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Tales of Vesperia Mafia - GAME OVER


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One by one, the leaders of Terca Lumeris gathered in the morning. It seems that there had been none slain last night. Today might be different, however.

It is now Day 1. Night 2 begins on Monday, October 31st, at 10 PM GMT+0.

Let the games begin. (resume posting)

Edited by Snike
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Voting for Sho?

I am so looking forward to his responses. They are sure to be informative, entertaining, and not condescending in the least. That said, if he's as excellent as he claims, this was an obvious choice.

[spoilers]I think his opinion of himself is perhaps, overhigh, shall we say?[/spoilers]

It's as good a place to start as any, but I won't pile on a vote just yet. All too often, there is an irredeemable snowball effect brought about by such matters. Giving the (likely existence) of people who actually have night actions at least some time to reflect on their results before we've pushed the matter beyond redemption is always preferable.

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Those are some real funky tags, Bal.

In other news, ##Hug: Snike. Policy 'n all.

Your action failed because Dhaos is immune to hugs.

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I don't think voting No Lynch is actually a good idea today. ;/

Perhaps that is the case, and yet perhaps it is not. How are you to know the lack of a lynch would not be a good idea? We know not the size of the mafia, correct? Perhaps it would be best to lie low for but a mere day, to let the flow of information begin its proper production? I know not whether this is to be a good idea in the long run, or a bad one, however, I disbelieve the idea that a no lynch on day 1 is necessarily a terrible idea. But then, perhaps you have some reasoning to assure me of the idea that "not lynching is not a good idea today" other than some completely arbitrary "it means you're MAFIA because MAFIA doesn't want the town to get INFORMATION that it probably won't get from a DAY ONE LYNCH"?

Also I have no idea how well this fits my thing, but I'm at least vaguely trying kind of!!

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As it seem the puny raymond cant even take a simple PR. Not that the same can't be said about rest of you in the lower end of pecking order

I do not care about your manner of speech. Instead, I was hoping to encourage you to make some meaningful contributions, as that currently is our only weapon against the Adversaries. Or is it that you are one of them?

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Fine, as it seems I have to bother with winning this game, lets see. Obviously the easiest way to make this game not pain in the ass is wait a moment just in case some of our information sources, such as Cop of some variety, has been lucky and hitten the jackbot already. In case that doesnt work out in next 24 hours, I have something little planned to, get us some more time so to say...

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I deem it unprobable that an investigator would already have identified one of the Adversaries this quickly, and by conclusion it does not appear very likely to me that they would reveal themselves at this point.

However, I have gotten what I wanted, so for the time being...


I firmly believe we should not waste this day doing nothing, however. We have few ways of gathering reliable information, so not making use of our most potent weapon - the lynch - would be a very unwise move.

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I concur that filling the topic with prattle about one's competence is rather annoying, even if it is a post restriction. But, unless I hear better reasons than 'Dammmit get this guy to shut up', I'd rather sit on the fence than actually lynch someone who might prove handy to us in the future.

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Guys, guys. OMGUS is the perfect way to show off just how mature you are. Can we pleas move onto something more relevant? Come, join me at the adult table, because I just remembered something I told myself I would do at the start of this game.

##Pester: Kay

I've underestimated you in the past, and I'm not about to let you slip under my nose again.

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