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Female FE character in SSB4?


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SSB series just tends to have a decent handful of sword users each time, one of whom (Link) is unlikely to disappear anytime soon. In a fighting game, especially one like a SSB installment, where many people who play it might not play other fighting games, characters need to have distinct differences. While they haven't nearly exhausted the different possibilities for sword users, I think people are a little hesitant about sword users because they're more likely to turn out like clones of existing characters.

@Above comment regarding mounted units: It really depends on the character, I think. Logically most mounted units, ground ones especially, would know how to fight on foot as well as in the saddle, and then the horse could just show up for final smashes. (Do not think a mount would work on any other way. Horses can't jump in the way that SSB stages require and if you can't jump in SSB you're hosed [neither can people really but at least you can animate their impossible jumps to not look stupid], pegasi and wyverns would be overpowered by flight and all three would just be too big.)

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MK!Lachesis would be the best one for a SSB imo. Being able to use every kind of weapon and magic would allow her to have a wide array of abilities. As a final smash I could see her using the earth sword to greatly damage opponents while lowering her percentage (or calling Onii-chan/the kamikaze trio for help). Unfortunately, I don't see any girl outside the lords and perhaps Sheeda/Diado/Yuria/Nanna/Lilina having the slightest chance to appear. Eirika and Micaiah being the more likely I guess.

Edited by Sartek
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SSB series just tends to have a decent handful of sword users each time, one of whom (Link) is unlikely to disappear anytime soon. In a fighting game, especially one like a SSB installment, where many people who play it might not play other fighting games, characters need to have distinct differences. While they haven't nearly exhausted the different possibilities for sword users, I think people are a little hesitant about sword users because they're more likely to turn out like clones of existing characters.

I think that Ike and Marth are distinct enough.

Variety. There are a number of Swordies already, so it'd be cool to have Axe/Lance/whatever users instead.

I think the priority should be on putting in main characters, rather than minor characters just because the Fire Emblem fans have chubbies for them.

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Someone here has never heard of Dead Or Alive...

That's kind of beside the point. I don't think a 16-bit collection of pixels in skimpy bikini would be very appealing. Nintendo also does a surprisingly little amount of fanservice with its mascots.

Edited by dondon151
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I didn't say that Marth and Ike weren't distinct. However, consider the differences between, say, Lyn and Marth. They're both the speedy jumpy stabby type (as is Eirika, for that matter.)

(As an aside, why has nobody brought up the possibility of ranged attacks for Lyn? She got bows on promotion, it would be pretty cool to include that as one of her specials, and would differentiate her pretty clearly from Marth without making her too much like Link, since she'd still be fast.)

I wouldn't really push for anyone who isn't a main either, but there are a number of sufficiently important female characters without swords that can be considered anyway.

^Really the "target audience" thing doesn't really hold for Smash anyway, including one more option to play as a lady isn't going to, like, alienate male gamers and keep them from playing or anything, and I think Nintendo at least actually knows that.

Edited by Kiryn
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^Really the "target audience" thing doesn't really hold for Smash anyway, including one more option to play as a lady isn't going to, like, alienate male gamers and keep them from playing or anything, and I think Nintendo at least actually knows that.

That's also not what I meant. The target demographic for classic video games were largely male gamers, so naturally, a lot of popular Nintendo characters are male.

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@Above comment regarding mounted units: It really depends on the character, I think. Logically most mounted units, ground ones especially, would know how to fight on foot as well as in the saddle, and then the horse could just show up for final smashes. (Do not think a mount would work on any other way. Horses can't jump in the way that SSB stages require and if you can't jump in SSB you're hosed [neither can people really but at least you can animate their impossible jumps to not look stupid], pegasi and wyverns would be overpowered by flight and all three would just be too big.)

Not sure flying would be a big balance issue, Pit manages to do it. As for size...well Bowser's pretty big but he's scaled down enough to fit in Brawl I dunno.

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4 pages, bah

Uses Search

No results found for 'cellica'.

I am disappointed.

But seriously, I think Cellica would be the best choice. She has a sword, like Ike and Martha, allowing her to have all her normal attacks. As for specials, she can use magic. She learns Fire, Angel, Thunder, Recover (okay, she's not getting that in Smash), Excalibur, and Ragnarok (final smash?). She's the only FE lord that can use both weapons and magic.

And hopefully, if the game comes out around the same time as the FE2 remake, it might actually be a possibility.

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What? I don't think there IS an FE2 remake in the works...

As far as I know there isn't but having played FE2 I can say that I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it sees a remake sometime soon.

OT: I still think that a decent idea is to have Lyn, Eliwood and Hector as a trio, like Pokemon Trainer's 3 pokemon: Lyn can be fast (with a bow as a special), Eliwood can be an all-rounder and Hector can be slow and heavy and the player can cycle between the 3 of them. The only problem (the obvious one) is that it's been a while since their game but it's probably one of the best-known FEs in the west.

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As for size...well Bowser's pretty big but he's scaled down enough to fit in Brawl I dunno.

The thing is that Bowser's size fluctuates between Mario games, though... (meaning that he has no definite size).

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Bowser also doesn't have a rider. If you scale down the mount and the rider, you get a bizarrely tiny rider next to the rest of the humanoid characters; if you just scale the mount, you get a normal-sized rider running around on a Shetland Pony/Shetland Pony pegasus/lizard and it looks really weird. So scaling for mounts would inevitably result in looking pretty silly.

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OT: I still think that a decent idea is to have Lyn, Eliwood and Hector as a trio, like Pokemon Trainer's 3 pokemon: Lyn can be fast (with a bow as a special), Eliwood can be an all-rounder and Hector can be slow and heavy and the player can cycle between the 3 of them. The only problem (the obvious one) is that it's been a while since their game but it's probably one of the best-known FEs in the west.

:awesome: And have the tactician command them! :awesome:


- Maybe Elincia can be as Wario, her side B can be a peg rush.

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Nephenee has Imo always been the best one, it's just that she isn't famed/lord etc. Lance, armor, flips, jabs. Impale could be an amazing final smash: Four jabs, 15,18,22,25 damage, then the spin jab that sends them flying, for 30 more damage. Nephenee would jump up real high, and have immediate air attacks ready afterwards.

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if they keep trophies I want them to make trophies for every character in the series ;w;, nvm that would be too much maybe just the fan favorites or the most recent characters.

do you think they will bring Marth back?

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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