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Tales of Vesperia Mafia - GAME OVER


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~~ I who stand in the full light of the heavens... ~~

It appears a few of you are being ornery and this just won't do.

Notably you're engaging in the act of smudging, making accusatory statements at people (typically of belonging to a particular faction) but not acting upon these accusations; that is, no votes are being made or even suspicions being cast in tandem with these acts of vileness.

Mostly you're being condescending toward individuals are groups of players without even stating anything with direct relevance to the game.

While it is easy to see that directing negative attention to a player in regards to their perceived alliance is a subliminal tactic for attempting to subtly bring about their demise, one could argue that commending or admonishing individuals without any discussion about their role in the present mafia game is also a form of smudging as it is possible the opinions expressed are related to how the players have interacted and will interact in phases beyond.

To clarify you could be quibbling because of immaturity, or perhaps in addition you are repressing your thoughts on players' allegiances and failing to keep those completely bottled...

Of note are Sho, Bal and recently Flint.

Sho's decision to bark is obvious; his posting restriction apparently requires it.

[smudge]Bal however seems to be unusually impatient with the behavior of those supposedly wasting the town's time. Perhaps he's finally a townie (finally) or perhaps he is trying too hard to appear innocent.[/smudge]

Flint appears to be specifically attempting to irritate me and is making an unusual number of consecutive or near consecutive posts in his attempts. Is it possible there are characters in the Vesperian mythos one of which is constantly peeved with the other?

Also, I completely disagree with any of your proposed tactics, Sho. They seem rushed and inadequate. Like you're not even trying...

Here; ##Vote: Sho.

~~ ...call upon thee who openeth the gates of hell... ~~

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~~ I who stand in the full light of the heavens... ~~

It appears a few of you are being ornery and this just won't do.

Notably you're engaging in the act of smudging, making accusatory statements at people (typically of belonging to a particular faction) but not acting upon these accusations; that is, no votes are being made or even suspicions being cast in tandem with these acts of vileness.

Mostly you're being condescending toward individuals are groups of players without even stating anything with direct relevance to the game.

While it is easy to see that directing negative attention to a player in regards to their perceived alliance is a subliminal tactic for attempting to subtly bring about their demise, one could argue that commending or admonishing individuals without any discussion about their role in the present mafia game is also a form of smudging as it is possible the opinions expressed are related to how the players have interacted and will interact in phases beyond.

To clarify you could be quibbling because of immaturity, or perhaps in addition you are repressing your thoughts on players' allegiances and failing to keep those completely bottled...

Of note are Sho, Bal and recently Flint.

Sho's decision to bark is obvious; his posting restriction apparently requires it.

[smudge]Bal however seems to be unusually impatient with the behavior of those supposedly wasting the town's time. Perhaps he's finally a townie (finally) or perhaps he is trying too hard to appear innocent.[/smudge]

Flint appears to be specifically attempting to irritate me and is making an unusual number of consecutive or near consecutive posts in his attempts. Is it possible there are characters in the Vesperian mythos one of which is constantly peeved with the other?

Also, I completely disagree with any of your proposed tactics, Sho. They seem rushed and inadequate. Like you're not even trying...

Here; ##Vote: Sho.

~~ ...call upon thee who openeth the gates of hell... ~~

....tl;dr BlahBlahBlah Tidal Wave

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You foolish FOOLISH pice of shit in the dirt Psych! Do you honestly think there is any reason to vote me? While my (at the moment) revealed strategies may include flaws, IM YET TO SEE ANYONE ELSE BOTHER TO MAKE THEIR OWN DAMN ONES. My god you are worse than the sad excuse of dirt I walk on. No wonder the dirt overranks you all in the pecking order.

Obviam you are the worse kind of player I have seen.

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I'm so sorry I've been busy and haven't been able to be active. I know this isn't really like me, un poisson out water moment for me. Family stuff, ugh...

Anyways, I am here now, and will proceed to read through everything I have missed(anything past the like 3rd page).

And now that its day, lets getting to hunting some damn monsters. I want to kill something :D

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Did Day 1 turn into "off the most annoyin' hobo" phase while I was dressin' Snike up in lace? Sho's pretendin' to be a condescending piece o' crap, but for all we know, he's the bloody Fool or somethin' as dumb as he is.


##Noogie: Psych

That was one helluva sheep there, kiddo. It made me hungry for mutton!

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No sho. The pecking order has nothing to do with this. And to mee it seems funny that people are voting to lynch you already and it's only Day 1.


Unless i just missed something and didn't read it. But i'm pretty sure i got everything.

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Shinori you (like the rest of this pack of idiots) have missed something very very Important. I AM THE GOD! Some of my statue has to act condescending bastard, AND ITS PERFECTLY NORMAL. AND MY PR! Its the pecking order you fool. So tell me this if you can you fool (well you can't but who didn't see that coming), When someone acts like blitz and spams the damn topic about how SOMEONE is SUPERIOR to ME, HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSE TO BE CONDESCENTING IF I DONT REPLY TO THOSE CLAIMS? Do you honestly think I am foolish enough to get myself modkilled because blitz is a moron? Hell no you bacteria in the dirt.

Oh and you all are complete idiots expect like Raymond and clipsey. Maybe I let you 2 wash my legs ore some shit.

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Lul. YOU MAD BRO? I didn't say i was gonna vote to lynch you. Seems stupid at the moment to me.

You gotta believe it i'm happy! It's pretty easy to do. Wether the site is crap or not is an entirely different story. Not my issue.

I see no reason to vote for Sho anyway at the moment but some people obviuosly want him out of the game. LOOKIN AT YOU OBVIAM AND ARACHNID. Wanna do somethin? Come at me bro.

Also ##Vote No Lynch

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No Im not mad at you I am just completely irritated by the the fact that you just were foolish enough to essentially force me to follow this god damn god pr...

Shinori and the rest of you also are drooling veggies.

My vote stays for now at lorddomu due to his sheer idiotism

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##Vote: Shinori

I just recently explained why I think waiting out the day without taking action is an unwise decision. Yet you go ahead and vote to do so regardless. Whether you are one of the Misfits or one of the Adversaries - knowingly selecting to deprive us of valuable information makes you a foe to the Misfits.

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I can change it when we see a reason to vote on someone else. The fact that we currently don't know who we are voting for though is the reason i said vote no lynch. What's the point in randomly voting someone off without any type of target yet specificed? I mean sure i can just vote for anyone if we want. WAnt me to vote sho? arachnid? Give me any good reason to vote for anyone and i will. But unless you have no reason it's just random lynching isn't it?

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I've read the rules. I'm just pointing out how stupid it is to vote me when a vote can be changed and there has been no evidence placed against anyone that i've seen and no one as mentioned a definte person to vote for.

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If you see no reason to vote anyone, simply do not vote. You need not necessarily vote every day to make meaningful contributions. However, explicitely voting to not lynch anyone is an attempt to deprive the Misfits of information, and thus my vote stays.

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