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Tales of Vesperia Mafia - GAME OVER


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1. If you have made any votes up to this point, please explain your reasoning for your choices.

Sho isn't contributing with anything. Besides, his arrogant posts looks like a way to hide his intentions. In any case, we've got nothing to lose.

I didn't, I wanted to vote for Shinori for NLing at the very beginning, but I never made it online.

2. Whom are you the most suspicious of, and why?

Proto and Kay for not posting

3. Whom would you currently trust the most, and why?

Bal mainly, not sure about Obviam

4. Have you noticed anyone who gave you the impression that they are deliberately trying to avoid making any meaningful contributions?

Shinori, me and the inactive ones

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Yo everyone! Do me a favor an' check the TIME I made that votal. Now, subtract out whatever, 'cause DST don't exist in these parts. Do a little more finaglin', and you'll see I posted that at 4-somethin' AM my time, off a bout of insomnia. In short, I think doin' a votal at a time I shoulda been tuck in bed wasn't the best idea, but I felt someone had to do it.

Now, thanks for gettin' mafia while I was out, and screw you for killing Raymond, though WTF at that role, mods. Sorry I wasn't around to do squat about my vote, but this phase end time sucks in my neck of the woods. Wait, phase ends. . .YO MODS, WHEN'S THIS PHASE GONNA END, AND CAN YA MAKE SURE TO ALLOW FOR DST SHENANIGANS?

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First of all, I'm always inactive on weekends. Second, my power was out for three days.

1. If you have made any votes up to this point, please explain your reasoning for your choices.

2. Whom are you the most suspicious of, and why?

3. Whom would you currently trust the most, and why?

4. Have you noticed anyone who gave you the impression that they are deliberately trying to avoid making any meaningful contributions?

1. N/A

2. Hikarusa, because I don't like his avatar.

3. Proto, because he's the best.

4. Ether.

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Strawman, or Yeager, ADVERSARY Tailor was brutally killed by the people of Terca Lumereis.



Additionally, you all notice that Proto is nowhere to be seen. He cannot be targeted and cannot talk in the thread until further notice.

augh Rein whatabout phase end.

OK, so, Phase ends on November 2nd at 9 PM GMT+ 0 thanks to the European DST.

Edited by Snike
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anyone else feel like asking these cool questions cause they really start a talk in the game(I am not smart enough to ask these questions,so it will best if asked by one of the better players)

Also, great Job on killing a mafia member, even though it is sad that Sho and Raven had to die(You guys are lucky we cannot continue our chain posts any longer).

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I have a variation on the standard set I plan to ask in the morning.

Asking at night is a great idea because it gives the mafia the ability to tailor their kills. While this also holds somewhat true for Misfits with actions, I've been going back and forth all phase weighing the risks.

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Just a few minutes before Dhaos was to skip ahead, a man warped out of nowhere and sliced Kay!

As the unknown assailant warps away, the Admin retrieved his copy of Kay's role PM, and read it aloud.

[spoiler=Kay's role.]

Dear Kay,

You are Zagi, ADVERSARY Ninja+Interceptor


You're a hired killer, one of the best, and you're absolutely out of your mind. Battle is what you live for. You've become obsessed with beating Yuri Lowell as he is the first to have defeated you in combat. You're here because you like killing people.

Regardless of your lack of sanity, you're a highly skilled assassin. If sent to perform the kill, you will not be seen by anyone who may be there.

At night, you may reply to this PM "Night X: Waiting for Yuri Lowell at USER's house". Whether or not it is actually Yuri Lowell, you will kill the first person to visit the chosen user. Anyone else, however, will notice this and recognize you.

Once, if you are being sent to perform the kill, you may reply to this PM "Night X: YOU WILL NEVER WALK THIS EARTH AGAIN, USER! WELCOME TO THE HORNETS' NEST!" That night's kill will be unstoppable by any means.

Post restriction (As of N1): You have what some may call an obsession with Yuri Lowell. Shout his name at least once per phase.

You are allied with the Adversaries. You win when all hostile factions are eliminated.

Kay has died. Phase continues.

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If you guys think you should have a result, but don't, send me a message via your role PM.

As the Terca Lumerians gathered once more, Ioder performed a quick headcount. Proto had returned, exhausted, so, aside from the unfortunate Zagi, no one had passed on during the previous night.

The announcer from the arena's voice rang out in the air.

Hi, town. This is the Announcer speaking. I have been reading everything that's been posted. It's good to see an accurate lynch! I have information to share: first, that Obviam, Balcerzak, and Hikarusa are innocent. They are to be trusted, protected, helped and so on and not killed or hooked or whatever. Second, there are twelve Town players (or Misfits) in this game. Hidden players exist in this game (I am one of them), so I would guess that we are up against 5 mafia players. Finally, there is a Town-allied Jailer. I'm not sure who it is, but I guess he or she was responsible for Proto disappearing. To Obviam: I am interested in the diagram that you drew, what program did you use to draw it?

Unsure of what that message may mean, the Misfits nevertheless began their meeting in earnest.

It is now Day 2. Night 2 will begin on the 4th of November, at 9 PM GMT + 0.

Resume posting.

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Last night, somehow (possibly through setting into motion the possibility of which myself, possibly not) I received a certain thing:

This is what your magic lens has shown you:

Dear Eclipse,

You are Schwann Oltorain, ADVERSARY Lookout.


You are a Captain of the Imperial Knights, and Alexei's right hand man. You possess an alternate persona known as Raven, and use him to spy on the Guilds. You are here by Alexei's request, to put down the Misfits once and for all.

Years of experience have allowed you to spy on people without fear. During the Night phase, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - Watching USER." You will watch USER throughout the night, and will know by morning who has visited him.

Your artifical heart allows you to use the Mystic Arte Blast Heart. Once per game, in response to a post containing "death", "life", or synonyms of at least one of those two words, you may respond to this user in the main thread with "Burn this life, to punish my enemies!". The user you reply to will be instantly killed, but you will die in the process. This is as instant as when a host sees it, so do yourself a favor and draw our attention.

Posting Restriction: Use slang. Talking formally would raise suspicions, after all.

You are allied with the Adversaries. You win if all hostile factions are eliminated.

Oh my, isn't that so bealtiful? I believe so.

##Vote: Eclipse

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Man, eclipse has been really unlucky lately.

##Vote Eclipse

I would also like Raven if he's someone's character to claim in thread, if only because having both Schwann and Raven is very confusing. ;/

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Man, eclipse has been really unlucky lately.

##Vote Eclipse

I would also like Raven if he's someone's character to claim in thread, if only because having both Schwann and Raven is very confusing. ;/

Bold your vote.

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Hmm...impressive results Hikarusa. But we migh have a hostile hidden player(wonders about Serial Killer since an Adversary died last night), would we be needing a watcher to catch him/her? Or there are other ways to catch one...(blames lack of experience) o_O

#force read Generic Fantasy: eclipse

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~~ I who stand in the full light of the heavens... ~~

First: If you're curious about my lack of posting, I didn't feel enough had accumulated to be worth discussing, it's difficult for me to post and I've been working on getting a job (which I apparently succeeded at).

If you would like to make it LESS difficult for me to post, suggest some things you'd like to know about mafia (if you catch my drift) so I can get ideas.

For the moment I'll make something up so I can actually get started posting this phase.

You've heard me throw the word around a while now, so I might as well explain it (even though you already know what it means v_V)!

A scumtell is a clue that the mafia community has learned to recognize as a sign that the person committing the scumtell is in fact scum. "Scum" in this context refers to members of the (or a) informed minority faction, typically referred to as the (or a) "mafia" (sometimes the name is dependent upon the game's flavor).

In accordance the individuals typically charged with identifying scumtells are those of the (or an) uninformed majority faction, which is usually the one referred to as the (or perhaps a?) "town". That would include most of us I'd imagine.

Exhaustively listing all the types of scumtells is futile but for your pleasure I will describe a few that immediately come to my incredibly intelligent mind.

Many are in the form of inconsistencies. The inconsistency in Strawman's behaviour indeed brought about his end.

As I have mentioned in the past, it is unusual for a player to appear to know something they prabably shouldn't as well. Given that the mafia are more informed, one can usually accurately associate uncommon knowledge about the game as an indication that the player exhibiting it is prabably mafia, which forces town allied players fortunate enough to come across sensitive and uncommon information into an undesirable position of wanting to share information that, upon sharing, will make them appear suspicous and potentially lead to accidental betrayals.

To finish, another but certainly not the last way a scumtell may manifest is in the form of emotion. Psychological weaknesses of humans cause them to behave in ways inappropriate to respond to something as benign as a simple forum game with.

If you want a more clear demonstration, think of all the times someone who appeared "butthurt" about being voted for turned out to be mafia.

So Sho was was suspicious of Lord, Psych and Kay. I'm a little suspicious of Psych and Lord myself.

Raymond was suspicious of Shinori and I'm not really liking his posts either.

I like making myself as suspicious as possible by vote-flopping all the time, Obviam.

I misconverted GMT though, and thought that the day was going to end imminantly in a three-way tie (2 votes apiece for: Sho, Proto, Strawman).

Showing results for imminently

I did what I had to do. If I hadn't, we'd still have +1 adversary on our hands. I even spent the last hour, refreshing the page, trying to see if somebody else was going to ninja in, or to see who else would look at the page with or without acting (lorddomu, kirsche, Levantamos, Obviam, Snike, LukaMegurine, were all names that showed up in the little bar prior to update, and then after phase stop I recall Ether also making an appearance, as far as I remember. I can't prove this, because screenshotting the hovertips is illegal, so I foolishly closed the tabs without making a 100% accurate record.)

I promise I will be back to my regularly scheduled programming tomorrow. I appreciate that you're paying very close attention to things that appear fishy, and just need to say that I don't care if I have to do something that looks me personally appear suspicious if I think it will benefit the town.

You need to relax. I've had the impression you're town for a while. I even supported you by drawing the line from Raymond's vote to his death and justifying your switch.

We're cleared now anyway (apparently? This is irksome as I will explain later in this post).

Important to note: I witnessed Lord viewing the thread as well; I was unsure what to say about the matter and attempting to spy on who was viewing the thread, hence my loitering. I didn't catch the others you did though and Lord showed up about as late to the party as I did (I had been playing on XBL for a few hours during the event and missed the moment it happened).

Now that we are aware of hidden players being in the game (so it would seem) these names (including the strange out of place ones) will be more important.

[big long post whining about me mentioning him in passing]

Now HERE is the kind of scumtell I'm talking about. What the hell man? How much more mafia can you be?

[more fluff]

You know what? I've been thinking "Ether or Raymond is prabably mafia" for a while now. I stopped thinking Raymond was when he died (duh) but the reason is because the two of you seemed too ordinary. You're both pretty great players and nothing interesting seemed to be coming from either of you.

Especially YOU Ether. Someone mentioned earlier that they noticed you were one of the people they felt was "posting a lot without really trying to contribute anything". Well I whole heartedly agree. What are you doing? Your posts are all as heavy as clouds and I'm not comfortable around you anymore.

[complaining about people giving her crap for screwing up the votal or something...I don't even remember anyone really doing that either]

You know I actually have had the same feeling about you as I do about Ether for a long while now, and seeing you miscount your ally's vote has caused me to have no surprise when seeing you revealed as mafia.

##Vote: eclipse

[totally mafia excuse]

I felt Bal had every right to be suspicious of Kay, but I didn't feel we really had a strong enough lead on her for someone to go and actually target her with a killing action, which is probably not repeatable.

I appreciate that whoever took her out got a mafia member, but that seemed really risky. Perhaps you knew something we didn't, and if that's the case then great, but yeah...really risky.

Actually, the fact that the guess (assuming it was one) was correct AND supposedly 3 townies were cleared all at once...everything's going so smooth, it's like some kind of calm before the storm. What the hell? We've only had 3 phases so far so how is it possible this much has happened in favor of the town already?

It isn't impossible for the mafia to kill one of their own to make themselves look innocent...I've prabably done it myself or at least attempted it in the past.

anyone else feel like asking these cool questions cause they really start a talk in the game(I am not smart enough to ask these questions,so it will best if asked by one of the better players)

Also, great Job on killing a mafia member, even though it is sad that Sho and Raven had to die(You guys are lucky we cannot continue our chain posts any longer).

Nobody HAS to die. Except for actual random elements like who gets which role and randomized role abilities, deaths are a result of ability or inability of the players. We prabably could have saved them. There is no such thing as a sacrifice, only amendments of failures.

I have a variation on the standard set I plan to ask in the morning.

Asking at night is a great idea because it gives the mafia the ability to tailor their kills. While this also holds somewhat true for Misfits with actions, I've been going back and forth all phase weighing the risks.

Having recognized your sarcasm yet again I must say the thing you actually meant is an EXCELLENT point and precisely why I kept my mouth shut fingers off the keyboard for most of the night phase.

To the rest of you, don't make yourself a target if you don't have to. I had actually anticipated having to pretend I was suspicious of Balcerzak down the road to keep the mafia from targeting him so that the doctor would only need to protect me.

Speaking of which, apparently there's a town allied jailer. I don't have a night action and I think your jailing only lasts overnight. Protect me maybe?

Hi, town. This is the Announcer speaking. I have been reading everything that's been posted. It's good to see an accurate lynch! I have information to share: first, that Obviam, Balcerzak, and Hikarusa are innocent. They are to be trusted, protected, helped and so on and not killed or hooked or whatever. Second, there are twelve Town players (or Misfits) in this game. Hidden players exist in this game (I am one of them), so I would guess that we are up against 5 mafia players. Finally, there is a Town-allied Jailer. I'm not sure who it is, but I guess he or she was responsible for Proto disappearing. To Obviam: I am interested in the diagram that you drew, what program did you use to draw it?

I guess that clears up the Broto issue. Sorry Broto? Maybe, maybe not.

I used PowerPoint from Office 2010, though Visio may be better and given that these are MicroShit products there are assuredly things even better than that, perhaps with "graph untangling" functionality which I would love...

I had contemplated uploading the original file but EH.

What else should I say regarding this?

A lot more than that! I don't like the cut of your jib.

Speaking of people Sho was suspicious of,

Man, eclipse has been really unlucky lately.

##Vote Eclipse

Why wasn't this bold? I don't believe it was an accident.

I would also like Raven if he's someone's character to claim in thread, if only because having both Schwann and Raven is very confusing. ;/

This question just seems unusual to me, like you're trying to get some information from the town you don't deserve, like you know something you shouldn't and also like you're trying too hard to sound like you're helping.

Good for us at least. One more scum out.

##Vote: Eclipse

Eventful post as always, Shinori.

What am I, Balcerzak? That post was garbo.

[disoriented fluff]

I don't believe you're groggy so I'll just continue with my belief that you're benign

I suppose that's all I have for the moment.

~~ ...call upon thee who openeth the gates of hell... ~~

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I am town. I can defintely admit that and i'm willing to show my role PM if i have to. What would you like me to do to help you that much? From what I've seen voting for eclipse would be the smart idea if what was linked yesterday was correct.

Random thought, I wonder if the twins Droite and Gauche are on this game.

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Also how come Kay has only posted once since shes been back? She was inactive according to her post that her power was out and that she's inactive on weekends. Well it's defintely weekdays now and she still has yet to post.

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