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Tales of Vesperia Mafia - GAME OVER


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Did Day 1 turn into "off the most annoyin' hobo" phase while I was dressin' Snike up in lace? Sho's pretendin' to be a condescending piece o' crap, but for all we know, he's the bloody Fool or somethin' as dumb as he is.


##Noogie: Psych

That was one helluva sheep there, kiddo. It made me hungry for mutton!

Are you honestly saying you would be the only person on this board who wouldn't sheep Sho?

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Only a complete idiot (like everyone on this god damn forum not including me) would sheep based on PR or attitude Psych. Thats just bad playing. What if Im a cop Psych? Would you like to lose such valuable role just because it user isn't exactly your best friend? My god ! (that being myself) You have shown bad enough reasoning for me to do this:


##Vote: Psych

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I'ma get some popcorn for this.

It's okay just make sure you guys keep at it at each other and make sure to blatently point out each and every weakness the other has. It will demoralize them and give fodder to other people to use.

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Dammit Shinori. How many times I have to tell you about pecking order? I have no weaknesses. Im the nearest thing to god in this mess!

As for psych his major weaknesses include complete lack of playing skills, logic, social skill and I won't even start to explain how much his deduction fails...

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[smudge]Bal however seems to be unusually impatient with the behavior of those supposedly wasting the town's time. Perhaps he's finally a townie (finally) or perhaps he is trying too hard to appear innocent.[/smudge]

Hex, thanks for making me smile. Seriously, this cleverly concealed smudge was truly a work of art.

That said, I can't believe I keep reading PR as "power role" instead of "post restriction". I've seriously had to double-take at half of Sho's recent posts, thinking "wait, did he soft-claim something I wasn't picking up on?"

Then I realize what he meant all along. Inb4, "that's to be expected from someone not on my level of greatness, such a misunderstanding."

On the Psych situation, based one what I've seen so far, I absolutely cannot in good conscience vote for him, as much of a fool as he may or may not be making himself out to be. That said, where the fuck are you Kay? Do I need to apply more pressure. I'm don't want to have to take continued silence as a sign of your usual MO. Because that would probably end up going south very fast. None of us wants this to turn any messier than it has to. I mean, that would totally be the best thing that could happen for us right? Your continued silence, and my perpetuated (un)founded suspicions.

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~~ I who stand in the full light of the heavens... ~~

This post is going to be huge, and here's why.

Below is a massive info dump. It's typically posted by town allied players to show their gathered thoughts and thus aid their allies in making appropriate decisions regarding public and perhaps even (previously) private information, though clever members of the mafia can use the information they've "gathered", either by noting obvious public information or collecting rumors they've spread, and feign innocence by posting it for all to see as a "favor".

In the below the left number is the number of posts the player has made in the thread.

14 - 1. Shinori

.......Shinori also complained about the game starting without him and immediately moved into smudging Broto and general dicking around.

.......He seems to have a problem with me being suspicious of Sho. If you look down a bit I have every right to be so deal with it.

.......If Shinori has a post restriction he sums it up well here.

.......His constant insistence that we "come at [him], bro" coupled with that post would give me no reason to doubt such.

.......Shinori's initial vote was also for No Lynch as was Sho's. Perhaps his quibbling with sho is to dissociate from him so they don't fall together in the event we discover they're mafia?!

.......Shinori has caught up to Flint in post count though Flint posted more at night and Shinori more during the day (in regards to the game's phases, that is).

06 - 2. Psych

.......The first actual player to post who has exhibited no apparent post restriction. His very first post is a pre-emptive excuse of his foreseen inactivity, which if I may say is a common trick for mafia to use for laying low.

.......He disappeared until day 1, at which point he passively reprimanded Sho for voting not to lynch.

.......Psych apparently doesn't like reading my long posts. TOO BAD. After indicating this he voted for Sho with no reason given, just an exclamation of "what the hell!"

.......What the hell, indeed. eclipse later noted that Psych's vote appeared to be "one helluva sheep".

12 - 3. Raymond

.......The next player to post after Sho whose post restriction is also less than obvious. He lampshaded this by commenting that he was glad his wasn't as awful as Ether's, which if I may say so is a lot cooler than mine.

.......Raymond also seems to be really into the game, like Ether. Maybe his post restriction is to take everything seriously?

.......Taking this further Raymond commented that "some of us are trying to get some sleep" after Flint and Sho's initial spammy interlude as though he were roleplaying as his actual character.

.......After that it isn't too surprising Raymond opened the first day phase with a vote for Sho on the grounds that we need discussion astir what with outside contact being prohibited (though it's clear he just wants Sho gone).

.......Raymond later voted for Shinori for continuing to vote No Lynch after Raymond had already argued against doing so.

35 - 4. Sho

.......Sho started the game making an ass of himself. It was clear immediately that his (supposed; we can never be sure) post restriction requires him to be condescending. Anyone who didn't see this immediately needs to work on their observational skills.

.......At Sho's 9th post he starts to reveal more about his posting restriction which apparently involved some Pecking Order BS in relation to his constant condescending attitude.

.......Unless I've missed things it's sho's 14th post in which he explicitly states the nature of his post restriction and begins hiding things that don't adhere to it in white text with a strike through it.

.......Sho's first vote on day 1 was notably a vote for No Lynch, a classicaly bad move for the town to make. So bad that even Psych called him out for it.

.......After being confronted he suggested that he didn't want to make a vote until more information surfaced with an emphasis on waiting for the cop to appear.

.......This immediately followed with a claim of being pro-town.

.......Later Lorddomu voted for Sho because of his obnoxious spam detracting from actual discussion which Sho countered with what I believe to be a classic OMGUS vote for Lorddomu.

.......Sho voted for Psych a while later in what also appeared to be classic OMGUS fashion. He's almost frantic in his voting at this point.

02 - 5. Lorddomu

.......If there is anything odd about this player's posts I have yet to see it.

.......He posted on night 0 and disappeared until day 1 to vote for Sho on the grounds that...you guessed it, he's annoying.

01 - 6. Broto

.......BROTO's first post was an exclamation about being unaware that the game had started. Whether this is true has yet to be determined with certainty.

05 - 7. Balcerzak

.......Balcerzak originally posted with some apparent confidence and no apparent restriction to his posts. He is being particularly wordy but this is Balcerzak we're talking about.

.......Balcerzak's next post however was a little disconcerting. Seemingly blatant sarcasm in regard to the lack of people posting followed by a comment that "[those who haven't posted] have the right idea" because "night 0 is a stupid time, for stupid people, and there isn't going to be any good conversations or revelations going on", ending with the query "So why is there so much posting already?"

.......I'll tell you why Balcerzak. It's because DEAL WITH IT. Gimongous smudge of the people who are actively conversing. Maybe his post restriction is that he is bipolar?

.......Ballerzak seems to have a theme of sarcasm after seeing it continued in his post responding to Raymond voting for Sho as soon as day 1 began.

.......When Balcerzak finally voted, it was for Kay who at the time still hadn't posted (at the time of this writing she still hasn't posted even, to my memory). He said something like "OMGUS is the perfect way to show off just how mature you are" furthering my theory that he must be sarcastic in his posts. He remains adamant about voting for Kay for this reason still.

09 - 8. Eclipse

.......When eclipse finally posted she seemed to have indicated that her post restriction requires her to speak with a certain accent which involves lots o' missin' consonants 'n' what not.

.......She later commented that the mods had answered her question and then wished everyone good luck in the odd way she is required to (so she says). I guess she is a cowgirl now.

00 - 9. Kay

01 - 10. Hikarusa

.......Hikarusa didn't post until day 1. He discussed the plausibility of Psych's claim that not lynching on day 1 was a bad idea in the most little boy way possible, as is his wont.

.......That is, there was nothing out of the ordinary with his post...

14 - 11. Blitz

.......Flint's first post was a bunch of trash talking. At me.

.......run to meee

.......I don't see any hint of a post restriction unless his apparent beef with me is involved.

.......He seems to be unaware how annoying and typically frowned upon multi-posting is.

.......He smudges me again with his 8th post and seems to be making a habit of insulting I or himself. Prablem, Flint?

.......This was followed by inane spamming which apparently irritated Raymond, and then by him announcing an upcoming 48 hour absence.

.......eclipse commented that the spamming may be part of his "schtick", which is much less boring to type than post restriction. Maybe I'll switch

04 - 12. Ducky

.......Strawman commented on the awkwardness of the restrictions some of us are apparently stuck with and did little else in the way of discussion or of indicating what his post restriction was.

.......Strawman initiated his day posting with an apology about his absence and a declaration of his excitement to lynch. Just about nothing else though

05 - 13. Ether

.......He and Sho were the first to make posts with obvious restrictions. If they were thinking anything like me they were warming up to their restrictions as soon as possible to get into the habit of them and, if they were under the impression that their ticks would hint at their innocence (mine might), to feign such innocence.

.......Ether seems to be really into his post restriction which I can understand because it's kind of cool

05 - 14. Rothene

.......Rothene's first post was a typical "good luck guys" post. Nothing out of the ordinary caught my eyes.

04 - 15. Obviam

.......Obviam is a magnificent man and I adore him. I can only hope his role in guiding the town to victory isn't cut short by foolish allies or hideous opponents.

Other notes:

.......Rein complained about people not sending in actions during night 0. Apparently the mafia and perhaps some of the town's power roles are somewhat inactive players.

.......Flint supposedly attempted outside contact, or perhaps almost did by accident.

After all of that the only player who really stands out to me is still Sho, who I have already voted for.

~~ ...call upon thee who openeth the gates of hell... ~~

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A good amount of bickering had ensued, and the enthralled watcher could not prevent her eyes from darting about, person to person, as the screaming fits and other assorted methods of communication were tossed about. The one that everyone appeared to be calling 'Obviam' put forth a rather intensive analysis of their company based on what had been seen so far.

"It looks like you put a lot of time into this, Mr. Obviam. I-I look like I'm having fun, do I? Well, I suppose being out here with everyone is rather exciting, it reminds me of books I read in the past. But still, we mustn't lose sight of our goal. I want to avoid as many unnecessary deaths as possible... but sitting and waiting for our adversaries to strike us down does us no good... I'm not yet sure exactly what I wish to do." She said with a light smile, before a look of realization crossed her face, along with a deep blush.

"Ah! I apologize for my silence earlier... I was rather short for time, and it seemed my interjection was unnecessary."

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You realize out of the only two people who have shown posting restrictions, Ether is likely fucking with us and Sho is insane?

I never put much faith posting restrictions if not everyone shows them.

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Towards Obviam:

We get it moron I stand out, Gods such as myself tend to stand out. Because it seems to intrest your sorry ass so much I can tell that pecking order is mere reference to my godlyness and/or all around superiority I made for Rein's amusement. As for my aggressive voting its only natural for godly punishment to be aggressive so to say. Can't you understand such simple matters you pile of horsepuke?

And before someone dares to say Im not a god, they should type Entelexeia to their google.

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