyone for a second or 2 (screen slowly fades to white, and back to the screen)

other than that, I actually don't expect any characters not from melee/brawl or FE13 to be in it.

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This is what shorts are for (and also why we design characters in ways that make sense for fighting to begin with).

I can't help but imagine any possible Final Smash for Ilyana involving large amounts of food...

To be fair, whether something like a short skirt makes sense for fighting really depends on how much the wearer gives a shit about their own modesty. I mean, if they don't really care, it does offer good mobility and opponent depending, a rather effective stun technique...

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